
ask her how she likes Daveed Diggs' Lafayette.
You could ask her about her consonance.
I was fine with those $5 ticket readings (book optional), but this trend of being forced to buy the book (at full price) + paying $10 more is a bit discouraging. I guess I'm to blame Amazon for that though.
I wanted to go, but needing two tickets (for me and my partner) while being required to buy two books just made no sense. And at $90 for the two us, it just it is way too expensive for an hour long book chat. Loved it the last time she was her and will just have to be happy with that.
*last time she was here.

But I am sure she is glad to be "her" too!
"What question are you tired of being asked?" almost always gets a good response. Also, "Would you care to give us the story behind your visible tattoos?" assuming tattoos are visible..
I once heard an academic historian/host on the Backstory Podcast say historians must have a high tolerance for boredom. Does she believe this to be true? If so, has she ever abandoned any research topics that did not hold her interest?
Ask her if she's as psyched for the Incredibles sequel as the rest of us.
Ask her for her top five of They Might Be Giants' songs. Seriously.

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