Columns Jan 7, 2015 at 4:00 am

Crybaby Cops, Relative Bloodshed, and a Whole New Year!


@4 stop and frisk works. I'd take public safety over some ghetto thug having his fee fees hurt.

As far as the NYPD being crybabies? Maybe they're extra sensitive about being thrown under the bus by the mayor's sissy leftist politics. Maybe those officers are slightly resentful that the mayor and protesters are inciting hated and violence against them? Maybe?
The cops are on the receiving end of hatred because they don't punish there own. There is no faith or trust in them.
Ofcourse there are good cops. And yes we need the police.
But until the Bad cops are held accountable, and convicted like any other criminal, I imagine this will keep going.
@3 congratulations on figuring out how to work a computer. You're still dumber than dogshit.
@5: there are lots of ways to lower crime and increase "public safety" by violating people's rights. That doesn't mean we should do them all. That's what creates a police state.
Oh yeah, says you. That's right, you're wrong. Happy Gawddamn New Year U.S.A.
I know I'm way late into this week's Last Days, but I've got a lot to say.

Police brutality, and feds selling military weapons to civilian police forces is just plain SICK!

There are STILL insanely far too many dumbfucks out there fighting bloodily to repeal gun background check laws like I-594, and they're breeding like shithouse rats. News flash, proud IRA membership card carrying, gun-totin' assholes: the woman who got fatally shot by her own unsuspecting two-year-old son who had no idea whatsoever what was happening around him when he reached inside mommy's purse and pulled out her concealed handgun inside an Idaho Wal*Mart ISN'T coming back. EVER. This child now HAS NO MOTHER.

Meanwhile, in heat-and-stink-infested Florida, a mother gets her head lopped off by her insaniac son, Jason Voorhees, a suicidal maniac kills his wife and adult children before finally shooting himself; the chief of police in Peachtree City, Georgia shoots his wife, and a kid bludgeons his grandmother. Holy fucking SHIT, Batman! WTF?

There are plenty of wonderful men, women and children in this world. But I don't need any more reasons to be grateful that I never had kids. Really. Having once been unhappily married to a security officer with an serious anger management problem was bad enough.
.....and this is just the START of 2015?!?
@3 I'm sorry. Who was Serpico again? The NYPD is nothing more than a state-sanctioned mob. I know there are good cops in there. It's the institution that is the problem and their tactics and inability to change and reform means it's time to clean house and kick those mother fuckers to the curb and bring in a new batch that actually respect the position of authority that they have. Go cry me a river otherwise.

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