Wow. I would love to see the attorney's letter that triggered this absurd post. The guy is, as #2 so eloquently stated, "a white nationalist nazi pig fucker."
This kind of double talk has been around for ages. I can remember many southern whites who would claim they weren't racist, they were racialist. Or not racial supremacists, but racial separatists.
Its all the same fucking thing. Its just intended to confuse you and throw you off guard. Ever since the camps were discovered by Allied soldiers who liberated them on their way to Berlin, Americans and Russians alike have girded themselves against overtly white supremicist ideas. Charles Lindbergh and Henry Ford may have added credibility to fascist ideas during the war, but after we found those camps and the photos thereof found their way home- there just wasn't enough star power in the world that could scrub those images out of our minds.
The ideas never died out. They're hard cooked into the American and Russian cultures alike. In the East, centuries of pogroms and the official state intelligence agency publishing tracts like the Protocols of Zion, hate speech delivered weekly by the Orthodox Church- you could suppress some of that in the Soviet Union, through state atheism and the general repugnance everyone had for the Russian Empire. Further, official Soviet ideology promoted the idea that all people were of equal value. But after they replaced the red flag with red white and blue- all that evil that had been held in the can was spilling out all over the place again. Everyone likes to bash Communism, but it was the only cure for Russia. Russian nationalism, and that warren of corruption called the Orthodox Church, was back.
In the West, the shock of those images set in, but it wasn't until LBJ that the FBI began to investigate the Far Right. Hoover hated the Far Left passionately, but seemed to regard the Far Right as misguided patriots. Johnson, however, was determined to one up Kennedy for the history books by becoming the first President to smash the Klan.
Those days are long gone, though. Both East and West have this problem once again. In Russia, groups like Nashi (yeah, that's their real name) will physically attack anyone who says anything nasty about Putin. They'll tell you they're not racists, but if you search their room, they've got a copy of Mein Kampf in there somewhere. Then you've got groups like the Nat Bols (National Bolshevik Party- check out their party symbol) that further blur the lines. In America, we've got Milo Somethingunpronounceable, who says he's not a Nazi, and yet says Nazi things. Disorient, confuse, obfuscate, blur- and then conquer.
Free speech means the government doesn't restrict what you say; it doesn't mean that any rando Nazi POS gets a university speaking tour, a website, and a book deal.
Well done, Rich. It looks like most folks didn't even pick up on the sarcasm that was the basis of this post.
(Confidential to everyone above: When someone writes in deep detail all the worst things that a person has said, written, advocated, posted, or deceptively Photoshopped for the purpose of correcting a minor error that no one will even notice unless attention is specifically drawn to it, it's not being done as an apology. The apology is merely a pretext.)
Satire or not, it is nevertheless a complete capitulation to whatever legal letter was received. Better that The Stranger simply reply to the legal letter with a big fuck you and let the first amendment do its job.
Rich, that is way more ink than Malicious Milo deserves. How about just ignoring him? He obviously thrives on the attention, on spewing outrageous statements & salivating for the response like the rabid squirrel he is.
It wasn't college educated or young voters who elected Trump. The ones whose minds are full of mush are the no-college whites who believe shit they heard from Fox and Breitbart.
And the reason Trump's asinine Moslem ban is endangering $75 billion export industry is that the finest education in the world is at American universities. Anyone who puts down college youths today has looked at zero data.
Spreading Yiannopoulos's Protocols of the Elders of Zion slander is not "free expression", and it challenges no ones mind to hear some smug little ponce lisp that Jews are using the banks and media to sap your vital essences, and the blacks! the blacks! They do black on black crime! Yiannopoulos isn't even slightly original.
But there are fuckheads who hear him and get themselves a gun. One showed up at UW. There was one in Quebec. One at Mother Emmanuel before that. If an ISIS spokesman said the same anti-Jewish slanders, the same misogynistic threats, we'd jail and deport him.
I've only read one thing by MIlo. A piece written 2 years ago about how women shouldn't go into STEM education and careers because they drop out.
The entire thing was a trolling hit looking for attention. The articles he linked didn't even help his cause. Yes, women drop out of STEM more than men. Why? According to research, it's because they're insulted and harassed by men. That or they're completely shut out by men.
So he's harassing and insulting women who drop out of STEM because they're being harassed and insulted. That's exactly like homophobes who insult gays and say they're bad because they have higher suicide rates, which is a direct result of homophobes insulting gays.
Fuck this guy. Seriously. He's part of the very problem he's supposedly trying to fix. Classic concern troll.
So what if it's click-bait? It's using the same toolbox THOSE fucking toolboxes use to win. We write in-depth, nuanced prices and no one reads them or they're criticized for being wonky and elitist. More dumb attack pieces like this, please.
I don't get this post....It seems like there's some context missing, i.e. someone ask the stranger to apologize. But if that is the case, that context would go a long way.
This isn't great satire, it's more of "We really want to call you alt-right guys fascist Nazis but we're scared we might get sued"....
Just take a stand and call alt-right out for what it is, white supremacy.
The antifa, and the like, are turning this guy from an obscure internet troll into a recognizable free speech martyr that can be seen on national news almost daily.
This strange apology littered with insults is nearly as worrying as the comments section. Which is really worrying. Watch this - it will explain everything.
If this kind of linguistic parsing - is Yiannopoulos a white nationalist, an “ordinary” far rightist, or something else (a neo-monarchist, maybe [ask his lawyers, I guess])? is Richard Spencer an unreconstructed white supremacist or a newfangled white nationalist? - isn't evidence of extreme decadence, and its close cousin, imminent decline (in this case, of the right), I don't know what is. It reminds you of the new left of the 1970s, whose adherents were quick to correct the uninitiated, especially reporters, about their true affiliations (and whose various paramilitary arms were busy kidnapping heiresses, shooting at cops, and trying to blow up the Pentagon). They were not Stalinists, you see, but Trotskyists, or maybe anarcho-syndicalists, or reconstructed Maoists. These were important distinctions to them (although probably not worth litigating over - that seems to something the right does [including, btw, actual Nazis - libel law was an SA man's best friend {other than the one he was sharing a bed with}]), lost on most people - including the majority of the American electorate that was about to start electing a whole lot of Republicans for several decades to come. A few cycles of staggering defeats may finally lead the GOP to disown their dark and ridiculous progeny. The Democrats are the new silent majority.
I want to see an episode of that claymation show that used to be on MTV in the 90's, Celebrity Deathmatch, that is Dan Savage vs. Milo Yiannopolis. (Dan would obviously be the winner.)
"' A Mosque next to an English street full of houses bearing the flag of St. George, according to alt-righters, is neither an English street nor a Muslim street—separation is necessary for distinctiveness.'
So Yiannopoulos endorses "a degree of separation" of people of different races, but presumably not a whites-only nation."
When did Islam become a 'race'?
You're too stupid to be allowed on the Internet, and that's saying a lot.
Weak! I am not buying what your selling. You made a decent pitch but your focus on other people to make the connect came off as petty and basis. Especially considering this is a reaction. Garbage.
The problem in the US has to do with the Democratic Party.
It's overrun with Liberals.
You'd expect to hear that from the alt-right, but if you know anything abut me, you know that I'm Far Left, so that statement might surprise you. It shouldn't. Liberals are definitely not Leftist.
A Liberal and a Conservative are a lot alike. Both are very concerned with their public image. Conservatives want you to think they're tough, decisive and able to make the hard disciplinary decisions - they want you to see them as "Daddy". Liberals want to play Mommy. Warm, reasonable, full of compassion, always willing to forgive.
Both are idiots, because we're not children, and we don't need either to pretend to be our parents. We're fully capable of leading our own lives. Their job isn't to raise us - if you're of voting age, that's already done. Their job is to obey us. That's what a democracy is - not us following the leader, but the leader following us.
The Democratic Party liberal elite thinks the only reason why anyone would vote for Trump is because they must be racists. If those same people voted for Obama twice, that's conveniently ignored, since it doesn't make sense in their narrative. They also think that if you didn't vote for Hillary, you must be a sexist - even if you voted for Jill Stein. The fact that Stein is also a woman doesn't fit their paradigm either, so they just ignore that too. Liberals in their Mommy role don't want you to be rude or impolite. The Tea Party are deplorable because they're so mean, and to quote Hillary's campaign manager, they'd rather lose than win the way Trump did. And to quote Obama, they want a peaceful transition to Trump's fascism, as a hallmark of our democracy. To quote Joe Biden, it is done (gavel).
Things are moving rapidly. Trump has appointed a slate of homophobic, sexist and racist bigots to his cabinet. His national security advisor is a leader in the alt-right (read:fascist) movement. In the past week, we've seen the muslim ban, the wall and the gag rule. And he's only picking up speed. In a short while, he will surpass all his campaign promises. And to stay in the media eye, he'll have to keep pushing that envelope even further, just like he had to do on his TV show. That's how you get ratings, by finding new ways to shock your audience.
Liberals, for their part, will talk about finding common ground and setting examples. They want to show the Republicans how nice people behave, because they can't ever stop being Mommy. Even when Daddy comes home drunk and bashes Mommy's head into a wall before raping her, she just can't ever fight back or leave him. She'd rather die than break her wedding vow, on principle. And since she won't cut your umbilical cord, once Daddy kills her, you'll die too.
William Tecumseh Sherman wasn't your Mommy. He was fucking rude. So was Ulysses Grant. They fought the alt-right in their day, too. And yeah, people said some nasty shit about them at the time. Everyone knew Sherman was nuts. And Grant was a drunk. But they weren't in the Civil War because they played well with others. They were in it to stop the proto-fascist regime of the South from destroying the country.
I want you to get rude. I want you to stop playing Mommy.
You know the only reason why Sherman stopped at the Atlantic Ocean on his march from Atlanta? Because he couldn't figure out how to set the ocean on fire.
Hahahaha I love these comments. Liberals are getting BTFO by Milo and they have no clue what to do. "Muh nazis!" Thank god for you morons. Republicans will dominate for another decade or so, while you self-destruct your party into oblivion.
Fuck Nazis and double fuck you for running propaganda for this fascist piece of trash. He doxes and outs vulnerable people (in particular undocumented and trans people) at his shows, which can easily be busy as dangerous as pulling the trigger on them himself. The Nazis with nice hair are the foils for you liberal dipshits that empower the ones with buzzcuts and boots to go kill people while you write mealy-mouthed apologetics like this. Fuck you, I hope you have trouble sleeping until the end of your miserable life knowing how much blood is on your hands. Смрт на фашизмот, слобода на народот!
It's no coincidence that this person was promoted by Breitbart into right-wing stardom in the months following Obergefell. Previously, out gay conservatives were mostly straight-laced apologists for the GOP; the legalization of same-sex marriage (and the decades of hard work and sacrifice among mostly progressive gay activists) made Yiannopoulos possible, much as feminism made Ann Coulter possible before him. And, while Trump is not Hitler and Milo is not a Nazi, it should be noted that the place of out gay rightists in a political coalition that is still broadly opposed to lgbt equality under the law remains fraught. When push came to shove, Hitler sacrificed the SA - which had been founded by a gay man, Rohm, and had a richly deserved reputation for hedonism, homosexuality, and a kind of neo-right-wing paganism - to the family-and-fatherland wing of the Nazi Party in the Night of the Long Knives (and of course that was just the beginning of Hitler's war on sexual minorities). We've already seen lgbt Americans scrubbed from the White House website, one of the most virulently anti-gay Republicans made vice president, and a man with a clear history of supporting "religious liberty" nominated to the Supreme Court. The Christian right made Trump president and have been waiting for decades for a payout from the GOP. Don't expect Trump to be a great friend of lgbt Americans.
Fuck Nazis and double fuck you for running propaganda for this fascist piece of trash. He doxes and outs vulnerable people (in particular undocumented and trans people) at his shows, which can easily be busy as dangerous as pulling the trigger on them himself. The Nazis with nice hair are the foils for you liberal dipshits that empower the ones with buzzcuts and boots to go kill people while you write mealy-mouthed apologetics like this. Fuck you, I hope you have trouble sleeping knowing how much blood is on your hands. Смрт на фашизмот, слобода на народот!
So based on the writer's definition of a white nationalist, liberals are white nationalists because they support abortion, which kills minority babies at a higher rate each year than whites when comparing the overall population. 51 percent (or so) of abortions may be by white women, but whites make up a larger majority of the population. This is not a pro life comment, either. It is just an observation of the writer's definition.
I can also presume, based on the writer's context and the fact he had to find sources from other media outlets, that he has never actually listened to a whole Milo speech.
Milo is just provocative and your reaction is what makes him "dangerous" (Out March 14th). By calling every non-liberal a racist or a white supremacist, you are diluting the efficacy of that distinction. Now that is dangerous. There aren't 60 million racists in America. So stop casually throwing out that term or you'll never get back in office. And Big Boss is a real classy individual. Antifa anyone! Get away from people like that, they will kill the Democratic Party.
Milo is not a ''racist,'' nor ''nazi,'' nor ''white nationalist.'' He uses satire to mock the left which is why you hate him. You leftists have so missed the language as to make it meaningless.
As a gay man, why is it a 'shock' that Milo would have an 'aversion' to Islam and its practitioners when in at least 11 Islamic countries, homosexuality is punished by death or prison. In a survey (google it) of British Muslims, 61% believed homosexuality should be illegal. Muslims can express their beliefs and so can Milo. Who are all of you cucks to believe that you have the right to shut Milo up? If you disagree, you're free to move along. Milo isn't going anywhere.
You leftists are losing the free speech debate based on your unhinged actions, so it's amusing that you're quoting George Orwell who said, “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”
Milo is not a ''racist,'' nor ''nazi,'' nor ''white nationalist.'' He uses satire to mock the left which is why you hate him. You leftists have so *MISUSED* the language, as to make it meaningless.
Thank you for the retraction. Fight using facts not fakes, whatever position you take.
I agree with #54 that the writer, along with many of the posters here, has not listened to a full speech of Milo's. Do so! It would sharpen your attacks, or nuance your position, or both.
I don't know if this helps or hurts the article's point, but Milo is on record saying he pretty much exclusively has sex with black men. Just putting that out there.
Grant, scourge of the "proto-fascists," ordered the expulsion of all Jews from Tennessee, Mississippi and Kentucky, because he was certain they were behind a black market cotton trade.
Yiannopoulos needs to be exposed for what he is. You do that by saying it out loud.
Its all the same fucking thing. Its just intended to confuse you and throw you off guard. Ever since the camps were discovered by Allied soldiers who liberated them on their way to Berlin, Americans and Russians alike have girded themselves against overtly white supremicist ideas. Charles Lindbergh and Henry Ford may have added credibility to fascist ideas during the war, but after we found those camps and the photos thereof found their way home- there just wasn't enough star power in the world that could scrub those images out of our minds.
The ideas never died out. They're hard cooked into the American and Russian cultures alike. In the East, centuries of pogroms and the official state intelligence agency publishing tracts like the Protocols of Zion, hate speech delivered weekly by the Orthodox Church- you could suppress some of that in the Soviet Union, through state atheism and the general repugnance everyone had for the Russian Empire. Further, official Soviet ideology promoted the idea that all people were of equal value. But after they replaced the red flag with red white and blue- all that evil that had been held in the can was spilling out all over the place again. Everyone likes to bash Communism, but it was the only cure for Russia. Russian nationalism, and that warren of corruption called the Orthodox Church, was back.
In the West, the shock of those images set in, but it wasn't until LBJ that the FBI began to investigate the Far Right. Hoover hated the Far Left passionately, but seemed to regard the Far Right as misguided patriots. Johnson, however, was determined to one up Kennedy for the history books by becoming the first President to smash the Klan.
Those days are long gone, though. Both East and West have this problem once again. In Russia, groups like Nashi (yeah, that's their real name) will physically attack anyone who says anything nasty about Putin. They'll tell you they're not racists, but if you search their room, they've got a copy of Mein Kampf in there somewhere. Then you've got groups like the Nat Bols (National Bolshevik Party- check out their party symbol) that further blur the lines. In America, we've got Milo Somethingunpronounceable, who says he's not a Nazi, and yet says Nazi things. Disorient, confuse, obfuscate, blur- and then conquer.
Free speech means the government doesn't restrict what you say; it doesn't mean that any rando Nazi POS gets a university speaking tour, a website, and a book deal.
(Confidential to everyone above: When someone writes in deep detail all the worst things that a person has said, written, advocated, posted, or deceptively Photoshopped for the purpose of correcting a minor error that no one will even notice unless attention is specifically drawn to it, it's not being done as an apology. The apology is merely a pretext.)
This is definitely satire.
It might not be *effective* satire...
But satire for sure
And the reason Trump's asinine Moslem ban is endangering $75 billion export industry is that the finest education in the world is at American universities. Anyone who puts down college youths today has looked at zero data.
Spreading Yiannopoulos's Protocols of the Elders of Zion slander is not "free expression", and it challenges no ones mind to hear some smug little ponce lisp that Jews are using the banks and media to sap your vital essences, and the blacks! the blacks! They do black on black crime! Yiannopoulos isn't even slightly original.
But there are fuckheads who hear him and get themselves a gun. One showed up at UW. There was one in Quebec. One at Mother Emmanuel before that. If an ISIS spokesman said the same anti-Jewish slanders, the same misogynistic threats, we'd jail and deport him.
I'm pretty sure everyone understood it wasn't a sincere apology. But see @19. It's not a clever piece of writing.
Let's just settle on "Milo Yiannopoulos is a maggot-infested roadkill skunk." I mean, that's just an objective fact.
The entire thing was a trolling hit looking for attention. The articles he linked didn't even help his cause. Yes, women drop out of STEM more than men. Why? According to research, it's because they're insulted and harassed by men. That or they're completely shut out by men.
So he's harassing and insulting women who drop out of STEM because they're being harassed and insulted. That's exactly like homophobes who insult gays and say they're bad because they have higher suicide rates, which is a direct result of homophobes insulting gays.
Fuck this guy. Seriously. He's part of the very problem he's supposedly trying to fix. Classic concern troll.
This isn't great satire, it's more of "We really want to call you alt-right guys fascist Nazis but we're scared we might get sued"....
Just take a stand and call alt-right out for what it is, white supremacy.
"' A Mosque next to an English street full of houses bearing the flag of St. George, according to alt-righters, is neither an English street nor a Muslim street—separation is necessary for distinctiveness.'
So Yiannopoulos endorses "a degree of separation" of people of different races, but presumably not a whites-only nation."
When did Islam become a 'race'?
You're too stupid to be allowed on the Internet, and that's saying a lot.
@34 this guy gets it.
It's overrun with Liberals.
You'd expect to hear that from the alt-right, but if you know anything abut me, you know that I'm Far Left, so that statement might surprise you. It shouldn't. Liberals are definitely not Leftist.
A Liberal and a Conservative are a lot alike. Both are very concerned with their public image. Conservatives want you to think they're tough, decisive and able to make the hard disciplinary decisions - they want you to see them as "Daddy". Liberals want to play Mommy. Warm, reasonable, full of compassion, always willing to forgive.
Both are idiots, because we're not children, and we don't need either to pretend to be our parents. We're fully capable of leading our own lives. Their job isn't to raise us - if you're of voting age, that's already done. Their job is to obey us. That's what a democracy is - not us following the leader, but the leader following us.
The Democratic Party liberal elite thinks the only reason why anyone would vote for Trump is because they must be racists. If those same people voted for Obama twice, that's conveniently ignored, since it doesn't make sense in their narrative. They also think that if you didn't vote for Hillary, you must be a sexist - even if you voted for Jill Stein. The fact that Stein is also a woman doesn't fit their paradigm either, so they just ignore that too. Liberals in their Mommy role don't want you to be rude or impolite. The Tea Party are deplorable because they're so mean, and to quote Hillary's campaign manager, they'd rather lose than win the way Trump did. And to quote Obama, they want a peaceful transition to Trump's fascism, as a hallmark of our democracy. To quote Joe Biden, it is done (gavel).
Things are moving rapidly. Trump has appointed a slate of homophobic, sexist and racist bigots to his cabinet. His national security advisor is a leader in the alt-right (read:fascist) movement. In the past week, we've seen the muslim ban, the wall and the gag rule. And he's only picking up speed. In a short while, he will surpass all his campaign promises. And to stay in the media eye, he'll have to keep pushing that envelope even further, just like he had to do on his TV show. That's how you get ratings, by finding new ways to shock your audience.
Liberals, for their part, will talk about finding common ground and setting examples. They want to show the Republicans how nice people behave, because they can't ever stop being Mommy. Even when Daddy comes home drunk and bashes Mommy's head into a wall before raping her, she just can't ever fight back or leave him. She'd rather die than break her wedding vow, on principle. And since she won't cut your umbilical cord, once Daddy kills her, you'll die too.
William Tecumseh Sherman wasn't your Mommy. He was fucking rude. So was Ulysses Grant. They fought the alt-right in their day, too. And yeah, people said some nasty shit about them at the time. Everyone knew Sherman was nuts. And Grant was a drunk. But they weren't in the Civil War because they played well with others. They were in it to stop the proto-fascist regime of the South from destroying the country.
I want you to get rude. I want you to stop playing Mommy.
You know the only reason why Sherman stopped at the Atlantic Ocean on his march from Atlanta? Because he couldn't figure out how to set the ocean on fire.
Get out there and make the waters burn.
I can also presume, based on the writer's context and the fact he had to find sources from other media outlets, that he has never actually listened to a whole Milo speech.
As a gay man, why is it a 'shock' that Milo would have an 'aversion' to Islam and its practitioners when in at least 11 Islamic countries, homosexuality is punished by death or prison. In a survey (google it) of British Muslims, 61% believed homosexuality should be illegal. Muslims can express their beliefs and so can Milo. Who are all of you cucks to believe that you have the right to shut Milo up? If you disagree, you're free to move along. Milo isn't going anywhere.
You leftists are losing the free speech debate based on your unhinged actions, so it's amusing that you're quoting George Orwell who said, “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”
I'll be shocked if you post my comment, frankly.
I agree with #54 that the writer, along with many of the posters here, has not listened to a full speech of Milo's. Do so! It would sharpen your attacks, or nuance your position, or both.
Grant, scourge of the "proto-fascists," ordered the expulsion of all Jews from Tennessee, Mississippi and Kentucky, because he was certain they were behind a black market cotton trade.
So THAT'S what Trump got up to in that Moscow hotel room. Probably didn't tip the cleaning lady, either.