Well, Norwich managed to get itself named a City of Literature. Presumably Alan Partridge's influence. Let's find someone local who can match his reach and grasp, and we're in.
@5 - Iowa City is home to the Iowa Writers Workshop, the oldest creative writing MFA in the Unites States. The Iowa workshop consistently ranks #1 for creative writing MFA programs and there's a long and impressive list of writers who've done a stint in the cornfields. It's not a crazy choice for this program.
I haven't counted them, but I bet Seattle has more "Little Free Libraries" in front of people's houses than any other city on the planet. There are three within a three block radius of where I live in Mt. Baker. Within this three block radius there is also a "poetry post" where passerbys can pick up new poems every week or so.
You chose to build a 10 story building in an obsolete section of vertical density.
As ye sow...