Columns Jan 14, 2010 at 4:00 am

Hell Hath No Fury Like A Doormat Scorned


Dick. What did the four dogs do to you?
Unless you were his mom, you should have booted him after the 1st rent payment missed.
wow maybe the "fat cow" has a bit more self esteem than you did. Too bad you felt that to get a man you had to play mommy! next time be a woman to a man instead of a parent... Oh and nice to see that you dog a gal for being fat instead of getting on yourself for being weak!! lame ass
You did this why, exactly?

I'm waiting for the next I, Anonymous laughing at the person who bought them food, weed, and T-shirts for six years.
Yep. Waking up from a delusion hurts. Sure does.

But don't let the "You should have seen this/it's your fault" haters get you down. Your only options were to maintain your delusion or wake up. Waking up hurts, but it feels better in the long run, and I'm glad you're out.

The conservatives/tea-baggers face the same problem. They're scared once they wake up from their delusions, it will hurt, so they continue to dig themselves deeper, pretending that global warming is a 'hoax,' that unregulated banking is the ultimate solution, and that everyone who doesn't agree w/ them 100% is an idiot/terrorist/librul & should be tortured to death.
Be fair Amazing Jim. Third Rent Check.
I hope YOU get hit by a car. Dogs didn't do anything to anyone.
The dogs don't deserve that. Bad enough they have a louse for an owner.

You should be glad you are out now, though. So don't bother hating her - she did you a favor.

I gotta say, though - you were giving him weed and you wonder why he didn't get a job? Okay, I know most pot smokers are functional but there are a few who want to do nothing but smoke pot all day and it doesn't take 6 years to figure them out!
Sheesh, SIX YEARS!!! Why are you angry at "the other woman". She did you a favor. You unloaded the worthless troll. If that sucker hadn't come along, you'd still be stuck with that POS.

p.s. Seriously? You want his dogs to die? They're not the ones who did you wrong.
It's not the dogs' fault that this guy is a dick.
Six years. I know he's an unappreciative, lazy, gross douche, but you're the one who stayed in that mess. What exactly were you getting out of it? And now you're hating on another woman and innocent dogs. Maybe he left you, but you're CLEARLY better off.

Were you wishing all this time that he'd get his shit together and propose to you? Bitch, please.

Please, take some responsibility for your actions.
also- FOUR dogs? you should have stopped him at one. if he can't manage his own life, i can't imagine he's doing the dogs any good. you should have painted red flags on every article of clothing he owned before breaking up with this dumbass.
Sorry, but I gotta wipe my feet on this I,Anon. I know we can do better.
so, this means you're single now right?
@4 Thank you! I totally agree.
Mad at yourself and him and you decide to body snark and wish death on a couple of innocent dogs... Look within my friend...
HAAAAAA hahahahaha

Look at the number of "think of the dogs" comments! Way to totally miss the point, people. You'd think she wrote a manifesto against PETA or something. I'm sure she doesn't REALLY hate the dogs, she is just righteously pissed.

Oh my God this is hilarious. Seattle must be a scream.
Ah, count your blessings. You only lost six years, it could have been twenty. Hope this vent helps you move on & not spend any more time thinking of the loser.
There are no bad dogs--only bad recipes.
I thought I anonomous was for venting that could not realistically be done in person. Publishing this seems to me an act of enabling people who don't have the guts to stand up for themselves or take responsibility for their own actions. I have compassion for people who forget they have free will, but I'm not keen on pretending they are righteous victims who deserve an anonomous voice for fear of judgement.
I swear my deadbeat neighbor is pulling this shit on his wife; he's even got the chronic pot smoking down.

Be thankful that the motherfucker left you. Go out and find someone who deserves you, and never stick around someone who doesn't give back at least as much as you put into the relationship.
Oh boo hoo, why does everyone care about f'n dogs so much? People act like they are more important than actual people. I don't have any personal beef with dogs, besides stepping in their shit once in awhile, which I hate. But I know that's the stupid owners fault for owning an animal in an urban environment and not being responsible for its poo. Thats just it, I hate the way dogs make people act, they get all uptight and act like a human child is being hurt if a dog is abused. Sure they can be cute and cuddly and good companions to lonely people. There are so many terrible things happening in the world. Dogs aren't going to do anything to change that. Do they even care? Unlikely. Do the just want to eat their own vomit and smell each others a-hole's. Yes.
@22: "Abused" is sort of a light term for "getting hit by a car."
You sound pretty hot. I collect socks and underwear, and, though I'm 'working' on a number of issues right now, I will eventually be able to transport both of us to a dreamworld of magic.

And I DO need a place to stay in the mean time.

Thank you #22.
One car to hit four dogs? They'd have to either be pretty small or the driver would have to be a damn good shot.
dogs are better than people. people are shitty.
people can be pretty shitty, but at least people don't eat their own shit, then try to lick your face. i know y'all just love your puppies SOOO much, but they're vile, dangerous animals that have no place in civilized society.
Victim Mentality: The victim mentality causes you to think that you cannot make the changes in your life that you desire to make because of others, for reasons that you cannot define, mysteriously "have it out" for you and wish you ill will, and thus they do things to set you back, harm you emotionally, etc.

Co-Dependence: Codependency involves a habitual system of thinking, feeling, and behaving toward ourselves and others that can cause pain.
Codependent behaviors or habits are self-destructive. We frequently react to people who are destroying themselves; we react by learning to destroy ourselves. These habits can lead us into, or keep us in, destructive relationships that don't work.

WHAT YOU NEED IS SELF ESTEEM: Start with the book Codependent No More.
Bad mojo with the crack about the dogs.... I hope your karma can handle that weight.
Get a fucking job!....You were so goddamn lazy you wanted me to drive you four blocks to work...Soooooo, he had a job?
I think you would be termed a classic "enabler".
You may be mad, but you let this continue; and this anger may go back to your youth. Don't get mad, learn from it, and don't repeat it. Find a counselor or life coach and focus on abundance. If you focus on a loser ex, guess what you'll find next...

And as a curvy girl, don't target the weight, because it only reflects your insecurities-not the usurpers.
Doggystyle (22) - Fuck off! Humans are not more important than other animals. The "terrible things happening in the world"? Caused by Humans!

People frequently act dumb about lots of things -their dogs sometimes sure, children too. Again your real beef seems to lie with people, not dogs.

You're a total piece of shit if you can't experience empathy when a non-human animal suffers.

And this particular "I Anon" is a loser. Not strictly because of the dogs comment. Some responsibility for your own bad decisions and pathetic life much, ANON?
Ugh. I hate men like that. I once dated a loser like that for about a year and a half on the rebound. I wanted to get away after about six months but he was such a manipulate leech that he kept guilting me into getting back together. I finally locked the door of my house when he came knocking, stopped listening to his (5 minute long) messages on my machine and ignored him if I saw him in public. He's the only person I ever dated that I can't be friendly to! These things happen... she should be glad the fat gal took him off her hands. But I agree... his dogs have gotta go.
God I hate dog people. You'll bend over backwards to give your sweet puppies anything they want, thus allowing them to develop into shitty animals with no obedience (The one thing dogs have going for them as pets), or ability to behave. They wanna steal food off the table? Sure, go right ahead sweet doggie. Shit in the house and bark at all hours? Why the hell not. While this isn't an excuse to abuse them, no animal should be abused, you retards need to stop treating them like they're people. They're not. They're dogs. They eat their own shit.
I love the illustration!
To the people hating her for hating his dogs : yeah, I'm sure those animals were wonderfully raised by their owner. While they may have been a blank slate to begin with, by now they're spoiled little monsters that only their owner can love - and probably relies on other people to take care of.

To anonymous herself/himself : I can only hope your ex was a phenomenal lay for the six years that you put up with him/her. And if that's not the case, you really should be sending a thank you letter to the fat heifer for getting him out of your life. It's completely unintentional on their part, but they've done you a huge favour.

I hope you make the best of getting on with your life and not dwelling too long on this.
You could sum this up: "He's so horrible, but I REALLY wish he picked me over her."
@35, what? You hate dog people? My dog doesn't behave anything like what you describe. It sounds to me like you don't know a damn thing about dogs. And to have such strong opinions about something you nothing about, well, that lumps you in with the mentality of racists and conservatives.

I don't know anyone whose dog shits in the house and barks at all hours. In fact, that sounds more like cat behavior...

You just don't know what you're talking about.
she sucks..this i, anon is just downright embarrassing to her.
plus the dog comment is very bad karma. careful what you wish for honey.
Hey, Cap'n Ahab: It takes a pretty shallow asshole to threaten an animal. Leave the dogs out of it.
That's a good point 39 - I hate it when my cat barks all afternoon!
You should be thanking the stars and the fatty instead of venting.

I am always surprised at how many people can, with a total lack of self-consciousness, go on and on about the complete and total loser they used to be involved with. I wouldn't cop to having been FRIENDS with someone I thought so skeazy, much less to being his/her significant other for years.
Birds of a feather, y'know?
Mom, is that you?
@39 Yeah, hating all the poorly raised dogs these days is totally like being a racist. That's TOTALLY a logical and well thought out thought process you have there... Dumbass So because YOUR dog doesn't do it, that must mean all dogs don't do that. That's a fantastic overgeneralization. Also, I doubt that if your dogs were little monsters, you'd see that. As 35 points out, bad dog owners always seem to think they have perfect pets.
Why is everyone defending the fucking dogs. You forget they shit and piss on your floor. Tear up your important documents and furniture after they ramsack your shit.

Dogs aren't angels. That could be a perfect explanation for wanting them to be roadkill.
6 fucking years? If it took 6 fucking years than you are the one with the problem. Enabler.
The first year I'll give you. The second year went through all 365 days and you stuck around. Then repeated the cycle for 4 more years? Hmmm, sounds like dude knew what he was doing and you were just treading the water.

Take some responsibility and articulate so you don't sound like a whiny ball of bullshit.

No one decent would ever wish death by car on an innocent animal or the like. That statement alone made sense out of your level of intelligence sticking around for 6 years AND HE LEFT YOU. Bahaha. Hilarious.
The first year I'll give you. The second year went through all 365 days and you stuck around. Then repeated the cycle for 4 more years? Hmmm, sounds like dude knew what he was doing and you were just treading the water.

Take some responsibility and articulate so you don't sound like a whiny ball of bullshit.

No one decent would ever wish death by car on an innocent animal or the like. That statement alone made sense out of your level of intelligence sticking around for 6 years AND HE LEFT YOU. Bahaha. Hilarious.
Dear I, Anonymous submissions in 2010: You deserve whatever has happened to you. Stop wishing awful things on others for your own failures.
All you pro-dog/anti-dog folks crack me up. That's what you decided to fixate on? The DOG COMMENT? Too funny.

I like dogs just fine, but come on. Y'all need to find something else to get up in arms about. A recovering enabler making an off-hand remark about her ex's dogs while venting about six years of frustration does not a crisis make. Just let the woman have her moment of passive-aggressive rage (and pray that she's learned more from this experience than "god my ex is such a jerk for leaving me!")
I have a good friend who went through a nearly identical situation (the only way I know you're not her is that I'm not from Seattle) except it went on for ten years. She broke it off with him and now she has an amazing relationship with a functional adult... you're better off.

Don't hate on the dogs, though. That's a dick move.
Wow. Wow. I'm completely jealous of this guy. Where can I find women like this, who will put up with me smoking pot and contributing no rent and fucking other women for years? Seriously, where do I find one? It'd be like striking oil!
Who's the idiot here? The guy who snowed you for free room, board, drugs and presumably sex for 6 years, or you, the one who let him do it?

So yeah, you might want to look in the mirror to see who's to blame here, not the other chick, and not his dogs.
The sad thing is that she only really got mad when she learned that he got engaged after one year with the other woman.

I hope you said that to him in real life... he might not even read!
He conned you into supporting him for 6 years and then he dumped you for a fat chick?! You must be the ugliest sack of crap in Seattle. That noise you hear is me laughing at you.
Fuck dogs! I want them all to be roadkill. Hahaha!
Take some responsibility for enabling that loser for 6 years and realize that you are better off without him. Who's the bigger loser, a user who gets everything they want provided for them for free - or the friggen' idiot who works their tail off to give everything to them? WAKE UP ALREADY, get some self esteem, a backbone, and a clue as to what really happened here, or in short order you will find yourself with another barnacle to care for.

If you wrote this : you've been way too nice to a piece of shit. That doesn't make you an idiot. That makes you someone in need of therapy, because you should have more self-esteem.

To the haters out there who think that a doormat is here to be abused : you're pieces of shit. You'll die alone.

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