Columns May 13, 2010 at 4:00 am

The Week in Review


34-year-old Shawn Wayne Shipp was convicted of child rape in 1991

That could also be phrased, "was convicted of child rape at the age of 15".

For someone of that age to be charged with rape of a child, the victim had to be 12 years old (for second-degree) or younger (first-degree).

Goll' Dammitt Last Days!! Metro bus grooming stories!! Another downer week. We can do better!
I hate to say it-
but hearing people endorse the death penalty for chomos makes me feel precisely the same way as I do about dogs. Just like the pit bull raised in a dog run and trained to kill injured strays- i still feel a touch of guilt about putting the monster down.
When people talk about executing children (read: 15 year olds) for most likely just doing unto others as had been done unto them I get a little twinge of that same guilt.
I don't like execution- I don't like eugenics- I don't like the ancient spartan practice of exposure, but I hate cyclical trauma.
Children raped by children?
Elders crushed on the road in broad daylight?

By what measure and at what price civilization?
Caveat Emptor

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