

Do you need a thump upside your racist, misogynistic, xenophobic melon?:
So Rich, you only want writers who you approve of to be published? That's called censorship.

Let this piece of shit publish his book and get money up front for it. The market will destroy it soon enough
I just heard about this guy about month ago in the Seattle Times. I don't read Breibart.

Isn't he, like... gay? Strange dude.
To the victors go the spoils. Their candidate won, so now the press can't get enough of them. There being no such thing as second place in politics, you shouldn't expect to see many book deals from our team.

You should have taken this int account during the primaries. Polls showed Bernie beating Trump and Clinton losing to Trump, which you conveniently ignored. Because you insisted on a nominee that could not win, you lost And now, nobody's really all that interested in what you have to say.

Least of all those of us who backed the candidate who was on track to win this thing. Too bad your damn ego got in the way of victory.
@ 11,

They would have stampeded to the candidate supporting a living wage, card check, universal single payer and every other policy aimed at improving their conditions, while opposing TPP, Taft-Hartley, union busting and "Right to Work" legislation.

I know, because I campaigned of rBernie in MI, IN, IL, and KY, and those are the issues that voters told me to my face on their doorsteps that they wanted to be addressed.

They told you that, too. But you fucking ignored them. And you lost.

Those were implicit, orchidballs...

That will come as quite a shock to the roughly 1-in-2000 humans born with hermaphroditism. But, that's okay, little shrew-schlong - we understand that biology and other sciences are difficult for you.
@12 Um, I don't think he lost. Pretty sure you are addressing a card carrying deplorable who apparently got wind of the Stranger somehow, maybe from some clammy, dark corner of 4Chan. Maybe they have some special radar that picks up on anything in the media with 'white nationalist' in the headline?
Don't anybody try to tell me this is the price we pay to enjoy the bounty of free speech that America has so much of.

Look what Peter Thiel got away with, destroying Gawker and cowing all media. The rich are the ones who set the boundaries of speech. We will give free license to Nazis while aggressively crushing critics of corporations and the oligarchs. We'll protect the copyright of Mickey Mouse and do nothing while individuals who scare the powerful are terrorized with online harassment with real life impacts.

The conventional libertarian idea of free speech is upside down. We don't have to give free reign to garbage people like Milo Yakketysax. We'd see it for what it is if his books radicalized Islamic terrorists. But those who radicalize white men like Dylan Root or Tom McVeigh are not held to account.

Arrest Milo. Arrest the harassers of Lindy West and Lauren Duca. I promise that will not be the death of free speech. The death of free speech was when they bankrupted Gawker.
@16: Hey buddy I see you're back. FYI I've flagged your account and most of your comments.
You, poor lamb, still haven't figured out that you have distinctive turns of phrase and obsessions that give you away have you?
If dude wishes to spend his energy shitposting a local weekly comment board why not let him. Its less time his unfortunate family has to deal with him.
>username claims to trigger others
>gets massively triggered in comment thread
ⓨⓞⓤ ⓗⓐⓥⓔ ⓣⓞ ⓖⓞ ⓑⓐⓒⓚ
@21: well that certainly was another unnecessary glimpse into your subconscious
I do so enjoy getting you banned.

Again, that will come as quite a shock to those same folks born with both ovarian AND testicular tissue, or who carry female chromosomes, but present external genitalia. We won't bore you with the details - wouldn't want your little meat loaf to overheat inside your skull-oven, because nobody likes a chewy, dried-out meat loaf, amiright?

As for the the Thai porn - well, I have to admit, your dad had quite a collection, but, as he explained it, none of the, er, models looked that much like you, so he wasn't adverse to letting go of them.
@26: As I've said, I enjoy it.

Oh, I'll bet you'd let him do more than just kiss it...
@16 Well earned? Are you alluding to your part time cross burning job?

Might want to be careful with that hubris there numbnuts. The stupidity of the American electorate never ceases to amaze but demographic trends are not exactly in favor of meathead white guys and at least some of the stupids are going to be pretty unhappy with losing their health insurance.

I KNEW I'd seen you somewhere before! You were the sadz one crying into his can of Old Style at Leone Beach that sultry summer afternoon when all the other rent-boys were getting dates, but you weren't. I'm sorry nobody wanted to spend time with you, but, that B.O. smell was just ungodly.

It takes so little to impress you, monkey-junk...

You can be anything you want, little pencil-peen, just dream BIGLY!
@32: Your information is out of date!
Wait, have you been in prison?
@33: Your insults are not landing my dear. Possibly you've confused me with someone else? Because, Lynwood? Archeology? What?
@18 stop with the whiteknighting already.








A minority voice gets the opportunity to publish a book, and the establishment shitlords at "the Stranger" are triggered by this development? Wow. Check your privilege.

Word on the street is there are a LOT of things you'd PAY for...
Simon and Schuster also published the memoirs of Fidel Castro, who, you know, ACTUALLY FUCKING KILLED PEOPLE.

Not that you hysterical libtards give a shit about that. Keep being outraged by whatever the Huffington Post editorial board tells you to.

Yeah, and an American publisher put out the English language edition of Trump's BFF Vladimir Putin's autobiography, who also, you know, ACTUALLY FUCKING KILLED PEOPLE. So, what's your point?

Ah, so you DO admit a woman can have male genitalia! And OF COURSE you would pay for that - you get that from your old man, no doubt.
Rich pointed out several angry white men Simon and Schuster had printed in the past and said he was not surprised. Then he linked a few twitter comments. Where is this hysterical outrage you are going on about?

I swear some of you shitposters act like you have a BLM activist and a militant feminist camping in your living room the way you rage all the time.
@42: and @18 is never going to sleep with you so stop bothering them. It's embarrassing.

Now, now, the man has a dream - don't crush it!
@51: :)
Man, that is one awful display name. "Figurin'?" Have you ever seen that word shortened in such a manner? If you weren't an idiot you'd have gone with the more colloquial "figgerin'" which would have actually rhymed and not left us with this awful near-rhyming bullshit. Do you pronounce it "trigguring"?

Also grow the fuck up. Jesus. What a life you must lead.
@54: We'll just add that to the list of attributes with which you have mistakenly endowed me shall we?
Now imagine a notorious radical Imam going online and using a half dozen sock accounts to heckle ordinary citizens, throw around false accusations, incite violence, rouse their supporters to relentlessly harass American citizens not just online, but at home and at work. All the way up to mass shootings and large scale bombings.

You would never hear anyone -- certainly never a right winger -- trying to cover for them like this. Giving them aid and comfort to our enemies by twisting the meaning of the First Amendment to protect terrorists.

Nobody would call an *Islamic* terrorist recruiter a "minority voice". Nobody would ask, "arrest him for WHAT?" Any Moslem who did these things would obviously be tracked down and arrested. Average citizens would work hard to assist the authorities in identifying and locating them. Terrorist radicalization and recruiting manifestos would not be published by Simon & Schuster. When Omar Abdel-Rahman did these crimes, he was sent to prison. Seditious conspiracy is a thing.

But when misogynist Nazi white supremacists go online to radicalize violent young men to carry out these same acts of escalating harassment, online and offline, all the way up to personal assaults and large scale terrorist attacks, we are supposed to accept it as the price of freedom.

Milo Yaketysax radicalizes misogynist Nazi white supremacist terrorists. They bomb abortion clinics, shoot doctors, assault murder women. They build bombs and shoot crowds. The gentler Milo fans limit themselves to driving American citizens into hiding.

Imagine an American man having to change his address because he is getting nonstop phone calls, getting swatted, doxed, by radical Moslems. Imagine serious people defending the guy who orchestrated those attacks on that American man. Who would dare defend the guy who orchestrated that?

Keep in mind that the majority of terrorist attacks on American soil are committed by Nazi white supremacists and misogynist, like Michael Griffin, or Root or McVeigh. We aggressively enforce the law against the people behind a small part of the terrorism we have, the radical Moslems, but don't take any action against the terrorists who hide behind a "conservative" political smokescreen.

Milo Yiannopoulos recruits and radicalizes terrorists. Simple as that.
jesus christ, don't you dumbfucks ever learn? DON'T FEED THE FUCKING TROLL. let that dumb bitch keep posting dumb shit and don't respond. gah.
57 - your professors must be so pleased that their years of instruction have led to this fine career of incoherently ranting about trans people in a local blog's comment section.
@65: Is that how you wooed your beloved Lynwoodian Archeologist/Hotelier trans gal? Was it the Romans over whom you bonded? Did you shyly hide bits of Ovid's verse beneath her trowel and brushes?

Of course you wouldn't - you don't seriously think I'd be foolish enough to allow you to touch it with those gummatous-encrusted digits of yours. After all, I know where they've been - and according to your dad, it's some pretty grody orifices indeed.
>takes half a semester of C Lit at the local community college
>"Darling, I'm educated in the Classics, from Plato to Caesar's Gallic Wars (much better in the original Latin FYI) to Boccaccio, so I have to guess at speaking 'street'."
@68: As if anyone will click on that :)
And apparently you would be the expert regarding that neighborhood.
The whole "what about black on black violence?" attack on BLM. Classic racist talking point. The whole Obama birth certificate thing. A racist smear from the beginning, a racist bandwagon to jump on. All that stuff about Obama not really being black... so racist. A "Hispanic invasion"? Racist. A comprehensive defense of Trump's racist agenda? Just as racist as Trump.

Milo's not a very original racist. Just checks the usual boxes. Lazy.
@72: If you wish to achieve your dream of becoming a minimilo you need to keep your trolling on point. If your insults are not au courant then they are not effervescent.
No fizz, no, if you'll pardon the expression, jizz.
The whole world heard all that before. Whole world said no, nice try though. Obvious racism is obvious. "Facts" debunked at More people believe jet fuel can't melt steel beams than believe that dry turd of an argument. Even Trump deleted that tweet; the one with the fake stats from the Nazi website. Same numbers Milo uses. Natch.
Cornell West? A black man? Using a black man as your shield? That's racist.
You know what Milo is demanding, right? Changes in the system? Changes in people's attitudes? Social change, in other words. Why? Because he thinks it would be more just. Socially Your guy Milo, he's a social justice warrior. You, working for him? You're fighting alongside him, for his goal of social justice. You're a social justice warrior.

But you think you've got this amazing tag you can throw around. Social Justice Warrior! That'll show 'em! They're earnest and want to do things! Unlike me. I, uh, want to… uh… yeah, social justice. You're ashamed to admit it.

If you called it that, you'd have to defend it. Defend your indefensible crap. Hence the need to try to turn the tables every time your back is against the wall, which is every time.

Milo Yakkitysax radicalizes violent young men with his racist, misogynist, bigoted rhetoric. He recruits terrorists and organizes them to attack American citizens. He does exactly the same things as ISIS propagandists. He deserves to be treated the same way we treat them.
There are so many worthwhile voices that don't see the light of day - and S&S is giving a pulpit to this cretin? Shame! It's not about "freedom of speech" - it's about who you promote. Publishers have a responsibility to our society to publish substance, not garbage. If you condition people with garbage, they'll become like that garbage and S&S knows that. Stop normalizing Nazis. There's are literally millions of artists and thinkers who never make a cent. Give them the contract and microphone if you have any decency.
Give a Nazi money and you give a Nazi power. Disgusting.
There are so many outstanding young people who graduate college loaded with talent and honorable POVs - and yet loaded with student debt they can't pay back. And S&S chooses a NAZI - they pay this POS to BE a Nazi! They PAY him to pollute our society with his hatred and bigotry and ignorance - and spread his nauseating bile through our young people. There are so many decent, talented, brilliant Americans who could use that kind of money to speak truth and spread honorable and wonderful ideas. I literally would love to deliver a bucket of vomit to whoever made this decision at that S&S and stick his or head in it myself, personally.
A very basic lesson, often taught to kindergarteners, has been lost here.

Bullies love attention. To starve a bully, you ignore them.

The news media (the Stranger included) have been complicit. Here is a product you are expressing outrage over, and therefore providing all the free press you could. By pushing this book as a moral outrage, you have ensured conservatives will but it.

Years ago I bought a book called Better Off Without Them, whose premise is that the South sucks, so if they want out so damn bad, let em go. The book is very badly written. It rambles incoherently. Each chapter is another reason why the South is a terrible place and the people who live there are of below average intellect, expanded to some detail with random insults and not much else.

I bought it because it had a one star review on Amazon, and the critiques were all from outraged Southerners. Nobody rated it for how badly it was written, or I would have passed on it.

This is what politics in America has degenerated into. We don't have well thought out positions anymore. There's no Great Conversation taking place between people who simply differ on opinion. We team up. My team vs your team. The goal isn't better policy or a rational discussion. The goal is to beat the shit out of each other, and whoever's left standing wins.

We may as well do away with elections altogether, and just have Thunderdome. Why not? Al Gore was far better with a chainsaw than W. He could've won that contest more easily than the election.
I also would like to point out the positive feedback loop this article has generated.

The title of the article is typical clickbait. It's sensationally worded to attract attention. You could have worded it as "Controversial writer secures book deal", but you were afraid nobody would click the link, so instead you added the phrase "White Nationalist".

This in turn guarantees it will wind up in the news feeds of any iPhone user using the News app who has selected the phrase "White Nationalism", or of any Google News user doing the same. Thus we see a horde of new posters whose comments are inflammatory. The regular stranger readers responded as we typically do, with the same moral outrage that drove the actor to title this article the way he did. We're attention whores too, you see.

So, the attention whores from Breitbart and the attention whores from the Stranger engage in an "epic" battle where the stakes are so low as to be nonexistent, save for the lingering hope on both sides that some opponent will get an aneurysm or a heart attack from some comment only the poster could think was clever. We're all just jerking ourselves off in an orgy of total self absorption. No side ( or even the author of the article) has a point worth making, and yet we treat it with the deadly seriousness of an armed masturbator.

If you're still reading this, you may ask yourself what an unarmed masturbator looks like- one word - dryhumping.

Right now, this thread is the number one thread i the Stranger's Most Commented Upon section. With over 90 posts, its likely to set a record for being the biggest waste of time and human potential in the history of the species.
@91: I, for one, heart you, and hear you. You are not a voice lost crying in the wilderness.
@66: Aww!

@91: Yep, people just can't help but virtue signal and make sure they are seen expressing appropriate outrage even if it helps those they despise. I guess it just feels to good to pass up, it is the only reason this mess of a thread has 90+ comments. Hell, this asshole's book shot right towards the top of Amazon once all the calls for censorship began. Hope you guys are proud of all the books you sold for him.
@91 Yep, it's total clickbait

Your sense of proportion is off. You're comparing 90 comments on a local blog to a $250,000 book advance. Only one of these two things provides material support to white nationalist Nazi terrorists.

This is your basic Internet libertarian: "the remedy to be applied is more speech not enforced silence"!!! Oh, fine, let's talk about how fucked up this shit is. "Hope you guys are proud of all the books you sold for him"!!!

Got it. We can't object to publishing terrorist radicalization propaganda. And we can't talk about it. Just siiiiit baaaaack with a smug little smile and look down at all those sad little fools and their "virtue signals". Theodore Gorath wields the power of doing fuck all. So, so clever.

You are the epitome of impotent rage.

Sure, you can object to anything you like. The real question is, does anyone care?

Sadly, a lot of people do. You're not going to sell a copy or 2 of this book, as @ 95 suggested. You're going to se; 2 million copies of this book. All the pages aside could be as blank as the author's mind, and people will still buy the thing, just because it pisses you off.

The alt-right has fewer people that actually believe in fascism than you think. Most of them genuinely don't give a shit one way or the other. Look- they're singing the praises of Vladimir Putin, a former KGB agent. Don't you think someone who volunteered to work for the USSR's intelligence agency at age 16 is a strange bedfellow for a group of Hitlerites?

This isn't so much neo-Nazi as it is neo-nasty. They're bored. Modern American life is by every measure fucking dull. We make just enough money to survive, and not enough to do anything enjoyable. And to earn even that, we have to work long hours at multiple jobs, usually in the service industry, where we're all a bunch of mindless drones who have no control over our work environment.It could be a factory, it could be the checkin desk at a hotel, it could be retail- boring as fuck, and we're all disposable. As Marx would say, we're alienated from our work.

Some turn to drugs to alleviate the boredom, but that often ends badly. Others turn to the churches. There's nothing to get really passionate about anymore. What;s your political message? Steady continuance of the status quo? Who the fuck wants to vote for that?

But what can alleviate their boredom? Making you jump. And squeak. Its fun to see you turn twenty shades of purple and say or type some vituperative bullshit about how this latest outrage is just THE. WORST. THING. EVER.

They guy wrote a book. Unless he's got a ghost writer, its probably a very badly written book at that. You could ignore it, and offer Simon and Schuster the biggest punch in the eye of them all- a massive loss of profits. After decades of seeing the discount racks at stores from Borders Books and Music (yep. I'm old.), Half-Price Books, and now, online at amazon- I can tell you about row upon row of sad, superdiscounted texts that nobody will ever buy, even if its just a penny. You could send his book to a hell like this.

But instead, you insist on making it the runaway bestseller of the year. Because your ego is so yuuuuuuuuge that you've got to bloviate, even if it makes the man you genuinely hate rich.

The opposite of love isn't hate. It's apathy. And yeah, siiiiting back and doing nothing would be more proactive than what you're doing now. The only way too really hurt the alt-right is to stop giving a shit about it.
Yeah, the claim that "this asshole's book shot right towards the top of Amazon once all the calls for censorship began" seems rather dubious at best. CNN's tweet announcing the advance was timestamped December 29th. Seems the announcement, outrage, and demand were all pretty much simultaneous. Hardly surprising, given the dude's status as something of a (ugh) "rockstar" in the alt-right's shitbrain community.
I'm figerin' on triggerin':

Attended private elementary and high school. Then small liberal arts college. Dropped out in second year. Long history of multi-dimensional behavior problems. Years of therapy and medication have little effect. Now lives at home. Hates and resents exasperated father. Fears mother doesn't love him and may be right. Angry. Depressed. Potentially violent. Addictive personality type. Currently obsessed with internet tolling. Poor prognosis.
Well, this has been a fun read.
@18- I'm sure lindy west, gargoyle that she is, appreciates the fact that a racist POS like yourself has her ample back.
Yes, Francis. Because of that one time I said "rulz is too ghetto". Now it's your job to stalk me, so the world can find out from you who the real racist is here.

You're one of those guys who "doesn't see color". Even on the cusp of 2017, we still have those. Same old same old.
And a browsing history filled with "shemale" videos, watched on a really sticky laptop.
Can't get past "I see -> I judge". Stuck in that one deep.
The existence of trans women doesn't actually affect you...unless it's got something to do with your personal taste in porn, that is.
You're the one trying to police where other people pee, social justice warrior.

Things were going fine until you SJW do-gooders said leaving trans people alone was not PC. So you deployed your PC police to public restrooms, and you're trying to censor our words. We can't just agree on personal pronouns between ourselves. Oh no, you PC types demand centralized authority telling us all that we have to toe your line, say this not that. Parents aren't free any more to write what they want on their own kids' birth certificates. It's all got to come from the PC list of acceptable words you SJWs wrote.

Why is the solution always big government with you guys? Why can't you live and let live? What's so special about you, snowflake, you get to judge who is what and what they get to be called? Your problem is your parents never set boundaries, never said no. Sad!
What is science? Bothering people? Searching their bodies and throwing them out of bathrooms? That's not science. That's your big government and their big government thugs. You're going to sort everyone into your PC bathrooms with wishes and good intentions? No. You're going to tax people, and use their money to build a bureaucracy to send government cops into places they're not wanted to tell us how you think we should live.

Either that or you shut up and leave everyone alone. Nobody needs your politically correct definitions of what's what. I don't need your word police to tell me if I can or can't say he or she or em or ir or whatever the fuck we decide. Joe Stalin would have loved you, language policing SJW.
@113: "it's science. XX and XY."
Thanks for confirming you've never actually taken a college biology course. SRY if that offended you.
Holy Cow! Where did this anti-American licker of shit covered Russian boots come from? Definitely too literate to be Trump himself - and likely too literate to be an American-born right wing boot-licker. Is Putin now unleashing ALL his English-proficient sock puppets onto the comment threads of every alt-weekly so his cowardly Trump-voting slaves can worship their "sweet whispers?"
GAY RIGHTS! GAY RIGHTS! GAY RIGHTS! UNLESS YOU HAPPEN TO BE GAY AND RIGHT! LOL i just love societal hypocrisy and what really looks like professional jealousy. I mean look at all the free speech publicity for Milo under the guise of righteous indignation. Just Hilarious!
@120: take your (You) and go play with the other kids.
Muslims, not "Mohammedans"...nobody worships Mohammed. BTW, an all-out war with the Muslim world of the sort you seem to want would get us all killed(including YOU, in your Hot Pockets-and-stale-semen encrusted hutch in your mom's home). Are you actually ok with causing the extinction of the human race?

If so, that's another symptom of the extreme microphallus problem you clearly suffer from.
And clearly, your obsession with trans women is based on the fact that you're deeply attracted to them on a sexual level(not that you've come anywhere close to HAVING sex...that would require showering, washing your clothes, and learning how to eat with knives and forks) and you're terrified of your mother finding evidence of this while you're off at the 7-11 shoplifting microwave burritos.

-Your imaginary friend, Spiffy The One-Legged Chihuahua.
@104- sweet baby Jesus, you're a tool. Keep making assumptions.
How many time do fascists have to call Moslems, 'mohamedans', and claim that they are as a group responsible for the actions of an extremist few before the Stranger ban the racist fucker for good?
as if having a 15-20% chance of being raped during one's US lifetime didn't qualify as experiencing rape culture, you troll. is that all you have got to justify your demonizing billions of Arabs who are the primary victims of Muslim extremists?

How long is the Stranger going to stand for the normalization of antisemitic discourse?

The Stranger will not ban him, because trolls generate clicks and clicks generate revenue.

Either triggerin is a paid troll working for the Stranger, or he is too stupid to realize that he is actually helping them.
@134: Here is the survey in question. Can you please show me where it says anything about the views of Syrian refugees?
Must be tough not having the intelligence to actually discern, and instead just parroting back the lies of others like a good little puppet.
I highly doubt it.
By the way, there are over 1 billion Muslims in the world, most of them are Asian.
That's about 25% of the world population.
"As of 2010, Christianity was by far the world's largest religion, with an estimated 2.2 billion adherents, nearly a third (31 percent) of all 6.9 billion people on Earth," the Pew report says. "Islam was second, with 1.6 billion adherents, or 23 percent of the global population."

@142: LEL
Almost all the posts in this thread have been made either by one commenter, or by those stupid enough to respond to him.

It currently ranks as the most commented upon thread of the recent Slog posts. The Stranger staff are (technically) on vacation. The holidays officially ended last night, and 23 hours later, there is still nobody moderating this thread.

This is a bit what it would be like if the theocrats finally took complete control of the government. Should anyone attack us on a Sunday, we'd be fucked, as the troops would be forbidden from military action on the sabbath day. If we're still alive on Monday morning, maybe they'll save whoever's left. Maybe. Unless its Holy Week or Advent.

One could say they're honoring free speech, if one ignores the comment threads shut down in the recent week following the announcement of Vice's decision to end comment threads altogether. This is emblematic of the knee-jerk liberalism present in most of the press. It's all or nothing. If someone were beating you to death in an alleyway, they'd say it was (obviously) both your fault and his. After all, it's always both the perpetrator and the victim's fault, isn't it? That's what they say about rapists and rape victims, so why shouldn't your editorial staff say it about the commenters as well? I suppose we could look at the Rwandan genocide the same way. Or South Sudan. Or the Mexican Drug War. Clearly, those people had it coming when they got beheaded by La Sinaloa.

That makes it so easy to be lazy assholes, doesn't it? Age Slog editors don't have yto do a fucking thing, just sit there with their thumbs up their asses and say it's everyone else's fault. They could close the thread. Since the Stranger sues it's own system to run the comment threads (unlike pages that use Disqus or similar private contractors) they could even ban the belligerent party. But they won't. They probably don't even read the goddamn threads anyway.

And why should they? If they did, and they realized just how pointless the comment posts were, they'd have every reason to follow Vice's lead. The respondents are just as fucking idiotic as IFOT. They know that by replying to this jackass they give him the emotional charge he requires to keep going, they feed the troll. But they cannot ignore him. Like toddlers confronted with an unguarded cookie, they must react.

The realization that the Stranger's readership is approaching Idiocracy levels could drive them to just give up altogether. Except of course that the staff consists of a few who have held on for so long that they can't give up before they can retire, or those just young enough and foolish enough to think there's anything like a career in journalism anymore. You'll see the divide in the age demographics: you've got late 40's to 60's, and early 20's but nobody in between.

And no moderators for the threads. The older staff don't give a shit and probably don't read the threads. The younger staff are still full of adolescent libertarianism ("We can't tell people they can't post anything they want. That would be just like my Mom and Dad, and I refuse to be like those fascists!"). Both sides think it would be easier and more fair to just shit the comments thread down altogether. Neither is willing to moderate it.

Fine, fuck it. I hold on to the Stranger largely for sentimental value anyway. Seeing the 25th anniversary retrospectives is painful enough, the same way hearing an old man reminisce about his long past glory days is as he heads off into his inevitable demise is. The focus isn't on the present anymore, nor the future. Gone is that youthful exuberance for Seattle's beauty and wonder. Everything refers to what once was, not what is. Paul Allen has to save the I-5 park lid, because everything has to refer to back when Microsoft was the Big Deal. We're shocked the Bill Gates didn't tell Trump to go stuff it, since after all, Gates was the moral conscience of the city when he pushed for a statewide income tax. Never mind they're both capitalists who long ago jumped the fucking shark, along with Capitol Hill. You're old codgers now, lost so deep in the past you can't see that shit has fucking changed a lot since your 20's.

The internet has changed since then, too. Despite the retro feel of your website, the way posters on comment threads behave is kinda different. If you don't moderate your threads, the "alt-right" (read: Trolls) get locked into a death spiral with the "social justice warriors", and render the whole thing unreadable.

Fine, go do like Vice and just shut it all down. Its easier than doing real work and editing the goddamn comment threads, and besides, you stopped giving a fuck years ago.

Seriously, it's a comments thread, it means nothing. Get over it.
I never mentioned gay parades.

Have all the parades you want.
Go nuts.

No violence at pride parades in the USA?
Think again.…
Man with weapons was headed to L.A. gay pride parade…

Both of these stories are from this year.


What are you talking about?

Seriously, who said that?

There's no such thing as a "Mohammedan". Nobody worships Mohammad. And it's telling that your, er "nose" is so pathetically small.

If we actually did what you seem to want and launched an all-out war to wipe out Islam, would you volunteer for combat(as someone with your views would be ethically obligated to do)? Or would you find some excuse to chicken out and stay home in your mom's basement?
@155 Agreed. islam is stuck. Their "reformation" hasn't happened yet. When it does, they'll try to take everyone with them.

And until they do, their Alt-Left/libtart/socialist/zombie/tranny-cheerleaders are on the sidelines, blissfully awaiting the slaughter.

To that squad, Orlando meant zero. Trump saw it, he rallied behind the victims and he got their votes.
Finally..."Ol Microphallus Nose" is gone.
Orlando was homophobia and nothing else. The killer's supposed religion made no difference. And no Trump voter ever cared that gay people were murdered.
There was no significant support for Trump in the LGBTQ community.

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