Columns Dec 9, 2010 at 4:00 am


Steven Weissman


This is what you picked? I saw much better candidates on the forum....
well... I hate the same kind of pussy pricks she does , so rage on sistah! I wish they'd all go back to 'frisco , but I'm afraid they are here to stay and fuck this state up too.
For serious.
agreed...stop being such ferkin douchenuggets about what you consume in public eateries. If you want to micro-manage your diet make your own food and stop expecting the world to cater to your semi-retarded self-imposed restrictions.

"Welcome to Baskin Robbins what would you like"

"I'd like a sugar-free, lactose-free sundae with shade grown organic walnuts"

"Fuck off"
Yeah, fuck off unless you're going to die, that's the spirit!
Additionally, when did wheat become bad for you? I think these people have transitioned from "health-conscious" to "eating disorder." New Age nonsense for the new age.
Yep, when I was a waiter whenever some look-at-me douchehead would ask something like "do you serve free range chicken?" I'd always say yes.

Yes, it moved freely from the freezer to the refrigerator, then freely to the range.

Or ask me if the beef is hormone-free. Sure, we throw the hormones in for free.

If you want purity, grow your own food and eat it straight from the ground. If you go to a restaurant the only thing you're sure to get is answers that will make you buy our food.
I love my friends who are vegetarian, but don't make a huge deal about it.

I feel sorry for the ones who are allergic and get in serious pain due to accidental ingestion.

I really hate the "food allergy" ones who went through the food allergy diet and detected it that way. They make the most noise about it, and are the least affected by it. Many say it makes them cranky.
This is like all the people that walk into Cupcake Royale asking for the calorie count of a cupcake.

Peanuts are nature's little blessing. They are the top nut in the nut kingdom.
My toast this morning looked creepily similar to the illustration...kinda made the same noise too....
It also sucks trying to prepare a meal in a home for these fucking whiners! Eat at home before you come over pussy! Cry about wheat and then they drink an american lager full of wheat! I know a couple one is a little bitch about onions and the other is a gluten sissy, and they had kids. Back in the old days they would have died of starvation! Feed yourselves ya fuckin' snivelers!
Snooty little yuppies... yep fuck em. I cooked in a small bar that was totally visible to the patrons and I had to put up with their stupid little "look at me" questions and comments all the time. I finally quit I was so sick of their narcissism. Plenty of times I told people to go home and cook their own damn food if they were going to be that anal.
Are you a fucking crappy waitress by choice or are you genetically pre-disposed to giving shitty customer service? ... YES, IT DOES MATTER!!!
Are you a crappy waitress by choice or are you somehow genetically predisposed to giving shitty customer service? ...YES, IT DOES MATTER!
Agreed. There's nothing that pisses me of more than people who have self-inflicted diet restrictions and act like assholes about it. And I say that as a vegetarian. I recognize that my not eating meat is my own choice, and I live accordingly. Going to a bakery and complaining about gluten is like me going to a barbecue joint and complaining about the pork. It's dumb.
Dude, don't lump in people who have real, true diagnosed Celiac ( an auto-immune disease like MS or lupus) with fuss trip health nut yuppies. The attitude of the latter pisses me off as much as you, because it makes my life just that much harder cause everyone thinks I'm being trendy or picky. BUT I am a little thankful that it is trendy, because that means more options for me, compared to when I was diagnosed, when there were absolutely none.

If I could eat wheat tomorrow I would lock myself in the essential bakery and not come out for a week. I don't have a choice. I was diagnosed ten years ago. It's genetic. Multiple members of my family have it, and it SUCKS. I have permanent, embarrassing health problems because I wasn't diagnosed until my late twenties.

I don't expect you to have gluten-free products, I know the flours are expensive and it's a pain in the ass to make 'em. But honestly, when I find places that do have gluten-free options I'm so, so grateful.

A couple of months ago I had my first real burger that I didn't make myself in years and it was tremendous. If you make GF stuff you get all of my business, and eateries in Seattle who have included that option get a HUGE uptick in business because not many places do GF. Most days I eat at home.

Now those vegans, don't get me started.
Ah, this one made me titter.
I'm one of those whiners, diagnosed with celiac disease at 6 months. I've spent my entire life living dangerously every time I eat out.

I tend to skip the awkward questions in restaurants, and just pick carefully. Up until recently, noone even understood what I was asking. "Yeah, there's no wheat in it, the package just says flour, that should be okay". And now, people might assume I'm one of THOSE people :p
@19. I feel for you. I'm lucky I never grew up eating bread products, so I don't know what I'm missing. It doesn't even smell like food to me.

And gawd, I hate vegans too. Idiots with their self-imposed little food religion.
@5: I would pay to see that exchange play out in real life. If only it could be so!
Wheat bread, stoneground wheat, wheat germ, crushed wheat, wheat berry, frosted shredded wheat, wheat-back pennies...

You're an asshole.

You're wondering if those "real medical issues" are overstated?
When I was in the first grade, I didn't grow for the entire year because I had undiagnosed Celiac Disease and my body wasn't able to absorb any nutrients because of how screwed up my intestines were. Are you seriously comparing that to play dates and ADD?

Go fuck yourself.
The lives of children has really changed. It recently occurred to me that I never see kids running around the neighbor, ever. This is all we did when I was a kid! It freaks me out actually... what is going to happen to them?
Maybe it's because of these fuckers that people give me shit about my food allergies when I ask about ingredients. Maybe this is why I spend the next day home sick when some food service person doesn't realize that allergic to dairy means makes me physically, severely ill.

Hmm, maybe waitstaff should give customers the benefit of the doubt on this one? I should know, I am a waiter.

Yeah, gluten-free, unless you have celiac disease, is pretty stupid. And, I totally feel for the people who actually have celiac disease and are made to feel like they are one of "those people" now that it's so trendy for people to be obnoxious about wheat.

On the flip side, if you're a server, and someone tells you they have an allergy, don't act like they're lying. Maybe they are (and they just don't like whatever food they're talking about), but some of us have food allergies that will make us throw up on your shoes and then not be able to leave the bathroom for 3 hours. Just sayin'.
We have turned into a nation of pussy's. I understand that people have real food allergies and need to ask questions about ingredients for self preservation. What I can't stand is all of these douchebags who put all of these restrictions on what they eat out of vanity. 1st world bullshit. And I am with you on the contempt with the new age "play date" parenting freaks out there. No wonder this country is swirling the bowl. When Palin is elected in 2012, I'm taking my Irish passport and getting the fuck outta here.
gee, i wonder why customers get angry with you, with people skills like that! of course no-one will be offended when you blatantly question the authenticity of their food allergy as though you, who have never met them before in your life, would really know.

sure the celiac thing is 'trendy' for some people but just shut the f*** up about it. and if you don't have any gluten free stuff, just say you don't have it. and you know what? gluten free food is not even that hard to make. maybe suggest that you start making it.

a plague on both your houses - you for not having enough sense to understand what customer service is, and your customers for being too stupid to realise a crepe has wheat flour in it.
My best friend's daughter doesn't have celiac disease, but when she eats gluten, she has seizures. Since we learned that, we found it has that effect on many epileptics. So while it may be a pain in the ass to have people questioning every ingredient, for some of them it really is important to know.

And to all the oldsters who say "When I was a kid...", you need to remember that you were a kid, so you probably weren't all that tuned in to the troubles that other people had. I remember a few friends who had peanut allergies back when I was young (30+ years ago), so it's not like it didn't exist. Maybe it just wasn't as well publicized.
I'm sure some people can be very irritating, but I must agree that people with the "fad diets" really do help out those with legitimate food allergies. My daughter is only 2 years old, but she has been diagnosed with several food allergies, via blood test. We didn't test her for fun, or because it's "trendy" to have food allergies. We tested her because we wanted to know why every time she got a flu shot, she spiked a dangerous fever and nearly choked on her vomit (Class 5 Egg White Allergy)...we tested her, because we wanted to know why she projectile-vomited when she ate yogurt (Class 5 Cow's Milk Allergy). During that testing, we also found out that she has a Class 5 Peanut Allergy, which can be life-threatening. It's a hard thing to know that your sweet baby girl could die, if a friend eats a peanut butter sandwich and then breathes on your child (yes, it can be THAT bad).

I'm happy for those of you who don't have to educate yourself on every alternative flour (rice, amaranth, teff, tapioca, etc., etc.), but I do and they didn't build an entire Gluten Free aisle at Whole Foods for my daughter, they built it for all the "health nuts".

I don't care who they built it for, but I thank my lucky stars that those "health nuts" spend a lot of money and have that kind of power over merchandising. Many restaurants carry GF options, but my daughter has so many food allergies (milk, egg, peanuts, wheat, soy and walnut) that I just bring special food with us when we go out.

I do not feel "entitled" to any special menu items, and I can understand your frustration with people with bad attitudes, but it seems like you don't have much of a shining disposition, yourself. Remember that you are working for a business and those "yuppies" are paying customers. I don't think they should be rude or mean to you, but if they are just asking a simple question about ingredients, you should just see it as a "product inquiry" from customer to provider. If you don't have what they want, they will go elsewhere and that's how business works.

I do think that "more" people have allergies there days, because it's easier to diagnose, now. Before, we would have had to do a painful trial and error process and may never have known about my daughter's peanut allergy. Luckily for her, I never even offered her anything with peanuts, because we are more educated now. If I had given her a PB&J after she turned 1, I shudder to think of the consequences. I agree that you just have to assume that people are asking for legitimate health reasons.
You live in Seattle. What do you expect?! Everyone in that shitty little dump is soft and weak.
@12, sorry, that would be cashews. ;^)
Wow, what would you say to a vegetarian? I'm not allergic to meat but I sure as hell will never eat it. I know a ton of people who have wheat sensitivity and probably wouldn't really appreciate someone asking them whether or not wheat will make them sick every time they ask for gluten free options.

Dairy makes me deathly ill, so because I don't eat meat I'm vegan. It's easier to call it an allergy than explain everything, and my food had better be free of the things I asked it to be free of.

People's dietary choices are your fucking job accommodate; it doesn't really matter whether or not you agree with them. If your cafe has that many gluten free customers, then maybe it's time to reconsider the menu.
You know, it's not a crime to manage what you eat. Why does everyone have to be so up in arms about people's personal dietary choices? I understand that if someone is an arrogant asshole about it, that sucks. But if I ask someone if a food item has dairy in it, why am I an asshole for that? Dairy isn't going to kill me or make me sick for days, but it makes me feel kinda crappy, so I'd rather not eat it. What is wrong with that?
When a lot of retaurants advertise dairy-free or gluten-free items, and you are a competing restaurant, you should expect that customers are going to ask if you have dairy-free or gluten-free items. If you don't, then you're not a very savvy business owner. That being said, customers can and should be polite about it.
@24: Yup, you're an asshole.
When I was a kid, I was the one "special" kid in the entire school that couldn't eat from the school cafeteria. Maybe there was a kid like that in your school, and you didn't notice them. My childhood was a series of constant reminders on a daily basis that I could be made deathly sick at any time. Couldn't eat anything that the other kids ate whereever I went. Nothing was ever simple. My mum tried so hard, must've made a million disgusting sammiches made from inedible fake "bread".

I'm not bitter, made me the man I am today etc, but I feel glad that kids with celiac disease today get treated a little better. Change is for the good, asshole :)
Lets just lump everyone into a "you're all a-holes except me," category as that seems to be where these comments are going. So gluten-free allergies are understandable, but someone who doesn't want to support animal cruelty (vegan) is an a-hole? Umm, self-entitled pricks who hassle waitstaff is one thing, but bashing a bunch of people with dietary constrictions you don't have yourself is DICK.
Why are ALL vegans assholes? Just because they choose their diet? I'm all for ragging on self-entitled pricks who harass waitstaff, but come on. Not all people who pick their diets are a-holes. As a vegetarian, I don't go to a steakhouse and demand they feed me. Lets just say ANYONE who acts like an elitist cunt is that, and the rest of us just eat what we eat.
@8: Whoa, fuck you. The way we raise animals for slaughter in this country is horrific, you don't need to fucking LIE to people who care. Say no and they'll go elsewhere and you won't have to worry about customers who--God forbid!--ask a simple fucking question.
We are all talking about different people here, no need to call each other assholes.

People like Anon get frustrated waiting on these people because as they rudely gesture to you to make their point about how they CANT have gluten at any cost because of their severe allergy they are stuffing a roll in their mouth with their other fist.

In my kitchen, if a guest has an allergy the chef has to stop everything they are doing to speak to the guest so their food is cooked safely. I did have someone lie once and identified themselves as allergic when it was just a preference. They ordered an entree which contained the offending ingredient, but the chef refused to make it saying "well, you said you were allergic, I can't in good conscience serve you this food ..." That bitch was so mad ... served her right ...
This is the best I, Anon in months!
I would like to extend a warm thank-you from my heart for all those "soft yuppie pricks" who choose to eat gluten-free.

Because of you, there are many restaurants and cafes in Seattle that I can go into without having to worry about leaving hungry and creating an awkward situation for my friends and family. Only a few short years ago, I hadn't met a waiter who knew what gluten-free meant. Now, I can count at least a half-dozen places where I have a LIST of menu items to choose from. For someone with celiac, that is a triumph.

So, if you have to put up with picky health nuts who ask for wheat-free foods, so be it. Their "whiny" voices enable me, and others like me, that little piece of joy and normalcy that comes from being able to pair a social life with food and the ability to leave the kitchen once in awhile.

Yes, things *have* changed. The sheer amount of pollution, chemicals and other toxins that we are surrounded w/ have altered our chemical make-up. Food allergies & intolerances have skyrocketed. There's very little reason to look for specific causes & effects, if it's the toxic fumes from plastics or pesticides/herbicides, it's a cascade effect, which is reflected in our bodies' unhealth.

I think it's evolution in action: humans are vastly overpopulating the planet, and we're making it increasingly difficult for our species to survive. Remember: global climate change won't affect the planet any. It just means that a lot of humans (and sadly, many other species) will die off. If only it could be selective and kill of the conservatives & fundamentalists.
If you actually think "it's trendy in Seattle to be healthy", it's a pretty good sign that you're a fatass who moved here from some place where most people are fatasses.
I agree w/ #47...

I don't understand why more restaurants won't offer things in wheat varieties. They are healthier, taste BETTER, and digest faster. Wheat tortillas for example -- how does Taco Del Mar offer this but not a nice restaurant?

As for this cafe, you SHOULD sell wheat scones (otherwise the same -- sugary, blueberry, cranberry almond, whatever) and other varieties. You'd make more money from people like me, who will return and return because I can get something that tastes good and is relatively healthier.
just stay the fuck outta subway !
Many years ago, I worked at a place that had a little sign proclaiming THIS AIN'T BURGER KING. YOU'LL GET IT OUT WAY OR YOU'LL DO WITHOUT THE SON OF A BITCH. The place wasn't in business long, but it was a fun place to work.

Thanks for pointing this out. I've been through some mentally unstable times and generally tuffed it out and tried to sort things out as a strong person instead of blaming society, taking self pity, or my least favorite option, medicating.

When I learned that wheat might contribute in any small way toward how I felt, I saw the possibility that abstaining from this prolific part of our western diet as a particularly un-pussy like way to help myself cope. As it turns out, it has helped me focus, be less despondent and less irritable. I used to put down a baguette like nobodies business. I couldn't imagine not eating wheat. Worshiped it practically.

So.... I'll try to abstain from judging what I think makes you a pussy and you can lay off what makes people feel better about themselves and be better people to be around. thanks.
I was recently diagnosed with Celiac (by my doctor, not by myself, I had no idea one could develop the disease as an adult). I promise not to be a jerk about it, but please don't think we're all full-of-shit-pseudoceliacs and lie to us, because having functional intestines is nice.
Who the hell avoids gluten if they are not gluten intolerant? NOBODY!!
Yes, if you don't want wheat, don't go to a bakery that doesn't advertize that it is gluten free, don't go to a butcher shop if you're a vegan.... and if you want a job where people don't ask what's in the food they are about to put in their bodies, DON'T WORK AS FUCKING WAITER OR WAITRESS, YOU BITCHY LOSER!!!!
@24, my dad's best friend growing up (they grew up in the 60s) was deathly allergic to tree nuts. Yes, there are more people with diagnosed allergies now, but that does not mean that there were not people with serious allergies in the past.

Anyway, regarding the I Anon, I'm perfectly able to consume gluten, but my mother and younger sister have Celiac and will become EXTREMELY ill if they have even the slightest bit of gluten. The worst part of this? My mother is a gigantic hippie, so she has a ton of friends who are on gluten free diets for idiotic reasons, and every single one of them contributes to her being taken less seriously about her actual autoimmune problems.

On the plus side I guess there are more gluten free products available thanks to those jackasses, but sadly my mother lives in a very small town where basically none of those things are available.

But really, co-opting a serious food allergy or intolerance for a dietary choice is very dangerous, because it can lead to things like servers being nonchalant about whether those items are actually in food or not. At least the person who wrote this I Anon seems to understand the difference.
Umm, I think the point that Anonymous was trying to make is that, maybe,if you have a wheat intolerance, whether or not that is coeliac, a sandwich shop isnt a great first-choice food stop?
Its a bit like looking for a diabetic lunch in a candy store. Perhaps, just perhaps, one should try the 'easier' options? Including those shops likely to have gluten free food? Or with a sign suggesting that gluten free bread is available?
And having a faddish 'gluten intolerance' instead of the real deal, and then going to a sandwich shop and demanding gluten free is bound to raise some hackles. It belittles those for whom gluten is a life threatening deal. A little common sense would solve the problem- if you cant eat gluten, dont go to a sandwich shop. There. problem solved.
Common sense ain't so common. Especially around here. As some pointed out, the I Anon was talking about people who have self-imposed dietary restrictions and expect EVERY restaurant to cater to their every whim. You go into a common hash house and expect them to have eggs from free-range chickens fed an organic, antibiotic free vegan feed? Get the fuck outta here! MOST restaurants have white, wheat, rye, sourdough for your bread choices. All of them include wheat, which contains wheat gluten. Gluten-free products are expensive, and your every-day joint isn't going to splurge that kind of cash just in case you sashay through the door. Smart restaurants that have specialized products ADVERTISE THE FACT, usually in the menu, because they know those conscious of their dietary choices will appreciate that. But you do not go to Denny's and ask for fried free-range chicken with organic french fries and gluten-free toast. It's common sense, which is lost on most pretentious foodies around here. And picky douches who want to nit-pick every preparation detail of their meal? FUCKING EAT AT HOME!!!!

Now, IF YOU HAVE ALLERGIES: Well, first you avoid places full of potential allergens. Gluten/wheat allergy? Avoid bakeries and sandwich shops (unless you know they have alternative types of bread/flour). Dairy? Don't go to fucking Dairy Queen. But, it is VERY important to ask common questions such as 'do you use peanut oil'...'does this product contain/made with dairy?'...and restaurants should also educate their staff on the basics of allergens in the food. I know someone DEATHLY allergic to eggs. She asked for a sandwich with NO MAYO--I'm deathly allergic to eggs. After a couple bites, she felt ill...there was 'secret sauce' on the sandwich, which they found out was made with mayo...the idiot behind the counter had no idea mayo was made with EGGS. Or that 'no mayo' means in ANY FORM.
As someone who chooses to not eat pork or shellfish, I don't demand that every dining location cater to me. If they don't have anything for me, I go somewhere else. If it's something little, like bacon on a sandwich, I just ask them to not put it on. The only time I get all offended is if they put something I won't eat in my food without telling me.
Most of our food comes from genetically modified corn, wheat, sugar, you name it. Our bodies simply can't digest it properly. Thanks, giant industrialized food supply.
Natural selection at work.
@#11, #12 -- The best thing is when you find a triple chambered peanut. It's like a surprise gift from the Earth.
life without shell fish is no life at all.
as far as seattle attitude and posture, fuck you all. you little cunts play life. live the fucker already. and if you can't afford to tip well, you can't afford to go out! now where's my belt? get back over here you little ....
Another celiac here.

Your annoyance at having to deal with people with food problems is far, far less than my annoyance at never being able to eat a donut again, to have to go hungry in meetings when everyone else is snarfing down the free sandwich, to have to ask for something special cooked when I go to someone's house, and to have to nix restaurant plans because, as I've said 30 times, I can't eat freaking pizza.
I am pretty much in agreement with all of you. What I am astounded by, is all the hate the comments contain. Everything everyone said in response to the I Anonymous article could have just as easily been stated in more thoughtful, kind and compassionate ways. Having said that, I laughed out loud at most of them. Especially the peanut comments. So now, go ahead, let me have it. I love you guys.
I agreed with everything everyone said. But I was appalled at all the hate and anger that came through in the comments. All comments could have been made with civility, compassion and kindness and still conveyed the intended message. Having said that, I laughed out loud and especially liked the peanut comments toward the beginning. So let me have it now. i love you guys!
I kill carrots for fun. I love to hear them scream when I chop them into pieces and throw them into my stew pot. I am also the coolest badass motherfucker in Seattle, my Dad can kick your Dad's ass and my penis is huge. So there! muah!
Preach it!
It's not that I don't think everyone has every right to make their own dietary choices, nor am I unsympathetic to those with food allergies... BUT...
If your choices are outside the mainstream- whether that means you won't eat carbs, have chosen veganism or can't/won't eat anything not gluten free/organic/locally sourced/whatever- then you MUST choose your eateries and grocers accordingly and it IS outrageously pretentious and annoying to go to a sandwich shop, crepery or combo of these niches and get huffy because a place that runs on flour can't offer you a big selection of gluten-free foods... it's like an observant Jew going to a joint called "The Crab Shack" and getting bent that the menu offers nothing kosher or a strict vegan going to a southern BBQ and asking for tofu and sprouts.
WOW! This country is really going to hell in a handbag! I couldn't even get halfway through this forum of (cry baby the worlds gotta cater to me FN losers) before wanting to slit my wrists! AMEN to what @24 said.

@67: If you can't read comments on the internet without wanting to kill yourself, maybe just go ahead and make a little extra room for those of us who actually want to be here.
40% of women above the age of 35 self-report an allergy to wheat. The actual allergy rate is below 10%.
Um ok. When I eat wheat and dairy, I don't die, but I get a severe asthma-like reaction. It's a real concern for a lot of people, and a healthy choice for others to know what's in their food.

So sorry other people's health concerns are such an inconvenience to you while working in a food service industry. Maybe it is you that should be seeking out someplace else... to work. Someplace where you don't have to deal with the human race. Waste collection perhaps?
Like the writer actually gives a shit if the customer lives or dies. Sure she does.
A lot of you freaking out about the customer service should try being a server in Seattle for a week. You will be astounded by the amount of "allergies" and crazy expectations. And FWIW, usually it's pretty obvious when people have lived with the allergies for a long time, and are grateful for options that work for them, and those people are not the problem at all.
@70- A person with wheat and dairy problems should not expect a suitable menu at a place that specializes in *sandwiches* and *crepes*, anymore than a "meat and potatoes" type should expect to be able to order a medium rare ribeye and loaded mashed potatoes at a cafe called "The Happy Sprout" that specializes in raw foods or vegan cuisine.

The IA writer is not working at a nice little U-District vegetarian mecca and complaining about people's dietary habits, s/he is working at a place that RUNS on wheat and dairy.
The vegan/gluten free customers are bound to be disappointed in the menu but should have known that just by the name or signs.
I like to go to Chinese restaurants and demand Mexican food because I'm allergic to Generals.
True statistics:

99% of the people who think they have an allergy don't really have one.
99% of those people have NO IDEA of the immunologlogical mechanism of an allergic reaction.
I worked in food for 7 years. I know that complying with the wishes of each unique customer's diet is one of the pains of the job.

But I've never understood why people get so offended by a vegan person. I'm the only person in my family to still have my gall bladder and MS runs in my family, so two of my uncles (with MS) are vegan and I'm vegetarian with vegan leanings (can't have too much dairy without being sick but eggs are fine). I know some vegans can be entitled flakes, but the majority of vegans assume no one is going to cater to them and eat 90% of meals at home.

What's fucked up is when I go to in-laws and they spend the whole week of Christmas (or whatever) bitching about how my being vegan (and making my own food etc) somehow ruins their pig barbecue. I'm NOT one of those people who tries to "convert." It's a health thing. I don't want MS and I don't want to go through gall stones that almost killed my sister and led to a hospital stay for my mom.

I think, though, that I shouldn't have to justify my diet to someone. People can ask questions about where things come from or what's in the food they're about to eat, right? At least, more people should.
@70, I hope you don't reproduce, people like you are fucking up natural selection because of all the ridiculous support you're given. The weak and stupid should just die off, not be coddled.
There should be a website listing places, and meals at places, that are safe for people that can't eat wheat. I'm on it.
So, in essence, what we have here, is a "failure to communicate". I repeat, a "failure to communicate".
Lucky I didn't say anything about the dirty knife...
after reading all this I want a triple decker bacon cheese burger ,with deep fried bacon , tillamook cheese , and a bakery fresh bun "whole wheat" bun. and if you put any vewggies on it I will kick the shit out of you ! oh yeah and hand dipped and "breaded" onion rings . WOOT !
I'm not *allergic* to gluten, but I am sensitive to it. I can have a doughnut every once in a while, and if a little regular flour slips into the mix, I'm not going to die.

But if I have some that I'm not expecting, I may have to call in sick to work the next day, cause I can't go more than ten feet from the toilet. So, yeah, I'm going to ask if you have any gluten-free options. But I'm also not going to go into a sammich/crepe place unless I know they've got something for me.

Point is: yeah, I know I don't have a true allergy. But there's a lot of in-between in terms of sensitivites.
You guys are so MAD! It cracks me up. Anyway, There MAY be a few insufferables out there who look down their noses at us omnivores. And that's rude and "sophomoric" (the actual time a lot of vegans sprout on the scene, perhaps you know one of these radicalized eaters, or have one of them coming home for the holidays who became one over fall semester). Now is the time for you to take the high road and set a stellar example of how to respect others eating habits. Then chow down on your juicy Rib Eye (oh God! I want one right now!) and be thankful YOU can enjoy those teeth of yours to the fullest extent. I don't believe anyone should commit murder or suicide over this issue. I have a lot of vegan friends and I like them. They have rosy cheeks and they are nice. And they eat really well. I have friends with allergies to wheat and in some, it is clear that they get sick or wheeze when they accidently eat wheat. I once fed another parent's child a few crackers and he started to cough and had to miss school. I felt so bad for the little guy, but, my friend was sincerely gracious about it. Since then, I just take everyone on their word and try to protect their health. If they aren't allergic, then either they THINK they are or they have a screw loose. Both are not really BAD things. And as a food server, I KNOW you care about the food you serve and you take your job seriously and want to do it right. But I think everyone here knows that waiting tables is at the top or near top of the list of stressful jobs. So, getting this rattled and angry only adds to your stressful job. I would say, it is dangerous for you to get this upset and stressed out over other peoples taxing behavior at your job site. It is adding cortisol, a dangerous substance to your system, and now YOU won't be able to enjoy your Rib Eye. I would hate to see that.
When I eat bacon I turn into a super hero, so if I ask you if there is bacon in the salad I am really trying to protect you from evil. Now bacon up my salad please!!!
Dr. J
ok i hear yo loud and clear Sir or Ma'am =)
"Do you think anybody in Ethiopia is lactose intollerant" - Chris Rock

And where is the love for the greatest nut of all - I'm looking at you pistachio.
@24 Fuck off.

Or, wait, maybe people didn't say that when you were growing up, or you didn't hear them say it, so you can't understand it or don't believe in it? Try this:

Ride to the hospital with your two-year-old son who's just starting to breathe freely again after the massive dose of epinephrine the paramedics pumped into his system to treat the anaphylactic shock from having eaten a single peanut, and you can talk.
People with actual medical problems are one thing. But places like Seattle are full of hipster-ish affectations, the general philosophy being - if it's too mainstream, it should be avoided. Vegans and faux-celiacs who wave their preferences in your face like cheap perfume are just fucking annoying. If you just wanna eat sidewalk chalk that's fine, just do it and don't bother me with it.

That said, you should stick to fruits and vegetables anyway. Muffins and Cupcakes are fat-n-sugar bombs.
It's not the allergies that bother people, it's the attitude. If the customer says;
"Sorry, I just wanted to ask before we were seated, do you have any-wheat free options? It's just that I get really sick if I eat even a little bit of wheat, I'm not trying to be a pain, or anything! *smile*"

as opposed to waiting for everyone else to order and then accusing " doesn't look like you have any wheat free option. Are you telling me you don't carry soy bread?!? Well I DO NOT EAT WHEAT, so what do you suggest I do?!?! Sorry guys, we have to go, these douchebags want me to eat wheat and die. *shoots waiter a death glare*"

It's the self important attitude everyone hates, not the allergy. I have an allergy to raw mangoes/papayas (the anaphylactic throat closing legit allergy), and people always LEAVE IT OFF THE MENU. I have to specifically ask if there is mango in any smoothies, salad, or dessert, but I'm never a heinous bitch about it.
Very nice. I had to go gluten-free and soy-free due to allergies, and the by-choice crowd are always worse than those that can't even help it. I managed a sub shop while gluten-free and didn't even tell my customers, much less force my boss to carry food I could eat.

Carry your own food and don't force your morals on everyone else....that goes for vegans, freegans, 'anything with a face', low-carbers, whatever.
@ 86: I don't know if anyone in Ethiopia is lactose intolerant, but Asia is FULL of lactose-intolerant people. The ability of human adults to digest lactose is relatively recent, evolutionarily speaking, and is only found in some regions of the world.
So true. So fucking true, it brings a tear to my eye. What is with the people who get all accusatory about it? It's not my fault non-vegan food exists in the world. I cannot psychically sense soy in foods I don't have ingredient lists for. I'm only getting paid nine dollars an hour, and it is not enough to put up with those people.

And it's never the people with a serious medical condition. People with epi-pens in their pockets always seem to be really nice about it. Funny, that.
Does it matter whether you are wheat free by choice or have an allergy? Sure it matters -- to the person with the allergy. Perhaps a better response would be, Is it any of your fucking business?

I'm not allergic, I'm not going to die, but it turns out avoiding wheat is one of the few things that keeps me from having horribly painful acid reflux much of the time. I went to many practitioners -- traditional western and otherwise, before finding what works. As a side effect, it also turns out that a wheat free diet is one way to manage my depression without the side effects of medication.

But I don't necessarily want to explain all of this to a cranky waitress who thinks it is her job to determine whether my diet is justified. And you can be sure that most of the people whom you dismiss as trendy and stupid -- for no reason other than YOU don't know why they are wheat free -- have some story for how they came to be so, that they really don't feel like offering up for your approval.

I'm going to have to disagree with the OP as well as all the self-righteous asshole hipsters in the comments who seem to think that people with allergies are the self-righteous asshole hipsters. If someone asks you what's in your food, and you're in food service, you tell them the truth. You don't ask if they will die and then lie to them if they say no. What the crap is the point of lying to them? Just because it's fun? Or because you're clearly an awesome real truly hip individual and they must be an asshole hipster? I totally agree that when someone asks if something's in food, and a waiter asks "Well will you die if it's in it?" then that waiter is a total douche nozzle. It doesn't matter if I'm going to die or not, you shouldn't be lying about what you're serving people.
Also, I'm wondering how all you food service folk who are sticking it to the "fake" hipsters can tell who's actually allergic and who's not. I'm guessing none of them actually tell you that they're "pretending to be allergic because it's cool", so how exactly can you tell? The haircut? The brand of cellphone? Really, I need to know how all you medical geniuses are able to tell whose food you should be able to spike with potentially deadly allergens against their wishes and whose you shouldn't.
I can sympathize with I, Anon here, but I'm with @24 when it comes to @8. What an asshat.

Also, @86, about that quote..
"Do you think anybody in Ethiopia is lactose intollerant" - Chris Rock

Holy fucking hell what a stupid thought!
It took me about a minute on ol' Google to find these here quotes:

Milk intolerance, lactose intolerance and non-ulcer dyspepsia are common among Ethiopians.


The incidence of lactose malabsorption amongst Ethiopian children was found to be 80%, being 61.5% in the under 1 year age group and 89.7% in the older children (7–13 years).
Oh fuck, I said "I'm with @24" when I meant "I'm with @41"...
Nobody has mentioned the elegant almond!
Also, I get annoyed when MD's say old people can't eat salt. The eggs always need some salt!
"Are you alergic or wheat-free by choice?"

This is the waitress's way of saying "If you don't claim an allergy, we won't be too careful about lying to you about food content."

Geez. I'm vegetarian, for religious reasons. I don't criticise people for not having a veggie option. BUT DO NOT FUCKING LIE TO ME JUST BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE AN ALLERGY AND THEREFORE YOU THINK IT DOESN'T MATTER.

I feel better now.

Better diagnosing explains increased in allergies, also increased pollutants in the environment and shit processed food our kids are eating today has resulted in higher numbers of allergies. Don't think one can blame people for trying to eat healthier, but I do feel for the wait staff who have to put up with the whiners. Then again, remember in NA, servers generally get paid an extra 15% in form of tip, for no real reason other than local tradition - maybe it would help to think of that tip next time - oh yeah, and BREATH...
Dear people with wheat and other dangerous food allergies:

You are allergic because you are unfit to live. Nature is trying to improve the human race by killing you sad shits off. You are not wanted by man or God.

It's up to your sorry, sad asses to feed yourself. Don't go into a bakery and whine about the lack of styrofoam options for you to eat. Don't piss about your unwelcome child's peanut allergies or their inability to process sugar or air or love or whatever. Read Darwin and you'll get a better idea of your place in the pecking order. Accept your fate and sit down to a big serving of your worst fears.

And when you're gone I'll park in the space your "Green" SUV currently occupies.
this is great!
Why don't you just answer the question, take the order, and DO YOUR JOB? The person ordering doesn't give a shit what you think of their "trendy" food allergy, they just want to eat and you happen to be the bratty person serving them. You sound like an entitled little baby. That person is paying for their food (and part of your paycheck) and they should get what they want with or without your meaningless validation. Is this the worst thing you have to complain about? Just be glad you have a job, it could be much worse. . .
I tip in accordance to the kindness and attentiveness of my server. If they can't care enough about me for the few minutes it takes to take my order and answer questions that will help me get the food I want to purchase, then I have a hard time caring enough about them to see to it that they get enough money to pay their bills this month.

It's pretty simple... If you are in a service industry, it doesn't make sense to get so pissy when someone expects... I dunno... *service*.

If you don't want to deal with the special needs of your customer, there is always someone else who will... and that is money out of YOUR pocket. Something to think about before you roll your eyes at that next customer who may or may not be a celiac.

Diagnosing them is their doctor's job. Taking their ORDER is yours.

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