
He needed to mansplain to her that if there's any plagiarism, not that there is, it's okay if it's done in the name of Jesus.
Someone deserves to be punished for the title "A Call to Resurgence." If it was plagiarized, two people need to be punished.
I for one am shocked by this claim that Pastor Driscoll may not be a reputable scholar.
"another scholar" lol
I'm sure Pastor Driscoll is on the phone with her husband right now about how out of control this woman is. Imagine, publicly correcting a man!
@7, yep. What struck me most about this whole thing was the way he, and the Tyndale House people, responded to her. I guarantee you this story would have unfolded completely differently (if, indeed, at all) if Ms. Mefferd was a Mr.

Aren't they all plagiarizing The Bible?
Like the spineless dimwits who attend Mars Hill Redneck Church give two shits about plagiarism.
That interview sure IS uncomfortable. Driscoll spends a lot of time illustrating how famous he is. When it's clear that the interviewer isn't properly impressed, nor properly cowed, he turns authoritarian bordering on abusive.

I'm sure being called "Mark" during the interview, and by this uppity woman who sounds like his mother, was really galling to him. lol

There was a period several years ago when I went to Mars Hill with my sister (it didn't last all that long, and once I realized how bad it was I stopped going and got her to stop too, thankfully).

One week though, towards the end of one of his sermons, he going on one of his women bashing rants about how ladies need to dress more modestly to get respected by men, and to illustrate his point to gave an analogy that I immediately recognized as a Dave Chappelle stand-up routine.

He basically ripped this bit off word for word, aside from the very beginning part about titties popping out of the turtleneck:…

He just substituted his name for Dave Chappelle in the bit. I was looking around in awe, like "a room full of people and none of you have seen that stand-up special before!?"
So no, if that guy would blatantly steal material from Dave Chappelle, I'm not surprised he'd rip off authors too.
I would love to see this spool of scandal unwind and open up the world of lies that is behind the cult known as Mars Hill. Driscoll is a bigot and needs to be taken down - soon.

Let's get the ball rolling on this hate-mongering shitbag and watch him fall from his pulpit, disgraced.

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