Thursday 8/30


J. Robert Lennon reads and signs On The Night Plain, which is his third novel. Publishers Weekly has this to say about Mr. Lennon: "[He] laconically records the punishing hardships of the Western landscape, counterbalanced by the open skies that, one character says, have 'ruined us for any other life'... The result is a terse and haunting story that speaks of the inescapable bonds of blood, the ineluctable hold of the land and the healing powers of work and solitude." Elliott Bay Book Company, 101 S Main St, 624-6600, 7:30 pm, free.

Friday 8/31


Seattle author and publisher Jerome Gold and a number of his colleagues will discuss the impossible issues that face the independent book business. Included in the talk will be editors and publishers from Graywolf, Blue Begonia, Soho, Grove Press, Seven Stories, Curbstone, and Ruminator. Attend this discussion because it will make you cry, make you laugh, make you a hero. Elliott Bay Book Company, 6 pm, free; call 624-6600 for details.

Saturday 9/1


Double death tonight! Oregon's Kate Kingsbury signs Death Is In The Air, while Sharon Duncan signs Death on a Casual Friday. Seattle Mystery Bookshop, 117 Cherry St, noon, free; call 587-5737 for details.


Cinema has The Circle, which is a film about the treatment of woman in modern Iran. Literature has The Bathhouse, which is an account of "women enduring torture, imprisonment, and degradation" during Iran's fundamentalist revolution. Tonight, Farnoosh Moshiri reads from The Bathhouse, which is this year's recipient of Black Heron Press' award for social fiction. Reviewed this issue. Elliott Bay Book Company, 8 pm, free; call 624-6600 for details.


Three dynamic poets--Daphne Gottlieb, M. L. Liebler, and Jeffrey McDaniel--take a hiatus from the carnival (alas, not a Bakhtinian one) to perform at a special evening show at Elliott Bay Book Company. Elliott Bay Book Company, 8:30 pm, free; call 624-6600 for details.


Still scrambling to cash in on the reality TV thing, independent sci-fi publisher Clockwork Storybook announces the Second Annual Clockwork Novel Weekend, which is an interactive, online hack match that pits four authors against each other to complete a novel over Labor Day weekend (Sept 1-3). Novels are posted as they're written chunk by chunk, slab by slab, and each hack will keep a regular contest journal and will participate in a brutal reader chat session. for more details.

Sunday 9/2


PoetsWest at the Frye presents a gala event showcasing distinguished local poet Sarah Singer along with Arthur Ginsberg, Priscilla Long, Peter Bernstein, and other local writers. Frye Art Museum, 704 Terry Avenue, 622-9250, 2 pm, free. Call 682-1268 for details.

Tuesday 9/4


The fourth semi-regular reading by Elliott Bay Book Co.'s staff promises to be as entertaining as the others. Featured readers are Karen Maeda Allman, Jim Brimble, Paul Constant, and Elizabeth "Jesus' Breath" Matthews. Elliott Bay Book Company, 7:30 pm, free; call 624-6600 for details.


Award-winning poet and 2000 graduate of the University of Washington's MA program, Gottlieb will read from his forthcoming volume of short fiction, Accidental Belongings. University Bookstore, 4326 University Way NE, 634-3400, free, 7 pm.

Wednesday 9/5


Local whodunit novelist J. A. Jance appears for a discussion and a book signing. Borders Books, 2508 S 38th Street, Tacoma, 7 pm, free; call (253) 473-9111 for details.


In Dyer's new book, There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem, the bestselling author and psychologist draws from various spiritual traditions and conditions to "help us unplug from the material world and awaken to the divine within." Dyer discusses and signs the book as part of the Seattle Spiritual Reading Series, co-sponsored by Seattle First Baptist Church. Indeed, only in Seattle could a Baptist church host a hippie reading. Seattle First Baptist Church, 1111 Harvard Avenue, 7 pm, free. Call 634-3400 for details.


The language monks of Subtext religiously continue their monthly series of experimental writing with readings by poets Martha Rohne and Cathleen Shattuch. See Stranger Suggests. Richard Hugo House, 1634 11th Ave, 322-7030, 7:30 pm, $5 suggested donation.


Portland author Tom Spanbauer will read from his new novel, In the City of Shy Hunters. See Stranger Suggests. Elliott Bay Book Company, 6 pm, free; call 624-6600 for details.


Rosner will discuss and sign his new book The Boss's Survival Guide: Everything You Need to Know About Getting Through (and Getting the Most Out of) Every Day, which concerns tactics on motivating and communicating effectively with employees and lays out twelve precious steps to "better bossing." If you boss people around, and want to boss them around better, then don't miss this reading. Downtown University Bookstore, 4th and University, 12:30 pm, free. Call 545-9230 for details.

Poetry/Open MiCs

* EAST INDIA TRADING CO.--The best damned show in the local open-mic circuit. Intermittent door prizes, one-drink minimum, no singing, dancing or dancing poodles allowed. Mon at 7:30 pm; sign-up at 7 pm, Coffee Messiah, 1554 E Olive Way, 208-1188, free.

HOMELAND--Tues at 8 pm, sign-up at 7:30 pm. Globe Cafe, 1531 14th Ave E, 264-5139, free.

LICORICE ICE CREAM--First Tues at 7:30 pm, sign-up at 7. Featured poet is Max Cubriz. Aurifice Internet and Coffee Bar, 616 East Pine, 860-9977, free.

* RE-BIRTH--Thurs at 7:30 pm. Zodiac Cafe, 605 E Broadway, 720-4502, free.

RED SKY POETRY THEATER--The granddaddy of poetry open-mics (in biz for 25 years). Sun at 7 pm, Globe Cafe, 1531 14th Ave, 324-8815, free.

* SEATTLE POETRY SLAM--Open mic, open slam with a $25 cash-money prize, and a freestyle jazz/spoken-word forum after the show. 21 and over. Wed at 9 pm. Sit & Spin, 2219 4th Ave, 441-9484, $4.

WIT'S END--Sun at 7 pm with MC Ken Shiovitz. Wit's End Bookstore and Tea Shop, 770 N 34th St, 682-1268, free.

Opportunities For Writers

The Stumblin' Tumbleweed Press is currently seeking submissions of B&W photographs, pen & ink drawings, and poetry and prose for our upcoming issue of Better Than A Stick In The Eye, an underground literary journal. For submission info, please email or send submissions to: 4560 E. 19th St. Tucson, AZ 85711.

The Research Institute is a Marxist organization which is preparing to transfer much of Seattle into pure but very useful social theory. We need brilliant ideas. If you are familiar with The Arcades Project, Native Son, Das Capital, and Remembrance of Things Past, then please send us a research proposal that can, at a future date, be developed into a manifesto, lecture, or musical. Please e-mail proposals to: