Books Oct 28, 2010 at 4:00 am

Cherie Priest's New Novel, Dreadnought, Is Revisionist History with Zombies


Thanks for turning me on to Cherie Priest, Paul! I'm in the middle of reading Dreadnought now and enjoyed the hell out of Boneshaker too. I'm planning to go through the rest of her catalog.

I got the chance to see her on this book tour a week or two ago in Denver, and she is very much as you describe her - just delightful and fun. Your review of both author and novel are right on and I would encourage anyone who likes a simple fun story to check her out. Thanks again!
I recently finished Dreadnought and it was excellent! I'm really looking forward to the next part of the story!
Small note: "the use of 'win,' as in 'full of...'"

I believe that FTW means "for the win," not "full of." Although, as it makes my brain hurt to just throw out "for the win" or "for the lose," I may start changing it to "full of" as I find it much more satisfying.
Argh! Ignore me. I misread. Of course "full of win" is not a confusion of FTW, as it would be FOW. d'oh!
If you like Cherie Priest and steampunk, you simply should not miss Steamcon II, happening in SeaTac November 19th- 21st. Cherie and many other authors will be in attendance as well as artists, musicians and much much more.
If you like Cherie Priest and steampunk, you simply should not miss Steamcon II, happening in SeaTac November 19th- 21st. Cherie and many other authors will be in attendance as well as artists, musicians and much much more.
" a "reaction to planned obsolescence," to the thin, fragile screens that are taking over our lives."

LOVE this quote!! Though in the spirit of full disclosure I did read Boneshaker on my Kindle...
Isn't steampunk just the goth subculture with a different name because the mainstream hasn't co-opted the term yet? They seem to share the same bespectacled fat chicks.
Isn't steampunk just the goth subculture with a different name because the mainstream hasn't co-opted the term yet? They seem to share the same bespectacled fat chicks.

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