Some guy has driven 12,328 miles—spanning 30 states—to leave the world's largest GPS graffiti all across the face of America. Here is the message he decided to leave:

Click to Engorge
  • Click to Engorge

"Read Ayn Rand."

Jesus fucking Christ.

As a palate cleanser, Slog tipper Stacy alerted us to this McSweeney's gem, titled "Our Daughter Isn't a Selfish Brat; Your Son Just Hasn't Read Atlas Shrugged."

When little Aiden toddled up our daughter Johanna and asked to play with her Elmo ball, he was, admittedly, very sweet and polite. I think his exact words were, "Have a ball, peas [sic]?" And I'm sure you were very proud of him for using his manners.

To be sure, I was equally proud when Johanna yelled, "No! Looter!" right in his looter face, and then only marginally less proud when she sort of shoved him.