

Out of curiosity, was this story pitched to the editorial staff and turned down prior to Sydney leaving?


Less surprised by this I could not be. I don't know Meinert personally, but he's proven to be a phony, a liar, and a bully in his interactions here and in other public settings. It's not hard to imagine him pushing women around, and then lying about his interactions with them.

I stopped frequenting his establishments years ago, and I hope others follow suit. Fuck that guy.


I had the same question as @1 and the same reaction as @2. Meinert clearly thinks he is always right and never seems to pause to consider someone else's perspective. In men that is often a recipe for assault.


@3 Glad I'm not the only one wondering it. I have little doubt that Brownstone's professionalism would preclude her from ever saying if this actually did happen but given how wholly integrated Meinert's various endeavors are in the Stranger's business model I would not be surprised to hear they quashed attempts to report this story.


@2 I've met Meinert a bunch of times. He's... like, 80's charmingly slimy. A fun-time guy but always maneuvering. I mean ALWAYS.

Like he was always fake nice but untrustworthy. I got the impression there was a whisper network about the guy with musicians and scene-sters. But I always thought that was more of a "don't do business with this dude."

With that in mind. Yeah. I guess this makes sense.


Is it responsible to promote the Capitol Hill Block Party if one of the creators is a rapist? You know some of the other creators had to know. What is their response to this? Not more than 5 articles down another Stranger employee is promoting this event. They are probably saying something like this: "Our bad. No harm done. Come and get fucked up at our block party. See you soon".


Did Sydney get a farewell announcement? Reporters apparently don't get to publish stories that much any longer, so it's hard to tell when someone is on staff or not, but then I started noticing her absence.

So would Meinert like to elaborate? Some of the charges are very specific, so he can state exactly what happened? Was there oral sex? Did he ejaculate onto his friend's skirt? Was there oral sex on the occasion in question? Make your case, if you have one, don't just make excuses.


Worst Yelp reviews ever.


but he says he's a husband and a father, he must be a good guy.


@7 agreed. There is only one I can think of that fits your bill and that's Dan Harmon


Totally not surprised by this, he's such a slimy piece of shit.


He sounds like Trump.

I didn't do it. But if I did it, I didn't mean it that way. And if I meant it, then it wasn't a big deal. And if it was a big deal, someone else did it too.

What a peice of shit.


He also sounds like his old buddy, Ed Murray.


Obviously this has been mentioned but even mentioning a polygraph test laughable. They are so untrustworthy that they are not admissible in a court. Also I'm just going to throw this little definition up here for Meinert stans (including The Stranger):

Rape, Third Degree:

Engaging in forcible sexual intercourse without the victim’s consent, where:

Perpetrator threatens substantial harm to victim’s property

The Stranger focusing on the accused's pathetic and laughable apology and THE POLYGRAPH. This person has admitted to being a creep. We know that statistically most rapes go unpunished by law for many reasons(and more so any amount of creepy behavior that falls outside of law is still shitty).
That statement was a joke and The Stranger needs to rethink their advertising priorities/ start working on that statement.


@12 Dan Harmon should teach a Master Class on how to apologize.


I do find it really weird the way that Stranger writers disappear without a farewell post, acknowledgment of their years of work, best wishes, etc. Seems maybe not healthy for a positive work environment.


Trying to kiss someone and getting pushed away is rude, but not criminal

jacking off onto their skirt is not acceptable (obviously forceably raping someone is less so, let's just assume that's the account he says was disproven)


@19 It could be a criminal act if I was trying to kiss you on threat of violence, or not letting you get out of my car etc.


@6: Should we stop watching Harvey Weinstein produced films? No need to extrapolate into that silliness. The damage was already done. It's not disrespectful to go on with the art, music, celebrations, and life.


DON'T FORGET THE OTHER STUFF HE OWNS OUTRIGHT OR AS A PARTNER, and decide yourself if you want to further line his pockets:

Onto Entertainment, The 5 Point Cafe, Big Mario’s Pizza, Comet Tavern, Lost Lake Cafe and Seattle Event Services.



Well, I certainly won't be ordering the cream of mushroom at The 5 Point Cafe anymore.


@7 Louis CK did that, he admitted he did everything he was accused off doing.

I'm surprised but not surprised by this. A friend of mine dated him for awhile. He gave off a major creep vibe.


I'm also curious if the editors of the paper chose not to publish this. Also Sydney Brownstone is a much better writer when she isn't having to conform to this rag's juvenile tone.


Looks like Brownstone has not only moved up from The Stranger, but has also moved up from relying entirely upon the self-serving tales told by deceitful felons. Baby steps.

Of course, none of this will reduce paying attendance at the Cap’ Hill Block Party, or at Lost Lake. (It might reduce overall attendance at any private party Meinert hosts at Lost Lake, however.)

Meinert wasn’t a success in business because everyone admired his spotless private life, so I doubt his profits will suffer for this re-hash of old news. Unless an accusation actually makes it to court, but that would have already happened, methinks. Better luck at getting a scalp next time, Brownstone!


The ladies lost me at Unidentified.


@28 fuck off


I am Jack's Total Lack Of Surprise.


And in walk the usual shit bag trolls with the usual shit bag apologia.


32 Not apologizing for anything. He has yet to be convicted, let alone accused. Accused by unidentified people isn't an accusation.

@29 No thanks. I already fucked off earlier today.


Dumbfuck. Like there rest of moron brigade you didn’t read the linked KUOW article. But. What else is new.

The women aren’t anonymous accusers, dipshit. KUOW didn’t name them but police know who they are. Some called the cops. Some of them DID or attempted to file police reports.

For fuck sake one reported he pushed his way into her car and choked her.

What fucking scum bags you trolling shits are.


To be clear, David Meinert has not been an owner of the Capitol Hill Block Party for at least five years and is no longer a partner in Big Mario’s.
Feel free to eat pizza and attend CHBP guilt free.


“The women aren’t anonymous accusers, dipshit. KUOW didn’t name them...”

That you actually typed that without any apparent twinge of “WTF?!?” really wins you the Doublethink Award. Congrats.

So far, our only source is Brownstone, whose defining moment in L’Affaire Murray came when her primary source, Jeff Simpson, baldly lied to her about who he’d accused of molesting him. She either lacked the wherewithal to notice, or she was so lacking in scruples to ignore this. Either way, the less-credulous amongst us are going to need far more than her say-so before we care.


Meinert acknowledges each of them. They aren't unidentified to him.


His FB post has been deleted.


So I assume The Stranger will call on all woke people to boycott Capitol Hill Block Party then?


@34 And since he did it the police definitely arrested him and sent it to the prosecutor, right? Oh wait. Nevermind.


I met him in 2004 and thought he was a gross pig then. Given his position in the music industry in Seattle, I find it impossible to believe people did not know he was a rapist and turned a blind eye. It is sickening that WA state's statute of limitations on rape is 3 years. People need to really evaluate who they want to be associated with and what they find acceptable behavior, no matter who some guy is, how wealthy he is, who he is connected to, and what they think he can do for them.


PS Why are people defending him? HE STATES THAT HE IS A RAPIST. >>> Meinert admitted in the post that he had engaged in non-consensual behavior in the past, writing that "I have been pushy and continued to make advances when I should have understood they were not welcome."<<<<


This is not a comment on Dave's innocense or guilt. But Syndney Brownstone has never been known for her factual reporting, quite the opposite, she has been known for promoting her agenda. Maybe the truth is somewhere inbetween?


45 -- Admitting to being pushy is not the same as admitting to rape. Save the histrionics for the courtroom.


@47 non-consensual = rape. not the same thing as being pushy. your comment is repulsive. as, i suspect, are you.


48: "I have been pushy and continued to make advances"

Pushy, colloquially, is usually defined as verbally pursuing someone. That's not rape. I know this is an emotional topic but to throw reason out the window is wrong for any accusation



I meant ADVANCES, colloquially...

I wish this place would leave 1999 and get comments you can edit


@45 He didn’t state he is a rapist. The quote you offered clearly indicates that.


@36 - Meinert more or less acknowledged the substance of the claims. Did you not read the update? It was posted six hours before you typed your comment. We’re not taking Brownstone’s word for it.

God, what’s happening? You’re my defender of truth, presenter of facts. I’m still reeling from two threads ago when I found out your citation idea for dealing with the homeless has no basis in law.

I looked up to you as the lone voice of reason in the comments here. I am freaking out right now. I’d hate to think you’re just an angry man who enjoys disagreeing with people, not the man of principle I thought I knew.


@45 Attempting to kiss someone, or actually kissing someone who then rebuffs you is not rape. It’s called being shot down.

Again, unless there is evidence substantiating it, such as being charged with the crime of rape, it’s a matter of he said she said.

You’ll get your 15 minutes of fame here raking him over the coals, but at the end of the day we live in a country where you must prove guilt.

You want mob justice move to India. I hear right now they are using a popular app that works people into a frenzy and a mob goes out and hangs people.


@52 “Meinert more or less acknowledged the substance of the claims...”

And what is that substance. That he is pushy. That he likes women, and pursued them, sometimes more aggressively that he ought to.

He admits that he has made mistakes, outlined those mistakes, which didn’t include rape. It’s obvious people want blood, not facts.


@54 - My point was mostly aimed at tensor, whom I look (looked?) up to. He said we were taking Brownstone’s word for it, but we really aren’t. Meinert didn’t say, “None of this ever happened. None of these women know me.” It was more like, “Well, something happened, but it wasn’t that bad.” Where I come from, any reasonable person would read that as all but an admission of guilt.


@55 - I’ll just add - rape is sexual penetration in the absence of consent. Liking women a “little too much” and “being a little too pushy” - what do those sound like? To me, they sound a lot like someome trying to evade the harsh reality of rape.


Go back and read what you wrote… It makes no sense at all…


@57 - The words he used in his public statement and on Facebook are the words of someone with a guilty conscience describing an encounter where the other person wasn’t into it. “Pushy.” “Not welcome.” Thaf sure sounds like an absence of consent to me. He’s trying to avoid admitting to himself as much to all of us what he actually did, but it sure sounds a lot like rape to me. He definitely doesn’t sound innocent.


@55 A reasonable person standard is what we're talking about here. You say a reasonable person would conclude it's rape. And I'm saying a reasonable person would't conclude it's rape.

As much as you would like to move the goal post, it's not going to fly. Rape actually is something, the word actually means something. Attempting to french kiss a woman is not rap. A woman choosing to give a guy a blowjob doesn't make the guy a rapist.

If a person has been the victim of a rape, report it immediately. I use the word "person" for a reason.

Now, if you go out on a date with someone, or are hanging out with someone and they make advances towards you, and you're not interested, don't end the night with a blowjob.

Lines have to be drawn somewhere. He very well could have crossed the line, but how do you reach that conclusion in a legal, actionable way 20 years later? A reasonable person must have proof of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

I'm confident not even you want to live in a society where a mere accusation without proof will get you either prison time or the loss of your businesses, and life.


@58 et al

So you're a mind reader. Got it.

Police, arrest this man! Seanat knows what he "ACTUALLY DID"

Boy I'm glad I don't have you on my jury, that is if I'd be allowed a trial in your world view.


@58 Absence of consent is not necessarily rape. He's definitely not innocent. He even acknowledges he isn't innocent. He has stated that he made advance he shouldn't have.

Again, do you have one fucking shred of proof that he raped these women? Is there jizz on a skirt somewhere? Is there a rape kit, and other evidence that proves he raped any of these women?

I think I read he choked one of them, are there photos of the bruises, did the officers document physical evidence?


@60 You wouldn't be allowed a trial. Trials are so 90's.


@53 -- you are mentally lazy. It isn't a matter of "he said, she said". It's a matter of "he said, THEY said". There is never this much smoke without a fire.


As I read Brownstone's article, and Meinert's consistently weaselly responses, I though of an article I read in November and linked to below. It's about research to profile men who rape. There are a number of predictable characteristics (they start early), but one of the most startling is that they, like Meinert, don't consider themselves rapists.

"They usually deny that they have raped women even as they admit to non-consensual sex." Meinert only cops to non-consensual "behavior" but every single circumlocution gives him away.

I'll make my own goddamn chicken-fried steak. This guy is poison.


Lets all take a minute to recognize the bravest souls on here, the rape terminology pendants, doing the really important work today.
Also I assume there is a lot of money in it otherwise you're just dumb for free.


@64 So proof that a guy is a rapist is a guy that denies being a rapist?

Proof that a woman isn’t a witch is if she drowns. If she don’t drown than she must be a witch and burned at the stake.

He admitted to non-consensual sex? Where. Non-consensual sex is rape.


@68 But it's not rape. Non consensual groping can be considered sexual assault, and is a crime. Sexual assault has a number of different meaning, depending on what State you are living in.

@67 If it was worthy of public attention then when it happen, in some cases nearly 20 years ago, it would have been made public. It's not as if pre-#metoo there weren't public accusations, and convictions of rape, and/or sexual assault.

Aggressively hitting on women is not rape, nor sexual assault. It can certainly be piggish, and overwhelming to experience. Had my fair share of those type of experiences.

Groping, as in grabbing their ass? Grabbing them by the pussy? Or grabbing their elbow? You offer anecdotes, but nothing firm.

Boycotting businesses? Are you saying the women that have alleged him groping them ought to suffer in lower tips, and hours worked because their boss is accused of a crime? Boycotting hurts employees way more than business owners.


65 -- I'm just an American who strives to reserve judgement until due process and the proper authorities and courts have sorted it out. That is not "dumb", that is the legal system that YOU and I enjoy.


70, no, it totally obvious to everyone that you have reserved judgement, have not picked a side and are very "smart". Pointing out that I am involuntarily subject to the legal system has shut down any argument I may have against sexual assault. Damn, beaten by a true chessmaster.


I honestly don't fucking know what happened, and yes, I am smart enough to remain detached. Get a grip, not a pitchfork


I totally agree Blip, that's more like it


I find the comedy in this being that The Stranger outs him as a rapist, yet still runs ad's for The Comet CHBP after party. Always with the integrity...


Let me get the troll arguments straight.

1) The accusers, who ARE NOT anonymous to police, Mienert or the reporter of the KUOW piece, have to have their names published in public and open themselves up to harassment by Trolls other wise all five of them must be liars. Despite the fact that it is standard ethical practice to NOT publish the names of crime victims.

2) Mienert hasn't been arrested so therefor no crime happened. Despite the fact that we know most rapes historically go unreported and the the #METOO was an effort to, in effect, erase that stigma and encourage women to come forward NOW about past assaults. BUT MAKE SURE TO MAKE THIER NAMES PUBLIC!

3) Hey all he did was try to kiss some girl, right. And the "less acceptable" act of choking, forcing oral sex, and penetrating women... well, I guess that's not real rape? It's just "less acceptable" than kissing somebody against there will.

4) The REAL crime here is that the Stranger is running ads for event or businesses this person is involved in. Even though we trolls just got done saying it's only accusations by anonymous liars.

What scum bags these trolls are. Just total garbage people.



1) Didn't once call the accusers liars. Simply asked for EVIDENCE that a crime has been committed. You mean open themselves up to the public, like they have opened up Meinert?

2) Yes, rapes go unreported, and rapes don't always win in court. And your point is? Well, since people choose to not report rape until 20 years later we must hold the accused accountable. People cannot come forward anonymously, that's not how the system works. The system shouldn't work any other way. A person sexually assault and/or rapes another person, this must be a matter of public record.

3) He dies choking, forcing oral sex, and penetrating the accusers. I don't know whether or not it's rape, I have not seen any EVIDENCE. Kissing someone aggressively is not the same thing as against their will. he acknowledged going kissing or attempting to kiss and being rebuffed then backing off. It's possible the first kiss was aggressive. Not sure though, I wasn't there. He says it wasn't, and they say it was.

4) Here we go. Now we are getting down to it. So a man that has been accused, but has not been charged with a crime, nor found guilty of a crime should be barred from advertising his business in media. Once again, I haven't read not one person call these women liars.

I may be a scumbag. It's worth being deemed a scumbag if it means I'm part of something just as important as stopping rape and sexual assault. That's the system itself that finds people guilty or not guilty based on beyond a reasonable doubt. And that judgement is made based on evidence, and reasonable people, not people out for blood at any cost.


So the anonymous troll wants potential victims of rape to name themselves publicly and open themselves up to public harassment by anonymous trolls.

Ok. I want YOU'RE name then. I want proof of your identity, Mr. Shirtless.

Since, you know, here you are accusing five people of them of a crime of false reporting, and the civil crimes of defamation. I want YOUR evidence. I want your identity. Give us your name and address and verify your identity.

Or skulk back into the InCel cesspool where you belong. Your desperate squeals for attention can be ignored.


@82: I love how you keep insisting how persons whose names you do not know are not “anonymous.” You really don’t see the humor in that, do you?

No one here has called these women — whomever they are, since you can’t name them — liars. No one here has declared Meinert absolved of anything. We’re merely withholding judgement because WE DON’T KNOW what happened, any more than you know the names of his totally-not-anonymous accusers.

Furthermore, these allegations come to us via a reporter who may well have published false accusations of rape in our recent past. As I’ve already written here, skepticism of her reporting on this type of crime is well-justified.

Should Meinert, unlike Murray, ever actually face an accuser in court, Meinert would still be entitled to the presumption of innocence, because that’s how our justice system works. Anyone who notes this is not automatically attempting to justify rape.


@83 Appreciate you bringing it up. Although I have been attacked in my past I wouldn't demand the accused be denied their day in court. At the end of the day it was my accusation against them.

@82 Well, Dr. Zaius. Guess we all appreciate our anonymity here in the comment section. I don't have to give my name, I'm not accusing anyone of a crime. Stop conflating the two. I have acknowledged numerous time in these comment sections that I'm a transsexual female.

Tell you what, since you want my information, feel free to post all of your, and I will openly post all of mine. Since you want to know all my information there should be no reason why you wouldn't be willing to post yours first since you brought it up.


@86 He did. I supported him stepping down after the 2nd accusation. Not because I assumed he was guilty, but nationally I felt like it was going to become an LGBTQ political weapon.

I think this guy was definitely not being a decent human being. He even acknowledges that. If he raped that woman then he should be charged with a crime, and prosecuted. If he did choke and force a woman to give him oral sex, then he should be charged with a crime, and prosecuted.


As a longtime veteran of the Seattle restaurant/bar industry, I am sadly not surprised to read these accusations. This type of behavior runs rampant. You'd be shocked by the number of such incidents that go unreported. Thanks to consolidation by the Meinerts, Derschangs, and others who run their own local service industry empires, and the tight-knit nature of the industry, those who come forward with such accusations often find themselves basically blacklisted throughout the city.


@35 Can you link to proof of that statement somewhere?


@85: No. Specifically, “...corroborating reports from official investigations...” was not true, because there was only ever one official investigation, by the local police in Oregon, and the local prosecutor declined to seek charges, citing the weakness of the evidence.

There was a report from the Oregon CPS case worker who’d tried to get Murray prosecuted, but that’s hardly independent, now is it?

That report does tell us one thing: Jeff Simpson had claimed two former foster parents had molested him, Ed Murray and another; the latter’s name and other identifying information has been redacted. The document is here:

Simpson told Brownstone: "Nobody has ever sexually molested me besides Ed Murray. So no, absolutely no, I haven't made false allegations. There have been no investigations of sexual abuse other than him.”

Brownstone apparently was never bothered by her source, Simpson, baldly contradicting what the sole surviving investigatory document clearly said.


@90 Brownstone will never be hired by a reputable news agency.


@91 - You mean like KUOW? Or an insitution accredited by people trolling ths Slog? In which case, I assume the list starts with InfoWars and ends at InCel Weekly?

@90 - You’ve fallen so far from grace. It’s really sad. I used to respect your cool, fact-based reasoning. Your’re using a faulty recollection from a childhood abuser whose claims against Murray have been broadly validated by multiple other victims to justify treating Sydney Brownstone as not at all credible? Weak. Very, very weak. I thought you were better than that. Who’s going to save us from the homeless scourge if a shining light like you turns out to be just another jackass with careless opinions?


@92: Look, I neither know nor care if your stalker-y shtick is a failed attempt at humor or not. Allegations of serious crimes should be treated with great skepticism, especially when reported years (or even decades) after the fact, and with no corroborating physical evidence. Because of her prior behavior, there’s no reason to give Brownstone’s reporting the benefit of our doubt on the topic of long-ago sexual misconduct. If Meinert goes to court, we can deal with it then. Until then, nobody really can say for sure what happened.


@92: Can I just say that to read your comments is a pure pleasure? Thank you seanat.


@95: You’re missing the point. This is not about Murray.

If you believe the CPS Report, then how do you reconcile it with Simpson’s bald contradiction of it to Brownstone? That he recalled everything about one alleged abuser, and nothing about the other, even though the CPS worker clearly questioned him about both for the same report? Or that he was intentionally lying to Brownstone and she fell for it? The latter sure sounds like the simpler explanation to me. Maybe you have a different explanation.


@97: As I wasn’t defending Meinert, I could not have been holding Murray — or anyone else — up as an example for his defense.

I’m merely noting that, as of this writing, Brownstone is our sole source of allegations against Meinert, and Brownstone doesn’t have a history of skeptical reporting on the topic of alleged long-ago sexual assaults. You may do with that what you will, but I think it’s odd you seem to believe both the CPS Report and Brownstone’s story, wherein Simpson baldly contradicted that very report.


I wonder if Meinert’s good buddy Dow Constantine will stand by him.


5 women. All of them didn't know this about each other. What are the odds? My husband and I have known this dude since 95. I had a similar experience with a guy who I hear has since passed away. He owned the Circa Nightclub across the street from the Westin.,,,formerly the weathered wall I think. He was the son of a brain surgeon and was a drug addict [ I found out later]. He had just hired me to do a swing dance night at the club in the late 90's. He had some things to "discuss" . After I had come to the club, he locked all the doors and chased me around the club trying to "get me" so to speak. I was finally able to get him forcibly off me as he dropped to the floor and begged me to let him " * my hot, wet **". Then a few days later I went back to let the manager know that I wouldn't be starting my night there and told him what had happened. He had the owner come down from the office as I recounted once again what had happened. The owner was very apologetic and told me he didn't remember any of it and had been on a bender. They were both a little shocked and also amazed that I was going to give up my "opportunity" to work there. I never filed with the police but I did tell every other club owner and all bar employees I knew what had happened to me. I think this stuff
happened a lot in Seattle in the 90's. It was way worse than the stuff I experienced in NYC or LA. Those people were in the mob, slimy and evil but never "handsy" with me.


“5 women. All of them didn't know this about each other. What are the odds?“

Actually, at this point, it’s just one person, claiming to speak for all five. And that one person has a history of not letting mere facts get in the way of pushing a story like this one.


Brownstone stated on KING this evening that she has been working on this story for 6 months. I wonder how long she had to sit on it while she was at the Stranger until she could publish it in an environment that doesn't pal around with rapists.


@102 "I heard." Well, since you have such hard evidence we need to get this guy before a judge.

Brownstone, are you Mr. X?


Oh you HEARD about this guy? Well in that case let's throw out the window one of the most sacred principles in the American criminal justice system, holding that a defendant is innocent until proven guilty.


There are many of us who have known Dave and worked with him throughout the years; who are not shocked by these allegations. We did not know they were happening of course, but other characteristics of his lead us to not being shocked.

These events are quite tragic for many. Especially the victims. Yes, I said 'victims' as I believe their telling of the alleged events. This is also tragic for Dave's family and those in the various communities he has propogated who rely on him for much. Truly sad.

Bill Cosby's legacy of similar behavior I think is an appropriate analogy. He was a pillar not only the African American community and a stalwart of the Civil Rights movement (he actually provided many of the financial resources that enabled MLK's famous 'I have a Dream' speech on the National Mall), he put many through college, enriched children's lives and was generally recognized as an upstanding father and friend to many.

It is possible for these two contradicting persona's to exist... The cause of understandable confusion, anxiety, frustration and justified anger.

Sunshine is indeed the best disinfectant in these circumstances and it is right this is coming to light. I think Sydney's reporting has been professional and thorough.

My heart goes out to those who have suffered and hope this 'sunshine' mends wounds and changes horrific behavior.
To those who doubt the allegations, I can understand not wanting to believe this. It's awful. Especially to all who have benefitted (not exploitively) by Dave's influence and friendship.

But again, for what it's worth - I sadly believe this to be true.

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