Books Jan 14, 2014 at 8:15 am


Thanks for the suggestion - I just downloaded the first one and will see how it goes!
The world can only take so long to end before the whole thing feels like an empty threat.

I first read The Population Bomb in 1968 (at 11) and I know what you mean.
This sounds right up my alley. Thanks for the suggestion.
hmm i tried and failed to get into this. the first book was interesting but the second one felt like a rehash of the setting instead of a deeper look, and your observation that palace is less charming is spot on to the point where i started to doubt my recollection of enjoying the first book. i gave up on this at the end of the kindle sample.
Agree with @1 and 3. Appreciate the suggestion.
Read it a couple of months ago. You definitely want to start with The Last Policeman and then read Countdown City. I'm not sure how the stories would hold up individually.

A very good yarn.
You may be interested in knowing that Countdown City has been nominated for a [2014 P. K. Dick Award][1]. The award winners will be announced Friday, April 18, 2014 at [Norwescon][2], the local science-fiction and fantasy convention.


Paul: If you or anyone else from The Stranger would be interested in covering the award ceremony and/or the rest of the convention, information on requesting press passes is available on our website [here][3].


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