NEWS One would think the delightfully small size of this week's news section would prevent the inhabitants therein from embarrassing themselves on the grand scale to which we (and they) have become accustomed. One would be wrong, however. Within the span of one and a half pages, JOSH FEIT fails to write his way out of a short article on a ballot measure, while JONAH SPANGENTHAL-LEE manages to take the normally evergreen subject of neighborhood infighting and make it look like a barren, deciduous dogwood (emphasis on the dog). PLUS: In Other News, Police Beat, and In Other Neighborhoods.

SHORT FEATURE Where's the Party?I must commend CHARLES MUDEDE for making, in this piece about Seattle's Condo Expo, one of the most trenchant and honest observations of his (too long) career. For years, Mr. Mudede has rambled on about the evils of capitalism and the plight of the working man, all while earning his paycheck from an ignoble rag that peddles to drunken proletariats and the bourgeoisie bar owners who (over)serve them. Finally, in this issue, Mr. Mudede refers to himself, with uncharacteristic accuracy, not as a Marxist, but as a "Maker's Marxist." Remember that descriptor, dear reader, when you arrive at the end of this piece and find Mr. Mudede complaining about the Condo Expo's lack of a suitably grand champagne fountain.

PULLOUT SIFF Notes 2007I was wondering why there were fewer baggy eyes and drool-stained shirts around the office lately. This pullout provides the answer: It's SIFF season, when Stranger staffers take a break from the difficult task of sleeping at their desks and instead repair to the city's movie theaters, where they tip back their heads and doze in cushy chairs, air conditioning blowing around their unwashed coifs and gibberish dreams (soon to be turned into SIFF "movie reviews") churning about in their few remaining brain cells.