Columns Jul 9, 2009 at 4:00 am

What's that Wailin'?


This is just fucking sick. Whoever made this is a real piece of work. Sarah Palin, before any of you liberal bags of douche comment any further was atleast honest and open as any politician to ever run for any position in office. She was and still is crucified for her every movement. At first I was skeptical of her like many were, I thought she was just being used by McCain to win more of the female votes. After watching her though she was so honest, and so open, and just a down to earth woman who in my eyes, as skeptical as I was of her, is so much more worthy of sitting in that fucking oval office than the douchebag running this country now. I didn't like McCain, he tried too hard to be liberal, but Sarah Palin was a breathe of fresh air. Why do you think the media tried soooooooooo fucking hard to tear her apart? Because she was the only threat to Obama. As far as McCain went, why would any liberal vote for him when they can have the most leftist liberal politically correct person to ever run for office? As far as her openness and honesty, can you liberals say the same for Obama? Where's your precious hope and change now? Where's the 7 million jobs he was going to save and create? Where's the economy? Where's the backbone he was supposed to show over seas with our enemies? Holy fuck you people are tools, the person who made this, all the douchebags that will laugh at this, and all you sheep that voted for Obama because of the color of his skin. Before you say I'm racist as well, top this, I would absolutely LOVE to see Condoleeza Rice in office, she's smart, nerves of steel, experienced, qualified, great speaker, BLACK, not just black but a black woman, and in my eyes, would show us REAL hope and change we can all believe in and visibly see if by chance were elected in 2012.
I love that "yes_I'm_white" is apparently in a contest to find the blackest person to support for president. Well, I support Blackie Blackpherson for 2012 -- top that!
@1 honest and open? maybe. fit for the presidency? not so much. simple as that. And if all your Palin-lovin' friends across the nation are so dim as to be swayed by what the media tells them, in my mind maybe it's best that they were.
I am, of course, sharing this with all of my Alaskan friends.

Sarah Barracuda < liberal bloggers/Katie Couric. nuff said.
nothing says "breathe of fresh air" like leaving your governorship in the middle of the first term. so mavericky.

call me crazy but i prefer our president be intelligent and thoughtful over open and honest. not that palin is open or honest. damn ethics investigations.
At first I was skeptical of her like many were, I thought she was just being used by McCain to win more of the female votes. After watching her though she was so honest, and so open, and just a down to earth woman who in my eyes, as skeptical as I was of her, is so much more worthy of sitting in that fucking oval office than the douchebag running this country now. I didn't like McCain, he tried too hard to be liberal, but Sarah Palin was a breathe of fresh air.

I'm finding it so hard to believe this isn't a parody as well. The writer rambles on in the same manner as Palin herself, but maybe like attracts like.

Anyway, assuming this guy is serious, someone who baits race, terrorism, and elitism doesn't get to call her- or himself "down to earth."

I thought she was just being used by McCain to win more of the female votes.

Are you kidding? Palin was chosen to appeal to male voters because she's attractive (for a politician). Women hate stupid women, especially stupid, but beautiful, women who are promoted solely for their appearance.

McCain lost moderate women, and maybe even some conservative women, with that dunderhead move.
"Trig is pregnant." I pronounce this the jape of the season!
It's like Mad Libs (haha, get it?):

This is just (adverb) (adjective). Whoever made this is a real piece of (noun). (name), before any of you (political adjective) bags of (noun) (verb) any further was atleast (adjective) and (adjective) as any (profession) to ever (verb) for any (noun) in (noun). (pronoun) was and still is (verb)ed for (pronoun) every (noun). At first I was skeptical of (pronoun) like many were, I thought (pronoun) was just being used by (name) to win more of the (noun) votes. After watching (pronoun) though (pronoun) was so (adjective), and so (adjective), and just a (adjective) (noun) who in my (plural noun), as skeptical as I was of (pronoun), is so much more worthy of sitting in that (adverb) (adjective) office than the (noun) running this country now. I didn't like (name), (pronoun) tried too hard to be (adjective), but (name) was a (noun) of (adjective) air. Why do you think the (noun) tried soooooooooo fucking hard to tear (pronoun) apart? Because (pronoun) was the only (noun) to Obama. As far as (name) went, why would any liberal vote for (pronoun) when they can have the most (adjective) (adjective) (adverb) correct (noun) to ever (verb) for (noun)? As far as (pronoun) (adjective) and (adjective), can you (plural noun) say the (noun) for Obama? Where's your precious (noun) and (noun) now? Where's the 7 million (plural noun) he was going to (verb) and (verb)? Where's the (noun)? Where's the (noun) he was supposed to (verb) over (plural noun) with our (plural noun)? Holy (interjection) you people are (plural pejorative), the person who made (noun), all the (plural pejorative) that will (verb) at this, and all you sheep that (past tense verb) for Obama because of the color of his (noun). Before you say I'm (adjective) as well, top this, I would absolutely (VERB IN ALL-CAPS) to see (name of first black person to come to mind) in (noun), (pronoun)'s (adjective), (plural noun) of steel, experienced, qualified, great (noun), (COLOR IN ALL CAPS), not just (color) but a (color) (noun), and in my (plural noun), would show us REAL (noun) and (noun) we can all (verb) in and visibly see if by (noun) were (verb in future-tense) in (year).
Hey "yes-I'm-white," why do you want to let us know what race you are? We're supposed to be color blind. Do your part and shut up about your race. No one cares.
There's plenty of fresh air in Alaska, which makes Mrs. Palin utterly unnecessary.
@1 Douche is a verb, not a noun. A douche bag does not contain douche, it is used to douche.

I love how failed insults backfire.
I only have this to say to Mrs. Palin. Good Luck on capturing the Republican nomination for president in 2012. I truly mean that.
@12 - "douche" is French for "shower". Technically, it could be a noun. However, @1, to be called "bags of douche" is to be called "bags of shower", and that is not only not insulting, it is incoherent.
p_o My word, just what is all this nonsense about bags of douche being an improper insult? Methinks that the rapscallions commentating on this internet article cannot fathom wit. Tut tut.
please, oh please, oh please Palin run for office in 2012!!!

We could only be so lucky.
This is just (quietly) (homophobic). Whoever made this is a real piece of (pie). (Ronald), before any of you (progressive) bags of (potting soil) (digest) any further, was atleast (smelly) and (delicious) as any (nurse) to ever (deliver) for any (duck) in (space). (She) was and still is (pissed) for (its) every (religion). At first I was skeptical of (it) like many were, I thought (it) was just being used by (Chuck) to win more of the (boat) votes. After watching (it) though (it) was so (alien), and so (pastoral), and just a (moronic) (closet) who in my (lakes), as skeptical as I was of (it), is so much more worthy of sitting in that (incredibly) (lopsided) office than the (beast) running this country now. I didn't like (Clint Eastwood), (he) tried too hard to be (radical), but (Tori Spelling) was a (fish) of (fake) air. Why do you think the (hounds) tried soooooooooo fucking hard to tear (her) apart? Because (it) was the only (noodle) to Obama. As far as (Bob) went, why would any liberal vote for (it) when they can have the most (empty) (infected) (quaintly) correct (flooring) to ever (staple) for (boob)? As far as (deftly) (covert) and (obvious), can you (believers) say the (oral hygene) for Obama? Where's your precious (laundry) and (breakfast cereal) now? Where's the 7 million (mouse traps) he was going to (install) and (run)? Where's the (moth)? Where's the (earwig) he was supposed to (boil) over (blogs) with our (camping gear)? Holy (shit fire) you people are (scallywags), the person who made (ground beef), all the (blackgaurds) that will (cut) at this, and all you sheep that (pooped) for Obama because of the color of his (tooth brush). Before you say I'm (refridgerator) as well, top this, I would absolutely (WEAVE) to see (Tracy Chapman) in (class), (she)'s (studious), (batteries) of steel, experienced, qualified, great (doors), (GREEN), not just (RED) but a (PURPLE) (giggle), and in my (beaches), would show us REAL (sand) and (shell) we can all (swim) in and visibly see if by (sunset) were (barfed) in (1982).
@2 no, I'm not trying to say I'm looking for the "blackest" person to run for office, just saying before any of you call me racist for not supporting NObama all the way, I wanted to say color of skin is not the reason I don't like him. I would love to see either Condoleeza Rice in office, I really think she would fit the bill perfectly.
@2 no, I'm not trying to say I'm looking for the "blackest" person to run for office, just saying before any of you call me racist for not supporting NObama all the way, I wanted to say color of skin is not the reason I don't like him. I would love to see either Condoleeza Rice in office, I really think she would fit the bill perfectly.
I love how the most hard core Palin supporters usually don't live in Alaska. She's an idiot and she doesn't like the media because they've caught on.
@1. RIGHT ON!!!! Tell it like it IS brother!!! Sarah Palin IS as honest as the day is long...on the Winter Solstice in Wasilla, Alaska!
Is it just me, or has the term "douche" gone the way of zombies and pirate parties?

Played out, man, played out.

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