If a poor child in the rotten part of town found that book in the trash, and found the cover amusing, it could be his path to literacy, with or without typos.
J u S t Sa yi ng!@
I don't know if its comic books or making fun of things and people that you do best Constant. You certainly don't educate, and your informative posts are on the level of a middle-schooler.
What a stupid goddamn cover. You rip off a tab, and the octopus still has eight fucking legs. He just has one less foot. It doesn't even work within its own idiotic logic.
How many trees had to die so that thing could come into existence?
J u S t Sa yi ng!@
I don't know if its comic books or making fun of things and people that you do best Constant. You certainly don't educate, and your informative posts are on the level of a middle-schooler.