Columns Mar 5, 2009 at 4:00 am

The Week in Review


yes. chill.
I agree, civilized and chill. Except for that kidnapping and pistol whipping I endured last month.
Don't make me come get your again Ted.
And you probably love the welfare your on too. Losers !
Seattle is not chill, it's unaccepting wealthy white people mostly....makes me want to move.
chill: adj, coldness due to a cold environment
sorry, i meant for that to be sarcastic. i don't think it's chill either. but people here sure love to boast about seattle. i also like how so many people claim that the weather confines them to their basements where they have no choice but to engage in "creative" activities. apparently seattle = the hippest, coolest, most educated.
Love it or leave it, man. Love it or leave it.
Oh Kip, One day you will realize the privilege that your life has endured is the only reason you get to be who you are today and you will cry.
Ha! thatswhatshesaid - I did move. The East Coast triumphs!
The only thing worse than people who move here and bitch about it are people who move away and then comment in local papers to say how much it sucked when they lived here.
Move on. We don't need you.
Last time I swam in Puget Sound, I got a rash all along my lower torso
Seattle's a hellhole

I gotta say I really don't get the whole Seattle bashing thing. People complain about Seattle as if they're being personally attacked, like it's a person who's done them wrong. With the exception of calling out geographical regions in which violent bigots predominate (they are everywhere but for various reasons they cluster in some places), this whole this--city-town-neighborhood-part of the country-region sucks thing is so ridiculous. The flipside is stupid too: Rah! Rah! The east coast, west coast, jersey shore or what the fuck ever rules.

It's like sports, which I don't get either. Why does anybody care if a particular team wins? It really doesn't mean that you the fan are winning (Well, maybe it does if you bet on the team). You're not going to be the one taking home their six figure salary so why care?

Either you like it here (or wherever) or you don't, and you probably have your reasons. Maybe they're interesting, or maybe they're banal. Whatever. People brag about regions like they own them but nobody does except Paul Allen and other corporate entities (that's a shame and yeah, I think the notion of community is a beautiful concept but it's also quite endangered, but that's another post).

People disparaging regions for the way the inhabitants dress or what they drink or the assumption that they stay in their basement (again, I say huh?), is just retarded. Wow, take a stand. For fuck sake. Care about something, think about something, direct your energy into something that matters. It only hurts the first ten times.

Yeah, I need to take my own advice here. I should stop reading these posts and go down to my basement except I don't have one. What to do? Geez.
Amen know-it-all.
OMG, how annoying is that post (know it all - as if)!! After having grown up in Seattle, I think it's the most falsely PC, incredibly unfriendly place I've ever been. I too now live on the East Coast where I find the people genuine and life much more interesting. You peole protest too really sound whiney, like you're on the losing team (speaking of sports, which Seattle lacks).

Maybe you should find a basement.
OK. I guess I'm missing it so I'll have to ask the rest of youse. What does the photo of the International Socialist Organization rally have to do with this week's column? Or is it an inside extension of The Stranger's "found cover photo" tradition?
Like OMG - u guys are like so totally annoying !! LOL
jancam67: My job is done then. Only too happy to annoy you. It's too bad you weren't able to understand my post.

Sports suck. Never watch them.

I'm also from the East Coast.
Just one reason why I don't live in Wyoming PETA PEOPLE EATING TASTY ANIMALS....
Hey, I didn't write that last comment. I FUCKING MISS SEATTLE !
why are you on this website if you live on the east coast?
Kip, you scum sucking low life thief, you are the last person to judge how other get their money... we all know how you "earn" yours...

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