Columns Nov 14, 2012 at 4:00 am

Busybody Stopper


I can just imagine this I, anon explaining himself to the cops when he gets sideswiped after running yet another stop sign. "Well you see, officer, I'm from New York, and there's a certain flow to that city. Plus I'm a big boy, we don't have time for stop signs!" You're not a good or "efficient" driver, you're a reckless driver who used even more reckless driving to avoid somebody who was pissed off by your reckless driving. Enjoy that license while you still have it.
Please stop at stop signs. Your arrogance in assuming you can see everything and make your big-boy-libertarian-decisions will look fucking foolish if you ever happen to hit someone. There's a lotta bikes around here. I run red stoplights at 3 AM after 30 seconds or so, but your attitude is just... plain stupid.

Also anon, this is not New York; you are right. Seattle comes nowhere close to the size, population, or density compared to the way New York moves. If you don't like that we are a bit more cautious and civil, you can always move on back.
Also, "what is it with the people in this town?" We're fucking Seattle residents, that's how it is sometimes, either deal with it or get out of the beautiful Pacific Northwest. I hate when people come to my homeland, talk shit about it and criticize the people here all pompous-like.

I'd probably do the same thing if I moved to Texas but THAT'S WHY I'D NEVER MOVE THERE.
Once when I was visiting your fine city a few years back I was crossing at a cross walk in Wallingford, I did not realize but a car bumper was hanging in the cross walk an inch or two. To my surprise the Latino Gangster looking gentle man in the car leaned out, got my attention and apologized in a sincere manor. I get the absurdity of it and can imagine it gets old living their, but man what a nice difference then any other city in America I have been too.
Oh, Anon, you know they picked your letter for troll bait don't you? I mean seriously, you're pissed because people don't like your lousy driving? As my poly sci professor once said, your right to swing your fist ends at the other guys face.

You stay civil, Seattle! I was delighted to come back for a visit this summer and introduce my children to your fair city, it was great!
So THAT'S why people are such bitches at Greenlake. Haha! Police me, fuckers, I dare you.
"I hate that I have to walk on the walking side of Green Lake so bikers don't have to slow down to a crawl because of my fat ass!"
"Tastelessly tailgated?" WTF does that mean?
Pseudo-libertarian pompous windbag.
It really is so easy to bait a troll. LOL.
I expected an Ayn Rynd reference at the end of this diatribe. Alas.
What an arrogant sociopathic dick. And I almost forgot paranoid delusional. That was quite a fantasy he rolled out.
That's not what passive-aggressive really means, but okay.

Also, most people think they're a good driver.
This is the same explanation many bike riders give for not following the rules of the road.
Oh, yes. Let's play the "Pick which laws to obey or disobey" game!
You don't like traffic control devices, and I don't like the laws against felony assault. This might not go as smoothly as you expected.
Keep stopping at stop lights Seattlites. However, when I am trying to cross the street at an illegal location DO NOT stop for me, holding up traffic. I'm trying to jaywalk for chrissakes.
#5 - your science professor was poly, huh? That's interesting. What subject did s/he teach?
Of course! The answer to global warming has been staring us in the face! Eliminate stop signs!
I am absolutely convinced that you can tell all you need to know about a person's character by observing them drive. Newsflash asshole, one of the real problems in this world is that there are billions of other assholes just like you out there who think they are special enough that they need not treat other people with common courtesy.
This is the same explanation given by some bike riders for not following the rules of the road.
There are so many blind intersections in this town (especially on Queen Anne), this douchebag is guaranteed to run over some little kid one of these days.
I've been to new york, it's not that great and afterall why are you here anon...not in NY?
What I don't get is how this guy wasn't riding a bike. I was under the impression that only cyclists break traffic laws.
Unless this guy has a very different working definition of "California Stop" than I do, I'm quite skeptical that anyone could drive across the top of QA in the daytime and not encounter multiple other people at intersections thus necessitating full stops at most intersections.
@22 in NY, he couldn't afford a car.
you guys are fucking morans. fucking morans. and i repeat morans. the stupidest level of people get upset over any reasonable argument and then carry it outward to the nth degree in the name of socially-conscious justice. I hate what greenlake has become, I did grow up in this city, and I think it most people in greenlake are so socially inept that they are blinded by their own goddamn insecurities. If I see one more runner with a reflective vest and a headlamp an hour before dusk ima puke
Has anyone heard from gay dude for rmoney??
Did he tailgate off into the sunset as predicted??
Considering the only times I've almost been hit by a car (3) were in crosswalks by people doing rolling "stops" I would agree with most of the other posters. You are a dick.
guy drives like an asshole

turns out he's an asshole

what a shocking development

move along folks, nothing to see here
If this was New York, I would ride the subway and not have to deal with asshats that drive cars without looking for pedestrians in the street. Unfortunately, Seattle public transportation is horseshit so I get hit by cars when I have the right of way fairly frequently.
How dare you uptight dogooders interfere with my right to listen to 50 Cent, smoke meth, and drive 110 miles an hour through kindergarten playgrounds all the while my car is gloriously set a-blaze with Ayn Rands holy fire of retribution! The gore and ichor of your precious crushed pets and idiot children will lubricate the gears of my freedom!
Nothing better exemplifies the pussification Seattle male than this thread. It's a fucking California rolling stop. You can stop squealing like school girls and learn to do it yourselves.

Btw why do men in Pruis look so pussy whipped?
FYI, the red light cameras consider rolling through a red to make a right turn a ticketable offense equal to going straight through the red light.
Full stop people. It'll save you money in the long run and you won't be an asshole.
@33 really? I've California rolled for 30 yrs. Never had a ticket plus don't have that self-righteous prickishness of ball-less Seattle males.
@2 & @3 mtnlion: for the win!

Speaking of which, @5 gr8lakesgrrl: I voted for your kickass Haiku entry for DOTW!
Enjoy the Halloween candy and lightbulbs!
"Plus, think how much better for the environment it is if we don't stop pointlessly all the fucking time." If you are so concerned about the environment, why don't you ride around town on a bicycle for a couple of weeks and then tell us your opinion about arrogant drivers that run stop signs.
about arrogant drivers that run stop signs."

What, are you stupid? He said California Rollโ€ฆ slow down and look, you just don't come to complete stop if no one is coming. Maybe you're too stupid to do them safely, but some of us can handle it. Sorry you wet your pull-ups
Isn't it called a California roll, like after the sushi, ya know? A rolling stop?
@39, it's definitely "California roll."
Ok so he's a bad driver. That is the standard operating procedure around here. What a surprise.

But taking it upon yourself to chase down a bad driver, and who knows what? Whats the plan? Yell at them? Shoot at them? OOPS! Got your face beat in by someone you should not be messing with?

Driver #2 way more dangerous than #1. Making big problems out of small ones.
Thoughtlessly and too full of self-righteous indignation to think it through. Good job you dope.

I have to agree with Mr. Anonymous. FU.

Think about that next time you chase down a stranger to impose your world view. It might save you some teeth.
@39 & 40, Dude no. It's a "California stop." California rolls were popularized wellllll after California stops were a thing.

Like, people in California are just so laid back all they do is kind of briefly stop and roll through a stop sign. It's the kind of stop they do down there. California roll is strictly sushi.
Yeah, well, tell this to student in second month of recovery from multiple broken bones after being hit on her bike by a car running a stop sign. Cool driving and all but it has consequences and can destroy lives.
This is actually aggressive and I hope a cop pulls you over tests your blood for drugs and you go to jail. I feel sorry for OP's friends.
"Keep stopping at stop lights Seattlites. However, when I am trying to cross the street at an illegal location DO NOT stop for me, holding up traffic. I'm trying to jaywalk for chrissakes"

That was exactly how I felt the first 2 weeks I lived in Seattle, until I went to take the test for a WA drivers license and I found out about some unusual laws... Do you know that in WA, everybody is required by law to STOP when a pedestrian starts crossing the street, whether they are crossing legally or jay walking (or at least everyone within several lanes of traffic has to stop)?

Which is also one reason you are in more danger of getting a ticket for jaywalking in Seattle than anywhere else in America. Those drivers want to be sure if there is a cop around, that you are the one who gets the ticket, and not them. And I believe that *does* fit the definition of passive-aggressive Seattle behavior. Welcome! and be sure to get that driver's license within 30 days of moving here.
Anon finds triumph in "winning" road rage contest, writes the Stranger. In other news, anon usually loses road rage contests.
this is why i love living in the RV, no mindless devotion to the "rules" down here. everytime i find myself up north, it feels like everybody has all this buried rage, just waiting to unload it on somebody breaking their fragile sense of tranquility. serenity now!
Late at night in Maryland, (just north of DC no less,) many traffic lights switch to red and yellow flashing lights. One night I was driving, I had a yellow flashing light. I crossed the intersection and was T-boned, by a driver who didn't stop for his red flashing light. My car rolled over across three lanes, and ended up on the sidewalk. Afterwards I overheard the person talking to a police officer. He swore that he had stopped, and didn't see me coming. Mass x Acceleration = Force, proves that to be a lie. I would probably be dead now, if I hadn't been wearing my seat-belt. Those stop signs are there for a reason.

That's the law anywhere in the country. If a pedestrian is in the street, drivers have to stop whether the pedestrian is there legally or not. It would hardly make sense to have a free for all on our streets.

I agree that Washington state has some dumb driving laws though. For example, it's legal for pedestrians to cross mid block as long as they're not "impeding the flow of traffic." What the hell does that even mean? And it's legal for bicyclists to ride two abreast. Having grown up in California, I was flabbergasted by that rule.
I don't know what kind of haven for traffic scofflaws you think NYC is, but it may not be.…
Driving slow ≠ being friendly.

I'm not above calling in a suspected drunk driver to 911 when I see assholes like this behind the wheel.
". I crossed the intersection and was T-boned, by a driver who didn't stop for his red flashing light. "

Well that's not a California Roll/stop. A California roll to the morons on this thread comparing it to running a light at speed is when u slow down for stop sign but don't come to a complete stop when you see the intersection is clear. Aka a rolling stop.

Now, go change your pull-ups and wait for the traffic guard.
Wow, what a bunch of judgmental assholes you Seattleites have become! Good for you I Anon. for ditching that self elected citizen cop off your ass; the rest of you basterds lay of NY or I'll open a can o' whoop ass on your yuppie asses.
You can be efficient and a reckless douchebag at the same time, you know.
both these people are assholes and and seattle is full of fearful drivers who would be slightly less worse if they weren't on their cell phones ... but they are.
@45: In all my years of living in Seattle, I've only ever seen one person get ticketed for jaywalking. It was because they did it in front of a cop, who would have let them go if they hadn't turned right around and told him to go fuck himself.
In New York, most cars stop at stop signs. There are assholes who don't, just like everywhere, but it's not a "thing."

Plus, we would never do anything called a "California stop." We hate California.
Do none of you people know what a "California stop" is? The anon didn't say "I blew through all the stoplights"

Obviously, none of you drive: what's important is that you know you are clear to proceed through an intersection. It's not actually that important that your wheels fully stop for a full second or whatever.

I make complete stops every time and think that california stops are bad form. But if you're paying attention, a roll is not the end of the world.

50 people overreacting to this is just too funny. You are all exactly the prissy assholes anon was talking about.
Fuck you, anon. A CA stop is one that rolls right into the croswalk, endangering pedestrians. I fucking hate drivers like you.
Give me your driving route. I'd love to have your insurance company replace this overpriced piece of shit car I drive.
New yorkers own cars and drive?
Having survived 2 (count 'em, 2) near misses with CA stoppers while walking to work this morning, this was an especially maddening "I, Anonymous" today.
He doesn't stop for crossing guards with flags? He's a menace that needs to learn to use a bus.
Typical Stranger readers blowing crap way out of proportion. A California stop is not speeding through an intersection, it is slowing down to a speed where you can check for others and stop if you need to or continue if you don't. I agree we have to be careful as we do have a lot of pedestrians and cyclists, I fall into that category. However, we can make judgement calls like we should with everything in life. If you are at a known dead intersection and you slow down to look carefully to no other traffic, cars or otherwise, there is no practical reason your vehicle needs to come to a complete stop.
If this was New York, I would leave. Thank you Seattlites for obeying traffic laws and being civil.
Doing rolling stops is a great way to hit pedestrians. Fuck you.
Your strategy is a great, if your goal is to accidentally hit pedestrians, bikes, and other cars. Instead of stewing in your sense of injustice, did you ever take a second to consider the logic behind traffic laws and our built environment? I hope you never move to Capitol Hill.
So now instead of trolls in the comments section, we are cutting out the middle man and being trolled right in the actual letter.
a pickup ran a red light and almost t-boned me. My 2nd cousin was killed when the same thing happened to her.

I've almost been hit in a x-walk.

Anon~ when you get in a car wreck, I hope you are the only one killed. Fuck off.
I'm amused at how many commenters are conflating a California stop with not-even-slowing-down-running-a-red-light. For the record, I was t-boned by a guy who ran a red light about 15 years ago but I recognize the difference between a California stop and running a red light.

I'm also amused that so few people are commenting on the recklessness of the other driver. Tailgating and swerving lanes at highway speeds could cause a lot of damage, possibly to a lot of cars. Neither driver is completely in the right on this one.

I know that in Seattle there are a lot of corners obscured by bushes. At intersections like that, I'd come to a full stop, or at least a very slow California stop (I suspect that many of the commenters here actually do very slow California stop and don't actually bring the momentum of their vehicle to a full and complete stop). But lets face it, if you can see four stop signs, and see 1/2 block in every direction, a California stop doesn't have to be any more dangerous than a full stop. It's very location-dependant.
I don't mind a rolling stop so long as it's safe, but both the Prius tailgater and IA are dicks. Tailgater for obvious reasons and IA for swerving off the 39th St. exit and then back on, nearly causing the tailgater to crash. As a New Yorker who has lived in both Seattle and California, I must say that passive-aggresive driving is as dangerous and obnoxious as straight up aggressive!
"That's the law anywhere in the country. If a pedestrian is in the street, drivers have to stop whether the pedestrian is there legally or not. It would hardly make sense to have a free for all on our streets."
Posted by keshmeshi on November 15, 2012 at 1:01 AM ยท Report

No Keshmeshi, in most places you only have to stop if the pedestrian is in your lane. In Washington, you have to stop if they are within 2 or 3 lanes (I live in Oregon, so I forget the details). And so in most states, nobody would ever think to stop for someone who was not in their lane of traffic. In Seattle, you set foot in a 4 lane street, and everyone stops.
On the other hand if you get hit by a car while jay-walking in Texas, the cops will give you a ticket in your hospital bed (if you survive) just to establish who was legally at fault. And not much is going to happen to the driver (at least legally, of course their insurance premiums, if they have insurance, will go thru the roof). And I know that in California the law says the pedestrian has the right of way, but that law is NEVER enforced, and there are many drivers there who will drive aggessively at a pedestrian that pisses them off, such as swerving towards them or gunning the engine, just to intimidate the pedestrians.
The term is California roll, just like urban dictionary says "california roll: The true name of the popular term california stop."

It would be awesome if all you rule-obeyers would stop attempting to prevent others from breaking the rules. You aren't a cop. If you want to obey all the rules, great. If I don't, that's on me and I run the risk of a ticket.

Oh and please stop driving in the left lane. It's there for passing slow asses like you!

Snarky (@73) "...and IA [is a dick] for swerving off the 39th St. exit
and then back on, nearly causing the tailgater to crash."

Of course Idiot #1 is now responsible for ALL further actions of Idiot#2.
How COULD Idiot#2 control himself, Idiot#3?
what a self-important piece of shit.
@67: Amen!

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