I've read a bunch of this (and I mean to go back later, it's so wondrous), and my first reaction is that it's by someone for whom English is a second language. (I mean that in a good way, of course!)
You can't unread it. You can't unread it. You were right, and I was warned. (And yet, I don't regret the pictures of the kittens. And the commentary almost makes it worth it.)
Did anyone get that he managed to eat her ENTIRE leg in a matter of minutes, cause apparently he also has a super-human stomach size and teeth that work like a school of pirahna.
I thought the story was a nice diversion. Freaky, but nice-freaky. Someone obviously has either a very active and bizarre imagination or very active and bizarre acid trip (or both).
even if most of it is about Naruto boy on boy or the Twilight fanfic .... gaack.
Also, are you sure you haven't been had? There are authors who will mock bad!fic by writing, well, horrible fanfic.