The recent imbroglio between the Murder City Devils and the D.C. kids [It's My Party, Oct 18] is still unsettled. A chat room located at has become a forum for opinions on the showdown, which took place during a Devils show at the Black Cat, a popular D.C. music venue. Some, like this contributor, rally passionately behind their hero, Ian Svenonious (Nation of Ulysses): "This is absolute bullshit... Spiv was beaten up by 4 people and kicked when he was down. The MCD are filth. Fuck them for ganging up on someone and kicking his ass and then lying about it.... If what I heard is true, the Murder City Devils are banned from the Black Cat for instigating the fight and beating the crap out of someone unprovoked.... How would you feel if during an argument with someone, 3 of his huge friends beat the shit out of you, just because you were arguing?"

Correct me if I'm wrong, but there's really no point in banning the MCD from any club, given that as of November 1, 2001, the band becomes the "now-defunct" Murder City Devils.

Others in D.C. were less ready to back the home team: "This clash of the tiny titans is news to me, but I wonder if it had anything to do with the Murder City Devils making fun of Ian's yellow polyester belted outfit?" Another: "Perhaps the black gemini shaved his head and bulked up to Right Said Fred proportions and went all evil Stryper on us... who would know?... he has been hiding in his mod-version of the Bat Cave for so long... WE'RE CALLING YOU OUT IAN!! You and your Weird Warriors... for a battle of the bands event not matched since Bill and Ted's 2.... Why am I hearing the Asian Howard Cosell impersonation in my head from Better Off Dead?"

Points for the Better Off Dead reference, guy!

I even got an e-mail from a delightful optician and dedicated MCD fan who offered to make Spencer a new pair of glasses. Even had the vintage safety frames the singer favors. Anyhoo, as you may have read in the last three installments of It's My Party, the Murder City Devils will play their last show EVER on Halloween at the Showbox, with Botch and American Steel. It's all-ages, so by all means, do get there early.


Fans of the excellent British rock magazine Mojo may have noticed the stunning photo of Ken Stringfellow in this month's pages. The Brits are the Kings of the Hilarious Photo Caption, and the line underneath the shot of the suit-clad Posie, walking with hands clasped behind him, reads: "Ken Stringfellow, arrested by the Twee Police." HEE!


In case you missed our first shout-out last week, check out page 69 in this week's Stranger for details on how to get your act into our forthcoming Seattle Musicians' Directory. Bands, DJs, MCs, singer-songwriters, and all other musical acts are asked to fill out the form and send it in with a current photo, a CD of current music, and a list of career highlights. All submissions are due no later than Friday, November 16, and we mean it. (Submissions can also be sent online to The Stranger's Seattle Musicians' Directory hits the stands on November 29.