So, the next event will feature China Miéville. Miéville is the author of Perdido Street Station, The City and the City, The Iron Council, Un Lun Dun, Kraken, and more. He'll be in town to celebrate his new novel, Embassytown. I interviewed him a couple years ago for The City and the City, which is a Philip K. Dickesque thriller set in a mysteriously divided metropolis. He's funny, smart, and enthusiastic—a perfect interview subject.
The band this time around is Tomten, a local up-and-coming rock and roll outfit that calls back to the Rolling Stones and the Zombies while moving forward with a jittery kind of gonzo energy. I think their organ-heavy music will mesh with Miéville's self-described weird fiction in fantastic, science-fictional ways.
The whole thing will take place at 7 pm on Saturday, May 28th at Chop Suey. Tickets are just $5. And you can buy those tickets starting today.