Columns Jul 30, 2014 at 4:00 am

The Week in Famousness


*shakes head sadly*
Oh finally, a source of elusive and hard to find celebrity gossip. Just what I was looking for cause I care so much about what these people are doing.
I feel soooo up to date now. Nope, just gas.
Why the hell does anyone let this Ann Romano write "Last Days"? She is so tired. Her writing is so juvenile. She ought to get a job at TMZ. What a douche nozzle.
I would rather that The Week In Review not even appear, if Ann Romano is the only choice for sub-writer. Nobody CARES about Hollywood Ann. David never writes about Hollywood. He writes about US. Can you write about US? Can you at least try to? The first vapid sentence told me that David was gone (again) and that Ann was back. I looked up to the credits, and to my amazement, I WAS RIGHT!
Suck a bowl of dicks Ann! Your shit is weak! Always has been you has been!
Furthermore, you filling in for David is like Justin Bieber filling in for Jon Stewart.
Is there really a need for third rate TMZ?
Your Dumb, your dumb.
If it wasn't for your mother,
You'd be a spot of cum!
Drink it down, down, down.
Godzilla1916: That's funny, you calling someone dumb. Did you actually read your post? Do you not know the difference between your and you're? Hint: You're= you are. Don't call people dumb when you are (you're) even dumber.
This is just cut and pasted from the Portland Mercury, where her columns have always been overblown celebrity gossip. That way people who avoid such media altogether can still remember the sick and inconsequential details that pass for world news. It is what it is. I'm a fan.

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