Dan, I suspect that a good many traditional Indians might be kinda upset at your vegan-food-is-bland comment.
Although I'm not entirely sure about the Buddhist or Hindu position on milk and eggs, I know for certain that they nearly universally agree that American culture is as bland and flat as you think Vegan food is.
@ #153 & 156 ...i totally agree with #156 that your fiancee should be told that things are not what you would wish for in the sexual realm if she is not meeting your GGG standards. That old saying that things do not get better, they get worse, after marriage, is TRUE. The other saying you should pay attention to is that words should match actions. Hers don't. You have taken the time to reach out for advice; ask yourself why. There is something wrong! Listen to your gut, man. If these things are irking you now, just wait till it's 5, 10, 15 yrs down the road. If she's not meeting your standards now, she will find lots of excuses & delve deeper into avoidance after marriage. Lay it on the line now, or you'll be sorry. I know, i've been there.
@203... For vegetarianism, it depends on the school of Buddhism one belongs to - milk is not an issue. As for Hindus, milk and milk products are a staple. I think both would reject eggs if they considered themselves vegetarian.
I know you can have some pretty nice vegan meals, but it has to be done by someone who knows what they're doing. Most fare I've had is bland and unsatisfying.
I've been vegan for 12 years. One can only crack the same phony smile so many times at the same hackneyed joke. I try not to wear it (my diet) on my sleeve; yet people still feel the need to point it out with some dumb joke. It's like people can't help but be threatened by it.
I'm actually really interested in becoming at least more vegetarian.. You just feel lighter and have more vitality.. Not all that digested flesh sitting in the bottom of your stomach not going anywhere like a sopping wet towel.. The first woman in the first piece shouldn't feel too bad. She knocked on the door, got laid and now she's all upset about it. Be more upset if it was a bad lay honey LOL.
Enough with the namby pansy sensitive vegan comments! Jesus I want to slap you all with lady gaga's meat purse OK? get over it. Dan can say whatever he wants.
Dan, I enjoyed your vegan dig. As a loyal reader, please don't mention "vegan" anymore. Who would believe most of the comments aren't about SEX but a stupid diet?
P.S. I eat almost a vegan diet but I will cook steak for anyone. It's not a political agenda, but a personal choice.
Simple fix for ORGASM... grow a mustache and put a tiny dab of maple syrup on your 'stache under your nostrils. As a mustachioed gent myself, I can tell you that scents remain on the mustache for quite a long time, and only you will really smell it, so she doesn't even have to be aware of it. (In fact, I love the smell of my lover's pussy on my mustache, and her lovely scent lasts a full 24 hours, even when I try to wash it off!)
@210 -- maple syrup is not the same as tuna fish, but I bet a steamed broccoli stash might hang around for a day at least. Just sayin in case some one gets hot and bothered with cute little broccoli heads.
An easy fix for ORGASM is to simply grow a mustache and dab a wee bit of syrup on it... with it being close to his nose he won't need very much at all, and nobody needs to know but him. I have a mustache, and I love the way the erotic scent of my lovely lady lasts on it all day long!
I suspect Dan Savage has a "Tofu Torture" story in his past, and thus he regards vegan food as "bland". This is simply not true these days. In fact, vegan restaurants have the spiciest food in any city you are in.
A better answer dates back to the early 20th Century: black inventor and scientist George Washington Carver, who demonstrated that human beings can live on a diet of nothing but sweet potatoes and peanuts. Sweet potatoes and peanuts will make a nutritious "slop" which will support a human being for the rest of his or her life, or as long as "mistress" wants him or her to survive on it.
And the fact that a slop made from sweet potatoes and peanuts is *vegan* would have allowed Dan Savage to give a *good* answer while insulting vegans, instead of a *bad* answer which wasn't even true about vegans.
To Maple syrup guy: Move to Quebec, marry yourself a French Canadian girl. Only warning: when you go to her mom's for dinner, be warned you might be tempted to fuck her instead after she serves "binnes", "petes de soeur", "tarte au sucre", "Map-O-Spread", and pouding chômeur".
The problem is not the exposing of the hypocrisy of feminism. There are many sites and resources dedicated to doing exactly that night and day. But time and time again, they fail to DO anything about it other than to tout the snail's pace legal system "victories" (oh look! today we won a victory for men. now we're allowed to manscape our eyebrows on tuesdays AND fridays. yay for men's rights.)
It's not enough to expose hypocrisy. That's like a nerd who gets his milk money stolen by bullies every day going around polling other nerds to make sure he has enough evidence to say he's on the moral high ground.
Who the fuck cares about the moral high ground if it's located in the toilet?
Sure men are victims of feminism today. But unlike women, they can't do anything about it other than whine about unfair conditions, legal hypocrisies, unfair treatment, etc. Yeah we get it.
But even though a lot of these men on here are more informed about their rights being stolen or in jeopardy, still 99.9% of them are UNABLE TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT PRACTICALLY. They STILL cower in front of women. They STILL feel like it's a privilege to talk to women. They STILL defer and cater to women. Look at all the faggot mangina white knights that are so fucking spineless, they let WOMEN run a MEN'S RIGHTS REDDIT. That is the epitome of embarrassment. Men are fucking cowardly faggots in this reddit. Fucking sackless faggots with pussies between their legs who don't have the spine to stand up for themselves.
For all the talk about men standing up for themselves, I have yet to see a man show some fucking spine.
Ever see a Marc Rudov youtube video? For a guy who boasts about handling women, he sounds like a hen-pecked husband on any of the newscasts where he's pitted against some feminist cunt. And the comments from manginas are telling: "oh he sure told her"... NO HE DIDN'T FUCKFACE. He didn't do SHIT. All he did was state facts and expose the hypocrisy of the feminist position. But practically speaking, even though the bitch sitting next to him was dead wrong, she RAN THE SHOW. She was the one in charge of the interview. She was the one causing Rudov to constantly defend his behavior and views. Not once does Rudov stand up for himself and say: "SHUT UP CUNT."
Sure he can't use 4 letter words on TV, but the point is, he never has the spine to call a bitch on her behavior. Instead, like most manginas, all he does is try to JUSTIFY HIMSELF TO WOMEN. This is an epidemic in men's rights. It's as if men are constantly worried about being wrong, constantly worried about having their facts, figures and arguments in order. Do you think the yapping bitch fighting Rudov was worried about her accuracy? FUCK NO. She was just busy making Rudov look like a fucking clown. That's because she wasn't worried about justifying herself to Rudov. She had won the argument before she even started fighting him.
And this is what most pussified manginas fail to grasp. When dealing with women, being right is highly IRRELEVANT.
Being IN CHARGE is the only crucial factor when dealing with women.
Look at how the women deal with manginas when confronted with facts and logic. These bitches simply point to the man's behavior or try to shame them. Instead of arguing over the actual merit of the argument, suddenly the man finds himself arguing about HOW to argue. He's accused of being a "troll" (the favorite tactic of these cunts), he accused of being unoriginal, he's accused of making the woman feel bad, he's shamed about HOW he talks to women, his sexuality and sexual prowess are called into question, he's shamed about his relationship with his mother, he's shamed about his grammar, education and social status, etc.
And what do the manginas do? What they do best--PANIC. They try to dig for more facts and figures. They try to come up with better reasons and sound logic. They try to come up with the best justifications and excuses for their behavior. They continually kneel before women like scared little puppies, BEGGING for forgiveness, BEGGING for approval, BEGGING for permission. But they completely fail to realize that women are not moved by logic. They don't care about reason. No matter how many justifications and excuses you have, they aren't going to accept them and start cheering you on. Women could give 2 fucks about rational & reasonable replies.
Women care about WHO THE FUCK IS IN CHARGE.
Manginas care about JUSTIFYING themselves to women.
Enough with the faggotry already. Look, you have all the stats, logic, facts and figures on your side. The hypocrisy is readily apparent for anyone willing to do honest objective research. So to think that more reason and debate is what's called for is fucking naive as hell.
What's called for is a SET OF BALLS. It's time to STOP arguing with women. It's simply time to put your foot down where your spine should be and start telling women to: SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. If you must argue, at least argue with MEN, stop wasting your time humoring women with your intelligence. Not only is it completely retarded, it's counterproductive to actually changing bitch behavior.
Stop citing stats. Stop pointing to links. Stop trying to reason with women. Any man who tries to reason with a woman without FIRST having her respect his authority is a fucking FOOL. Listening is a skill developed from self-discipline. Women lack self-discipline because very few men in their lives will ever have the balls to tell them NO. If you can't tell a woman NO, it doesn't really matter how right you are or how reasonable you are. Just like children don't respond to calculus proofs to change their behavior, neither will women respond to a series of well thought out arguments and govt. supported facts just because they make the most sense. You are living in a dream world if you think women will be swayed by all these reasonable arguments. And you are fucking stupid if you think it hasn't already been tried a billion times over.
Women respond to guys who have the balls to tell them NO. Stop acting like a whiney fag BEGGING women to listen to you. Start acting like a man.
The problem is not the exposing of the hypocrisy of feminism. There are many sites and resources dedicated to doing exactly that night and day. But time and time again, they fail to DO anything about it other than to tout the snail's pace legal system "victories" (oh look! today we won a victory for men. now we're allowed to manscape our eyebrows on tuesdays AND fridays. yay for men's rights.)
It's not enough to expose hypocrisy. That's like a nerd who gets his milk money stolen by bullies every day going around polling other nerds to make sure he has enough evidence to say he's on the moral high ground.
Who the fuck cares about the moral high ground if it's located in the toilet?
Sure men are victims of feminism today. But unlike women, they can't do anything about it other than whine about unfair conditions, legal hypocrisies, unfair treatment, etc. Yeah we get it.
But even though a lot of these men on here are more informed about their rights being stolen or in jeopardy, still 99.9% of them are UNABLE TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT PRACTICALLY. They STILL cower in front of women. They STILL feel like it's a privilege to talk to women. They STILL defer and cater to women. Look at all the faggot mangina white knights that are so fucking spineless, they let WOMEN run a MEN'S RIGHTS REDDIT. That is the epitome of embarrassment. Men are fucking cowardly faggots in this reddit. Fucking sackless faggots with pussies between their legs who don't have the spine to stand up for themselves.
For all the talk about men standing up for themselves, I have yet to see a man show some fucking spine.
Ever see a Marc Rudov youtube video? For a guy who boasts about handling women, he sounds like a hen-pecked husband on any of the newscasts where he's pitted against some feminist cunt. And the comments from manginas are telling: "oh he sure told her"... NO HE DIDN'T FUCKFACE. He didn't do SHIT. All he did was state facts and expose the hypocrisy of the feminist position. But practically speaking, even though the bitch sitting next to him was dead wrong, she RAN THE SHOW. She was the one in charge of the interview. She was the one causing Rudov to constantly defend his behavior and views. Not once does Rudov stand up for himself and say: "SHUT UP CUNT."
Sure he can't use 4 letter words on TV, but the point is, he never has the spine to call a bitch on her behavior. Instead, like most manginas, all he does is try to JUSTIFY HIMSELF TO WOMEN. This is an epidemic in men's rights. It's as if men are constantly worried about being wrong, constantly worried about having their facts, figures and arguments in order. Do you think the yapping bitch fighting Rudov was worried about her accuracy? FUCK NO. She was just busy making Rudov look like a fucking clown. That's because she wasn't worried about justifying herself to Rudov. She had won the argument before she even started fighting him.
And this is what most pussified manginas fail to grasp. When dealing with women, being right is highly IRRELEVANT.
Being IN CHARGE is the only crucial factor when dealing with women.
Look at how the women deal with manginas when confronted with facts and logic. These bitches simply point to the man's behavior or try to shame them. Instead of arguing over the actual merit of the argument, suddenly the man finds himself arguing about HOW to argue. He's accused of being a "troll" (the favorite tactic of these cunts), he accused of being unoriginal, he's accused of making the woman feel bad, he's shamed about HOW he talks to women, his sexuality and sexual prowess are called into question, he's shamed about his relationship with his mother, he's shamed about his grammar, education and social status, etc.
And what do the manginas do? What they do best--PANIC. They try to dig for more facts and figures. They try to come up with better reasons and sound logic. They try to come up with the best justifications and excuses for their behavior. They continually kneel before women like scared little puppies, BEGGING for forgiveness, BEGGING for approval, BEGGING for permission. But they completely fail to realize that women are not moved by logic. They don't care about reason. No matter how many justifications and excuses you have, they aren't going to accept them and start cheering you on. Women could give 2 fucks about rational & reasonable replies.
Women care about WHO THE FUCK IS IN CHARGE.
Manginas care about JUSTIFYING themselves to women.
Enough with the faggotry already. Look, you have all the stats, logic, facts and figures on your side. The hypocrisy is readily apparent for anyone willing to do honest objective research. So to think that more reason and debate is what's called for is fucking naive as hell.
What's called for is a SET OF BALLS. It's time to STOP arguing with women. It's simply time to put your foot down where your spine should be and start telling women to: SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. If you must argue, at least argue with MEN, stop wasting your time humoring women with your intelligence. Not only is it completely retarded, it's counterproductive to actually changing bitch behavior.
Stop citing stats. Stop pointing to links. Stop trying to reason with women. Any man who tries to reason with a woman without FIRST having her respect his authority is a fucking FOOL. Listening is a skill developed from self-discipline. Women lack self-discipline because very few men in their lives will ever have the balls to tell them NO. If you can't tell a woman NO, it doesn't really matter how right you are or how reasonable you are. Just like children don't respond to calculus proofs to change their behavior, neither will women respond to a series of well thought out arguments and govt. supported facts just because they make the most sense. You are living in a dream world if you think women will be swayed by all these reasonable arguments. And you are fucking stupid if you think it hasn't already been tried a billion times over.
Women respond to guys who have the balls to tell them NO. Stop acting like a whiney fag BEGGING women to listen to you. Start acting like a man.
Vegans are such scrotums and drama queens. Their food is shit to be quite honest. And you know something? Human being have evolved to be OMNIVORES. Look at your own teeth. Your canines and front teeth are designed for tearing meat. Your molars are designed for grinding down leaves and plants. And as I understand it, to go full vegan, you have to run a huge course of dietary supplements because you'd be malnuriced and nutrient-deprived with no source of meat available. So biologically, veganism does not make sense. It's not natural.
Fuck off vegan twats. You're free to do whatever stupid shit you want but the rest of us seal-clubbers, baby-animal killers, etc (insert impassioned weepy insult here) will eat meat. And cut this totalitarian shit out as well. Nobody has to believe in and endorse your bullshit to tolerate it.
By the way, just because some other vegans or some asshat paid to judge vegan foods approves of a vegan food and gives it a gold star, doesn't any of us will enjoy it. An award-winning vegan cupcake is like an award for the least nastiest shit dumped.
Interesting post and thanks for sharing. Some things in here I have not thought about before.Thanks for making such a cool post which is really very well written.will be referring a lot of friends about this.Keep blogging. iPad 2 Movies
Although I'm not entirely sure about the Buddhist or Hindu position on milk and eggs, I know for certain that they nearly universally agree that American culture is as bland and flat as you think Vegan food is.
I know you can have some pretty nice vegan meals, but it has to be done by someone who knows what they're doing. Most fare I've had is bland and unsatisfying.
P.S. I eat almost a vegan diet but I will cook steak for anyone. It's not a political agenda, but a personal choice.
A better answer dates back to the early 20th Century: black inventor and scientist George Washington Carver, who demonstrated that human beings can live on a diet of nothing but sweet potatoes and peanuts. Sweet potatoes and peanuts will make a nutritious "slop" which will support a human being for the rest of his or her life, or as long as "mistress" wants him or her to survive on it.
And the fact that a slop made from sweet potatoes and peanuts is *vegan* would have allowed Dan Savage to give a *good* answer while insulting vegans, instead of a *bad* answer which wasn't even true about vegans.
It's not enough to expose hypocrisy. That's like a nerd who gets his milk money stolen by bullies every day going around polling other nerds to make sure he has enough evidence to say he's on the moral high ground.
Who the fuck cares about the moral high ground if it's located in the toilet?
Sure men are victims of feminism today. But unlike women, they can't do anything about it other than whine about unfair conditions, legal hypocrisies, unfair treatment, etc. Yeah we get it.
But even though a lot of these men on here are more informed about their rights being stolen or in jeopardy, still 99.9% of them are UNABLE TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT PRACTICALLY. They STILL cower in front of women. They STILL feel like it's a privilege to talk to women. They STILL defer and cater to women. Look at all the faggot mangina white knights that are so fucking spineless, they let WOMEN run a MEN'S RIGHTS REDDIT. That is the epitome of embarrassment. Men are fucking cowardly faggots in this reddit. Fucking sackless faggots with pussies between their legs who don't have the spine to stand up for themselves.
For all the talk about men standing up for themselves, I have yet to see a man show some fucking spine.
Ever see a Marc Rudov youtube video? For a guy who boasts about handling women, he sounds like a hen-pecked husband on any of the newscasts where he's pitted against some feminist cunt. And the comments from manginas are telling: "oh he sure told her"... NO HE DIDN'T FUCKFACE. He didn't do SHIT. All he did was state facts and expose the hypocrisy of the feminist position. But practically speaking, even though the bitch sitting next to him was dead wrong, she RAN THE SHOW. She was the one in charge of the interview. She was the one causing Rudov to constantly defend his behavior and views. Not once does Rudov stand up for himself and say: "SHUT UP CUNT."
Sure he can't use 4 letter words on TV, but the point is, he never has the spine to call a bitch on her behavior. Instead, like most manginas, all he does is try to JUSTIFY HIMSELF TO WOMEN. This is an epidemic in men's rights. It's as if men are constantly worried about being wrong, constantly worried about having their facts, figures and arguments in order. Do you think the yapping bitch fighting Rudov was worried about her accuracy? FUCK NO. She was just busy making Rudov look like a fucking clown. That's because she wasn't worried about justifying herself to Rudov. She had won the argument before she even started fighting him.
And this is what most pussified manginas fail to grasp. When dealing with women, being right is highly IRRELEVANT.
Being IN CHARGE is the only crucial factor when dealing with women.
Look at how the women deal with manginas when confronted with facts and logic. These bitches simply point to the man's behavior or try to shame them. Instead of arguing over the actual merit of the argument, suddenly the man finds himself arguing about HOW to argue. He's accused of being a "troll" (the favorite tactic of these cunts), he accused of being unoriginal, he's accused of making the woman feel bad, he's shamed about HOW he talks to women, his sexuality and sexual prowess are called into question, he's shamed about his relationship with his mother, he's shamed about his grammar, education and social status, etc.
And what do the manginas do? What they do best--PANIC. They try to dig for more facts and figures. They try to come up with better reasons and sound logic. They try to come up with the best justifications and excuses for their behavior. They continually kneel before women like scared little puppies, BEGGING for forgiveness, BEGGING for approval, BEGGING for permission. But they completely fail to realize that women are not moved by logic. They don't care about reason. No matter how many justifications and excuses you have, they aren't going to accept them and start cheering you on. Women could give 2 fucks about rational & reasonable replies.
Women care about WHO THE FUCK IS IN CHARGE.
Manginas care about JUSTIFYING themselves to women.
Enough with the faggotry already. Look, you have all the stats, logic, facts and figures on your side. The hypocrisy is readily apparent for anyone willing to do honest objective research. So to think that more reason and debate is what's called for is fucking naive as hell.
What's called for is a SET OF BALLS. It's time to STOP arguing with women. It's simply time to put your foot down where your spine should be and start telling women to: SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. If you must argue, at least argue with MEN, stop wasting your time humoring women with your intelligence. Not only is it completely retarded, it's counterproductive to actually changing bitch behavior.
Stop citing stats. Stop pointing to links. Stop trying to reason with women. Any man who tries to reason with a woman without FIRST having her respect his authority is a fucking FOOL. Listening is a skill developed from self-discipline. Women lack self-discipline because very few men in their lives will ever have the balls to tell them NO. If you can't tell a woman NO, it doesn't really matter how right you are or how reasonable you are. Just like children don't respond to calculus proofs to change their behavior, neither will women respond to a series of well thought out arguments and govt. supported facts just because they make the most sense. You are living in a dream world if you think women will be swayed by all these reasonable arguments. And you are fucking stupid if you think it hasn't already been tried a billion times over.
Women respond to guys who have the balls to tell them NO. Stop acting like a whiney fag BEGGING women to listen to you. Start acting like a man.
It's not enough to expose hypocrisy. That's like a nerd who gets his milk money stolen by bullies every day going around polling other nerds to make sure he has enough evidence to say he's on the moral high ground.
Who the fuck cares about the moral high ground if it's located in the toilet?
Sure men are victims of feminism today. But unlike women, they can't do anything about it other than whine about unfair conditions, legal hypocrisies, unfair treatment, etc. Yeah we get it.
But even though a lot of these men on here are more informed about their rights being stolen or in jeopardy, still 99.9% of them are UNABLE TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT PRACTICALLY. They STILL cower in front of women. They STILL feel like it's a privilege to talk to women. They STILL defer and cater to women. Look at all the faggot mangina white knights that are so fucking spineless, they let WOMEN run a MEN'S RIGHTS REDDIT. That is the epitome of embarrassment. Men are fucking cowardly faggots in this reddit. Fucking sackless faggots with pussies between their legs who don't have the spine to stand up for themselves.
For all the talk about men standing up for themselves, I have yet to see a man show some fucking spine.
Ever see a Marc Rudov youtube video? For a guy who boasts about handling women, he sounds like a hen-pecked husband on any of the newscasts where he's pitted against some feminist cunt. And the comments from manginas are telling: "oh he sure told her"... NO HE DIDN'T FUCKFACE. He didn't do SHIT. All he did was state facts and expose the hypocrisy of the feminist position. But practically speaking, even though the bitch sitting next to him was dead wrong, she RAN THE SHOW. She was the one in charge of the interview. She was the one causing Rudov to constantly defend his behavior and views. Not once does Rudov stand up for himself and say: "SHUT UP CUNT."
Sure he can't use 4 letter words on TV, but the point is, he never has the spine to call a bitch on her behavior. Instead, like most manginas, all he does is try to JUSTIFY HIMSELF TO WOMEN. This is an epidemic in men's rights. It's as if men are constantly worried about being wrong, constantly worried about having their facts, figures and arguments in order. Do you think the yapping bitch fighting Rudov was worried about her accuracy? FUCK NO. She was just busy making Rudov look like a fucking clown. That's because she wasn't worried about justifying herself to Rudov. She had won the argument before she even started fighting him.
And this is what most pussified manginas fail to grasp. When dealing with women, being right is highly IRRELEVANT.
Being IN CHARGE is the only crucial factor when dealing with women.
Look at how the women deal with manginas when confronted with facts and logic. These bitches simply point to the man's behavior or try to shame them. Instead of arguing over the actual merit of the argument, suddenly the man finds himself arguing about HOW to argue. He's accused of being a "troll" (the favorite tactic of these cunts), he accused of being unoriginal, he's accused of making the woman feel bad, he's shamed about HOW he talks to women, his sexuality and sexual prowess are called into question, he's shamed about his relationship with his mother, he's shamed about his grammar, education and social status, etc.
And what do the manginas do? What they do best--PANIC. They try to dig for more facts and figures. They try to come up with better reasons and sound logic. They try to come up with the best justifications and excuses for their behavior. They continually kneel before women like scared little puppies, BEGGING for forgiveness, BEGGING for approval, BEGGING for permission. But they completely fail to realize that women are not moved by logic. They don't care about reason. No matter how many justifications and excuses you have, they aren't going to accept them and start cheering you on. Women could give 2 fucks about rational & reasonable replies.
Women care about WHO THE FUCK IS IN CHARGE.
Manginas care about JUSTIFYING themselves to women.
Enough with the faggotry already. Look, you have all the stats, logic, facts and figures on your side. The hypocrisy is readily apparent for anyone willing to do honest objective research. So to think that more reason and debate is what's called for is fucking naive as hell.
What's called for is a SET OF BALLS. It's time to STOP arguing with women. It's simply time to put your foot down where your spine should be and start telling women to: SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. If you must argue, at least argue with MEN, stop wasting your time humoring women with your intelligence. Not only is it completely retarded, it's counterproductive to actually changing bitch behavior.
Stop citing stats. Stop pointing to links. Stop trying to reason with women. Any man who tries to reason with a woman without FIRST having her respect his authority is a fucking FOOL. Listening is a skill developed from self-discipline. Women lack self-discipline because very few men in their lives will ever have the balls to tell them NO. If you can't tell a woman NO, it doesn't really matter how right you are or how reasonable you are. Just like children don't respond to calculus proofs to change their behavior, neither will women respond to a series of well thought out arguments and govt. supported facts just because they make the most sense. You are living in a dream world if you think women will be swayed by all these reasonable arguments. And you are fucking stupid if you think it hasn't already been tried a billion times over.
Women respond to guys who have the balls to tell them NO. Stop acting like a whiney fag BEGGING women to listen to you. Start acting like a man.
Fuck off vegan twats. You're free to do whatever stupid shit you want but the rest of us seal-clubbers, baby-animal killers, etc (insert impassioned weepy insult here) will eat meat. And cut this totalitarian shit out as well. Nobody has to believe in and endorse your bullshit to tolerate it.
By the way, just because some other vegans or some asshat paid to judge vegan foods approves of a vegan food and gives it a gold star, doesn't any of us will enjoy it. An award-winning vegan cupcake is like an award for the least nastiest shit dumped.