
I truly wish the difference in coverage/outrage between the two tragedies were a mystery.
Dude, this isn't the time to play "who is underprivileged?" The events in both places are fucking awful. And I know people in Paris, and nearly everybody I know has spent time for at least visited Paris. That's why the interest ā€“ it feels very personal for us. How about you? You been to Beirut? How about Paris?
Because France shares with America a common social, cultural, economic, political, philosophical, literary, religious, etc history going back 400 years while Lebanon does not

Of course you know that, but you decided to post anyway.
I think it's more telling that Ansel's question can be considered offensive.
Western perspective = Muslims killing Christians > Muslims killing Muslims.
I'm sure the opposite might be true in the eastern perspective, and reported accordingly in the eastern press. (Also, one expects these things to happen in Beirut, but not in Paris).
Once again Ansel makes a ham-fisted and moronic post.

I'm sure you know that 40% of Lebanese people identify as Christian, right? In fact, when you consider the secular nature of French society, there's probably a greater percentage of practicing Christians in Beirut than in Paris.

Just saying...
This is a really dumb post by Ansel but I'll answer it anyway.

1) Because most Americans have a fondness for Paris and many have been there whereas few even know where Beirut is.
2) What Rotten 666 said.
3) Because France is a major ally of the U.S. and involved in a war with us.
4) Because the death toll in France is greater than in Beirut. While this is the worst terrorism to hit Beirut since the civil war this is the worst to hit France since WW II.
Damn some of you people are ignorant. Please read up on Lebanon. It is a very diverse society with plenty of non-Muslims, including around 40% Christian.

You're not actually making the point you think you are.
I think #7's being sarcastic.

Also, what's happening in Beirut could be connected to what's happening in Paris. Beyond, y'know, being part of the human family.

You all are sooo adorable! Love y'all! MWAH [sloppy, sloppy].
My parents can remember the time when Beirut was a hip, happening, sought-after party city. In 1960 or so, airline crews thought a Beirut stopover was a really cushy part of their job.
Ansel's question is obviously rhetorical - he's presumably got an answer in mind and everybody knows what it is. People ever make angry responses to what they think he's thinking. This kind of thing is pointless and its why people should avoid rhetorical questions and just say what they mean.

And then people fight over media attention for their favored monstrosities like its some kind of prize. What a world.
Ansel, I'm with you, but you are in the driver's seat here. In addition to the real reason (starts with r and ends with m), there isn't reporting because there isn't reporting. You are a reporter, and a pretty good one too. Get me the story!
Ansel, you're a reporter, why did it take a terrorist attack in Paris for you to post about a terrorist attack in Lebanon?
So now The Stranger is on board with #alllivesmatter ? Bringing up violence in other cities when people are focused on Paris is like bringing up all the black on black crime when a white on black killing is obsessed over. Please tell me I am not the only one who sees the irony that the #blacklivesmatter crowd now objects to focus on the wrongs done to one group at the exclusion of others.
@21 makes a good point.

What I hear Ansel doing is using Beirut tragedy -- about which he probably doesn't really give a damn -- to attack USA and other extreme capitalist nations like France.

Comparing reactions (Paris vs Beirut) is simply a tool to show how racist etc etc we are.
in the last 2 weeks:
sharm el-sheik
oman (police killings)

they're baiting us. they want the apocalypse.
Muslims are a homogeneous mass of evil. There are no innocent muslims. Shiites are all the tools of their Iranian Satan-serving masters, and Sunni muslims are all the tools of .... their Al Qaeda masters, or ISIL. (never the tools of anyone associated with our friends the Saudis). There is no history or economics, or past or future. Muslims are as they have been and ever shall be, just as Americans have no history - only an ongoing present, filled with our righteousness and victim-hood. Clean as a whistle, baby.…

You said it...
Is it worth asking?

No, Jackass, it isn't.

This is a good and newsworthy post, Ansel. I had not heard of the Beirut bombings prior to reading your article. I live in a news bubble of my own making, admittedly. It's nice to know that at least one of the news sources I count on--the SLOG--will make mention of the otherwise under-reported. Thank you.
I have had the same thought, Ansel, especially when I found myself in tears last night over this and admitted to myself that while I often feel anger and dispare while listening to the latest horrors out of the mid-east, I rarely cry over it. And yes, it's because of many of the reasons mentioned (familiarity, know people there, spreading into Europe). And I find it interesting that many sloggers reaction to your post is to become angry at you for pointing at the elephant in the room. I think our grief is for all of the endless, horrific violence, and hitting Paris is a way to puncture the thin shell that we build up to contain our feelings, so we can carry on. ISIS knows this. The leaders are brutal butchers, but they are not dumb.
I have had the same thought, Ansel, especially when I found myself in tears last night over this and admitted to myself that while I often feel anger and dispare while listening to the latest horrors out of the mid-east, I rarely cry over it. And yes, it's because of many of the reasons mentioned (familiarity, know people there, spreading into Europe). And I find it interesting that many sloggers reaction to your post is to become angry at you for pointing at the elephant in the room. I think our grief is for all of the endless, horrific violence, and hitting Paris is a way to puncture the thin shell that we build up to contain our feelings, so we can carry on. ISIS knows this. The leaders are brutal butchers, but they are not dumb.
@30 what happened in Lebanon is horrible and should be paid attention to, but what bugged me about this post is Ansel had opportunities to post about Lebanon but didn't until paris. Ansel is the media so if he is upset that no one is talking about Lebanon he needs to look at why is he only talking about it in reference to paris. He is essentially doing what he is scolding people for.

By.the way I do think Ansel is a good reporter, this was just a shifty post.
Beruit was once called the Paris of the Middle East. But because it has been under siege to unrelenting violence and war for thirty years nobody says that. And why people are emotionally fatigued by news of bombings there. Including people from there.

Paris on the other hand has been remarkably spared the lasting scars of even the violence of WWII and shares deep cultural and emotional ties to America.

But I get Ansels point.

After all the people of Lebenon helped us with our revolution. And of course there is that 200 ft tall statue made by the people of Beruit in New York harbor.

Oh. Wait...
@25 - Fuck you, you fucking bigot. It's your line of *thinking* that's causing hatred in this world. All Muslims are not evil, though some are - LIKE YOU ARE. Fuck you.
Indeed sperifera, I just reported @25 as 'Threatening and Abusive'.

(It was soooo therapeutic to lasso the Eiffel Tower, pixel by pixel, this morning.)

This is your first post on Lebanon so I'll ask again why does it take a terrorist attack in Paris to have you report on a terrorist attack in Lebanon and then only in the context of the Paris terrorist attack?

You got power to post whatever you want on slog, so shame others for paying more attention to the Paris attack, but do not think your not part of the problem you are complaining about.
That's a pointless link @35, Ansel.
I might be fucking up time zones, but if I have the time line right it's Lebanon bombing happens Thursday night which is early Thursday seattle time, nothing on slog about it. Then paris bombing happens on Friday and slog post aboutique it as it is happening then this post goes up.

See my point? Yes the collective "we" should be ashamed for not paying more attention to the horrible attack in Lebanon. But the stranger and Ansel are part of that collective "we".
*about it
Ugh stupid auto correct
It is because we have bomb fatigue. It is no longer 'shocking' to us when shit blows up in certain parts of the world.

I feel like this observation is obvious, especially to someone who works in media in this day and age of analytic applications. This makes it seem like you're using the bodies of the freshly dead to push tangential vague political points. Probably not a good look.
@43/44: Your commentary and your handle are disrespectful, hateful, and wrong. That you would spin-up an email account it is really pitiful.
JFC why y'all gotta be such dicks?
Hey Hug-A, going to be reporting every one of your posts FYI.
Because you are vile.
@25"There are no innocent muslims."
With that kind of logic, there are no innocent Christians.

Look, pretty much most people are outraged and sickened in what happened in Paris on Friday Night. However, the logic that are no innocent Muslims" leads to bad things, like how Kevin Swanson wants to execute all homosexuals. Besides, good luck eradicating the most populous Islamic Nation on earth: Indonesia..
I'm being a dick because Ansel didn't have squat to say about the Beirut bombings back when they actually happened. He gave no fucks about it.

Now, Paris gets attacked and an attack on PARIS makes Ansel sit up and take notice. Because Ansel Herz gives a fuck about a major world capital like Paris, in a location where you don't expect routine suicide bombings. Like the ones in Beirut that made Ansel shrug, if he noticed them at all.

So now that Paris (not Beirut) has Ansel's attention, he goes to work, doing what he does. What he does is act like a self-righteous scold. The guy is a dick, and an opportunist. Everyone rightly condemns when Ann Coulter or Donald Trump exploits a tragedy like this for their agenda, and Ansel needs to be condemned for exploiting the Paris attacks for his self-aggrandizing agenda, wherein he pretends to be more righteous and worldly than everyone else. Where he tries to make you think he's got a deeper soul and shit.

He's not trying to make Paris about Beirut. He's trying to make Paris about himself.

No, he's pointing out our selective application of sympathy and outrage. And a number of commenters have pretty much said that they care more about Paris being attacked than they would about places like Beirut being attacked.
Isn't @25 sarcasm?

After it got so over-the-top (the parenthetical about Saudis, the part about no history, etc.), I kind of thought the comment wasn't supposed to be taken seriously.

@45: Wow, raindrop! First time I've ever noticed you condemning one of the uberracist trolls!
@52 except he and the stranger has the same selective outrage. If they would've posted about Lebanon before the Paris attack they cold clam the moral ground, but it turns out they're just like the rest of us so some self-awareness in this post would've went a long way.

I rather thought Ansel's post WAS an expression of self-awareness...
@53 Yes, @25 was satire of sorts. It was simply a distillation of the dominant views controlling much of our media and political leadership, but it is so obviously absurd when distilled that I didn't imagine it would hook not one, but three confused literalists.

But @36,37, and 50, if you want to understand why we care about Paris and not Beirut, it's right there in the message I wrote. That is a viewpoint propagated in our media that is treated as perfectly legitimate, and even taken seriously as a basis for foreign policy and maybe soon more war. That is America right now. Somebody who states or has recently stated views JUST LIKE THESE is going to get 48% of the national vote in the next election. The rest of us, we can't process that these people are real, then enter a state of denial where we ourselves then accept these views as somehow part of reasonable disagreement. It is just not so fun when it's distilled and we have to look at ourselves in the mirror.

Actually, I thought the worst would be if someone might actually watch the you tube I linked and say my point was incomprehensible... or that I was a "liberal" Obama communist, but Colbert proved that sometimes satire is hard for those being satired to see in this historical moment.
@50 Seriously,you thought @25 were the real thoughts of a real person and then tried to argue logic to that person, as if any of those statements is even remotely connected to logic or reality. They simply aren't.

@53 Do lots of racists link to satirical songs by Liz Phair from the 90s? Is that a thing?
@56 - Yes, after a re-reading - I can see how to parse out the sarcasm in #25.
This all seems like a lefty Rorschach post. What is the implication presented --> that the media should strive to manipulate the gen-pop into being more equitable in which events they mourn? Is it some claim about it being the fault of racism/white privilege that terrorist attacks don't receive equal time (at least in western media outlets) along with peoples corresponding emotional responses? What are we talking about here?

TBH The Stranger in the current era should probably get credit for not posting something like ā€œItā€™s not really mass-murder because mass-murder = privilege + power.ā€

I think Ansel's alright actually. The sentiment he is implying (conveying?) is a common orthodox-left thing if social media is anything to go by.
@62: every comment- reported. Enjoy your weekend flinging your shit at the wall here, because if I have anything to say about it you'll be banned by Monday.
You are vile
Just stick a fork in this thread already.

Dead is Dead, injured is injured, bloodshed is bloodshed, grief is grief, it doesn't matter if it is Lebanon or France.

Jesus weeps.
Beirut *was* the Paris of the Middle East, then they made the colossal mistake of letting in the PLO, which resulted in a civil war and endless hostilities with Israel.

The stupidity here is unbelievable. They LET IN the fanatic refugees, who then gained political power and ruined their modern-ish country forever.

Typical for folks like you to report comments and block accounts. It's sad that you're outraged at differing opinions more than acts of barbarism.
It's the same reason why one person killed by a car by a drunken driver in a suburb is given more coverage per capita than say 66 people killed in a gang war in Chicago.

The presumption is that both were following a set of rules. However, in the first case, the person was following rules and yet suffered a penalty not of his own doing. People will express sympathy, outrage because they relate to it. Damage was done, even when societies edicts (driving the speed limit, wearing a seat belt) were followed.

In the second instance, the presumption is that rules were followed, but they are different rules. The people involved in a gang war do so of their own volition (save for the stray bullet that enters a child's window). People are of the opinion that the people killed were living a life where killing is an option and a known risk.

Same with Paris and Lebanon. People walking down the street in Paris do not see getting killed by terror as part of the built in risk (yet by this time they should). People in Lebanon wh don't account for the risks of military weapons would have to be fools.
Venomlash is hard at work again for liberal cat mom freedom. Better hurry up and report every comment you disagree with as "hate speech".
lol @ 15 for the fucking win.
@67: Calling Kelly Kelly O'Racist and Ansel a pedophile and a whore is not a "differing opinion". It is, in point of fact, abusive language and falls within the parameters laid down by Slog of reportable behavior.
Which is why I'm reporting him, and not you.
I'm sure you'll be reporting me soon. I'll try not to feel left out, Komrade!
There are many reasons there is more attention on Paris than Beirut which should surprise absolutely zerobodies.

1 - fewer people died in Beirut, a place where we expect people to die from terroristic activity from time to time. Conversely, more people died in Paris, where we never expect terroristic attacks.

2 - France is a stable western democracy and member of the G6, Lebanon is not a long-term stable state, and is not part of the global west.

3 - Muslims are essentially not white in the modern world, attacks in the muslim world are not considered attacks on whites. France is majority white.

As the hipsters like to say: "this is why we can't have nice things".

Scientology is banned in Germany.
Think about that.

@75: No. If you stay on topic and make your points without flinging poo I won't.
No, and no.
All you guys do is talk about butt holes on this site. Dan Savage has made a career out of it, but you guys can't handle some raw posts? Weak.
Who died and made you the recess monitor?
@83: Sister Vagina Immaculata.

Ugly as the Kelly stalker troll's comments always are, isn't there some consolation when you realize that the poster spends part of the week actually planning on creating a new account every weekend and uploading that saved avatar picture so that he or she can haunt a few recent threads for about 48 hours until some moderator is back at work Monday? Because those comments are what makes the troll's sad life comical.
nobody has posted "sleep tight, mods"
Sleep tight, mods!
@85: Yeah, but what kind of life is that? I just don't understand that kind of ugliness of mind.

@86: sleep tight mods! :)
Just stick a fork in this thread.
All insult/no engagement is terribly boring. Decent trolls we've seen at least provide civilized arguments, and even if they don't know what they're not talking about -- it doesn't always mean that what they are saying is not true.
Dear Ansel...the only person who could really do contrarian commentary on current events was Christopher Hitchens. Please just sound like an entitled upper middle class hipster brat. Really, just stop.
Liberal Logic:
local, native religion evil; foreign religion defended against any criticism
local, native "patriarchy" evil; stone age invasive patriarchy cast as "victims"
dirty jokes are hate speech; terrorism is bad but they have reason
gay rights are civil rights; supports religion with least tolerance of homosexuality

Should I go on?
gender based income inequality most pressing issue; supports religion which often prohibits girls from attending school

Catholic molestation scandal means church should be dissolved; entire cultures (Afghanistan) abuse young boys

we *Heart* Science; swoons over followers of religion least tolerant of skeptics and dissenters

capital punishment inhumane; Muslim countries practice severe and brutal punishments

macho violence and "bro" culture despicable; defends religions and cultures where boys are raised to be lions and treat women and nonbelievers as subhuman


Has this headline been changed? It doesn't seem to match the comments.

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