Great column, MM. In particular, I love the closing paragraph. With so much sensationalism, it's good to see someone take the time to tear apart numbers like these, as well as pointing to the reasons both the researchers and VVM might have for inflating.
Especially with the current budget/deficit fight going on, there look to be even fewer dollars to go around. Most improvement for the resources we hove is what we've got to aim for.
Well said. Fear-mongering seems to be the favorite pastime of many leaders in our country. It's up to us, the citizenry, to not let them get away with it, and I laud you for doing just that.
Thank you for putting the truth out there. It's scary to see such sensationalism based on completely false information.
I'm always weary of any statistics in the media, but it's still shocking to see such blatant lies uncovered. I can understand rounded-up numbers or surveys that aren't fully representative, but this case is obviously someone profiting off of people's goodwill.
I'm getting really fed up with all the psuedo-science and statistics that get used to push nanny laws or used to incite fear so some company can profit off of it "for the greater good"
And if they shut down Backpage, then what? The government and media pressure shutting down anything else they disapprove of with the use of blatant and indefensible lies?
VV currently works with law enforcement to report and remove possible ads that involve minors. The prostitution industry also works hard to police itself because every case of a 16 or 17 year old involved in prostitution (who can legally have sex with adults but become both criminals and victims simultaneously if they receive anything of value) is used as an excuse for violent raids and arrest. Internet advertising has done more to clean up the sex work industry than the last 100 years of prosecution.
In this economic climate, we have to focus on tactics that actually work! It wasn't that long ago that the City of Seattle executed a violent raid (rifles out, SWAT gear on, women tossed to the ground and handcuffed on the floor). One of the women (who enjoyed her job because of the flexibility and excellent pay that she used to take care of her young child instead of relying on public assistance) had an asthma attack and police spent minutes ignoring her and then debating whether they should allow her into her purse to get her inhaler. They had spent months paying officers to go in and get handjobs to bust an establishment that had been operating peacefully in the neighborhood for 8 YEARS. Did prostitution stop in Seattle because of the hundreds of paid personnel involved? Of course not. They are still in the exact same location but now they go to work in fear instead of the comfort and security everyone enjoyed peacefully previously. All the women there were US citizens over 18 who had decided that sex work was their best option. Many had advanced degrees or were students, some were high school dropouts, most were single mothers and all of them were making more than $100/hour working a flexible part time job.
Let's waste money raiding a McDonald's. Ridiculous labor law violations and tons of single mothers who have to take food home from work to supplement the unliveable wage they receive. I got my first job at one at 15. No one called that trafficking.
Best analysis of this I have seen anywhere. Maybe thestranger should lend this editorial to the seattleweekly or the seattletimes. It's very important for public officials to not act on a pretty bad lack of facts. The Mayor is meeting with the SeattleWeekly maybe they should print this out and ask him to read on.
I would think that the Seattle Police have a rough idea of how many juvenile prostitutes are in the city. I haven't seen the major release this number. Do they arrest them? The johns? Does the Mayor have these numbers? If not why not?
"An informed citizenry is the only true repository of the public will." Thomas Jefferson
Misrepresentation of the facts or worse, representing conjecture as fact is disingenuous and lowers the discussion to the level of politics. Thanks for speaking out to shine a light on misguided efforts.
The more the citizenry focuses on non-problem problems touted by "experts" like actors, athletes, etc the less the people running things have to explain their lame-ass choices.
Is child-exploitation a problem? Absolutely. But child prostitution is a raindrop in an unquiet sea compared to forced-child labor (where were *your* clothes made and by whom?), de-funding primary education, and kicking hungry kids off food subsidy programs because our elected officials can't balance their checkbooks.
Wonderful points made. I have to concur that inflated facts harm any validity of the proponent of the claims. As someone who briefly survived as a sex worker in my mid 20's I didn't run into many under 18 in Seattle 5 at most. All five were 17 and doing it independently and of their own volition. The idea of there being enough to populate 3 Everetts or the entire Olympic Peninsula is just ludicrous.
Really well-done! People often use the "but think of the children" argument against things that they simply don't like. No one can argue against helping endangered kids, so anyone and everyone play politics and use it for their cause. it's ironic and fucked up that the people that claim to care are actually just another set of people using those at-risk kids for their own agendas. All those psa's are a huge waste of time and money and all they do is make celeb pockets fatter. Get that money into some services and programs and then maybe it will make a difference.
Know what pisses me off more than some dipshit idiot alarmist conservative pricks judging me and calling me names? In all that sky-is-falling, fear-mongering, false-alarm raising bullshit nothing changes. Nobody's kids get helped. It's just a lot of talk and fighting. Words don't make a difference actions do. Raising baseless fears and overstating the problem doesn't help get at-risk kids the services they need. Being real is what helps people. It's like, don't pretend you care about the kids when all you care about is judging people that are different from you.
OH I KNOW how we could put a dent in child prostitution..howsabout actually prosecuting child sex abusers and effectively keep them away from other children?
Excellent column, except for those three little words: "fundamentalist-feminist complex." Feminists hold widely varied and even opposing positions on a great many issues, including the sex industry; the only core tenet of feminism is that one's gender should not limit one's rights or opportunities. I am sick and fucking tired of seeing "feminist" used as a casual synonym for "fringe-dwelling lunatic" and/or "sex-hating prude."
I can appreciate the sentiment, but I do think a celebrity bringing attention to the commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) is a good thing. When I was working at the Girls Educational and Mentoring Services (GEMS) agency in Harlem, NYC in 2007, we had a very difficult time even convincing voters to pass laws protecting rather than punishing underage prostitutes. GEMS was probably helping hundreds of CSEC victims in NYC alone. Other reports from Atlanta during a major sporting event estimated more than a thousand girls trafficked for sex. Based on what I know about the life, I would expect all of these numbers to be extremely conservative. Of course, even ball parking the number at 5000 or so is still many fewer than Kutcher is quoting. So obviously a misuse of figures. But I think we are talking about at least a few thousand kids. Given the racial and socioeconomic issues and the average age of entry into prostitution (it is 13, btw), I can forgive an exaggeration of numbers if it means we are TALKING about CSEC as we are here. Bravo, Kutcher, even if your numbers are off.
I appreciate the perspective that this article presents and the reality check it provides regarding the statistics being exploited in the public rhetoric. However, I have a hard time accepting it at face value. Mistress Matisse stands to face serious professional disadvantages if the sex industry were persecuted more seriously in the name of protecting children. The safe and consensual sex industry has a terrible overlap with the human and child trafficking industry and I would be more inclined to accept MM's perspective if she didn't avoid that part of the discussion. Ashton Kutcher may be using hyperbolic figures in his awareness campaign and thus risking our precious tax dollars, but what does MM propose instead? Protecting vulnerable children from being sexually exploited for profit is an important goal--what kind of awareness campaign or re-writing of legislation would be more effective than what Kutcher is doing? That's the article I want to read.
@27 How about a truthful ad campaign? Sure, no one wants to see child molesters buying kids but lying about it doesn't help that. Money is tight and there's a lot of people, kids too, who need it other places too. Get your story straight and make a case from there but face facts, the government is not a bottomless well of money.
@25 - while I agree with people lazily conflating feminism with prudishness, I think you missed the fact that Matisse was qualifying the TYPE of feminist she was referring to.
While I think labelling it a "fundamentalist-feminist COMPLEX" might be a bit exaggerated, there certainly are those feminists who are lampooned as "Women Against Everything". And who unfortunately seem to wield a lot of power when their ideas line up with the religious fundamentalists.
I certainly don't think Matisse was trying to label all feminists as "fundamentalists" - quite the converse. But, yes, I see how it could be ambiguous in the context - maybe slightly more clarification that the label is supposed to a distinguishing one rather than a general one (describing all feminists) wouldn't hurt.
Wow, that's just... wow. Extraordinary and nonsensical. Thank you for shedding some light o these so-called statistics.
I'm always weary of any statistics in the media, but it's still shocking to see such blatant lies uncovered. I can understand rounded-up numbers or surveys that aren't fully representative, but this case is obviously someone profiting off of people's goodwill.
Makes you wonder what else is a complete lie.
I'm getting really fed up with all the psuedo-science and statistics that get used to push nanny laws or used to incite fear so some company can profit off of it "for the greater good"
VV currently works with law enforcement to report and remove possible ads that involve minors. The prostitution industry also works hard to police itself because every case of a 16 or 17 year old involved in prostitution (who can legally have sex with adults but become both criminals and victims simultaneously if they receive anything of value) is used as an excuse for violent raids and arrest. Internet advertising has done more to clean up the sex work industry than the last 100 years of prosecution.
In this economic climate, we have to focus on tactics that actually work! It wasn't that long ago that the City of Seattle executed a violent raid (rifles out, SWAT gear on, women tossed to the ground and handcuffed on the floor). One of the women (who enjoyed her job because of the flexibility and excellent pay that she used to take care of her young child instead of relying on public assistance) had an asthma attack and police spent minutes ignoring her and then debating whether they should allow her into her purse to get her inhaler. They had spent months paying officers to go in and get handjobs to bust an establishment that had been operating peacefully in the neighborhood for 8 YEARS. Did prostitution stop in Seattle because of the hundreds of paid personnel involved? Of course not. They are still in the exact same location but now they go to work in fear instead of the comfort and security everyone enjoyed peacefully previously. All the women there were US citizens over 18 who had decided that sex work was their best option. Many had advanced degrees or were students, some were high school dropouts, most were single mothers and all of them were making more than $100/hour working a flexible part time job.
Let's waste money raiding a McDonald's. Ridiculous labor law violations and tons of single mothers who have to take food home from work to supplement the unliveable wage they receive. I got my first job at one at 15. No one called that trafficking.
People get turned off when they discover they've been lied to, and this issue is too important to lie about, even if your aim is noble.
I would think that the Seattle Police have a rough idea of how many juvenile prostitutes are in the city. I haven't seen the major release this number. Do they arrest them? The johns? Does the Mayor have these numbers? If not why not?
Misrepresentation of the facts or worse, representing conjecture as fact is disingenuous and lowers the discussion to the level of politics. Thanks for speaking out to shine a light on misguided efforts.
The more the citizenry focuses on non-problem problems touted by "experts" like actors, athletes, etc the less the people running things have to explain their lame-ass choices.
Is child-exploitation a problem? Absolutely. But child prostitution is a raindrop in an unquiet sea compared to forced-child labor (where were *your* clothes made and by whom?), de-funding primary education, and kicking hungry kids off food subsidy programs because our elected officials can't balance their checkbooks.
Know what pisses me off more than some dipshit idiot alarmist conservative pricks judging me and calling me names? In all that sky-is-falling, fear-mongering, false-alarm raising bullshit nothing changes. Nobody's kids get helped. It's just a lot of talk and fighting. Words don't make a difference actions do. Raising baseless fears and overstating the problem doesn't help get at-risk kids the services they need. Being real is what helps people. It's like, don't pretend you care about the kids when all you care about is judging people that are different from you.
While I think labelling it a "fundamentalist-feminist COMPLEX" might be a bit exaggerated, there certainly are those feminists who are lampooned as "Women Against Everything". And who unfortunately seem to wield a lot of power when their ideas line up with the religious fundamentalists.
I certainly don't think Matisse was trying to label all feminists as "fundamentalists" - quite the converse. But, yes, I see how it could be ambiguous in the context - maybe slightly more clarification that the label is supposed to a distinguishing one rather than a general one (describing all feminists) wouldn't hurt.