
The Seminary in Kenmore shows up a lot. I wonder if it had some sort of rehab role by getting priests away from congregations.
How many were ever charged with a crime? Any?
That's about 1 per square mile. Wish I was joking.
saints preserve us. my best friend from high school, who was and is VERY Catholic, hero worshipped Michael Toulouse. he was a smokin' and drinkin' Jesuit who could out-argue anyone. can't imagine she was too pleased when this came to light.
So according to this the notorious Father James Poole is still alive. According to other church records he's currently living in Spokane at a "retirement" center, which apparently is not only on the same campus as St Thomas More Elementary School, but also right down the street from another elementary school. And he's never spent a day in prison.
These guys will never go to prison. The Catholic Church simply moves them to another parish where the rest of the world will never hear of their crimes. Like Father John Feit who spent a few years at Assumption Abbey for the murder of Irene Garza or all the pedophiles that got shipped out to St. Michael and Stebbins, Alaska by the Jesuits.……

So "permanent prayer and penance" = prison?

(in the Seattle Times list)
By tips do they mean things like "serve hard cider and cannabis donuts and put sock puppet on your penis?
So I was wondering, what's the difference between these different categories? And I found this:

A religious order priest belongs to a community of men bound together by faith and the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Poverty means that they do not own things individually but rather as a group; chastity means that they refrain from sexual activity and do not marry; obedience means that, after appropriate consultation, they do what their superiors ask them to do. It is not necessary to be a priest to be a member of a religious order; those who are not priests are called brothers. The priests and brothers of a religious community may engage in any kind of work for the Church and the good of humanity; they often specialize in certain kinds of work such as education, work with the sick or poor, and service in the foreign missions.

A diocesan priest does not make the solemn vows that religious priests (and religious brothers and sisters) make but he does make promises that are discussed in subsequent questions. Perhaps the most striking difference between him and a religious order priest is that the diocesan priest lives a life more like that of his people: he buys his own clothes and car, he pays taxes, he may own personal property. That is why a diocesan priest is sometimes called a secular priest (from the Latin saeculum, a word that means roughly “this world of time and space in which we live”).

Deacons are men ordained to an office in the Catholic Church who normally have no intention or desire of becoming priests. He can be single or married. If the latter, he must be married before being ordained a deacon. If his wife dies before him, he may be ordained a priest if the bishop permits and approves.

A religious brother is a member of a Catholic religious institute who commits himself to following Christ in consecrated life of the Church, usually by the vows of poverty, celibacy and obedience. A layman (in the sense of not being ordained), he usually lives in a religious community and works in a ministry that suits his talents and gifts. A brother might be a doctor, nurse, teacher, electrician, engineer, cook, lawyer, technician, parish minister, scientist or artist. He tries to live his faith by being a “brother” to others. Brothers are members of a variety of religious communities, which may be contemplative, monastic, or apostolic in character. Some religious institutes are composed only of brothers; others are so-called "mixed" communities that are made up of brothers and clerics (priests and seminarians).

While in common usage the terms "nun" and "sister" are often used interchangeably (the same title of "Sister" for an individual member of both forms), they are considered different ways of life, with a "nun" being a religious woman who lives a contemplative and cloistered life of meditation and prayer for the salvation of others, while a "religious sister", in religious institutes like Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity, lives an active vocation of both prayer and service, often to the needy, ill, poor, and uneducated.

It is ASTOUNDING that so many local Catholic Church officials of these various categories turned out to be pedophiles. What about members of other religious congregations? Has anyone pried into that can of worms, or is this mainly a Catholic thing? Anybody got any clues about this?

Sister Dolores was a legendary principal at Our Lady of the Lake (Wedgwood) for years. She was an inspiration and made it her prerogative to ensure every student became adept at public speaking. This is devastating news.
I am aghast at the number of people on that list. The hierarchy of the Church must have known they had a problem. And yet, this many kiddie fuckers accumulated in one diocese, that they'll even admit to?

According to this page:… Seattle is only the 15th largest Catholic diocese in the US. For how many more must the whole American Catholic Church be responsible?

I'm not Catholic, but I've never understood what kind of person would voluntarily take a lifelong vow of celibacy to take a religious vocation. It's hard to resist the cynicism that it's mainly people who are uncomfortable with their sexual nature, and to wonder what about that makes them take up the vestments.

What we see here is a wholesale failure of an organized, celibate church to function in the way civilized people would have a right to expect. There is no way to fix this without changing some basic parameters for service in the Church. If celibacy attracts pedophiles and administrators too conflicted about sexual guilt to protect their youngest parishioners, that would seem to be the root of the problem.
The number is probably well over 200 pedo-priests in Seattle.

In the movie "Spotlight", when the Globe investigated, they started with one priest, which then became 4, then 13, then 70, and they broke the story. The number is now at 271, which is 18% of priests. Seattle is probably the same.

The Catholic church, doing the exact opposite of What Jesus Would Do. (Matt 18:6-14)
I was raped by three RCC priests, "Father" Leon Gaulin, "Father" Joseph Desmond and a blond haired priest, at St Thomas More parish in Durham NH when I was 15. My father and I had gotten into a fight. Yes I did something stupid and a police officer was there. After my father punched me in the face, knocking me out of the chair, the officer took me out of there and brought me to St Thomas More, for one night of safekeeping. It was anything but.

First, "Father" Gaulin took me into the bedroom. He told me I was bound for hell unless I did what he said, because I had broken one of the Ten Commandments. He first performed oral sex on me, to suck out the demon. He then forced me to perform oral sex on him and swallow his "sacred sacrament.". Even though I puked in the wastebasket, he wasn't done. He then raped me anally, forcing me to say a pennance of Our Fathers and Hail Mary's all the while telling me if I told anyone about his special healing, I would burn in hell for all eternity. He then went and gave me a glass of water. What I did not know, he drugged me through that water. I remember him then laying down, spooning with me, and masturbating me. I fell asleep.

After years of therapy I realized, through the dreams and nightmares what really happened. When I first came out in 2012, I kept saying Desmonds name, Now I know why. All three of those disgusting, degnerate pervets NEVER paid for their crimes, Matter of fact, I know I was not the only one they did this to, being that St Thomas More served many schools and the University of NH. Desmond, of course, was praised as a priest for being a great man. If I try to tell anyone about him? I am slammed.

I suffered. I blamed myself. I thought I was so evil because god and jeebus did not save me when I cried out to them, I took the nickname Damian from the Omen movies because I actually thought I was the Anti Christ. I did drugs and became a drunk trying to deal with the pain and suffering and the horrifying nightmares I was having.

I finally came out about this in 2012 after helping a victim of parental rape. I at times, wish I never did.

None of these disgusting, demonic, pedophiles have ever paid for their crimes. Desmond is dead and I hope he is rotting in the Christian hell. Gaulin left the priesthood shortly afterwards. He hooked up with another man, and has had quite a life. He became very rich. in real estate. He has a home in Florida and had one in Maine. I say had one, because after I filed a suit against the Manchester NH Diocese, the private investigator went and saw him. He KNEW that Gaulin and the others raped me. Not long afterwards, Gaulin disconnected his phone, put his house up for sale in Maine and left for Florida with his husband.

I have yet to identify the blond hair priest, but I do not think I will ever now forget his face either.

Of course, the Churches lawyer, Peter MacDonald, called me a liar, twisting my words around in the deposition. Putting words into my mouth that I never uttered. When we filed for Gaulin's record and the blue prints of the church? He filed a motion to dismiss based on the Statute of Limitations and of course, was granted the dismissal.

At the time of the deposition, I only thought that it was Gaulin who raped me, but after a couple of years, my mind finally started letting go of the other two and what happened. It is not perfectly clear, but I know all three of them spent the night raping me, body, mind and soul.

Since coming out? I have become a survivor, not a victim. Yeah, I am nasty and disgusting at times. I believe you pull no punches, or give any decency or respect to ANYONE, be they a Pope, Cardinal, Bishop or Archbishop who played the Pedophile Pimp game and covered up and protected their pedophiles. I beieve you give no decency or respect to anyone who stands up and defends this cult. They to me, are the lowest forms of life. They proclaim how they are Holy Men of God and representatives of Jesus on the earth, and they are anything but. What really gets me is how they proclaim they are the protectors and defenders of children with their abortion stance, yet have committed hundreds of thousands of crimes against children.

These abuses, these rapes not only happened in the Churches, but in ALL of the Institutions ran by this degenerate cult of pedophiles. Their Industrial Homes and Schools were houses of utter and complete horror for anyone sent there. Their Magdalene and Good Shepherd Laundries were enslavement camps for young children. Their Women's and Children's Homes were also houses of horror where thousands and thousands of infants and children died horrible deaths, and then were buried in mass, unmarked graves.

It is time for this cult to pay for their Crimes Against Humanity and the Children of the World.

The Vatican is a signature of the Convention Against Torture and the Convention on the Rights of the Children. The United Nations should arrest and prosecute EVERYONE, from Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, to each and every Cardinal, Bishop and Archbishop who covered up these crimes and protected the pedophiles.

In closing, doing research for my book, Our Father Who Art in Hell, I found a reference to "Saint" Peter Damian, who called out these very crimes way back in 1049. I am now going to post some of what I found about him.

Complaints from Damian about the church’s unwillingness to confront the sexual behavior of the clergy, however, met with inaction. In 1049 Damian wrote to Pope Leo IX (1048-54) about the cancer of sexual abuse that was spreading through the church: boys and adolescents were being forced and seduced into performing acts of sodomy by priests and bishops; there were problems with sexual harassment among higher clergy; and many members of the clergy were keeping concubines.

Peter Damian warned the pope that bishops were contributing to the growth of the problem by their failure to enforce church discipline. Members of the clergy who sexually abused others demonstrated by their actions that they had no fear of God, Damian argued. Such men were afraid only of being despised by the people and of losing their positions; they would do anything to avoid being stripped of their clerical status and identity. Knowing that their bishop would not remove them from their office and ministry gave such men license to continue in their wickedness. Thus in failing to discipline abusive members of the clergy, the bishops stood as guilty as the men who committed the crimes.

Convinced that it was the lack of episcopal leadership that was causing the sexual abuse scandal in his day, Damian offered this admonition:

Listen, you do-nothing superiors of clerics and priests. Listen, and even though you feel sure of yourselves, tremble at the thought that you are partners in the guilt of others; those, I mean, who wink at the sins of their subjects that need correction and who by ill-considered silence allow them license to sin. Listen, I say, and be shrewd enough to understand that all of you alike are deserving of death, that is, not only those who do such things, but also they who approve those who practice them (Rom 1:32).

Drawing on the model that the bishop or priest is married to the church, Damian accused both those who sexually abused the people under their care and those who allowed such abuse to take place with the crime of spiritual incest. But whereas biological parents who committed incest were subject in the Middle Ages to excommunication and exile, Damian felt that bishops who betrayed their spiritual children deserved a harsher penalty. Their betrayal ran deeper.

Unfortunately, Pope Leo IX disagreed with Peter Damian’s analysis of the problem of clerical sexual abuse. He was willing to punish clerics who committed acts of anal intercourse with boys and adolescents, but he minimized the punishment of clerics who performed other sexual acts with children and adults of both sexes.

Shortly after the election of Pope Nicholas II (1058-61), Damian called attention to the issue again. His complaint to the new pope has a modern sound: Indeed, in our day the genuine custom of the Roman Church seems to be observed in this way, that regarding other practices of ecclesiastical discipline, a proper investigation is held; but a prudent silence is maintained concerning clerical sexuality for fear of insults from the laity. Damian urged the pope to bring the issue out into the open and to punish both the sexual offenders and the bishops who failed in their duty to punish and to depose sexual predators. He complained that occasionally priests were disciplined, but with bishops we pay our reverence with silent tolerance, which is totally absurd.

According to Damian, punishing those who hold positions of authority and oversight is the only way to restore credibility in times of scandal. Damian recounted the story of the Old Testament priest Phinehas. Finding one of the most prominent Israelite chiefs having sex with a Midianite prostitute, Phinehas exposed the pair to the people as they were having sex and skewered them with a spear. By this action Phinehas imitated God’s justice and sent the message that the laws would be enforced.

I agree with Peter Damian, these scum, should in fact, be put to death.
@14: Wow, you have great courage and I wish you well. Good luck on the book - you're a good writer.
@15. Thank you. It is still going to take a while for it to be finished. There is just so much information to get out there. I am doing each and every one of the Institutions, every High School and Middle School etc, then each and every credibly accused Pope, Cardinal, Bishop and Archbishop who covered up these crimes. I had to limit it to 50 of the worst pedophile priest offenders, there are just way too many of them. I am also going to be talking about the over 2,000 victims who have committed suicide. Many of them I have heard from their parents. These are devestating stories.

Time for the RCC to pay for their crimes.

I will also state, that 50% of any profits from the sales of this book will go to a fund for my organization Survivors Helping Survivors. Not many help these people, some who are a half an inch from being homeless, or cannot meet their expenses. Time for us to help ourselves.
@10 Skidmark.

This is about the Roman Catholic Church and their criminals. I report on those as well as all the other pastors, ministers and preachers from other denominations who rape kids as well as Kathy Shaw of the Bishops Accountability's Abuse Tracker blog.

But again, this is about the Seattle Archdiocese of Seattle of the RCC so stick with the story.

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