On Denny Way between 16th Avenue and 17th Avenue. The Stranger


I do enjoy trying to guess which Staffer goes with which comment. The person shopping at Bellevue Square in a car must have been Charles, right ?
Stranger, We saw you delete the Dec. 1 installment of Drunk of the Week from your website.

Makes me happy to know that "WARMING UP WITH JESUS" guy is still there. Always brightened my day when I lived in that area, except when he did his routine while walking down the middle of 14th Avenue, narrowly avoiding getting hit by cars.
@2, Perhaps they didn't obtain proper photo release/consent before plastering the drunk woman's boob all over the internet.
@4, toughen up Bertha. Meat like a dead seagull can can go in the yard waste bins for composting. Circle of life.
@9 no, it can't.
@4, 6, 7, 8 -- best to chop it into pieces for crab pot bait. Nothing says "value-added" like turning a goddamn seagull into a Dungeness crab feast.
...plus Area 10 has been re-opened through the end of December...
Thank you for not touching the child at Trader Joe's either. Those fuckers can be full of disease and/or regret.
on the spokane-seattle flight, how did you get so close to see whats on her phone? warning: Stranger staff is WATCHING YOU.
#2: That's why I would not make a good journalist. I would have offered to carry some of her stuff so Mother of Toddler in Bellevue could wrangle her offspring up the stairs. But then I would have removed myself from the role of Professional Observer and Reporter.
@13: exactly. " I quietly watched you struggle but couldn't be bothered to lend a hand, because Journalism".

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