Columns Feb 25, 2010 at 4:00 am

Wiggle Room


Great column. Now I must go fuck my wife's ass.
Uh... cheeky-fucking? Wouldn't that have the same effect on vaginal and urinary tract health as thongs do? An object sliding along the same path. Just sayin'.
butt menses? can someone please define?
Ha! If your response to LBIP is true maybe I'll ask my sweetheart to peg me for political reasons. I'm not totally sure I will like it but for that I'm willing to try!
Lesbians have anuses!
Great column, now I have to go fuck my wife's ass.
Wait, I thought Dan was strictly a top.
Actually Dan you got it half right. It's lesbians AND gingers who don't have anuses. Or was it souls? I can never get that right.
Dan, two things

a. Thanks so much to all of the douchebag conservatives so concerned over male on male anal sex as proof of something about gayness. Us queer ladies were wondering all this time what this "asshole" place is, since we don't have 'em. And we certainly would never think to play with this nonexistent region. Also, we crap out of our vaginas.

Which brings me to point b.

b. Please don't equate menses with shit. One is basically just blood, the other is waste products, toxic chemicals your body is expelling, and billions of bacteria, aka gross. If the person who is the source of these is disease-free, only one of them can make you sick. It's not awesome to perpetuate the idea that menses are equivalent to something much less benign (women get enough horrible messages about the dirtiness of their vaginas and menstrual blood from society as is). You are better than that Dan.

Thanks. (Steps off her soapbox).
Thank you for no recycled SLOG SL "letter of the day" letters. I love them, but I also love Savage Love to be, er, well... virginal...

That said, thank you for coming back in full form - On top of your game... good advice as always.
To #11 - actually, menses IS a waste product. It's the lining of your uterus that isn't needed when a fertilized egg isn't present. It's blood, yes, but it's also a bunch of other stuff.

And while I agree that girls and women get lots of negative messages about the dirtiness of their vaginas, I'm pretty sure Dan was mocking the shit out of Rep. Elliott (or is that mocking the menses out of her?) and bears no ill will toward the average vagina, uterus, or the things that come out of them. No more than the average gay man, anyway.

rep. elliott: there is this new technology called "taking a shit" that you might find interesting.
@13 This might be semantics, but some unneeded cells mixed in with mostly blood seems an entirely different kind of "waste". Also, my point stands regarding "cleanliness" of menstrual blood.

I don't think Dan meant any ill will towards vaginas. I am just pointing out that wording and associations are important. There are too many people who have the incorrect idea that menstruation is somehow "dirty" for me not to want to clarify the point.
I was that 18 year old girl. When my boyfriend was finally able to blushingly confess that he might want - and not in a gay way - and you can totally say no - and its not a big deal - but maybe i could touch his asshole a little bit - I was like "I read this column, Savage Love. Have you ever heard the term 'pegging'?"

That I knew a word for what he wanted, that it was common enough to have a name, dispelled all his fears. It's been two kinky years since then.

Yes they certainly do! I am very good friends with a lesbian couple, and when they strap it on, one prefers vaginal penetration and the other only digs anal. Takes all kinds!
So according to the CDC, dykes don't have anal sex.


My wife used to be the same as you, she had a bad previous experience with anal with some asshole before we met and refused me entrance. It took a long time, as in years, for me to bring her around to letting me try anal. Starting with rubbing a lubed finger around her anus during foreplay and digital stimulation, later times I press inward on her anus to give her a little sensation. I had to show her that there was pleasure to be found with me touching there first before she would let me explore, and now, years later, she asks me to touch her there during foreplay. We have had anal sex a few times, and to be honest, I prefer vaginal intercourse, so I don't ask often.

So, to sum up, your husband needs to stop pestering you, it will never feel good if you feel pressured; and you need to get in touch with what feels good for you down there, or at least give it an honest try with no outside interference. You may end up being a no anal couple, and that's okay, but you should at least be able to say you tried everything.
I'm surprised that a legislator in New Hampshire, the most libertarian of states and home of the Free State Project (, dares to try to legislate personal behavior that harms no one. How she got elected to any office in New Hampshire is beyond me. Maybe she should move to a state where her idea would gain more traction, like...gee, I dunno. New Hampshire readers, where would you send her?
Please don't equate menses with shit. One is basically just blood, the other is waste products, toxic chemicals your body is expelling, and billions of bacteria, aka gross. If the person who is the source of these is disease-free, only one of them can make you sick. It's not awesome to perpetuate the idea that menses are equivalent to something much less benign (women get enough horrible messages about the dirtiness of their vaginas and menstrual blood from society as is). You are better than that Dan.

what she said! otherwise, you are spot on.
dan - i know how you love to hear about jesus-y youth pastors/volunteers doing wrong:…
#9: Why do you think Dan's strictly a top...did he say so? Wouldn't that make him a (gasp!) closeted str8 dude??

Oh please I'm just kidding.

And: I don't know who's a bigger idiot this week, Nancy Elliott or Lauren Ashley. There's barely half a brain between 'em.
@21 etc.... to all of you who say menses is not dirty or nice or something.. are you kidding me? do you ever have periods? it's gross, it's waste form your body and it is NOT nice (not to be confused with dirty and unpure in a religious way, it just leves your underwear all stained and smelling bad)
On the topic of menses vs shit, I gotta say they're both subjectively gross. (TMI warning from here on out!) I change diapers every day and an overflowing diaper is no worse, to me, than a pad full of clots. I fully realize that I may someday end up changing my husband's diapers, should he not be in a home yet, and although the thought isn't a great one, it's part of the growing old together process I signed up for. And I can honestly say that the thought of those diapers isn't much worse than the memory of the "disposable underwear" (ie, Depends) I had to wear to bed after the births of our children. It's waste either way, and it's yucky unless you have a fetish for it, but it's just one more part of life to be scowled at and put out of your mind. Like throwing up, or the smell of BO on the bus, or the Palins.
Get over yourselves. "But menses" was clearly meant as snark, and if you're getting your second-wave bloomers in a twist over it, the joke's on you.
On the topic of menses v. poop, the issue is one of shame. We are taught to be ashamed of poop, and this serves a sanitary function.... improper disposal or handling of poop can have health consequences. While I may not agree with shame as the motivator, it works.

Menstrual blood does not pose a similar health threat. Considering that women in our culture are already taught to be ashamed of their vaginal products, and shame in this context is not functional, analogies that reinforce this shame are counter-productive and perhaps even damaging.

Women have enough body-image monsters to fight. Dan doesn't need to reinforce the vaginal shame that is already too present.
Dan, IΒ΄ve been reading your column for 7 years, and I think this is my fave of all the posts youΒ΄ve written. Awesome!
NEA, ask your husband how it feels when you constantly nag him about doing some chore he dislikes (If you do, if not, how somebody else used to). I know when somebody nags and whines to me about doing something, I hate it even more and become much more reluctant. Then tell him it doesn't work for sex either, especially anal. If he wants it, he is going to have make you feel like doing it. As other have said, that would be romance, hot baths, a little exploring and showing you how much fun it can be.

That being said, you might not ever like it, and then he just needs to grow up. You, of course, could help by showing him how stuff you really like is really fun! The cheeky-fucking may be nice, but tittie-fucking is really fun, especially if there is a little oral involved.
#27 - Wait, improper handling and disposal of blood and body tissue is NOT a health risk?

I'm all for women not being ashamed of their menses, and I'm much more grossed out by shit than a woman on her period, but let's be realistic here. Bodily products are considered biohazards for a reason.
Dan, you really messed up in your answer to ANAL - you said "thanks for being one of the 70,771,200 straight people out there who prove every day that you can have anal sex and access to legal marriage, too", but obviously, ANAL and her boyfriend are *2* of the 70,771,200 straight people out there.....
*grumble* Where can I meet all these pegging-positive boys?
NEA, perhaps you should do your best Hannibal Lector impersonation-- "Quid pro quo, Clarice"-- then tell the hubby that you'd like to try pegging. Maybe he'll like it, maybe he won't; maybe you'll like it, maybe you won't. But my guess is that he won't pester you quite as much.
i was born and raised in nh. wa is (now) my home. thank you for reminding me what an f'd up state it is. it's embarassing.
I had a GF once who was like NEA (but not so calm about the topic). As far as GGG went, she was the first G, but not so much the second or third.

I wanted to be open -- and for her to be open -- to everything that could be pleasurable to us, acknowledging that the things we experienced with each other, in this specific partnership, might be different than what we had enjoyed or disliked in the past. So ... I when I discussed trying anal she reacted very swiftly to shut me down and then portrayed me as hounding her and refusing to respect her wishes because I had brought it up more than once (not lots, just two or three times over the course of a year). Such an overreaction suggested past issues were at play. There was that, and also since she had been through childbirth, she had some issues with hemorrhoids, as much emotional as physical.

So I left the subject alone, only to find that as time passed, she became more open to the idea. This came when our relationship became more relaxed in general, but she changed when she was TOTALLY hot, specifically after a lengthy session of oral sex. She actually initiated the anal play, getting up out of our bed and going to get some lube for me to use to penetrate her with my fingers.

Not sure how all this came to pass, but I got what I wanted: openness to different experiences, and the ability to discover new pleasures with each other. Anal came by way of oral.
Normally I enjoy the Savage Love comments as much as the actual column but this shit vs. menstruation debate has got to stop. Lets hear more feedback about the anal and pegging and boys in panties. That's the fun stuff. And that bitch from New Hampshire needs to quit accidentally admitting that she likes poop porn.
#32: You're kidding, right? There's tons of us! You pegging-positive girls are the rare birds.
lol!! This week's a doozy! ;-D (I won't pressure you anymore about that. I never was serious anyway. Please. I know my place, and there isn't mine to you. You on the other hand are free to have me up the side road there ;) ... Ingenious you are as always. Rejoicing. :-) Well Done! Peace, some other cat :-D
;-D Nice!
40 ;) 2. ;-D always :-) , me
From now on, every time I peg a man, I will pretend that I am straight.
Excellent column this week Dan, truly top form. Also, nice leg work, Baconcat!
@35 raises an interesting question. We all know that excrement in all forms (Santorum, ewww) is just bad, but what about hemmorhoids? I'm currently pregnant with my third child and trying to wrap my head around the (I thought) fact that anal sex will no longer be part of our marriage. I've been wondering for a while if adverse effects on one's sex life is reason enough for a doctor to agree to surgery. But maybe it's not such a big deal to guys? Maybe fucking a hemmorhoidal ass is okay? I don't know the rules, so please- enlighten me.
@32 where can i find all the pegging positive girls?
Can I quote Scott Thompson? 'I'm against Gay Marriage. Gays should continue to live in sin. It's hotter that way' or something thereabouts.
I don't know who is worse about perpetuating the idea that periods are dirty - men or women. The only thing that has ever made me uncomfortable about periods is how uncomfortable you ladies can be about them. I would have no problem with doing to a pussy what I would do to it at any other time of the month save for the fact you look at me like I'm goddamn Hannibal Lecter when I do.
What's a big deal to some guy on the internet may not be a big deal to your husband. No one here can tell you how your husband feels about fucking a hemorrhoidal ass. On the other hand, if they are painful and irritated, you will definitely mind having anal sex. So wait and see how you and your husband feel about it, and if it poses a problem, talk to your doctor about treatment options.
I thought lesbians not having anuses was a beautiful tongue and cheek joke ...

You know, like Mary Poppins, she obviously doesn't have an asshole either.

Honestly this is the best column he's written in a while.

Especially the woman, who is pestered by anal, the whole spirit is willing, but she is not wired for it. Totally respectable!
#33: YES, that's exactly what I was thinking. NEA needs to tell her husband "what's good for the goose is good for the gander"... if you want anal, you GET anal. THEN see what he says. :)
@ 40 and others:

What does:

40 ;) 2. ;-D always :-) , me

translate to?!? I've been trying to decipher for 1/2anhour! (Yes, I'm into oral, anal and puzzles).
This has been, without a doubt, one of the most exhilarating and refreshing columns by Dan. I just hope Rep. Elliot reads it and rejoice in the irony and elegant sense of humor demonstrated here. And, please: Keep it open for all! (I mean, the matrimony, of course).
@49, which, going by some of the other comments on this article, wouldn't necessarily make a difference. What happens if he takes her up on her offer? HILARITY ENSUES.
@43 In my experience, a gentle fucking is therapeutic for hemorrhoids. One should wait until there is no real inflammation or pain, of course. Keeping the anus loose makes pooping easier, and reduces the irritation from that.
I was so tickled that Dan could use "butt menses" in the sense that he did -- so playful -- and all his readers would get it! Imagine my disappointment.

And MOCpl, yes, dear, we heard you the first time.
Awww LBIP is so cute!
"No, thank you, LBIP, because every time a straight girl sticks something up a straight boy's ass, a bigoted state representative dies a little inside."

Why not hope they die A LOT inside? Why not die A LOT inside & outside & everywhere else?

Here's a thought: every time anyone commits a non-missionary position sex act w/ someone with whom they're not married to (including yourself), God kills a bigot?

C'mon, America! Do your part! Masturbate, sodomize, suck cock, lick pussy, peg your bf, or just straddle him in a chair, and soon our world will be free of bigots! The only problem is where to dump the ashes.... (and who gets to repopulate Alabama)
All this talk of menses and shit and tampons and adult diapers and whatnot is making me... urp... Blaaargh! Aroused.
I wonder if we could get Dan's take on this?…

It's about a French anti-smoking ad that associates smoking with, um, questionably-consensual oral sex.
SkyHuxley, write to Dan via email and ask him about that link. I've been curious about that, too, but he usually doesn't address readers' questions posted here, in his columns.
Thanks Dan. I was so mad that I wrote an email to the NH House of Reps last week:
She issued a half - assed statement about not being able to "verify" her claims about children being taught anal sex.
Reading your column made me feel so much better. Thank you.
PS DOMA cost me and my husband over $7,000 in taxes last year. How about you?
By the way, Reprehensible Elliott, it ain't excrement until it's excreted.

I guess it's hard to know the difference when you're a constipated, hemorrhoid-ridden republican. You guys are so anal-retentive and backed-up you're constantly walkin aroind with shit up to your eye-balls. Guess that's what makes you such shitbags.
Wonderful column! Love the statistics and particularly love this line:

"No, thank you, LBIP, because every time a straight girl sticks something up a straight boy's ass, a bigoted state representative dies a little inside."

My husband and I do our part on a regular basis. Now, if I could only get him to wear my panties...
To # 33, I am surprised Dan did not suggest that to NEA himself. He certainly has in the past. Maybe he did it out of concern that Ijjit Elliott might come to harm. # 43, Anal doesn't //shouldn't have to include rough penetration. How about one finger using Preparation H's new ice-blue as a lubricant? And I hate to tell you, there are an awful lot of us Hemorrhoid Sufferers out here who couldn't imagine stopping the butt play because age, experience and inheritance have let us sag a little down there! Hey, Dan, do any of your statisticians have info on that particular demographic?????
I grew up in NH, so I will not end my loyalty just because idiots live there. Said political idiot probably loves it up the butt (so goes the trend). Or she is still mortified from pooping all over the guy. So har-har to you Nancy, same-sex marriage is legal, and it's GOING to stay that way.
To my understanding, Dan has suggested that approach when the woman is reluctant to try anal - in this case the woman tried it and doesn't want to do it again.
I'm having a hard time following her logic. What does allowing gays to marry have anything to do with whether Lauren Elliott wants a dick-covered cock up her butt?
I don't mind the smell of blood at all. But the smell of menstrual discharge is absolutely horrible to me. Ripe and rancid, I don't know how else to describe it.
"But before I let you off the anal hook..."

My wife and I tried an anal hook last night. Not nearly as fun as it sounds.
Thank you, Dan, for the Anal-icious column this week!

For NEA, I didn't like anal the first time I tried it, to the extent that he couldn't get in my ass at all the 2nd time. And he really liked it, so I really wanted to like it, too. So I learned about the anatomy. I read some books, watched some videos, read some more, and talked to the fabulous women at The Smitten Kitten here in Minneapolis (soon to be opening in Denver, you lucky bastards) and invested in some good quality tushy toys. I used butt plugs while masturbating, and during vaginal intercourse. We attended an anal workshop given by The Kitten, and the even more fabulous Tristan Taormino. Tristan has a gorgeously photographed book of anal sex positions, and filled with tips. And guess what? I LOVE TO HAVE MY ASS FUCKED!!

@43, and anyone else with hemorrhoids--if you had a sore in your vagina, you'd go to the Dr, right? Why treat your ass with any less respect? You don't have to suffer with hemorrhoids, you don't have to have hemmorhoids, and not all hemmorhoids require surgery. Get it fixed, and continue to enjoy your ass play.

Dan, thank you again for the column, I'm all turned on from reading it. I want you to be my new gay BFF, but my current gay BFF (who dates my brother in law) would be jealous.
As Dan has recommended a million times before, read Anal Pleasure and Health. It has good advice for everyone who wants ass play, and especially for those who experience pain or discomfort, even from swollen veins. You may not need a doctor. Anal play itself may help your ass to heal itself.
butt menses! brilliant.
Fucking a shitty ass, and a bloody vagina are TOTALLY DIFFERENT.

One is gross.

One provides extra lube.

OMG did you know that PENISES eject this NASTY WHITE CHUNKY GOO out of them??!?!?!?! It burns your eyes and tastes bad and gets crusty and you have to DISPOSE of it later. WORSE, it happens EVERY TIME they fuck.
@ 69 (heh)
I kinda think if a man blows his opportunity to make his wife LOVE anal sex and ASK him frequently to fuck her in the ass, he kinda doesn't deserve a second chance. Kinda. So do your (anal) fucking research boys, or you will end up like NEA's husband. Some tips from ladies on this site:…html
#56 - Your ideas intrigue me, and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Also, thanks Dan... the term "butt menses" almost made me spray coffee all over my computer keyboard.
I wanted to take my wife in the ass...she gave me that look I get when I say I want to buy a camper and tour the state playing guitar on the streets. I can't blame her as I wouldn't want a dick in my ass. I mean, what is the thrill? Can someone here explain?
Dan's math on the who's-nailing-whose-ass is rather questionable. He's hanging his hat on only 4% of Americans being gay. That's be 1 in 25, and even given that there is one survey out there that gives that number that I've seen it fails to correctly nail the numbers. Even that survey had 7% "summa-tha-time" for guys with gay activity.

Of course, Dan has a long-standing willingness to call open homosexual behavior simply kinky -- like the Washington State politician who wore a dress to a porn shop and picked up a gay hooker and topped and bottomed and then refused to pay.

Dan called that guy straight. Speaking as a straight-but-tolerant person, it ain't so. That guy is a self-loathing homo.

If you include self-loathing homos, Republican congressmen who fondle their male pages, married dudes on the down-low, etc. all as straight, then that might possibly leave only 4% ... but that's hardly fair, is it?

Let the benefits of gay identity be spread throughout the land!
#72 FTW

Thanks, that's basically my point.

I'm shocked(!) that nobody picked up the corollary from Dan's math: half of the gay population (3.8 mil) do not engage in anal sex, plus the remaining 32.5% of gay males that do not engage in anal sex (~1.2 mil) means that there are 5 million gay people who should not be prevented from marriage! Long live marriages that are execrement-free!
At #77
Thank you. We must now spread the word about the health hazard of semen. SO UNCLEAN it is. I can't BELEIVE he wants to spray that stuff in/on me. It transmits DISEASES. Wear a condom and keep that filth OFF ME.

(are we seeing the logic, squeamish period haters?)
I believe that it is quite simple to understand the logic of state representative Nancy Elliott. As a career politician she is assuming that everyone is as full of shit as she is. Certainly in her case even sticking your dick in her mouth would result in wiggling it around in shit.
"I wouldn't want a dick in my ass. I mean, what is the thrill? Can someone here explain?"

King Marty, a dick up a guy's ass rubs up against his prostate, and that can produce very pleasureable feelings, believe it or not. An ex-boyfriend filled me in about this.

What I don't get is, what do women get out of anal sex, besides the pleasure involved in pleasing their partners? There's no prostate to tickle, after all. What makes it worth the hassle?
@ 81
Pretty much the same as vaginal sex. The feeling of fullness, pressure on the G-spot if the penis is tilted correctly, massaging the tissue rich in nerve endings (internal parts of clitoris stretch all around the pelvic region, anus included), PC muscle contracting wildly during orgasm (both vagina and anus are holes in the same muscle). So it's like a second vagina, plus the extra mental turn on because you're doing something naughty.

And it's not that much of a hassle anyway. It's just a matter of using more lube, finding a position for initial penetration in which your sphincter is maximally relaxed (lying on stomach spread eagled works for me), and not penetrating in one go, but in intermittent fashion (which, too, can be completed in a few minutes, so it's only a hassle if you are in a hurry).

And if it hurts, you're not doing it right.
Thanks for the info, vengeance.
I think all you ladies getting bent out of shape over the menstrual fluid/feces analogy are revealing your own anti-anal-sex biases. Dan has no negative feelings about anal sex that we know of, so you're making completely false inferences about the significance of the analogy.

Menses (noun): (1) The periodic expulsion of uterine waste (2) By extension--any periodic expulsion of waste.

See? No need to infer that some kind of shaming was intended. YOU think anal sex is nasty, so you take offense on behalf of your vagina at the comparison.
A word to the wise: Comments are appearing slowly after being posted today, for whatever reason. Please don't double-post.
I always love you Dan. But sometimes? You make my heart sing. Today is one of those days. If there is a just and righteous God she will ensure that somehow, some way, that bigoted, ugly, dried up husk of a woman in New Hampshire will be forced to read this column. Preferably right before she walks in on her husband buttfucking the babysitter.

I love you, Dan. This was perfect! :) Many thanks!
"We're talking about taking the penis of one man and putting it in the rectum of another man and wiggling it around in excrement. And you have to think... would I allow that to be done to ME?"

Oh, now that's priceless. Homosexuality is disgusting because gay male sex is disgusting. So Nancy, tell me what's disgusting about Lesbians. C'mon now... you can do it...

But the best part is how she managed to alienate half the voters in her state with that last sentence.
@79: Yeah, I pointed out to my BF that semen also comes out of the same place he pees. That shut him up.
I Love You B. Love Always, T.
@ 50;-D: Thank You;). All For You My True Love.. The Joy Of What We Have As Characters! :-) always,me

..>"@ 40 and others:

What does:

40 ;) 2. ;-D always :-) , me

translate to?!? I've been trying to decipher for 1/2anhour! (Yes, I'm into oral, anal and puzzles).

Posted by Wetspot on February 24, 2010
at 11:28 AM Β· Report

Everybody has a right to refuse any sex act they please-after all it is THEIR body. I think the constant nagging in the first letter shows a real lack of respect for his partner.
And why does everybody always say you have to try something before you decide it's not for you? I don't need to be donkey punched to know I wouldn't like it.
I hate myself for googling donkey punch and I hate you for bringing it up.
All the URLs posted in these here comments have dot-dot-dot in them and aren't links so how'm I supposed to go look at 'em? Does everybody else besides me get links? Or lack of dot-dot-dot? I'm so jealous! Not to mention paranoid.

Sorry for lack of sex in this question. Unless you get off on "dot-dot-dot".
As a gastroenterologist who has performed 30,000+ colonoscopies, I'm an expert on rectums and poop. In my experience, approximately 20% of people who have taken a full prep still have some solid or liquid fecal material in their rectums. I'm in favor of anal sex for any consenting adult, Dan, but you made it sound as if by following a few simple steps ("Make sure there's some fiber in your diet, be regular, and only go for it when you're empty") you're guaranteed to have a squeaky-clean experience. That isn't always the case. If you get a dirty dick, it doesn't mean that your partner did something wrong. Shit happens.
#76 - Take the low number for heterosexuals having anal sex: 24%. Take the high number for gay men having anal sex: 80%. Assume, because we’re being completely ridiculous, that just as many lesbians have anal sex as gay men and 23% of the population is homosexual or bisexual. Most of the people having anal sex would still be straight. Just how many of us do you think there are?
Swobbie, this here comment application cuts off the end of links that are over a certain number of characters, but doesn't make that clear when people are composing their comments. The links contained in posts by people who have registered for accounts are clickable, but the ones included in posts by unregistered posters are not.

So, if those of you who haven't registered want people to look at websites you find fascinating, it'd behoove you to either register before posting, or include enough information about the site you want people to look at so anyone who's curious can find it with a Google search.
#11 - I like where you're heading, but you just made a joke about queer ladies shitting out their vaginas. Then in the very next sentence, you jump on Dan for making the mirror image of your vagina-poop joke, because when he does it, its perpetuating negative images about dirty vaginas?

I like ya, but come on. Either its a funny joke, or its not, doesn't matter who's making it.
I'm fine with gay marriage, but the argument didn't hold up. I don't think those numbers are correct, first of all -- I don't know ANYONE who engages in anal sex. Seriously. And I'm not some recluse person with 5 friends; I have a variety of friends from different ages and walks of life, and it's not something that's normal. It doesn't even seem like it would feel good.

And Dan, you can't compare an empty, clean mouth to an empty, clean anus -- one dispenses FECES, the other doesn't!! Ugh!
Just put laws in place that protect vulnerable groups (rape victims, youth, disabled, etc.) from being exploited sexually and then enjoy whatever kind of sex you want responsibly and guilt-free.

Stop being a bunch of children who giggle everytime someone brings up pee-pee and poo-poo parts. I know it can be hilarious sometimes, but I get the feeling Europeans are laughing uncontrollably off at us in post-coital bliss...
Sheesh Dan, we get it already. You think female genitals are icky. POINT TAKEN. Now if you could stop making those sly little digs at vaginas (and, by extension, at those of us who have them), that would awesome.

how do you know if they're having anal sex? It's not exactly the best ice-breaker at parties.

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