Oh, and most guys are just done after they cum. I always try to get whatever guy I'm sleeping with to cum before me, otherwise I'll cum and just lose interest and won't want to finish him off.
If most guys turn off after sex (god, how boring), then all the more reason to make sure the hetero ones get their partners to cum first, without exception. Or to explore tantric sex.
hmmmm... it is interesting that what seems so hot before you cum is not hot at all in the afterglow. I have a weird question... my boyfriend is the quietest cummer on the planet. It's news to me... and kind of a let down. He's not totally quiet, he talks dirty to me, is very sexy, but it's more like letting the air out of a balloon than a climax. any one else dealing with this?
I was at an LGBT conference this weekend that discussed how prevalent prejudice against bisexuals is, even among LGBT's. Thanks for the reminder, Dan: 'I place bisexual in quotes, Angry Bisexual Community, only because this guy wasn't bisexual.' It's almost like "Angry Lesbians", another group folks like to pick on. Kick the Dog syndrome?
Dan, many weeks ago you called a person retarded. You would not accept "gay" as a negative adjective. Perhaps you've made an apology or explanation. Help us out here. I've tried to ask you in many ways.
people keep reporting my comment for deletion. Why?
Weeks ago Dan wrote that a stupid person was "retarded". What if Obama called a stupid person "gay"?
I've sent Dan personal email and never got any response. Don't delete the question fellow readers, what do you think? Double standard or just no thesaurus?
Kickass advice to FAT. Damned insightful; even if that's not the particular issue her boyfriend has, it's probably out there a hell of a lot.
Regarding partners getting fat...I have to say, if a little weight is enough to turn you off to someone, I tend to think what you had was probably not all that strong or lasting to begin with.
as a member of the Angry Bisexual Community (c), i take no offense.
btw, i have a gayer than hell male friend who recently has started fooling around w girls after a break up with The Love of His Life (c). is this a normal process of rebound? getting stoned and letting straight girls suck you off?
powertrash, I think it depends on whether the stoning is an integral part of the process. Being sober and letting straight girls suck you off might mean something else entirely. And being sober and RETURNING the favor... that's just plain bisexual!
..hm, i've seen this with some lesbians (!!), maybe hes exploring his own bisexuality, or going totally queer? if he always liked women (and never was a women hating ass) you shouldn't worry about your friends behavior or the heterosexual girls (who are most likely veryvery excited about having sex with a gay boy).
Dan, Fat and Teased needs to dump his goofy ass right now. He may be loving in other areas, but he's not loving enough. Dump him and let someone else reform him. Fat and Teased owes him nothing and she owes herself much more than what she's getting. I'd rather be alone than to be with someone who can't deal with me being (fill in the blank--fat, black, gay, an amputee, etc.).
Oh my god, Only Angry @ Stereotypes... chillax! Dan just said that to make fun of the actually angry bisexuals who won't catch his drift and start emailing angry rants his way.
norseman, posting the same query over and over on a forum Dan doesn't read is just going to piss off your fellow commenters. If you haven't gotten an answer from Dan Savage about this, let it go already!
Yes, what Dan wrote was insensitive, but if you're expecting him to be sensitive to everyone's concerns, you've got a long wait ahead of you.
Find a more constructive way to fight this particular fight, like pushing for legislation that will empower developmentally disabled people.
The rest of us come here to discuss other topics. If you don't like being ignored, go start a "Dan Savage Is Ignorant" blog, and see how many likeminded people you can find. I suspect most of Dan's regular commentators don't share your concern.
"I don't think he answered TBG's question. It wasn't 'should I/shouldn't I?' it was 'HOW can I do this gently?'"
There IS no way to gently tell someone (s)he needs to clean up his/her act. When you do that, you ARE going to hurt his/her feelings. It's a matter of saying what you want to say clearly, so the person won't feel manipulated, listening compassionately as (s)he reacts to what you've said, and being ready to follow through on what you've said you're going to do if the person doesn't make a change within a reasonable amount of time, instead of letting the matter hang over your relationship like a dangling sword.
"I don't think he answered TBG's question. It wasn't 'should I/shouldn't I?' it was 'HOW can I do this gently?'"
There IS no way to gently tell someone (s)he needs to clean up his/her act. When you do that, you ARE going to hurt his/her feelings. It's a matter of saying what you want to say clearly, so the person won't feel manipulated, listening compassionately as (s)he reacts to what you've said, and being ready to follow through on what you've said you're going to do if the person doesn't make a change within a reasonable amount of time, instead of letting the matter hang over your relationship like a dangling sword.
yeah Robyn!!!! Glad to see you read this column, though I'm not surprised!!! And thanks for representing us! I'm finally come out publicly as being bi and knowing that I have a politic, makes me feel so much safer!!! And thanks Dan you're an inspiration, sexually, politically, and career wise thanks amigo!!!
'my boyfriend is the quietest cummer on the planet. It's news to me... and kind of a let down. He's not totally quiet, he talks dirty to me, is very sexy, but it's more like letting the air out of a balloon than a climax. any one else dealing with this?'
This sounds a bit like the flipside of the porn stereotype coin. American college campuses are teeming with a generation of straight dudes who expect women to look and act a certain way during sex – shrieking, flailing, hair tossing, the digging in of manicured nails, and the inevitable 'I'm cumming! I'm cumming!' (which, while it may happen, is not what any women I know do – risks breaking concentration. And sounds like it's out of a porn, duh.)
So anyway, you may be disappointed 'cause you've been led – by other partners or by porn – to expect fireworks. If it's because you find it genuinely arousing, okay. Try to get him to talk dirty more, maybe say, 'Oh I love hearing you cum.' But if it's just because of skewed expectations, and he's vocal and dirty in other ways, I'd say just accept a grunt and a hand squeeze.
oh BTW, I don' think "Only Angry @Stereotypes" was chastising Dan rather than supporting his use of italics, As any exploration is human sexuality put us in "catagories", (am I bi, Gay, hetero-flexible, straight or what if I have a bit of sexual exploration)and it's okay if we don't always have the same one, I like to quote my brilliant sister... "I love whom I love and I fuck whom I fuck, unless you want some why do you care!"
Huh. Not bad advice to Liq et al. However I wonder about the guys in the comments that just "turn off" after orgasim. I mean, my husband usually cums before me since I like that, then goes down on me with full force. Or sometimes not, but still, he gets the job done and doesn't seem to mind doing it.
However I wonder about the guys in the comments that just "turn off" after orgasim.
Yeah, I don't get that either.
Sure, there are probably a few moments there when I am incapacitated and enjoying the sensations, but I've always thought it was fun to keep fooling around. I just have to adjust my strategy for a few minutes.
If the "annnnd I'm spent" guys could just keep on keepin' on through the refractory period, they would find that they are ideally situated to reduce their partners to a puddle of pleasure. They are thinking clearly and ready for a more prolonged session- both advantages.
Great advice to FAT. He knew she was size 18 when he met her. Whatever the reason for his behaviour, whether he has internalized shame, or he just likes to date people he can insult (some people get off on that), it is simply not acceptable. She needs to threaten to dump him, and then, if he doesn't change, she needs to follow through, with no second chances, no exceptions.
As far as LIQ goes... Dude, just do something that doesn't fucking turn you on, already. So you've lost your sexual desire. So what?! It's not like she's expecting you to do something physiologically impossible for a non aroused man.
Oh My God, "Only Angry @ Stereotypes", If you had any sense of irony you would see that you just proved his point. Dan was placing bi-sexual in quotes for the reason that he can't ever seem to mention bi-sexuals without getting a bunch of people bitching at him up and down. And what do you do? you post something bitching at him. Way to live up to the stereotype. Now why don't you go get yourself some nice earth friendly eco-shopping bags and toddle off to the farmers market while the rest of the adults talk?
I wonder if FAT's boyfriend was ever overweight himself? Maybe he feels disgusted because it's a battle he's 'won' as it were and feels others should be able to fix that part of themselves too. Either way he's an arse and just another example of how cruel folk can be and how we just don't need that. I hope FAT follows Dan's advise and tells him to go fuck himself if he doesn't cut it out.
As someone with a bunch of retards in the family (real, honest-to-goodness retards), I take absolutely no offense to the word being used to describe a moron, or even a sexually-insensitive jag-off, norseman. Given that my retad relatives don't even know they're supposed to be offended (and who the hell are YOU to tell them anything?), I say lay off Dan, who's just making a living here and was understood in his original post to mean no offense to the actual retarded population. Without getting into semantics, or cultural theory, or any other touchy-feely douchery, let's refocus and agree that 1. Dan was right on with his advice and 2. people who get their panties in a wad over the WORD "retard," unlike real retards, should not be allowed in public forums.
Generally the most annoying "I hate fatties" assholes tend to be sporting about 50 extra pounds themselves, but think they are "athletic." I wonder how svelte this 60 year old man is himself?
If she does end up dumping him, I hope she spends all that extra time and energy with a personal trainer so she can get slim and buff for *herself.*
The old Dan is BACK!!!! ( since the last 4 columns) THIS is the Dan who taught me everything I ever needed to know about sex. THIS is the Dan who keeps me sex positive. THIS is the Dan we want!!!!
Yes Dan, your wannabe young, profane, political tirades are part of your charm, but good 'ole sex advice is what you do best.
i'm guessin he's a wide load too. For some reason fat guys have a lot of trouble seeing their own flab while spotting others from across the buffet line.
i'm guessin he's a wide load too. For some reason fat guys have a lot of trouble seeing their own flab while spotting others from across the buffet line.
damn you Savage, damn you and your fancy quote marks and high toned punctuation protecting you from the much deserved wrath of all fecophiliacs everywhere, I call you out Savage, I dare you... what? It's bisexuals this week and not coprophagy, oh, uh, sorry, what an embarrassment, but I thought that's what the newsletter, oh, eheh...
"Weeks ago Dan wrote that a stupid person was "retarded". What if Obama called a stupid person "gay""
For that comment I'm calling you Retarded. If you didn't know retarded does not define a person with a mental handicap and is politically incorrect and that Obama reference? What do Obama, president, and Dan Savage, controversial sex columnist, have to do with each other exactly? Umm Dan is more awesome than Obama? I just don't know.
re: FAT ... dan's theory is a great one and i'm not arguing with it at all ... however one other theory that crossed my mind is that he is belittling her because he is afraid she will leave him - if he chips away at her self esteem enough, she won't feel adequate enough to think she could do better than him. it's quite possible that the weight doesn't bother him at all, but he's just using it as his weapon of choice because it's there and it works.
not that that's any better, or any less of a reason to DTMFA ... she absolutely should. guy's a dick.
Well Dan, this angry bisexual HAS MET pseudo-bi's..don't blame you for the occasional dig. Tho' I do feel you gots something against the bis, I'm trying to think it's just against FLAKY bi's. Some people deserve the "qoutes" around them. This enables me to continue to read & enjoy your column.
I'm a big girl too - and, GREAT advice to FAT. :) Exactly what that woman needs to hear! <3 Agreed w/ all other posters plz: a little less politics, a little more sex.
@ "Only Angry @Stereotypes" -
The "Angry Bisexual Community" comment was hardly a dig at bisexuals - it reads more like (and, I would think, is) a dig at the kind of paranoia you've displayed in your comment.
In anticipating a fire-up, Savage inserts the the explanation of his "quotation marking" the word "bisexual".
Big whoop.
To Only Angry @Stereotypes:
Oh puh-lease!
Dan wasn't calling the entire bisexual community angry, he was addressing the angry portion of the bisexual community who are so busy being angry at the slights they imagine from Dan's comments like this that they can't see that putting "bisexual" in quotes was not an insult without an explanatory statement.
I'm a bisexual myself, so don't dare start in with "you don't know what it's like" stuff. Most people read Savage Love primarily for entertainment, secondarily for information, then for whatever else. So Dan writes his information in an acerbic (read entertaining) manner. The Angry [whatever community currently being "insulted" by Dan] Community needs to take a deep breath and read his columns with humor, as they were intended to be taken, rather than with offense.
Actually, I kind of see it as an OBLIGATION to finish your partner off if you come first, or at least help him/her finish him/herself off. It's an obligation that one should fulfill cheerfully and with gusto, but an obligation nonetheless.
This week is about stereotypes. And Dan often uses "retarded"
I've tried to email Dan about this. He get's a lot of email and missed it or just ignored it. Perhaps he responded to me, and it got lost in my junk filter. This is not off topic.
If Dan expects dignity for a minority to which he belongs ( gay marriage ) why would he not support it for all minorities through his constant abuse of the word "retarded" as a writer in a very public forum.
Dan's readers seem to love or accept the "retarded" adjective. Dan would not dare use a stereotype like the N word because readers would respond and he would lose a significant percentage of readership and possibly his job.
Dan has thrown himself into this much like right wing people don't want to be called for their lazy language and stereotypes. One might add fat phobic people.
I'm a long time fan of Dan. This is more about our culture than Dan. Dan long ago had readers call out to him with "hey faggot" which had less stir because he is gay. I don't think he has the same right to so freely abuse other stereotypes.
Hey Beth, I'm sure you've got a button that is pressed by people who put you down with words. You seem to get all bent out of shape even at me.
You don't deserved to be put down, but the next time you find someone offending you, listen to the excuses they might offer in defense of your humiliation. If you listen, they sound just like y o u. get it? Or are you , well, impeded by your lack of hypocrisy awareness.
There's a great scene in Spike Lee's "do the right thing" and Beth, you fight right in there, we all might in times of error. But are we aware of the differences between what we expect and what we do?
Thank you, Dan, for advising FAT to stand up for herself while trying to save an otherwise good relationship. ALL relationships have their rough spots and sore topics, and this could be stopped and wake up FAT's boyfriend in the process. There are so many people with continuing bad habits that no one has the guts to point out, and then they feel as though they are doing nothing wrong.
Geez, I wish my last girlfriend had been a quite cummer. She was of the young twenties type who's grown up seeing porn since being a teen, and I think it polluted her ability to behave sexually. All i got was, 'yeah, come on babe, I'm cumming, ...' constant porn cliches. At first I thought she was faking, but after a couple years realized that was just the way she experienced it. I tried getting her to shut up - at least after she came. Totally a concentration wrecker, and it couldn't help but seem fake to an older guy who heard - porn talk=fake, since porn is basically fake at some level.
i think FAT's boyfriend is a passive aagressive A-hole. I got into a bad habit of put downs and snide remarks with my gal and it didn't stop until she left me sitting at a restaurant table suddenly by myself. That was my wake up call. Her BF really doesn't like himself, he just takes it's out on her for being with him!
I agree with your advice to FAT, Dan, but I have to add one more thing:
FAT shouldn't be afraid of standing up to him cause she thinks no one else will want her. First of all, size 18 isn't that big (or unhealthy), secondly, there are so many men who love big women out there that if this guy won't shape up, he should be replaced.
"Only Angry @Stereotypes" is being silly--Come on, the reason stereotypes exist is that there are just enough people who fit them to sustain the false image. Like the "Get Over Yourself Indignant Liberal and/or Persecuted Minority." Of course there are actual persecuted minorities, but this sure isn't the way to win people to their corner.
I wanted to say that I really enjoyed the way DS handled FAT; well-timed, controlled "angry" responses (damn those quotation marks!) are like small explosive charges used in making roads or bringing down buildings. You don't need huge amounts, just enough, and well-placed, used strategically.
I've also experienced the sudden and complete change of mind about tasting or swallowing my own cum.
The way my wife and I succeeded at snowballing was all due to speed. At the very first spurt of cum, she immediately shot up and kissed me, squirting it into my mouth while I was still orgasming.
The point is to taste and swallow cum, not to get every last little drop of a load.
This way I was still in 'the zone' -- very horny and very turned on by this. If she had waited until I was finished, I might easily had said, "Mmm... maybe not, dear."
So - be quick! Or - after the first shot on your tits - squeeze the shit out of his dick until he licks it up.
I have a beef with Dan's suggestion to "Fat and Tired" to use the implied threat of physical violence to get her way: "Scream, yell, smash a few things you're not all that attached to—-when he slips up."
On rare occasions, yelling at a guy is the only way to get him to listen to you. This method should be used with care, though, because letting anger out this way tends to snowball.
Smashing things (unless you're punching a pillow) can lead to physical violence, too. A person may think, "Well, I felt better after I threw that bowl across the room," so the next time, he/she may aim it at the other person's head.
As someone who's been the favorite target of a very angry woman, I would encourage Dan to advise people in this situation to break up with their partners if they can't find healthier ways to communicate with them.
In a healthy relationship, problems get solved via good communication, not screaming, yelling, and/or smashing things.
I wouldn't put up with a partner who says (in effect): "I don't care for the way you look, and I'm going to badger you about it until you do what I want you to do." I'd tell the guy who operates that way to get lost! I think "Fat and Tired" should get up the courage to do the same, and find someone who will appreciate her as she is.
Fat and Tired, ask yourself: are you better off being with this guy, and feeling lonely because he isn't happy with himself and takes it out on you, or would you be happier if you were single and seeking someone with whom you'll be a better fit? If you think it's the former, get some counseling, please, and figure out how to value yourself more. You're worth it.
My boyfriend and I are the opposite--if he comes first, he sticks around to make sure I get off; but all I want to do after coming is roll over, cuddle a bit, and go to sleep >.
@cc -- my guy was kind of quiet too, and he tended not to be very, well, "active" while coming either, esp. during blowjobs. Who knows why? Maybe someone yelled at him once for moving while being blown. But I find his arousal and orgasms reaallyyy hottttt . . . so I started a gentle campaign of telling him so during the warm afterglow period. Stuff like, "It's really hot when I can feel you come." Or "I really got off on feeling you come." It's worked. He doesn't exactly go off like a rodeo bronc (which is probably good in certain instances), but he's a lot more emotive these days.
"A strategic blowup or two should occur—scream, yell, smash a few things you're not all that attached to—when he slips up. Repeat until his attitude changes or his address does."
The problem with it is in order to 'reform' him she has to become a ugly person on the inside. He's an asshole why should she become one to stay with him?
Never stay with someone that 'makes' you compromise your own values or makes you be a worse person to be with.
You can't fight abuse with abuse. It only creates a unhealthy emotionally destructive cycle.
When FAT looks in the mirror instead of seeing a good yet overweight woman she will see the person who just had a temper tantrum broke things and tried to 'bully' her boyfriend into not emotionally abusing her.
She will only give him something else to 'look down' on her for.
CC, one trick is to ask him to tell you how good (or not) something is by making a noise. If he doesn't want to use words then when he likes it he can just moan a little, and the more he likes it the more/louder he should moan. If it doesn't feel good he should be quiet. Of course most things feel good to most guys and since you can probably play his body like violin it shouldn't be too hard to get him vocalising. Start off a little clumsy, and then become more intense, letting him think that you are being guided by his sounds. As his pleasure builds he'll get noisier and by the time he squirts the neighbours should be banging on the walls and shouting out for him to shut the **** up!
Guys losing interest in sex immediately after coming is nothing more than evolution at work. The caveman/monkey/whatever who lost interest and got back up on his feet to guard the camp avoided being attacked by saber toothed tigers, other cavemen, etc., lived longer as a result, and passed his post coital disinterest seed on to his offspring.
I used to be a quiet cummer.... trying to masturbate in places and not be heard takes its toll. But after living for a while in private I've gotten a lot louder. It's taken years though.
My current girlfriend makes noises like a porno, and I happen to know for a fact she's never seen one in her life. This is crazy to me. Well, the content is the same, anyway, but the inflection is a lot more dynamic.
I am a thinner woman (5'5" 120 lbs) who dated a guy that professed to hate/be disgusted by fat women. His ex-wife "got fat" and he couldn't stand for her to touch him and his baby's mama got fat and lazy. His words, not mine. Anyway, he dumped me (thank whatever god had a hand in that) and is now in a relationship with a girl that, as he use to say, "has a fat ass and more than a muffin top." Probably treats her the same way FAT's boyfriend treats her. I guess I just wasn't enough woman for him...and my skinny ass is happy to be done with him for a whole host of reasons. I did follow some advice you gave a while ago about getting over a break-up: Masturbate. Hang out with friends. Repeat. Some of the best advice ever. Thanks Dan.
I got over the post ejaculation problem (which is caused by a hormone naturally released after ejaculation) by using a subliminal computer program which I also use for other things. Now the problem is moot as I seldom ejaculate because of my age (81) and because it takes me two days to recover my desires which interferes with my normal daily masturbation activity.
Dan's funny podcasts on "gay" and "retarded" were helpful. I think Dan nailed it. Both the caller and I objected because we are high school teachers. With elections and prop 8 passing I thought he had gone nuts and given up on sex advice. Let's have more sex advice and less lazy adjectives.
I may be oversensitive here, but the advice to LIQ strikes me as a bit off. What if Dan advised a guy to "force" a girl to do something that she would "hate while[s]he was doing it"? If a girl said she was fine with anal, then changed her mind, would Dan tell her boyfriend to force her to do it or else deny her sex?
Yeah, it's something LIQ has said he'll do, but if he doesn't want to at the time, he doesn't want to. You're allowed to change your "yes" to "no" at any point, aren't you? If LIQ asks his wife to force him, that's fine - but if the wife does it of her own accord, that's a little sketchy, IMO. I think LIQ should either man up and put his money where his mouth is, ***of his own free will***, or else stop leading his wife on without following through.
I hope Kirk R. is kidding cause the "post-coital disinterest" of most guys I've been with seems to be expressed by promptly passing the fuck out, which would surely lead to being EATEN by the saber toothed tiger.
And Masturbate til I die- thanks for bringing the creepy.
I’m missing your analogy there, “Only Angry @Stereotypes”. I think Dan is referring to the fed-up defenders of bisexuality, who take so much heat from condescending know-it-alls claiming that true male bisexuality doesn’t really exist. Not because “Angry Bisexuals” have Kick the Dog syndrome.
to FAT: I have to back up what Dan is saying. I had a similar situation (not with bad comments about me, but bad attitude about unrelated things)that would crop up from time to time from an otherwise awesome guy. After a few times of "I will not take this crap from you - stop or leave" rants, it eventually took, and I married the now-perfect one.
As a bisexual (as in into both guys and girls, and some somewhere in betweens as well), I'm not offended by you Dan, your ex-boyfriend however. Geeze, I wish people like him wouldn't use the word 'bisexual' it makes us look... so annoying.
In the past however I have objected to a few statements that seemed a bit over general, but I've pretty much always agreed with your advice (for example the gay man with the married bisexual boyfriend, you were totally right) though there are bisexuals who don't end up with a partner of the opposite sex, and we're not all douche bags like the guy in the column. Basically bisexual or not married men (or women) that repeatedly tell their bit on the side that they'll leave their spouse for them are a douche baggy population.
In my continuing rant about the perception of bisexuals (not your perception Dan, you seem to be pretty cool about us switch hitters) is that why is it whenever a lesbian chick gets dumped by a bisexual girl and the bisexual girl goes on to date a dude is it assumed that the bisexual girl left the lesbian because the bisexual girl broke up with the lesbian, not because of relationship/compatibility issues, but most certainly because the bisexual girl felt the need to conform to social norms (or because she wanted dick instead of pussy, to be crude) why can't the bisexual chick ever just have had issues with the girl she was dating? Why can't it ever be about "well actually no, we broke up because she kept blaring the same Paul Anka album all the time and I never got any sleep" or "Well actually, no, it was because she smelled funny" or "well actually no, it was because her favorite movie was 30 first dates" or... ANYTHING BUT THE GODDAMN BISEXUALITY. Not that I'm never saying there's never any chance it might be the bisexuality, but I think in a certain way, blaming the bisexual is the ultimate "it's not me its her" it takes all blame off the bisexual's lovelorn ex, it wasn't anything they did, it was just that a case of a bisexual being bisexual.
My first partner was a girl, we were together for three years and we broke up because we grew apart, she wanted to be an accountant, and I wanted to be an artist. I wanted to be wild, and she wanted to be comfortable, and I wanted monogamy, and she didn't (both of which are fine decisions, but we just weren't compatible any longer), and into my life walks a boy, a rock musician, into traveling, into monogamy and long term commitment. His name is Lillie, I like how he looks dressed up as a school girl (or naughty librarian), and I'm more than happy to be on his arm in public with him wearing a dress and a full face of makeup, I've introduced him to my mom and dad with him wearing a skirt.
Now, if my first girlfriend had remained the punk rock photographer she was when I met her, I'd probably still be with her, and I've never cared what's up Lillie's skirt.
I know not everyone thinks this about bisexuals, but I know a lot of lesbians that won't date bi chicks because they don't want to deal with the girl "turning straight on them" and I mean, yes that's their prerogative, but come on, for goodness sake, more often than the relationship ends not because of the parts someone does or doesn't have, but because of who they are, because of their snoring, evil pets, high levels of crazy, powerpuff girls sheets, collection of bottle caps, intense career, inability to pronounce bagel, constantly mismatched socks, snooty country club affiliation, racism, preference for grapes over blueberries, anal retentiveness, unsanitary bathroom, or whatever other trait might possibly have made them incompatible with their partner.
I'm sorry "only angry @stereotypes" but GOD! Stop living up to all lesbian stereotypes everywhere. Are you listening? That "bisexual" wasn't actually bi -- he was GAY! and he later admitted it. So stop being so fucking sensitive already!
Hmmm answer. I'm one of those quiet cummers, however, I don't lose interest in what's going on. My BF misses my cumming and will ask. Like yea, 15 minutes ago and don't stop what you're doing.
If FAT does what you advise her to, Dan, she will end up with a black eye or worse.
Trying to abuse/violently confront an abuser DOES NOT WORK. It only escalates the problem.
I agree that women in their 60s have a hard time finding partners, so this asswipe should get one warning talk on the subject. Only one, and then he´s out.
Unfortunately this kind of behavior in a 60 year old man is probably quite ingrained and its likely a hopeless case. Some people need to psychologically destroy their partners as part of a power trip. She probably can´t stay with him.
However, I can say as an older woman who´s dating with the demographics against her, I all too often find that if a man is still single at that age, there always is a damn good reason for it! Good luck FAT, you will need it.
No > NO > NO
Sorry I do not agree with the advice.
"A strategic blowup or two should occur—scream, yell, smash a few things you're not all that attached to—when he slips up. Repeat until his attitude changes or his address does."
The problem with it is in order to 'reform' him she has to become a ugly person on the inside. He's an asshole why should she become one to stay with him?
Never stay with someone that 'makes' you compromise your own values or makes you be a worse person to be with.
You can't fight abuse with abuse. It only creates a unhealthy emotionally destructive cycle.
When FAT looks in the mirror instead of seeing a good yet overweight woman she will see the person who just had a temper tantrum broke things and tried to 'bully' her boyfriend into not emotionally abusing her.
She will only give him something else to 'look down' on her for.
Ok, seriously, retarded is a perfectly fine adjective to use to describe mentally deficient people. All the sissies who get their panties in a bunch about the un-PC-ness of this should probably not be esposing their delicate virginal minds to the HORROR that is this column. And no one who is retarded should be reading it and then having sex either, we don't need THAT drama. People sure do take themselves seriously.
I hate when the guy cums and then BAM its over. Goodnight, please leave or just lay there. This has happened with ex-boyfriend and one night stands. Maybe us women shouldn't let them come until they get us to come, even if it takes all day
i agree with your advice to FAT, except for the part where you suggest she smash stuff. the guy might actually come to a point where he can admit that FAT is sexy. however, i seriously doubt he will find any sexiness in "FAT & Crazy."
"I was at an LGBT conference this weekend that discussed how prevalent prejudice against bisexuals is, even among LGBT's... "
conferences like that are led by people who get off on the sound of their own voice and attended by people who thrive on the victim mentality. there are enough real victims in the LGBT community without having to invent new ones. You put the wuss in the word wuss.
Thank you, Dan for pointing out that sometimes we can dispense with the "talk in I terms" crap. That approach may work well on a rehearsed episode of Dr. Phil, but in real life the "I" statements bit does not work and one needs to speak from the gut and put it in "you" statements.
an old girlfriend would make me go down on her after I climaxed. Her idea was she always came last and too bad if I didn'tlike it - I learned to like it.
Sex is hard sometimes!
Weeks ago Dan wrote that a stupid person was "retarded". What if Obama called a stupid person "gay"?
I've sent Dan personal email and never got any response. Don't delete the question fellow readers, what do you think? Double standard or just no thesaurus?
Regarding partners getting fat...I have to say, if a little weight is enough to turn you off to someone, I tend to think what you had was probably not all that strong or lasting to begin with.
btw, i have a gayer than hell male friend who recently has started fooling around w girls after a break up with The Love of His Life (c). is this a normal process of rebound? getting stoned and letting straight girls suck you off?
Like you.
Yes, what Dan wrote was insensitive, but if you're expecting him to be sensitive to everyone's concerns, you've got a long wait ahead of you.
Find a more constructive way to fight this particular fight, like pushing for legislation that will empower developmentally disabled people.
The rest of us come here to discuss other topics. If you don't like being ignored, go start a "Dan Savage Is Ignorant" blog, and see how many likeminded people you can find. I suspect most of Dan's regular commentators don't share your concern.
We're not angry dammit!
There IS no way to gently tell someone (s)he needs to clean up his/her act. When you do that, you ARE going to hurt his/her feelings. It's a matter of saying what you want to say clearly, so the person won't feel manipulated, listening compassionately as (s)he reacts to what you've said, and being ready to follow through on what you've said you're going to do if the person doesn't make a change within a reasonable amount of time, instead of letting the matter hang over your relationship like a dangling sword.
There IS no way to gently tell someone (s)he needs to clean up his/her act. When you do that, you ARE going to hurt his/her feelings. It's a matter of saying what you want to say clearly, so the person won't feel manipulated, listening compassionately as (s)he reacts to what you've said, and being ready to follow through on what you've said you're going to do if the person doesn't make a change within a reasonable amount of time, instead of letting the matter hang over your relationship like a dangling sword.
This sounds a bit like the flipside of the porn stereotype coin. American college campuses are teeming with a generation of straight dudes who expect women to look and act a certain way during sex – shrieking, flailing, hair tossing, the digging in of manicured nails, and the inevitable 'I'm cumming! I'm cumming!' (which, while it may happen, is not what any women I know do – risks breaking concentration. And sounds like it's out of a porn, duh.)
So anyway, you may be disappointed 'cause you've been led – by other partners or by porn – to expect fireworks. If it's because you find it genuinely arousing, okay. Try to get him to talk dirty more, maybe say, 'Oh I love hearing you cum.' But if it's just because of skewed expectations, and he's vocal and dirty in other ways, I'd say just accept a grunt and a hand squeeze.
Yeah, I don't get that either.
Sure, there are probably a few moments there when I am incapacitated and enjoying the sensations, but I've always thought it was fun to keep fooling around. I just have to adjust my strategy for a few minutes.
If the "annnnd I'm spent" guys could just keep on keepin' on through the refractory period, they would find that they are ideally situated to reduce their partners to a puddle of pleasure. They are thinking clearly and ready for a more prolonged session- both advantages.
Not that I've ever done that, of course, because I'm not into dirty, shameful sex acts. Only a pervert would do such a thing.
As far as LIQ goes... Dude, just do something that doesn't fucking turn you on, already. So you've lost your sexual desire. So what?! It's not like she's expecting you to do something physiologically impossible for a non aroused man.
Dan's Still White Hot.
If she does end up dumping him, I hope she spends all that extra time and energy with a personal trainer so she can get slim and buff for *herself.*
...And a little sweet revenge.
Yes Dan, your wannabe young, profane, political tirades are part of your charm, but good 'ole sex advice is what you do best.
For that comment I'm calling you Retarded. If you didn't know retarded does not define a person with a mental handicap and is politically incorrect and that Obama reference? What do Obama, president, and Dan Savage, controversial sex columnist, have to do with each other exactly? Umm Dan is more awesome than Obama? I just don't know.
not that that's any better, or any less of a reason to DTMFA ... she absolutely should. guy's a dick.
I'm a big girl too - and, GREAT advice to FAT. :) Exactly what that woman needs to hear! <3 Agreed w/ all other posters plz: a little less politics, a little more sex.
The "Angry Bisexual Community" comment was hardly a dig at bisexuals - it reads more like (and, I would think, is) a dig at the kind of paranoia you've displayed in your comment.
In anticipating a fire-up, Savage inserts the the explanation of his "quotation marking" the word "bisexual".
Big whoop.
Oh puh-lease!
Dan wasn't calling the entire bisexual community angry, he was addressing the angry portion of the bisexual community who are so busy being angry at the slights they imagine from Dan's comments like this that they can't see that putting "bisexual" in quotes was not an insult without an explanatory statement.
I'm a bisexual myself, so don't dare start in with "you don't know what it's like" stuff. Most people read Savage Love primarily for entertainment, secondarily for information, then for whatever else. So Dan writes his information in an acerbic (read entertaining) manner. The Angry [whatever community currently being "insulted" by Dan] Community needs to take a deep breath and read his columns with humor, as they were intended to be taken, rather than with offense.
I've tried to email Dan about this. He get's a lot of email and missed it or just ignored it. Perhaps he responded to me, and it got lost in my junk filter. This is not off topic.
If Dan expects dignity for a minority to which he belongs ( gay marriage ) why would he not support it for all minorities through his constant abuse of the word "retarded" as a writer in a very public forum.
Dan's readers seem to love or accept the "retarded" adjective. Dan would not dare use a stereotype like the N word because readers would respond and he would lose a significant percentage of readership and possibly his job.
Dan has thrown himself into this much like right wing people don't want to be called for their lazy language and stereotypes. One might add fat phobic people.
I'm a long time fan of Dan. This is more about our culture than Dan. Dan long ago had readers call out to him with "hey faggot" which had less stir because he is gay. I don't think he has the same right to so freely abuse other stereotypes.
there are many more examples:
You don't deserved to be put down, but the next time you find someone offending you, listen to the excuses they might offer in defense of your humiliation. If you listen, they sound just like y o u. get it? Or are you , well, impeded by your lack of hypocrisy awareness.
There's a great scene in Spike Lee's "do the right thing" and Beth, you fight right in there, we all might in times of error. But are we aware of the differences between what we expect and what we do?
are you a friend of Dorothy?
FAT shouldn't be afraid of standing up to him cause she thinks no one else will want her. First of all, size 18 isn't that big (or unhealthy), secondly, there are so many men who love big women out there that if this guy won't shape up, he should be replaced.
I wanted to say that I really enjoyed the way DS handled FAT; well-timed, controlled "angry" responses (damn those quotation marks!) are like small explosive charges used in making roads or bringing down buildings. You don't need huge amounts, just enough, and well-placed, used strategically.
The way my wife and I succeeded at snowballing was all due to speed. At the very first spurt of cum, she immediately shot up and kissed me, squirting it into my mouth while I was still orgasming.
The point is to taste and swallow cum, not to get every last little drop of a load.
This way I was still in 'the zone' -- very horny and very turned on by this. If she had waited until I was finished, I might easily had said, "Mmm... maybe not, dear."
So - be quick! Or - after the first shot on your tits - squeeze the shit out of his dick until he licks it up.
On rare occasions, yelling at a guy is the only way to get him to listen to you. This method should be used with care, though, because letting anger out this way tends to snowball.
Smashing things (unless you're punching a pillow) can lead to physical violence, too. A person may think, "Well, I felt better after I threw that bowl across the room," so the next time, he/she may aim it at the other person's head.
As someone who's been the favorite target of a very angry woman, I would encourage Dan to advise people in this situation to break up with their partners if they can't find healthier ways to communicate with them.
In a healthy relationship, problems get solved via good communication, not screaming, yelling, and/or smashing things.
I wouldn't put up with a partner who says (in effect): "I don't care for the way you look, and I'm going to badger you about it until you do what I want you to do." I'd tell the guy who operates that way to get lost! I think "Fat and Tired" should get up the courage to do the same, and find someone who will appreciate her as she is.
Fat and Tired, ask yourself: are you better off being with this guy, and feeling lonely because he isn't happy with himself and takes it out on you, or would you be happier if you were single and seeking someone with whom you'll be a better fit? If you think it's the former, get some counseling, please, and figure out how to value yourself more. You're worth it.
He'll have two choices.
Either die from suffocation, or change his ways.
There, problem solved :)
Great advice, Dan. No one should EVER tolerate abuse because some prick feels the need to make himself better for whatever reason.
I hope she dumps this asshole.
Sorry I do not agree with the advice.
"A strategic blowup or two should occur—scream, yell, smash a few things you're not all that attached to—when he slips up. Repeat until his attitude changes or his address does."
The problem with it is in order to 'reform' him she has to become a ugly person on the inside. He's an asshole why should she become one to stay with him?
Never stay with someone that 'makes' you compromise your own values or makes you be a worse person to be with.
You can't fight abuse with abuse. It only creates a unhealthy emotionally destructive cycle.
When FAT looks in the mirror instead of seeing a good yet overweight woman she will see the person who just had a temper tantrum broke things and tried to 'bully' her boyfriend into not emotionally abusing her.
She will only give him something else to 'look down' on her for.
Hope that helps.
My current girlfriend makes noises like a porno, and I happen to know for a fact she's never seen one in her life. This is crazy to me. Well, the content is the same, anyway, but the inflection is a lot more dynamic.
Dan knows where I'm coming from.
Yeah, it's something LIQ has said he'll do, but if he doesn't want to at the time, he doesn't want to. You're allowed to change your "yes" to "no" at any point, aren't you? If LIQ asks his wife to force him, that's fine - but if the wife does it of her own accord, that's a little sketchy, IMO. I think LIQ should either man up and put his money where his mouth is, ***of his own free will***, or else stop leading his wife on without following through.
And Masturbate til I die- thanks for bringing the creepy.
In the past however I have objected to a few statements that seemed a bit over general, but I've pretty much always agreed with your advice (for example the gay man with the married bisexual boyfriend, you were totally right) though there are bisexuals who don't end up with a partner of the opposite sex, and we're not all douche bags like the guy in the column. Basically bisexual or not married men (or women) that repeatedly tell their bit on the side that they'll leave their spouse for them are a douche baggy population.
In my continuing rant about the perception of bisexuals (not your perception Dan, you seem to be pretty cool about us switch hitters) is that why is it whenever a lesbian chick gets dumped by a bisexual girl and the bisexual girl goes on to date a dude is it assumed that the bisexual girl left the lesbian because the bisexual girl broke up with the lesbian, not because of relationship/compatibility issues, but most certainly because the bisexual girl felt the need to conform to social norms (or because she wanted dick instead of pussy, to be crude) why can't the bisexual chick ever just have had issues with the girl she was dating? Why can't it ever be about "well actually no, we broke up because she kept blaring the same Paul Anka album all the time and I never got any sleep" or "Well actually, no, it was because she smelled funny" or "well actually no, it was because her favorite movie was 30 first dates" or... ANYTHING BUT THE GODDAMN BISEXUALITY. Not that I'm never saying there's never any chance it might be the bisexuality, but I think in a certain way, blaming the bisexual is the ultimate "it's not me its her" it takes all blame off the bisexual's lovelorn ex, it wasn't anything they did, it was just that a case of a bisexual being bisexual.
My first partner was a girl, we were together for three years and we broke up because we grew apart, she wanted to be an accountant, and I wanted to be an artist. I wanted to be wild, and she wanted to be comfortable, and I wanted monogamy, and she didn't (both of which are fine decisions, but we just weren't compatible any longer), and into my life walks a boy, a rock musician, into traveling, into monogamy and long term commitment. His name is Lillie, I like how he looks dressed up as a school girl (or naughty librarian), and I'm more than happy to be on his arm in public with him wearing a dress and a full face of makeup, I've introduced him to my mom and dad with him wearing a skirt.
Now, if my first girlfriend had remained the punk rock photographer she was when I met her, I'd probably still be with her, and I've never cared what's up Lillie's skirt.
I know not everyone thinks this about bisexuals, but I know a lot of lesbians that won't date bi chicks because they don't want to deal with the girl "turning straight on them" and I mean, yes that's their prerogative, but come on, for goodness sake, more often than the relationship ends not because of the parts someone does or doesn't have, but because of who they are, because of their snoring, evil pets, high levels of crazy, powerpuff girls sheets, collection of bottle caps, intense career, inability to pronounce bagel, constantly mismatched socks, snooty country club affiliation, racism, preference for grapes over blueberries, anal retentiveness, unsanitary bathroom, or whatever other trait might possibly have made them incompatible with their partner.
Trying to abuse/violently confront an abuser DOES NOT WORK. It only escalates the problem.
I agree that women in their 60s have a hard time finding partners, so this asswipe should get one warning talk on the subject. Only one, and then he´s out.
Unfortunately this kind of behavior in a 60 year old man is probably quite ingrained and its likely a hopeless case. Some people need to psychologically destroy their partners as part of a power trip. She probably can´t stay with him.
However, I can say as an older woman who´s dating with the demographics against her, I all too often find that if a man is still single at that age, there always is a damn good reason for it! Good luck FAT, you will need it.
No > NO > NO
Sorry I do not agree with the advice.
"A strategic blowup or two should occur—scream, yell, smash a few things you're not all that attached to—when he slips up. Repeat until his attitude changes or his address does."
The problem with it is in order to 'reform' him she has to become a ugly person on the inside. He's an asshole why should she become one to stay with him?
Never stay with someone that 'makes' you compromise your own values or makes you be a worse person to be with.
You can't fight abuse with abuse. It only creates a unhealthy emotionally destructive cycle.
When FAT looks in the mirror instead of seeing a good yet overweight woman she will see the person who just had a temper tantrum broke things and tried to 'bully' her boyfriend into not emotionally abusing her.
She will only give him something else to 'look down' on her for.
I don't know what the answer is. I'd prefer he make some noise but to be honest he's kind of a quiet guy in general.
"I was at an LGBT conference this weekend that discussed how prevalent prejudice against bisexuals is, even among LGBT's... "
conferences like that are led by people who get off on the sound of their own voice and attended by people who thrive on the victim mentality. there are enough real victims in the LGBT community without having to invent new ones. You put the wuss in the word wuss.