
Word fucking up. This should be required reading for incoming freshman.
A thousand times yes. This book is BRILLIANT, especially about trigger warnings. Here is what *actual*, not-self-diagnosed, not-Tumblr-bullshit PTSD accommodations looks like in college. (I have PTSD from childhood abuse in a Christian context and a traumatic incident with an active shooter as an adult.) I brought a letter from my doctor to the ADA counselor that says the reasonable accommodation I need is preferential seating. (This is so that I don't have to sit with my back to the door. I make myself handle that in life situations when I absolutely have to, but in class I need to pay attention to the instructor and not have to manage my anxiety.) She let me know how to make sure I get notified in advance of lockdown drills so I can arrange not to be in the building during them. And that...IS IT. Reading the syllabi in advance and making sure I'm mentally and emotionally prepared to handle whatever comes up in class is MY RESPONSIBILITY. If something comes up that's going to pack a punch (which is rare; the last one was the movie Jesus Camp in a child development class) then I do what I need to do outside of class so that I can handle things fine in class (I watched it on my own before we watched it in class and thought through how I'd handle any potentially ignorant/triggering comments.) That's it. That's what it looks like. These people who scream "OMG I'M TRIGGERED" over ordinary life conflicts make my life far more frustrating than it needs to be. The backlash against people who are ACTUALLY living with the results of REAL trauma needing accommodations is real and, frankly, makes sense. Which sucks. I registered just to post this comment. Thank you for reviewing this wonderful book.
Sounds like a interesting read
@4 What the fuck is your problem?
@4's problem is that they, as their avatar suggests, are an ass.

I'm very glad that this book exists. I'm about as liberal as they come, but I've long been wary of the trend towards claiming victimhood in lieu of critical engagement with the rigors of human interaction. (Yes, everyday life is fucking rigorous. Although as @2 eloquently stated, people who've experienced deep trauma should be entitled to reasonable accommodations, I feel like people are increasingly trying to opt out of taking responsibility for handling their shit.)
At 2 bravo for understanding how to respect and be respected

Please wait...

and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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