I don't know if you've ever considered tango dancing, but it is full of beautiful ladies wearing 3-4 inch heels. The heels are really lovely too. Elegant sleek patent leather or lace, and they know how to move in them.
Um try Real Housewives. Because they are so unreal that they actually wear those ankle breakers, for the TV anyway. Or better yet, find someone who will at least wear em in bed. They are called ankle breakers for a reason, and most women don't have the luxury of getting a broken ankle on a Saturday night. You know emergency rooms cost a fortune and they need to get back to work and take care of business and all.
Maybe you think your kink is special but it is OH SO TRITE AND PREDICTABLE. Falling directly into the 'women are most atractive when they dress like they have no where to go and nothing to do but get gussied up' catagory. You know like the Chinese that bound womens feet until they were just mangled parodies of what nature intended.
@7 some people like feet the way others like tits or ass or cock. And it's fun to see 'em dressed up, whatever it is you like. Calm down. He doesn't want to see you in heels. Consider it bondage if you want. Sheesh.
Saturday Night @ the Century Ballroom. Go learn to salsa dance at Salsa Con Todo in Fremont, then go dance at Century and you'll not only get to SEE the view you want, you'll actually be able to interact with some of those sxy, beheeled ladies!
Live here. I'm in southern Brazil, and the chicks here are born in spine-snapping heels. Crazy bitches don't even wobble when they walk. It's some kind of miracle. Where are they? In parks, hardware stores, on cobblestone streets, at bars, gliding through semi-filled parking lots with an occasional peeper rubbing one out... Yup.
Hi, have you heard of strip clubs? I am a girl who loves heels but there is sexy and there is tacky, and most fashionable women wouldn't be caught dead wearing 6-inch platform heels even to a club unless they were looking to get paid.
You don't just have a shoe fetish, you have a fetish shoe fetish. Not only are 6 inch heels hellishly uncomfortable, they only really make them in trashy, trashier and trashiest. As a girl who loves (and runs in) her stilettos, you're rarely gonna find the 6 inchers on anyone who doesn't get paid to wear them.
Get thyself to a peep show, strip club, or dungeon. Yeah, you gotta pay. As you should if you're going to leer at/get an erection about strangers. Believe me, you're a lot less discreet than you think. I catch your kind all the time.
Most guys don't have any idea what a six inch heel looks like; he's probably thinking of (or at least would be satisfied with)the 3-4inch pumps with a platform that seem pretty popular where I live. As a guy who likes heels because they're sexy, makes great legs look better, and for the fashion aspect of them, finding a girlfriend who loves shoes was a pretty sweet find for me.
ummmm take my word for it.... venture over to the Eastside (bellevue/kirkland) area and you will absolutely be in high-heel heaven. Anywhere and everywhere in Bellevue the girls will have 6 inch stilettos strapped to their feet.
High heels hurt. I realize they're a fetish to some (to wear and to look at) and I'm alright with fetishes. BUT. Big but. Guys in general complain to me that girls don't wear high heels all the time. They seem to think that heels are tantamount to general hygiene. Please, please, please guys, try to get over this idea. High heels hurt. They cause long term, crippling damage if worn as much as you seem to think they should be worn. Ever wonder why your grandma's feet look like that? Yeah, high heeled pumps. Try to see women as the sexy ladies they are, no crippling high heels required. Please.
I used to go for the 'flats are for quitters' mentality. Then, after a particularly long night including a friend's wedding, my right big toe went numb. For five months. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that.
You totally need to move to Los Angeles and nearby cities. The norm there is for everyone to get super dressed up, and clomp around in high heels. There is a much higher ratio of dance clubs vs. bars with music on a stage. Everyone also seems like they want to get discovered and can't comfortably be out w/o looking their best. best wishes
You gonna pay for a woman's repeated trips to the podiatrist after she wrecks her feet with high heels? (And what those feet look like after all those high heels is pretty damned scary.)
hey asshole anon, why are you harrassing the 'women [you] interact with on a daily basis' to accomodate your fetish? and why the fuck would you start looking in fremont and ballard?
You're not going to find that in Seattle (unless, like said before, you're looking for men in heels)... You might try the eastside at Joey's, Lucky Strike and such... Those girls seem to rely on their looks more than their brains, and there seems to be a correlation between relying on looks to succeed and a higher occurrence of wearing high-heels. You should do more field research on this and report back to us all.
Very high heels are something women typically only wear (if at all) on a date because then we only have to wear them about two hours, three tops if it's dinner AND a movie. I wear heels to work but they are 3-inch tops (usually 2) and always wedge heels, not stilettos. Wearing high heels all the time is really bad for a woman's feet. They are a special occasion type of shoe.
I know just how you feel, Anon. When I walk around town looking for hottt sexxxy men to ogle, I'm often so disappointed that there are so many guys out there who don't walk around shirtless to show off their well-developed muscles (but please, no nasty roided out dudes! geez!) and wear pants that are just tight enough, but not TOO tight, for me to check out their perfect asses. Plus, way too many of them just aren't cute enough for me. Maybe they should be practicing their smiles in the mirror more often.
It's like human beings in my city aren't actually there to fulfill my personal sexual fantasies 24/7, or something! What a cruel world this is!!!
Dear Heel Fancier, get yourself a membership to the Center for Sex Positive Culture, and check out the Thursday night Grind party. Not everyone wears heels, but those that do, understand that they are fetish material and love being admired! Why waste time on people that don't get it?
Come to Bellevue...a place like Munch Bar will be filled with little asian girls in heels, along with super short dresses, pounds of makeup and the typicla long layered hair cuts with lots of loose curls and the middle part.
Anon, the kind of heels you're looking for are most often worn by strippers and drag queens in this city. Move or hang out at strip bars and drag drag shows.
Anon, the kind of heels you're looking for are most often worn by strippers and drag queens in this city. Move or hang out at strip bars and drag shows.
You want Club Vogue on Sat, under Neighbours, or Mercury most any night. Both Goth/Industrial clubs where you'll find women in seriously high shoes. Remember to wear black & no tennis-shoes.
FFS. Any fetish club, duh. You might even get to *play* with the shoes. You're a lot more likely to get people there who will accommodate your "liking" for them.
As a recent Chicago transplant I couldn't agree with this article more. And when I have found places that seem conducive to getting a little gussied up - their are about 5 people in the entire establishment...
Maybe you think your kink is special but it is OH SO TRITE AND PREDICTABLE. Falling directly into the 'women are most atractive when they dress like they have no where to go and nothing to do but get gussied up' catagory. You know like the Chinese that bound womens feet until they were just mangled parodies of what nature intended.
Get thyself to a peep show, strip club, or dungeon. Yeah, you gotta pay. As you should if you're going to leer at/get an erection about strangers. Believe me, you're a lot less discreet than you think. I catch your kind all the time.
because I missed a 30 Rock reference. Oh well, back to netflix I go.
Be my guest!
It's like human beings in my city aren't actually there to fulfill my personal sexual fantasies 24/7, or something! What a cruel world this is!!!
The sooner you all accept that Seattle isn't exactly a sexy city despite having a large population of fetish nerds, the happier you'll be.