As long as they are willing to deal with the aftermath.
Chucking full cans of beer into the audience is a good way to get someone up onto the stage beating the shit out of you with your own guitar. Which is punk as fuck, right? So it's all cool.
"Move on? Get over yourself?" When has it ever been acceptable for a "musician" to assault their audience? You are so naive and far from the ideal that is punk rock I don't believe I can explain it to you in small enough words...
A punk show is people banding TOGETHER to share ideas, music, non-conformity. Sharing in the fight against THE MAN...the conformity of society.
As similarly stated, if someone threw a beer can at you on the street, it would be assault. When an entitled prick does it because he thinks he's being "punk"...he isn't.
And yes, if that happened outside of the passive-aggressive PNW, that punk would have had a black eye before he finished the set.
I was once at a Nickelback concert (yeah, I know). The "show" consisted of:
1. The band coming on stage about an hour late (and this after two opening acts)
2. Shouting the name of the city we were in and the word "fuck" a lot
3. Shaking bottles of beer to get them all foamy and then chucking them into the crowd (they went through three cases; this was before plastic bottles came out)
They only played three or four songs, and then were done. It was the worst concert I'd ever been to. Mostly I spent the whole time worried about the drunk/high schmucks/assholes on the stage level who got pelted with the beer bottles. If you get hit in the wrong spot (or have some kind of condition) that can fuck your shit right up.
Yes, Arthur, GG was my first thought. Due respect for his extremism, but I maintain that 100% of fans, and bar/concert goers since GG don't expect to have potentially dangerous items hurled at them by the performers they are supporting with their patronage.
Even Gallagher fans knew what they were in for (tho I hear he's quite past his fruit-smashing prime)
"going to a concert" is about listening to music, not stupid, poser, dangerous antics, even in the name of "rebellion" and "punk".
"musicians" that throw stuff or spit at their audience are missing the point and legally liable; @6 is right: anywhere else but Seattle and that asshole would have been stomped (though not recommended).
someday, his "punk" "rebellion" will only be about talking back to his boss, how to get his grandson's poop out of his hair, and when to fire the doctor trying to painfully remove his ugly, idiotic tats.
MUSIC is just that and stands on it's own; crowd surfing, moshing, and especially performer-incited violence is childish and stupid, but the performers must take the high road and not contribute to mayhem, or in this case, break the law.
I'd sue the motherfucker but he's probably already broke but doesn't know it yet, having spent all his spare cash on cheap beer, tats, and hair products.
People get drunk and do dumb shit. He APOLOGIZED! Maybe not very punk, but cool enough you should have gotten over it the second he said he was sorry. That's why sorry was invented. And we are not talking about some dude getting drunk and hitting his wife and saying he was sorry. We are talking about a drunk musician. Please get over yourself, and also, I have never gone to a punk show or any hard core anything without assuming I could end up in the ER by morning. You sir, I anon are a wimp. You were probably all cool when he apologized too, like it was no big deal, only to complain about it in the stranger. Ass.
GG Allin shows were notable for lots of the crowd doing the opposite of the norm - fighting for space in the back of the room away from the stage. He routinely had the venue staff stop his shows and kick him the fuck out.
Which brings me to my question: Hey Comet staff, where the fuck were you when this was going on? You cool if I throw full beer cans at your bartender? No? Then keep your fucking "artists" in line.
Stay home if you don't want to have fun. Go to a Mylie Cyrus concert if you want a friendly crowd that doesn't think for themselves... the PNW is full of a bunch of politically correct polite but not kind ass holes... kindness is genuinely apologizing for antics going too far, and kindness is showing a crowd a good time. Being an entertainer is being a musician that can put on a show that's why it's called a show in the first place... remember the mosh pit people?!?!? Was that friendly? Oh, right, you have no idea what real punk is... stay home and watch game of thrones for a thrilling, but safe, Friday night. Passive ass.
Stay home if you don't want to have fun and don't throw shit at the band if you don't want it back! Go to a Mylie Cyrus concert if you want a friendly crowd that doesn't think for themselves... the PNW is full of a bunch of politically correct polite (not kind) ass holes... kindness is genuinely apologizing for antics going too far, and kindness is showing a crowd a good time. Being an entertainer is being a musician that can put on a show that's why it's called a show in the first place... remember the mosh pit people?!?!? Was that friendly? Oh, right, you have no idea what real punk is... stay home and watch game of thrones for a thrilling, but safe, Friday night. Passive ass.
If that poor nancy boy got "hit in the heart" then I,the singer was hit in the brain lungs,pancreas,small intestine,large intestine and multiple other organs with beer cans,spit and all kinds of other shit. Oh the humanity!!!I think I'm going to be ok though folks!Shit,I probably gave 10 unopened beers to people in the crowd during that show,half of which were thrown or spit back at me. Call the cops!Sue!I should write an I anonymous!Eat one you fucking wimps!I am FROM Seattle. I guarantee the majority of you people writing in moved here from somewhere else. What do you know about PUNK or what happens in other cities. I've been across the country and back and seen the same thing EVERYWHERE.Bottom line is,When you see shit start from the very first song,which it usually does,get the fuck back or join the fuck in. I saw a hippy take a nose dive into the ground by my hand(accidentally),get back up and keep on rockin for christ's sake!
BUT,With all that said,I absolutely LOVE the attention were getting. It's AWESOME!Thanks you fucking Seattle wimps for the press!San Dimas Phantom Tank football O'doyle RULES!!!!!
If that poor nancy boy got "hit in the heart" then I,the singer was hit in the brain lungs,pancreas,small intestine,large intestine and multiple other organs with beer cans,spit and all kinds of other shit. Oh the humanity!!!I think I'm going to be ok though folks!Shit,I probably gave 10 unopened beers to people in the crowd during that show,half of which were thrown or spit back at me. Call the cops!Sue!I should write an I anonymous!Eat one you fucking wimps!I am FROM Seattle. I guarantee the majority of you people writing in moved here from somewhere else. What do you know about PUNK or what happens in other cities. I've been across the country and back and seen the same thing EVERYWHERE.Bottom line is,When you see shit start from the very first song,which it usually does,get the fuck back or join the fuck in. I saw a hippy take a nose dive into the ground by my hand(accidentally),get back up and keep on rockin for christ's sake!
BUT,With all that said,I absolutely LOVE the attention were getting. It's AWESOME!Thanks you fucking Seattle wimps for the press!San Dimas Phantom Tank football O'doyle RULES!!!!!
My post was edited and there were a few more details than this. Firstly, the bar was basically empty. There were like maybe 30 people kind of watching the show. I wasn't one of them. I was far off to the side of the bar having a beer and talking with my friend, nowhere near the front of the stage.
Secondly, he just happened to walk into Big Mario's like an hour after it happened. When I noticed him, I told him it was fucked up, he laughed and said it was punk rock. He didn't apologize then but he got really made when I told him he weren't no GG Allin and that he was just an asshole. Maybe 20 minutes later on his way out, he mumbled sorry as he slammed a beer on my table. It was nice that he apologized but because of the nature of our exchange, I didn't feel like he quite understood that it's not okay to do that to people. So I wrote this.
Well, if that jackass really was "punk" surely he would not have minded if you had taken that 3/4 of a pound of beer can and drilled him in the face with it while he tried to play an instrument, right?
Yeah jackass I do. I remember pulling people that went down the fuck up, even though it meant crashing hard into the people behind me. They were always cool and helped once they knew what was up. I remember beating the fucking shit out of the occasional moron who would try to kick people when they hit floor. No problem at all watching those pathetic scumshitters try to conceptualize the fact that their molars were now on the sidewalk in front of them instead of in their jaw while blood poured out of their mouth like shit used to.
"then I,the singer was hit..."
I'll jack you the fuck up if you throw beers into a crowd I'm in. Wouldn't be the first time. You're saying you want to get violent, that's what you think punk is in an empty venue that's small and easy as fuck to fill? Cool shittank. I'll come see a show. Throw a beer can, and we'll have us a little meeting of the minds on punk ethics. That's what you think punk is, no problem - it certainly can be.
Oh,the coverage(not the descendants cover band)is juicy!!!thanks to all who have contributed their well respected thoughts on this subject!Any press is good press as long as they spell the name right. Anyone here remember the Piss Christ by Serrano?Now that's some controversy!My heart!!!
This didn't garner your band any press. I don't know if you happened to notice the name of this motherfucking column. Something about anonymity and "press coverage" just doesn't jive. Your band name isn't mentioned anywhere except for where you plugged it in your post that like six people read.
I love the play by play of what down at Mario's! I would bet you your empty sack that it most certainly is inaccurate. I also admire the way all these intelligent readers take your side of the story as gospel. You should have punched him as he walked out or smashed his face with your beer, that way no one would have to be reading your drivel.
What specific part of this do you think I'm making up?
And for the record, I wrote this letter nearly a month ago, the day after it happened. It's not something I've been holding onto or something I need to get over. Was I pissed off that night? Fuck yes, I was. Again, I wasn't one of the 20 or so people watching your band. I happened to be in the building drinking a beer. I was to the far end of the bar as far away from your boring, derivative hardcore as I could be.
"he got really made when I told him he weren't no GG Allin and that he was just an asshole. Maybe 20 minutes later on his way out, he mumbled sorry as he slammed a beer on my table. It was nice that he apologized but because of the nature of our exchange, I didn't feel like he quite understood that it's not okay to do that to people. So I wrote this." Trust me, as he doesn't mumble or take offense to people telling him "he weren't no GG Allin" If you're ever successful in causing him to care at all what you think of him, I'll pay you $5 to compensate you for your heart injuries.
This guy is so full of shit its hilarious. Hes trying to play the victim of an assault at a punk rock show. Fuck that. YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT.
A) What he forgets to mention is that the audience had started the throwing beer bottles and cans and booze on us. We just retaliated.
B) IT WAS ALL IN GOOD FUN. I love how he tries to down play the size of the audience as to make us look like no one came to our show. What a fucking liar. There was more than enough people in that audience. Also you werent at the side of the bar. I remember the beer i threw. It went straight towards the audience....Why? well shit the audience decided it was ok to start throwing bottles so i figured it was ok to throw an unopened beer. I didnt hurl a beer at the bar! You werent standing at the bar....Oh I saw this friend of yours the day after in which he drunkenly told me how it was one of the raddest punk shows he had ever been to. Yeah. He also apologized for your behavior at Marios. Hes a regular at the Comet.
C) At Marios this person did not make me mad about his GG ALLIN comment. What his exact words were "Ive seen 10000 GG ALLINs just like you. you dont impress me." I was not out to impress this fool or try to be anywhere near like GG ALLIN. I dont seem to remember me cutting myself with glass, shitting onstage, sticking a banana up my ass or throwing feces at the audience. I started to get irritated because just like this article, this person would not stop whining while i was trying to have a drink with my buddy and relax. Instead he wanted to immediately get in my face and try and yell at me. Then when i sat at the bar he kept sitting at his table fuuuuuuuming and glaring at me. My friend was shit canned and needed to go home so i took my shot and decided to leave not before giving this person the beer i had bought myself and apologizing since he seemed so bent outta shape. The GG Allin comment he made did not make me mad like he thinks. His constant bitching was what was starting to piss me off.
D) Where was the Comet staff during all of this??? Onstage playing and upfront having fun and throwing shit!
This guy is the ONLY person who complained about the show. Everyone else I spoke to loved it. The audience loved it seeing as how they were cheering and clapping when we finished.......Everyone had fun....except for him...there is always one guy out there though...cant win em all.....This is stupid that I have to come on the interweb and explain myself but since this guy is starting to make up shit I figured Id tell my side of the story....Let the internet threats begin. Thanks.
Weird, man. Because all of the people I was with at The Comet were females and had your beer landed a foot over, you would have smashed one of them in the fucking face. And yes, I was over by the bar. I went to that bar that night to see MTNS, not your band. And when they were done upstaging The Flaming Lips and embarrassing your band, my friends and I conversed at the bar and had some drinks. Your claim that I was with a male that liked your band is absolute bullshit. I was actually with a trio of girls, one of whom knows you and your singer and hung out with you that night.
The story of how this went down is that one of the Comet bartenders started fucking with you and egging you on. You were pretty fucking hammered. I don't actually understand what was going on between the two of you, but he fucked with you and you started throwing fists at him. Then you threw that beer toward him and hit me. Do you remember the bartender thing at all? Since you seem to really believe that the only beers you threw were at your meager audience, I'm guessing not.
As far as Big Mario's goes, I went to use the bathroom, noticed you were there and spoke to you for maybe like 45 seconds before I went to the bathroom and returned to my table and didn't speak to you for the rest of the night. The male friend you saw me with at Big Mario's that you've assumed was at The Comet wasn't at The Comet at all. Again, I was with three girls, so, you're either making shit up, making huge, inaccurate assumptions or you were too fucked up to actually know what was going on.
It kind of blows my mind how much you guys are pretending like you packed that place that night and how insistent you are that I was anywhere near paying attention to you band. Did you hear MTNS? Because, even being a Lightning Bolt ripoff, they're eons past the shit your band is playing. I liked the kind of shit you played when I was 14 and when it wasn't quite as boring to see a band aping bands aping bands aping bands.
Regardless, it seems you've made up your mind to either reinvent what happened or blatantly lie about it all. I guess it sucks you're a wasteoid piece of shit that thinks hurting people is okay if you have a guitar in your hand?
Hey who here knows INOCH KELLY? If you do then you will get what I am saying....Garbagehumper(great choice of a screen name, i might add) looks just like him except hella older and mega fatter....You didnt have ANY girls with you! are you kidding me man? You were with your long haired buddy who is actually quite alright in my book at Marios...I didnt see you with ANY girls before or after we played. And even if somehow you did have girls with you.....where were they when you were crying in my face at Marios? Also, you came to the BAR to see MTNS? Funny thing is MTNS played OUTSIDE of the Comet...ANOTHER fact you left out to benefit your bitch fit.....Ladies and Gentlemen.....believe me or not but this guy was not with any girls....he was not standing at the bar while we played....I remember him very well....he was the old, angry, disgruntled punk rocker standing near the sound board at the COMET who just so happen to get hit with a beer....Who then threw a temper tantrum....As far as the bartender that i got into an altercation with (who was behind me when it happened) he threw shit at me and got punched. He is one of my best friends....Guess what he did after the show???? He bought me 4 shots and laughed about it. Just like everyone else EXCEPT for you...You wanna talk about punk rock and try to tell me how the way things are suppose to be? I got news for you jack....Everyone except for you had fun. I dont give a fuck if you dont like my shitty 80s hardcore band...Alls that matters to me is that I LIKE WHAT I DO and that will never change. Question me? You are the punk rock idiot who just sent an I, ANONYMOUS article about getting hurt at a punk rock show to THE STRANGER. REAL PUNK MAN. If you were so angry then you should have smashed a fucking beer bottle into my face and kicked the shit out of me. I tried to be the bigger man by apologizing and giving you a beer. Clearly that doesnt work with people like you so FUCK IT. You can throw a grenade at me next time for all I care and blow me up. Just remember I have nothing to lose. The only thing I give a shit about are my parents but both, them, and I know that punk rock took over my life since I was 13 and will always be #1 in my heart. So either accept the apology I gave you or make a move. I guarantee letting this go and accepting my apology is probably the best decision for our community. I just wanna play music while having fun and make people laugh. Thats all I ask for in this WORLD OF SHIT. thanks.
HA! What does my bands audience draw or the music my band plays have anything to do with your sob story? You are just an angry little man who is trying any angle to save face....I dont give a shit what you think about my band. You should write for Maximum Rock n Roll...You fit their elitist, punker than thou formula...
Now I would understand if you had more people defending your story that were at the show but you dont. I have at least 30 people (regardless what you say surly punk rocker) that tell a different tale....One that is more close to home to my story than yours. You are the one who is so delusional you think that 3 girls were hanging out with you...I may have been drunk but at least I wasnt smoking SHERM...That could be your only excuse to pretend you had girls with you that night....Also on a side note.....I dont need a guitar in my hand to hurt people. At least I dont need to hide behind a local newspaper, keyboard, mouse, false name on a message board to get my point across.... Wait you didnt even accomplish that...If anything you made Seattle laugh at you. You can say whatever you want but it wont help your stance.....You can smash me in the head while I am playing but i will bet that I will take it and when I get back up there will be hell to pay. Leave it be.
Come talk to me Wednesday at The Comet at 8 pm DIPSHIT....Wednesday as in August 28th...8 pm...Since you are so fond on talking tuff lets just settle this outside the interweb....I really wanted to go a different route with this whole situation but you just had to go and piss on a hornets nest....I ll make sure and let my friends, i mean the Comet staff know that you are coming to see me next Wednesday. Dont worry. I ll put you on the guest list, dickhead. God forbid you write another whiny post about how you werent aloud into the Comet for free and how your heart was broke because you are so punk.....twat....i shoulda reacted with my first instinct at Marios....luckily for you my friend talked me out of it....words cant express how i feel about you....You bring shame to the entire Punk Rock Community with your lies and your whining over nothing....Shame on you my friend.....
"I'll jack you the fuck up if you throw beers into a crowd I'm in. Wouldn't be the first time. You're saying you want to get violent, that's what you think punk is in an empty venue that's small and easy as fuck to fill? Cool shittank. I'll come see a show. Throw a beer can, and we'll have us a little meeting of the minds on punk ethics. That's what you think punk is, no problem - it certainly can be"
You werent even dont know the whole story, yet you decide to threaten my singer? you are no better than us! At least we had a reason to do what we did...You are getting hot headed over internet hear say and going around threatening people via web! BEFORE you heard both sides of the can argue as much as you want but anyone can click on your profile and see your sweaty fisted comments from a mile away.... Not just over this specific seems you are just mad in general. Thats fine. Direct your HATE accordingly man. Theres no reason for you to threaten my band/singer and insult my band...we never did shit to you. You dont know anything about me or my band. Sit down and have a beer with my singer and I (on us)....I guarantee after you talk to us and share a drink you will realize we are all the same man. Thanks.
Is that what you call it when you're blowing random guys under the table at dive bar poseur punk shows?
By the way, "punk" is dead. It died at least 15 or 20 years ago. Anyone claiming to be "punk" just wants to have sex with underage chicks from the burbs.
STFU anon. When my 17 year old punk ass was at shows, I fully understood that I could be injured. Boot to the face by some crowd surfer, bruised or broken ribs in a mosh pit, tossed bottles. If you didn't want any of that, you stayed on the edge of the crowd. Or you grow the fuck up and stop going to punk shows, which is what I did. If you're old enough to worry for your physical health, you're too old to be in a mosh pit.
I regret the loss of ten minutes of my life I threw away on you assholes. I have no one to blame but myself. And to the guy who spelled "allowed" as "aloud", I wish life's harshest miseries on you.
actually, we ARE talking about someone who gets drunk and hits his [(ex?)-girlfriend].
Who? "Vag" or whoever the pathetic whore boy who's been posting for "the band" is? The beer tosser? The lame I,Anon who goes to a "punk" (defiantly in quotes) show and bitches about flying beer cans? ALL OF THEM? Seriously, if it was a ārealā punk show, you would have left with your own vomit running down your shirt.
Shit like this is why I don't go to The Comet anymore. I once saw a "punk" band there (possibly this same band from the sound of it) where a pantyhose-clad guitar player kicked over a bunch of beer cans on a ledge at the security/door guy. Why did he do this? Because the security/door guy told him chucking a full GLASS of beer across the venue and shattering it on the wall was not an ok thing to do.
Pretty obnoxious to throw cans at a show, but not as bad as my third-floor neighbors who one night bombed pedestrians with full cans of beer. I don't think they hit anyone, but they're still idiots.
I just want to say how hilarious it is that people think the punk rock lifestyle is still going strong, and still means something other than playing house gigs in front of drunk friends of the band. As an act of "shocking" rebellion, punk hasn't haven't been relevant since 1984 (and even then, the macho tough-guy concept of punk was still largely a US invention). "Punk rock" these days is just shorthand for bros who play fast, simple, loud music instead of throwing bitchin' keggers for their frat. It's party music essentially. Its ideological pretensions and back-to-the-basics aesthetics have lost any of much of their power. To quote Napalm Death (in 1982), punk is a rotting corpse.
I thought at punk shows, the crowd was supposed to show their disdain for the asshole making a fool of himself onstage (i.e., the lead singer,) by throwing their shoes at him.
Well said JIZZLOBBER. You've hit the target closer to anyone else concerning this subject. And to you Arthur Zifferelli,YEAH YOU,ARTHUR ZIFFERELLI;
You've been high-capping a lot from the safety of your keyboard.Is that all you can do to get your point out?I mean,is this all you're humanly capable of doing when you want to rattle somebody's cage?Type about it?Im gonna presume you're a youngster (25-30)who has only just found his identity by being a wise-ass in a world of keystrokes and anonymity. In the real world,the world where people interact face to face,I'm pretty sure you would have a completely different disposition if you were faced with sharing your opinion. I have a hard time believing you don't know who VAS is or for that matter the other members of the band including ME,the singer,am i right?Pretty sure I am.If NOT,conduct a quick investigation around town. You wont have to go far.At that point,grow a pair and spout your opinion from your actual mouth to one of our actual ears.You might get a pat on the back for your fortitude. Your Internet opinion is barely worth the screen it was typed on and your insults are as troublesome as a cloudy day. If you decide to type any more garbage after you read this and before you use your mouth,then my presumption about you is spot on. That would be a shame.
Wow, "FantomStank", me? All caps? Where? You spend how many words prattling on about me? You sound obsessed. Listen,"FantomStank", I will not fuck you, so don't even ask.
This shit is hilarious.
I was standing next to IA at that show, and said that I got hit in the head with a beer can at the last Phantom Tank show I went to, and it was fucking awesome. So I DID warn everyone!
I don't know IA personally, but I remember he was really upset about the beer can. Don't know anything about an apology either, but Vas might owe the world an apology for those bright pink tights.
Getting hit with a beer can is not out of the ordinary for a punk show. I don't agree with IA, but in his defense, he WAS telling the truth about being there with 3 girls by the bar. I had a great time, beer can-assault or no.
Never thought this would make the Stranger!
It was a punk band, they throw stuff. Anon, what were you doing at a punk show, if you don't like it and want a 'nice' show from 'nice' performers?
Go see a Taylor Swift show if you don't want a beer can thrown at you.
Seattle has the worst audiences. How many shows have I been to here where the crowd was all well behaved, too cool for school hipsters, and nobody danced? That's a tangent, I know, but it's the same issue. It's sad. Seattle people need to not be so fucking PC and uptight at shows, it's killing the music, it must really suck to perform here.
IA, you got hit by a beer. Could have been worse. Move the fuck on.
And what kind of punk apologizes? I call fake.
Chucking full cans of beer into the audience is a good way to get someone up onto the stage beating the shit out of you with your own guitar. Which is punk as fuck, right? So it's all cool.
A hipster threw a beer that hit you in the chest.
A punk show is people banding TOGETHER to share ideas, music, non-conformity. Sharing in the fight against THE MAN...the conformity of society.
As similarly stated, if someone threw a beer can at you on the street, it would be assault. When an entitled prick does it because he thinks he's being "punk"...he isn't.
And yes, if that happened outside of the passive-aggressive PNW, that punk would have had a black eye before he finished the set.
1. The band coming on stage about an hour late (and this after two opening acts)
2. Shouting the name of the city we were in and the word "fuck" a lot
3. Shaking bottles of beer to get them all foamy and then chucking them into the crowd (they went through three cases; this was before plastic bottles came out)
They only played three or four songs, and then were done. It was the worst concert I'd ever been to. Mostly I spent the whole time worried about the drunk/high schmucks/assholes on the stage level who got pelted with the beer bottles. If you get hit in the wrong spot (or have some kind of condition) that can fuck your shit right up.
Even Gallagher fans knew what they were in for (tho I hear he's quite past his fruit-smashing prime)
"musicians" that throw stuff or spit at their audience are missing the point and legally liable; @6 is right: anywhere else but Seattle and that asshole would have been stomped (though not recommended).
someday, his "punk" "rebellion" will only be about talking back to his boss, how to get his grandson's poop out of his hair, and when to fire the doctor trying to painfully remove his ugly, idiotic tats.
MUSIC is just that and stands on it's own; crowd surfing, moshing, and especially performer-incited violence is childish and stupid, but the performers must take the high road and not contribute to mayhem, or in this case, break the law.
I'd sue the motherfucker but he's probably already broke but doesn't know it yet, having spent all his spare cash on cheap beer, tats, and hair products.
Which brings me to my question: Hey Comet staff, where the fuck were you when this was going on? You cool if I throw full beer cans at your bartender? No? Then keep your fucking "artists" in line.
BUT,With all that said,I absolutely LOVE the attention were getting. It's AWESOME!Thanks you fucking Seattle wimps for the press!San Dimas Phantom Tank football O'doyle RULES!!!!!
BUT,With all that said,I absolutely LOVE the attention were getting. It's AWESOME!Thanks you fucking Seattle wimps for the press!San Dimas Phantom Tank football O'doyle RULES!!!!!
Secondly, he just happened to walk into Big Mario's like an hour after it happened. When I noticed him, I told him it was fucked up, he laughed and said it was punk rock. He didn't apologize then but he got really made when I told him he weren't no GG Allin and that he was just an asshole. Maybe 20 minutes later on his way out, he mumbled sorry as he slammed a beer on my table. It was nice that he apologized but because of the nature of our exchange, I didn't feel like he quite understood that it's not okay to do that to people. So I wrote this.
Yeah jackass I do. I remember pulling people that went down the fuck up, even though it meant crashing hard into the people behind me. They were always cool and helped once they knew what was up. I remember beating the fucking shit out of the occasional moron who would try to kick people when they hit floor. No problem at all watching those pathetic scumshitters try to conceptualize the fact that their molars were now on the sidewalk in front of them instead of in their jaw while blood poured out of their mouth like shit used to.
"then I,the singer was hit..."
I'll jack you the fuck up if you throw beers into a crowd I'm in. Wouldn't be the first time. You're saying you want to get violent, that's what you think punk is in an empty venue that's small and easy as fuck to fill? Cool shittank. I'll come see a show. Throw a beer can, and we'll have us a little meeting of the minds on punk ethics. That's what you think punk is, no problem - it certainly can be.
This didn't garner your band any press. I don't know if you happened to notice the name of this motherfucking column. Something about anonymity and "press coverage" just doesn't jive. Your band name isn't mentioned anywhere except for where you plugged it in your post that like six people read.
And for the record, I wrote this letter nearly a month ago, the day after it happened. It's not something I've been holding onto or something I need to get over. Was I pissed off that night? Fuck yes, I was. Again, I wasn't one of the 20 or so people watching your band. I happened to be in the building drinking a beer. I was to the far end of the bar as far away from your boring, derivative hardcore as I could be.
I think I'm in love with you.
A) What he forgets to mention is that the audience had started the throwing beer bottles and cans and booze on us. We just retaliated.
B) IT WAS ALL IN GOOD FUN. I love how he tries to down play the size of the audience as to make us look like no one came to our show. What a fucking liar. There was more than enough people in that audience. Also you werent at the side of the bar. I remember the beer i threw. It went straight towards the audience....Why? well shit the audience decided it was ok to start throwing bottles so i figured it was ok to throw an unopened beer. I didnt hurl a beer at the bar! You werent standing at the bar....Oh I saw this friend of yours the day after in which he drunkenly told me how it was one of the raddest punk shows he had ever been to. Yeah. He also apologized for your behavior at Marios. Hes a regular at the Comet.
C) At Marios this person did not make me mad about his GG ALLIN comment. What his exact words were "Ive seen 10000 GG ALLINs just like you. you dont impress me." I was not out to impress this fool or try to be anywhere near like GG ALLIN. I dont seem to remember me cutting myself with glass, shitting onstage, sticking a banana up my ass or throwing feces at the audience. I started to get irritated because just like this article, this person would not stop whining while i was trying to have a drink with my buddy and relax. Instead he wanted to immediately get in my face and try and yell at me. Then when i sat at the bar he kept sitting at his table fuuuuuuuming and glaring at me. My friend was shit canned and needed to go home so i took my shot and decided to leave not before giving this person the beer i had bought myself and apologizing since he seemed so bent outta shape. The GG Allin comment he made did not make me mad like he thinks. His constant bitching was what was starting to piss me off.
D) Where was the Comet staff during all of this??? Onstage playing and upfront having fun and throwing shit!
This guy is the ONLY person who complained about the show. Everyone else I spoke to loved it. The audience loved it seeing as how they were cheering and clapping when we finished.......Everyone had fun....except for him...there is always one guy out there though...cant win em all.....This is stupid that I have to come on the interweb and explain myself but since this guy is starting to make up shit I figured Id tell my side of the story....Let the internet threats begin. Thanks.
Testify bruthah Vas!
You can take THAT shit to the Bank you rickety old INTERWEB typsters!
The story of how this went down is that one of the Comet bartenders started fucking with you and egging you on. You were pretty fucking hammered. I don't actually understand what was going on between the two of you, but he fucked with you and you started throwing fists at him. Then you threw that beer toward him and hit me. Do you remember the bartender thing at all? Since you seem to really believe that the only beers you threw were at your meager audience, I'm guessing not.
As far as Big Mario's goes, I went to use the bathroom, noticed you were there and spoke to you for maybe like 45 seconds before I went to the bathroom and returned to my table and didn't speak to you for the rest of the night. The male friend you saw me with at Big Mario's that you've assumed was at The Comet wasn't at The Comet at all. Again, I was with three girls, so, you're either making shit up, making huge, inaccurate assumptions or you were too fucked up to actually know what was going on.
It kind of blows my mind how much you guys are pretending like you packed that place that night and how insistent you are that I was anywhere near paying attention to you band. Did you hear MTNS? Because, even being a Lightning Bolt ripoff, they're eons past the shit your band is playing. I liked the kind of shit you played when I was 14 and when it wasn't quite as boring to see a band aping bands aping bands aping bands.
Now I would understand if you had more people defending your story that were at the show but you dont. I have at least 30 people (regardless what you say surly punk rocker) that tell a different tale....One that is more close to home to my story than yours. You are the one who is so delusional you think that 3 girls were hanging out with you...I may have been drunk but at least I wasnt smoking SHERM...That could be your only excuse to pretend you had girls with you that night....Also on a side note.....I dont need a guitar in my hand to hurt people. At least I dont need to hide behind a local newspaper, keyboard, mouse, false name on a message board to get my point across.... Wait you didnt even accomplish that...If anything you made Seattle laugh at you. You can say whatever you want but it wont help your stance.....You can smash me in the head while I am playing but i will bet that I will take it and when I get back up there will be hell to pay. Leave it be.
You werent even dont know the whole story, yet you decide to threaten my singer? you are no better than us! At least we had a reason to do what we did...You are getting hot headed over internet hear say and going around threatening people via web! BEFORE you heard both sides of the can argue as much as you want but anyone can click on your profile and see your sweaty fisted comments from a mile away.... Not just over this specific seems you are just mad in general. Thats fine. Direct your HATE accordingly man. Theres no reason for you to threaten my band/singer and insult my band...we never did shit to you. You dont know anything about me or my band. Sit down and have a beer with my singer and I (on us)....I guarantee after you talk to us and share a drink you will realize we are all the same man. Thanks.
By the way, "punk" is dead. It died at least 15 or 20 years ago. Anyone claiming to be "punk" just wants to have sex with underage chicks from the burbs.
Pretty obnoxious to throw cans at a show, but not as bad as my third-floor neighbors who one night bombed pedestrians with full cans of beer. I don't think they hit anyone, but they're still idiots.
Source: I went to a NOFX concert.
You've been high-capping a lot from the safety of your keyboard.Is that all you can do to get your point out?I mean,is this all you're humanly capable of doing when you want to rattle somebody's cage?Type about it?Im gonna presume you're a youngster (25-30)who has only just found his identity by being a wise-ass in a world of keystrokes and anonymity. In the real world,the world where people interact face to face,I'm pretty sure you would have a completely different disposition if you were faced with sharing your opinion. I have a hard time believing you don't know who VAS is or for that matter the other members of the band including ME,the singer,am i right?Pretty sure I am.If NOT,conduct a quick investigation around town. You wont have to go far.At that point,grow a pair and spout your opinion from your actual mouth to one of our actual ears.You might get a pat on the back for your fortitude. Your Internet opinion is barely worth the screen it was typed on and your insults are as troublesome as a cloudy day. If you decide to type any more garbage after you read this and before you use your mouth,then my presumption about you is spot on. That would be a shame.
I was standing next to IA at that show, and said that I got hit in the head with a beer can at the last Phantom Tank show I went to, and it was fucking awesome. So I DID warn everyone!
I don't know IA personally, but I remember he was really upset about the beer can. Don't know anything about an apology either, but Vas might owe the world an apology for those bright pink tights.
Getting hit with a beer can is not out of the ordinary for a punk show. I don't agree with IA, but in his defense, he WAS telling the truth about being there with 3 girls by the bar. I had a great time, beer can-assault or no.
Never thought this would make the Stranger!
Go see a Taylor Swift show if you don't want a beer can thrown at you.
Seattle has the worst audiences. How many shows have I been to here where the crowd was all well behaved, too cool for school hipsters, and nobody danced? That's a tangent, I know, but it's the same issue. It's sad. Seattle people need to not be so fucking PC and uptight at shows, it's killing the music, it must really suck to perform here.