
attack biographies are one of the least useful sources of information about someone. i'd have trouble believing anything in it. not that i trust what SP says about herself either, but they'll print anything to sell books.
Are you sure a black male would fess up to porking Palin if it didn't happen?
@2 But why would a black male fess up to porking Palin if it didn't happen? I don't think Rice needs the publicity.
Why should anyone care about who Sara Palin fucked when she was single?

Bring on the slut shaming.
@5 Because she's a racist pig and it exposes her hypocrisy. And the bitch wants to be president. And she's a piece of trash who deserves all she gets. She'll lose half her sick base once they think she actually touched a black man. The other half will claim he must have raped her. I don't care who she fucked, but her moronic, evil base does.
@6 +1
I would guess that the 'papes have pulled the Doonesbury comics because their real target isn't Palin, but the sycophantic "journalists" who have covered up the appalling acts of Republicans in office on a consistent basis for over a decade.
Right, we are pro sex but shall use sex as a weapon when it is politically expedient.

Hey everyone, Sarah Palin fucked a Nigger!

We can offend women and black people at the same time. Because really, it's so bizarre when white women screw black men.
so, so many sports double entendres to follow.

Slut-shaming is totally fine if Republican women are its target, because of their hypocrisy. Republican women, you see, treat people outside their own little in-groups like they're not full human beings, and this behavior must be punished.


@6 One more thing and I'll shut my big mouth...tabloids are already classifying this as a "sex scandal".

You want to call her a racist and a hypocrite, that's fine (I still don't agree) but the narrative is already leaning towards whore and nigger lover. And I think that is awful on so many different levels. It say more about us than it does her.
I guess the Atlanta Journal-Constitution's IT department didn't get the memo, because I can view these Doonesbury strips through their website. Granted, they don't actually host the comic, they just link to a page.
As far as I can tell Dan and Charles, the Stranger is just as obsessed with miscegenation as any teabagger.

I'm with Rotten666 on this. You are being racist, sexist assholes to focus on this as a "scandal".
I agree fully that it is not a scandal.
Of course, this is only the FIRST such "scandal" to be leaked. Wait until people actually get a chance to read this book, then it'll be:


There'll be so many of them, we'll probably just have to start referring to them by number or something.
I thought that the weird thing about the story was a sports reporter sleeping with an athlete. Isn't it a journalistic no-no to bed your subject, regardless of race?
All other things being equal, I think we should stay the hell out of the sex lives of politicians, especially regarding choices that we made in our youth.

If the price for being in significant public office is to have the media gleefully identify each and every person the candidate has ever banged then no sane, balanced, even reasonably private person would ever subject themselves to it. And, lord knows, the number of such candidates is shamefully small as it is.

I'll never run for public office, but if I was a public figure I'd be mortified if some woman that I slept with when I was 23 was facing media scrutiny simply for that fact, or vice-versa. Yeah, nothing I'd like more than having nice women having to explain to their kids why mommy is now all over the news for a fuck that happened a generation ago, or me having to have to explain it to my kids.
Oh, and please spare me the "hypocrisy" rationale. Choices that we make at one age aren't necessarily the same we'd make at another, and we are not obliged to be philosophically consistent throughout our lives. Our opinions change as we age, sometimes for good, sometimes definitely not for the better. Sarah Palin isn't a hypocrite because she held sexually liberal views at one point in her life and sexually conservative views at another point.
Yeah, I can't feel good about this being considered a scandal.

That said, it's notable in that I find myself inexplicably turned on by it, despite my disgust with Palin and the fetishization of interracial porn. So, there's that anyway.
While I usually enjoy Doonesbury and enjoyed the tone of the comics from the article, I have to say that Doonesbury got it very wrong. Alaska is actually quite multicultural. I grew up in Anchorage, and was completely shocked when I moved to Oregon because of how incredibly white it is, compared to Alaska. There are many Asians, African-Americans, Latinos, Samoans/Pacific Islanders, and of course, Alaska Natives. Wasilla, however (45 minutes away), is more rural and white, so maybe that part would be correct, but in genearl Alaska is not as white as most would think. And as a liberal Alaskan, may I please apologize for Sarah Palin. I did NOT vote for her!
The state government she would later take-over had to pass a law prohibiting her Wasilla sheriffs from billing victims for their rape kits -- on her orders as mayor.

Holding others to an abstinence she refused to admit she broke herself? Where the stakes involve discouraging victims from reporting their rapists? That's crap. Having had sex does not mean victims asked for it, and people are entitled to be informed -- on the national platform she's made her career on -- the fucked-upness she enables.
"Sarah Palin isn't a hypocrite because she held sexually liberal views at one point in her life and sexually conservative views at another point."

No, but she's probably a hypocrite for holding sexually liberal views for herself and sexually conservative views for everyone else.

But yeah, iprobably not that credible a source.
Palin is not ever going to be President so no need to focus on her. She's irrelevant -- except that's she knows how to keep herself in the spotlight to make $$$.
And that "probably" is good enough to validate trash-tallking her private sexual encounters of 25 years ago, is it? The posters further upthread were right: it's slut-shaming.

Let me lay it out for you: no matter what countless valid objections a sensible or sane person might have with Palin or her politics who she was banging two decades ago is none of our goddamned business.
Hey, this is Slog. Leave truth, honesty, morality and integrity at the door when you come in. Especially if it involves (gasp!) a Republican. Hell, the only surprise here is that they're not posting about who her Great Aunt Nellie was shtupping.
@26: "Let me lay it out for you: no matter what countless valid objections a sensible or sane person might have with Palin or her politics who she was banging two decades ago is none of our goddamned business."

When her politics involves shaming women over demonstrating control over their banging habits above what she publicly claims is acceptable, people are goddamned entitled to defend themselves against her. As mayor, she shamed rape victims to keep silent. Alaska had to write a state law especially to stop her. Heaven-fucking-forbid anyone should stoop to defending themselves.

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