Books Jun 5, 2018 at 5:15 pm

American Islamophobia reveals our nation’s long history of prejudice.



Like most people, I find the idea of being the target of violence to be repulsive. We already have violent "Christians" in this country. Why would we want to embrace a religion that mandates death to non-members of that religion? I'm serious. Are we really that naive and foolish? Have you ever been to a Muslim-majority country? No woman in her right mind would.


“Islamophobia” is a word used by cowards to equate factual criticisms of a violent ideology with racism and homophobia. Do these equivocators care nothing about the millions of women living in near-slavery in Islamic societies? How about the gays and free thinkers being executed and tortured? Right here in America many thousands of girls are mutilated, but some how saying one word against the “Religion of Peace” is unacceptable to these cowardly so-called progressives. Really sad. I still remember a different Stranger with the balls to call a spade a spade.


@1, @3
No matter how irreligious or atheist you might claim to be, if you or your family celebrates Christmas, please explain to us why we shouldn't lump you together with the Christian wrong in this country, and consider you fascist theocrats as well?

Goose, meet gander.


Sorry, it I can dislike Christian conservatives for their positions gays, abortion, civil rights and women's rights, why can't I feel the same way about Mohammedan without being called "phobic"? 75% of all Muslims believe apostasy should be punishable by death (Pew research Center). I dare you to find more than 5 Christians who think people who leave their religion should be executed.

So yes, I guess I'm "Islamophic" and proud of it.


If you actually look at the study #5 mis-quotes ( you'll see that there is a broad diversity of opinion in these matters. But ultimately so what?

Actual punishment of apostates with death is a state act. The fact that lots of foreign states have obnoxious laws is hardly news and in no other case do we use those laws as a reason to exclude immigrants from those countries.

Its the epitome of paranoia to think that Muslim immigrants are going to bring about Sharia in the United States of America.


Yes, 1, I have.

There were western women there - generally working for the Red Crescent, but there were others. I found the short red dress a European blonde wearing in very poor taste, at one point.

Furthermore, in this majority-Muslim nation, Thursday is family day at the mall - unless you are a Westerner(white Christian).

You can saunter on in regardless.

With that being said, I’m wondering how domestic spying “ravages” a community sans disappearings.


1, “dhimmi”.

I was taking a greyhound from New York to Seattle(2010 or so) and along the way this Arab man with a bunch of rings on his fingers and his battered wife get on and sit with us, near the rear.

He’d make a lot of phone calls and the whole pretty well-beaten woman with him thing made us uncomfortable.

We’d exchange quite uncomfortable glances now and again, and eventually I just cracked “well, it won’t hurt”.

+1 to Hamoudi for the post-haircut shopvaccing, tho.


@6. So what? So what if people believe suicide bombings are just? So what if people believe honor killings are a man’s right to carry out? So what if you denounce a religion and are put to death at worst, totally shunned and ostracized by society at best? So what if women have to wear bags or be beaten and arrested?

You may feel cavalier about that shit, but you don’t have to live in it. I bet you’d feel differently if you were a woman or an atheist in a Muslim nation.

Some of those numbers are low (in the teens)sure, but what is an acceptable amount of a population that believes in bombings and stoning and ritualistic genital mutilation?

I’ll wait.


@4. “You celebrate Christmas and you’re not only in the same boat with the entirety of a religion’s history of wrongdoings, you’re the same as those other guys who want to kill you if you ever stop believing in their brand of crazy. Question any of this and your today’s honorary nazi.”.

Copy that, you’re retarded.


Good Evening Kelly,
I don't believe I shall be reading this book anytime soon. Just from the post it sounds self serving. Also, I'm perplexed why an attractive woman wearing an American flag as hijab over her head/hair is on the cover. Odd.

Does America fear Islam? Tough call. America (and any other country) fears reactionary Islam. Yes, one can extend that to any religion (or belief) that becomes reactionary. In principle, all religions (or none at all) are tolerated here. In this Republic, religion conforms to the state. Not the other way around.

I shall contend this statement "Donald Trump’s hateful Muslim ban". Pres. Trump didn't ban Muslims. He proposed restricted entry to the USA of immigrants from 7(?) countries that had predominantly Muslim citizens. While I'm no fan of him (I didn't vote for him), he hasn't banned Muslims from entry to the USA.

BTW, Pres. Trump hosted his first Ramadan Iftar dinner at the White House last week.



Lololol! Omfg.

Don't really understand exaggeration as a rhetorical device, do ya?

You might want to check your own speed before you call someone slow, there, bubba.


I wonder how many people here screaming "Islamophobe!!" would let their daughters or wives walk through Tahir Square in Cairo in basic slut-walk regalia.

We're talking Egypt here too, a relatively "moderate" Islamic country.


Islam seems to make misogynists pretend they care about women.


@12. Pulling back now doesn’t make your comments any less retarded. If you had any sense you would have doubled down.

“The Christian wrong”...cringing so hard for you lil buddy. Why don’t you throw a prezinazi in there or a republithugs while you’re at it? REALLY prove your intellectual superiority.


Islam exposes how feminists pretend to care about women.

There, I fixed to for you.


Islam exposes how feminists pretend they care about progress.


There, I fixed it for you.


There is a difference between supporting the human rights and human dignity of Muslims and supporting the religion of Islam.

I'm an atheist. I don't support any religion.

I don't hold entire groups responsible for the actions of individuals within those groups. If I believed in guilt by association then everyone on Earth would be guilty.

Misogyny and homophobia are not specific to any one religion, any more than they are specific to any one race or ethnic group.
There are violent extremists in every religious, ethnic or political group in the world.

You hold people responsible for their actions, not their brother's actions.


@14. Islam seems to make people who pretend to champion women’s equality piss in their pants and try to disappear.


Well 14, and believe it or not this has somehow calmed down in the past couple years, when “The noise you are making is factually and scientifically bullshit” or “No, I will not call you William” is painted as misogyny, well, it’s not solid ground you’re standing on. Said(Said, get it) ground crumbles when taking this stance and attempting to talk about the treatment of girls and women in other parts of the world.

I was accidentally caught outside during call to prayer once. FFFFFFfFfFf.

I figured you can’t stand without going to the Standing Market.

K I will leave you guys to your circle jerk while I go on a treasure hunt to take another step in my Abrahamic mission to starve my enemies to death.


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