Columns Nov 12, 2009 at 4:00 am

To the Dirtiest Rat in the Shithouse


You actually took someone who calls himself an "anarcho-activist-feminist male-bodied individual" seriously for more than 2 seconds?
Sounds like your friends are a bunch of assholes, if that was one of the best of the bunch. But that's what you get when you sign up for a "community of freinds" like a fraternity or sorrority or whatever the hell kind of group anarcho activist male bodied feminists join.
Yeeeeeah I kinda have to go with TVDinner on this one.
stupid hipsters.
lol @ all anarcho-activist-feminist-male-bodied individuals
Ha, you got BURNED! Suck it up, Bellevue.
"Or keeping quiet about a manic, alcoholic, violent sexual predator in our community."

Except, by posting on "I, Anonymous," you ARE keeping quiet in the way that it counts most -- to this person's FUTURE victims.
Whoa, whoa, whoa... Are you telling me that some of the guys who call themselves feminists are full of shit? Consider my worldview rocked.

I hope this is a good learning experience for Anonymous; when you see the world in the stark Black & White that allows one to accept the completely ridiculous term "anarcho-activist-feminist male-bodied individual," it opens up the possibility that some of the people you thought were 100% awesome have no other category to be in but 100% shit.

Had you allowed for all the shades of gray, you may have noticed your former friend was only 10% awesome, while 90% shit. Chances are, there's a portion of you that's shit too. I think there is in everybody: me, you, Ghandi, Noam Chomsky... everybody.

Man, I'm so fucking glad I'm not 22 anymore.
funny you describe yourself as rats in a shithouse. yikes. doesn't sound like you ever had or will have a chance.

it seems youth really is wasted on the young.
Men who aggressively tout their feminism are like people who insist they're the most honest people you'll ever meet. Yeah, on Opposite Day.
i went to gorditos and ate the entire grande burrito, larger than a baby, and i smothered it with sour cream.

it's 3 am, i just woke up from my 9pm food coma after eating it.

thats all i have
time to wake up and smell the shit she allowed to brew WTF were u thinking hes an asshole and u let it grow to siezmic proportions friends do not treat friends like that time to look in the mirror and decide your own future for he is a loser user and abuser
You stuck by someone as a friend after hearing from all of your female friends that he behaved like a sexual predator and from a total stranger who told you about him actually date raping someone?

I get the vibe you're pretty young. Being young is about making mistakes. Consider this like an inoculation so that you don't ever make the same mistakes, again.

(I'm sure that the people in the comments section here will be more than happy to point out all aspects here where you went askew to facilitate the process.)

Anyway, better to wake up late than never (or date raped). Good luck to you.
When you are young, sometimes bullshit sounds impressive. Bullshit like the term "anarcho-activist-feminist male-bodied individual." It's good that you have made the first step towards realizing that just because someone espouses some nice-sounding political words, that doesn't make them a trustworthy individual. Quite the opposite, in fact. The more someone tells you how politically enlightened they are, the further away you should get from them.

And that goes for anarchists, Democrats, and every other kind of political fucktroon out there.
This guy sounds like a piece of shit, for sure. But as a male who considers himself to be a feminist, I must object to some of the comments and defend the notion that a straight male can espouse the ideas of feminism and actually walk the talk. I know I'm not the only one either. I'm sorry guys like this are out there, but it's pretty fucked up to generalize from one, clearly insane, example. Oh, and or better or worse, I'm way beyond the age of 22.
Nothing wrong with feminist men. Have yet to meet an anarchist who wasn't a pot-smoking moocher, though.
keep your community safe, hold this guy accountable. what's his name yo?
@17--yeah, NAME HIM!
Keep in mind when "searching for Sex Offenders" that some may have been 18 year olds with 17 year old girlfriends (turned in by said girlfriend's p'd off parents?) or individuals caught peein' in public. Until we have "levels" of sex offenders these sorry slips go in the site with the pedophiles. Just keep that in mind, yo.
#20, too true. Not to mention, why do we have a sex offender registry but not a murderer registry or thief registry for when those people are released back into the community?
Wow. A "anarcho-activist-feminist male-bodied individual" who "knows karate"? I'm swooning here.

At least he didn't say he was a lesbian in a man's body, but it was close.
This is of interest to me.
it really should not have taken numerous people saying the same things to get you to rea;ize what a worthless person he was.

I think anyone who claims to be a feminist, female or not, is off their rocker. Sure. Support equality for all races, sexes and creeds. I'm with that, but most "feminists" I've encountered use it as another way of being a chauvinist asshole. Shame on you for thinking this guy wanted anything more than sex by claiming he was a feminist. There is a difference between having respect for women and claiming, as a man, that you're a feminist. How old are you? 18? Men don't say shit like that unless they are looking to get approval from a certain group of people...particularly, gullible females who will allow themselves to be drugged and date raped. I'm pretty sure Gary Ridgeway and Ted Bundy claimed the same stance before they got caught...
..."gullible females who will allow themselves to be drugged and date-raped." You are an effortless fuckwit. The idiotic tripe that was vomited out of your smeg-brain is noteworthy only for its ignorance. If we ever meet, I will so Home Alive you.

To I anon: YES, you have to in some way identify that person, for the sake of future victims.
From the author-
Im 31 and the former friend is 26 if it matters.
The original of this was three times longer, i may add.

I will gladly tell you who this guy is since he's in the scene and 'popular' and some people have no idea why he had to move from portland to seattle. You can email me at

@13, i was friend with him up until he sent me a text that said 'why dont you let me fuck your girlfriend?'. that was a ways before all the other stuff.
I believe people are wondering why you allowed this to go on so long, disastercat. It seems like you should have held this guy accountable a long time ago. It also seems like you should have told the community who exactly this potential rapist is. Our responsibility as community members is, if not to take care of each other, at least to not allow each other to get raped. By being passive we allow this to happen. Speak Up and Rise Up! We have to take care of each other 'cause the government sure as hell won't. Empower ourselves and Empower each other. That is what we are lacking...
That is how I define a true feminist, by the way. Someone is Empowered and and Empowers all others, despite gender, creed or race. They also hold themselves and each other accountable. They do not allow community members to go as far as your "former friend" went.
@25: Know your facts. Gary Ridgeway's M.O. was simply to get a prostitute into his truck, drive off, then kill her somewhere private. He never had to sell out and pretend to be feminist.

Ted Bundy would either just break into his victim's room or pretend to be injured in order to lull them into a false sense of security. No fake feminism there, either.
The 'Shithouse Rat' sounds like one of these guys.
Wake me up when we're talking about a deactivist judo champion.
We still don't have any proof that this guy actually raped anyone. This I Anon could just be some vindictive loser who wants to get back at someone.
Vigilante much?
that said, the article @32 was pretty scary.
@1 & @3 are spot on.

I second that. And I second the fact that the poster is very young.

In the future, pay close attention to when the world is running in the opposite direction from someone you're just soooo impressed by. Walk away early on or get burned yourself. And be careful out there - the world is full of nutjobs just dying to get people with your level of naivité into their force fields.
I agree with @30's definition of Feminism, and am more than a little surprised that so many of you here dismiss the idea of a male feminist. Much like a white person who recognizes their white privilege and does something about it, their actually ARE men who recognize their male privilege and actually do something about it. This evil Joe fellow is not the first to use that as a line and unfortunately won't be the last, but to paint ALL male feminists with the same brush is lazy and ignorant.
Thank you @ 38. I am saddened by the vitriol in these comments towards feminism in general and specifically the notion of male feminists. Many people want a more compassionate and just world and live their lives accordingly, as best they can. Does it really make you feel better to shit on that?
The author again (im a 31yr male, and person that i wrote about is a 26yr male - since it apparently is of interest)-

@29 - Thats been my whole issue this time, i thought that i was one voice. I didnt want the responsibility. I didnt want to be THAT guy. But after reading a book on consent, and that having the subject of this try to fight me (yet again) at a halloween party caused it to be written. I am so sorry that i waited this long.
And, i found out that his current girlfriend knows about none of this.

@34 - I was the same way. THe subject was one of my best friends. I actually thought that the guy in the restaurant was 'some vindictive loser who wants to get back at someone'. Then i asked some mutual friends in PDX and then heard about it through some others who were friends of friends. When i told the subject that i knew, he immediately went to his then girlfriend to give her 'his version', before she heard from me.
ANd then started hearing about the others in the community who have had problems with this guy.
i really dont know what the fuss is about...

The entire article is rumour and here-say...
What I am failing to understand is why the "women in {your} community of friends", who apparently were on the same page in feeling preyed upon, continued to accept his presence in the circle and told you but evidently did not say to this jagoff "Look, Asshole, you crowding me, leering and trying to bully me to drink more than I wish to drink is fucking creepy... stay the hell away from me, and leave my sweet friend the fuck alone while you're at it!".

Life Lesson: Anyone who has invented a descriptive phrase for themself that's more than 3 words long is automatically full of shit.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa... Are you telling me that some of the guys who call themselves feminists are full of shit? Consider my worldview rocked."

SOME of them? How about ALL of them!!! Gee, I wish I knew how gullible women were back when I was 22.
Dane - I'm sorry, "author" - I'm not going to take your side, because the person in question has never done anything inappropriate to me and has never been found guilty in a court of law. I understand that girls are date-raped and many times don't report it, but if that's the case, they didn't protect his alleged 'future victims,' either. But I won't take his side, because hey - shit happens. Maybe all this stuff is true.

I just wonder why it needs to be aired in this passive aggressive way in order to get the message across or get closure on the situation. Validation from strangers about your issue with him is nice, but it also seems like opening up a whole new can of angry worms. I hope you can let this go at some point, or encourage his alleged victims to seek justice the right way, and not just through gossip. If he's a true danger to society, name him.
just a question about comment 27. Don't you both fuck each others girls and then some on a regular basis. isn't that what "open relationships" mean in your eyes. This is all so passive and pathetic. I agree with them all if he really is this "danger to society" name him, not to those who email you but to everyone else. I am assuming you are too afraid of the reaction you may get from "your community".
@46 & @47, I agree!!! This is not taking progressive action in your community, disastercat. If you have not addressed this situation to your whole community, or at least to the victims, or potential victims of your community that you seem to be so fond of, you are continually being passive (aggressive) and you are continually allowing (and therefore consenting for) this creep to get away with such inappropriate, immature (and maybe dangerous) behavior! If you're taking the energy to post an "I, Anonymous" in The Stranger and keep tabs on the comments posted from mostly strangers, then I believe you should use that energy instead to actually get something done: find out if the accusations are in fact true and allow your dear community (or the court, if he has in fact RAPED someone) to hold this guy accountable! Please take PROGRESSIVE action that will actually get results, rather than a fucking "I, Anonymous" post when your dealing with a probable rapist!!! People think you're young because you sure as hell are acting young. I am hoping that you will hear me out, disastercat; understand that I am posting this because I (used to) respect you, but I definitely respect community and cannot stand the idea of having a potential rapist in our midst while you are not taking the appropriate steps to deal with it. Good luck to you.
By the way, disastercat, I was "date" raped this summer. He left town before I had a chance to persecute him. I am very angry. Part of the reason why I have so much fervor for your topic is because it hits close to home and I don't want it to hit anyone else. Do something about it, please.
Thats what im sorry about, that i waited too long. It was basically 14 months of this guy shit-talking me to my friends, trying to get my sweetheart to dump me for him, then progressively blaming me for many of his issues.

Im sorry that i waited for him to try to fight me several times, and then was asked by several people in the community to communicate this.

Besides the Stranger, i also emailed it to our friend group, craigslist, facebook, myspace, tribe, etc... Just trying to find a way to get the word out there about him.

I was recently contacted by several people in portland who received the email forward. They made me aware that there is there is a group in PDX called Little Birdy that only women can join. It is a list of sexual predators and women abusers in Portland, that women can freely add to with an understanding of trust that no one will falsely accuse anyone. He is on this list.

As always, since this is I Anon, im not naming any names (even though someone decided to name me). But if you want to know more or who this is, email me.
Yeah, what #43 said.

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