Jack O'Dell and Nikhil Pal Singh read in the UW Communications Building this afternoon at four. Climbin' Jacob's Ladder is a book that tracks the history of the civil rights movement in the 20th century.
Third Place Books hosts Chris Nowlin, whose new novel To See the Sky allegedly satirizes Vancouver's efforts to wow the world in the Olympics. In other news, the Olympics is apparently coming up.
Sara Wiseman is reportedly a "psychic counselor." As opposed to a corporeal counselor, I guess. She's reading from her book Writing the Divine at East West Bookshop.
But the reading of the night is at Elliott Bay Book Company. Paul Nelson and Amalio Madueño read tonight. A Time Before Slaughter is Nelson's book-length history of Auburn, Washington told in poetry. I have just started reading it and I enjoy the hell out of it. Madueño is a poet from New Mexico.
The full readings calendar, including the next week or so, is here. And if you're planning on staying in and you're looking for personalized book recommendations, feel free to tell me the books you like and ask me what to read next over at Questionland.