Let's start with the reading of the night tonight: It's time again for the Salon of Shame. Dozens of people will gather at the Theater Off Jackson to read their own embarrassing teenage writing for your benefit. It's just as awkward as you imagine, only it's four times funnier than you imagine, too.

But if you'd rather go to an unintentionally sucky reading tonight, Neal Pollack is at University Book Store tonight, reading from his memoir about yoga. I wrote about this book in this week's book section:

Pollack's unfortunate turn to memoir—complete with the now-requisite memoirist's complaint that the poor dear just can't seem to hold down a "normal" job like everyone else—completes his transition from parodist to self-parody. In the beginning, he pointed at assholes and mocked them. Now he has become the asshole, with a body of work that includes a book about how to become a father who is also an asshole and how to become a yoga-practicing asshole. One can only hope that with the skills he has learned in the writing of Stretch, he has become so flexible that he can now crawl up his own asshole and disappear forever.

It's just a terrible fucking book and Pollack should just fucking stop. (I say this as someone who used to really like his writing.)

The full readings calendar, including the next week or so, is here. And if you're planning on staying in and you're looking for personalized book recommendations, feel free to tell me the books you like and ask me what to read next over at Questionland.