Columns Feb 29, 2012 at 4:00 am



@309: Chopin's Nocturne in E flat Major, and Nocturne in D flat Major are two of my favorites.
Oh, I love you, Dan!
So I'm a little bit late to this party, but... @echizen_kurage, as a feminist and a slash fan/writer, I am so thankful for your input. Both the original writer and the commentator do not at all reflect my beliefs or opinions, but luckily you were there to show a much more positive (and hopefully) widespread) perception of both feminists and slash fans. Thank you.
Thank you for this harsh response to Heartbroken's dumb-ass husband!

My partner and I are monogamish/polyamorous/whatever gay guys, who mostly only do stuff with trusted close friends who happen to have benefits. We have basically two rules that we've discussed:

1: If one of us wants to have sex with someone, the other person has "veto" power, to say "No, I don't want you to have sex with that person."

2: "Don't do anything that makes you sick, or could get both of us or our friends we have sex with sick."

With perhaps an implied and always adhered-to rule, of "Don't screw anyone without telling me first" (otherwise, it would be hard to do rule number one properly).

We have an incredible amount of trust in one another. About the most important part of our relationship is that we know, deep down and solid, as well as through experience and getting to know one another, that we're both trustworthy. I'm pretty sure neither of us could even _imagine_ violating the other's trust.

And if one of us did, that would be absolutely, positively devastating. It would make the person whose trust was violated not only doubt the other person, but themselves. It would be like doubting that gravity would keep on working.

And it seems kinda like that's what was done to Heartbroken.

Now, that doesn't mean they can't fix and keep their relationship. It doesn't mean her hubby is irreparably sucky. Hell - people do stupid things and make mistakes all the time. The important part is for them to learn and grow.

But if I were her, I'd want to see goddamn definitive proof that he'd learned and grown and there wouldn't be a repeat.

Failing that, as GGG as she seems to be (from what little info I have), some other person who is worthy of that would be happy to love her.
i'm more disturbed that people in this forum are MORE upset with the man in the first letter who was a dick and fucked up the threeway than the obviously deranged wife who is trying to find ways to trick and manipulate her husband into a sexual situation that he has IMPLICITLY stated he is not desiring. the husband had consensual sex with another woman.

the offender in the first letter was an asshole and if you wanna go to the edge, a cheater.
the offender in the second letter is a SEXUAL OFFENDER and if you wanna go to the extreme here, a RAPIST. the wife is attempting to create a nonconsensual sexual experience.

what about that is so hard to understand?
you hyperfeminists need to stop thinking about what's between your legs and look at the meat of the issues (no pun intended).

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