Columns May 6, 2010 at 4:00 am

You Skinny Bitch


Ya both just needs a little more sausage in yer diets, amirite?
Ah, a self-loathing "overweight" girl simmers in resentment as her mentally ill friend starves to death. Way to be, kiddo. Good luck on the boy front, by the way- I hear that spineless frenemies are the new hot chicks.

Eating disorders are horrible and every time I hear about someone suffering from one it makes me want to shove a Barbie up some Mattel executive's ass.
What in the everloving fuck.

Move out of this apartment you dumbass. You are getting addicted to this bullshit drama and it is making you hate yourself. Move. Out. Run and never look back.
@2, couldn't have said it better myself. And I'm a chubbette.
Honey, resenting her isn't going to make you any cuter or thinner and it certainly isn't going to help her get healthier. It just makes you a fat asshole.
what the fuck is wrong with you ANON?

i'll skip the preaching, i think anyone who reads your complaining will come to the same conclusion.

are you on MTV by the way?
This is a collision of mental illnesses: bulimia and co-dependency. Sad all the way round.
Yeah fatty, I'm sure you'll get the guy. PSHHAAA!!
Jesus, that apartment sounds pretty hot. I'll be right over.
"A guy we lived with asked me why every morning after breakfast you would throw up."

Which begs the question, was he really so ignorant or was he concerned that his secret tryst with the skinny roommate might have resulted in pregnancy and instead of her being mentally ill, she had morning sickness.

The plot find out the truth turn into Jerry Springer tomorrow at 9 and then stab yourself in the ear with a sharp pencil.
"A guy we lived with asked me why every morning after breakfast you would throw up."

Which begs the question, was he really so ignorant or was he concerned that his secret tryst with the skinny roommate might have resulted in pregnancy and instead of her being mentally ill, she had morning sickness.

The plot find out the truth tune into Jerry Springer tomorrow at 9 and then stab yourself in the ear with a sharp pencil.
It's all about you huh? How dare your friend have an eating disorder? Your friend may be overly focused on her weight, but you're a shitty excuse for a human being.
Another candidate for a person who needs a Double Down or two.
I had a friend dump me over my eating disorder before. Like you, she felt sorry for me but was also jealous of the praise it got me from people who knew nothing of the means I went about to get that thin. I'm healthy now, and can look at the situation for what it was. I can completely understand why you wouldn't want to be around someone like that, I know I was a real drag to watch obsess over calories as I hurt myself. My now ex-friend just stopped talking to me, and didn't tell me why until a year later. She never said she was worried about me, or that it was hurting her to be around someone with such a fucked up self-image. I don't forgive her for that. If you're a real friend, and a decent person, you'll at least let her know that you care that she's killing herself and that her negativity is making you feel bad about yourself too. And if nothing changes, you shouldn't continue to be around that, because it's clearly not good for you, but you need to explain why. If someone had been real with me like that, I might have gotten my shit together a lot sooner. If you care about her, don't do passive aggressive stuff like this. It could help her so much.
I second what # 15 said. Honest, open communication is the way to go, and it's absolutely necessary before you make any major changes (like leaving her and moving out for your own good). This sounds like a really sucky situation, but I'm glad you can see that she's just hurting herself. Besides, there are better ways to lose weight! Eating disorders just slow down your metabolism in the long run anyway, making it harder to stay thin.
I mean...people do secretly feel jealous of sick people. It's a normal feeling in some ways. It's almost like this I-Anon letter is a comment on that, or meant to be ironic? But it's not working, it's just coming over as ignorant and cruel. The other person sounds bulimarexic, probably does not look good at all, actually, and is not happy, so there's nothing for you to be jealous of. Unless, again, you are really ignorant and bitter.
If she was skinny and saying the same thing would you guys be so accusatory? Or would she just be jealous on the opposite end of the spectrum because her skinny bitch territory was being infringed on?

It sucks to watch your friend doing that to themselves no matter what your weight is, and the positive reinforcement that people get for their eating disorders is just as disturbing.
God, I love women with curves. When will women realize that a skinny, no hip having, teenage boy body isnt what guys want?? Men can deal with a little extra here and there, but we can't deal with someone who always worries, complains, and obsesses about their weight, GET OVER IT.
@20 Right on. Curvy women are the hottest!
Anon: You know your roommate has a potentially fatal illness, right?

BTW, Nerdherder -- no one can say definitively "what men want." Turns out men, like women, are individuals, with individual preferences. Some like curvy, some like skinny, some like fat, some have very flexible tastes, world without end, amen.

Nor can one categorically say that "women" worry too much about their weight. Some women worry about weight, some don't, some try to please men, some don't, and so on. That individuality thing again, ya know.
Get to know some women, as individuals. If you don't care for them, get to know some others. It sounds like you've often heard women described, but never actually met any.
Meh, let the skinny bitch starve herself to death. Who cares.
@ #20 - yeah you're exactly right.

speaking for myself as a guy who's attracted to women, I want female bodies. too-skinny chicks are body-identical to 13 year old boys.

And since i'm not attracted to boys, this doesn't work for me.

pork up, ladies! don't be afraid to pack it on a bit. more cushin' for the pushin' as they say.
@ #22

Ummm, yeah I realize that both men and women are all individuals, and that I can't speak for the entire human race, male or female. When did it become necessary to spell out every detail and cater to every insecurity of the interwebs? I was speaking in general terms. Duh-I know not every man wants a woman with curves, I do believe most appreciate the female body with curves. I even appreciate all female body types, does that surprise you??

Yeah, you're right, I've never met a woman, ever, because I'm insensitive and don't write out every possible situation that a man or woman does or doesn't do, prefer's or doesn't care for. I assume that most who read the Stranger are of average intelligence, can deduce for themselves and don't need their hand to be held. You sorta seem like a troll, are you?…

Can you figure out which one you are?
#22 - It sounds like you've often heard women describe getting laid, but never actually gotten any.

I say that definitively.
@5: THANK YOU!!!

I could not have said it better!
@22 Yes, women do worry too much about their weight. I'm a woman and I worry about my weight. I can't even think of ever hearing a woman say she didn't care about her weight, while I've heard many, many, many women make comments indicating they DO worry about their weight. Compared to men? Come on. I would bet you a cheeseburger that if you grabbed 50 women off the street and asked them, that 49 of them would say they worry. It's horrible, it's a waste of time, but it's true.
Oh, ok. Men don't like women that look like boys. Ok.

How many have you ever met women that really looked like that? When women talk/bitch about "skinny" women, they're talking about slender, hard-bodied women -- which most men, on average, do like. Prepubescent-looking Skeletors are pretty rare in real life, and frankly, other women find it easiest to dump on them *because* they don't have breasts or ass. It's the toned, fit women that threaten their self-image.

Talking about how you like women "with" curves, "with" butts and breasts, just comes off as silly. The majority of women have both -- but we still decide which ones look good and which don't, because hey, they're not all created equal. There are good curves and bad curves. We end up telling a woman to eat a sandwich while turning around and telling another one to work hers off.

Let's all knock it off and stop trying to sound more enlightened and magnanimous than we really are.
"Let's all knock it off"

Why should we do that? Isn't this a forum for expressing opinions and shit-talking and crap like that?
@ # 30

Will you mary me? Couldn't have said it better myself. :)
an eating disorder is a mental disorder. it doesn't make sense, just like depression. it doesn't even make sense to the sufferer until they are 'on the other side' as I call it. so your reaction to this situation is really quite sad. your friend needs help. not your childish jealousy. did you know that anorexia/eating disorders are the most fatal mental disorders? look it up if you don't believe me. you selfish asshole.

"Let's all knock it off and stop trying to sound more enlightened and magnanimous than we really are."

I am you as you are me together in the infinite oneness. And bitches with big butts are hot.
Wow, both these people have eating disorders that are killing them. Anon and Skinny Room-mate, get help, you're both unhealthy, in mind and in body.
so what she pukes, shell be really hot when her teeth rot out. a bulimic and an overweight chick and a guy what a fun plot for a 2010 threes company series.
@30 THANK YOU thank you thank you. seriously. that's SO TRUE.
Anon, I understand that friends with eating disorders are absolutely maddening to deal with, because I have such a friend. I remember wanting to grab her and shake her so many times because she couldn't understand that her behavior made no sense and was going to kill her. I remember going grocery shopping with her and watching her agonize for 10 MINUTES over buying the 2% milk her nutritionist told her to get, instead of the 1% milk she wanted. She's in remission now, and she says she can't believe how crazy she acted, but that it made sense at the time.

You need to set aside your extreme irritation and whatever issues you have with her and your own weight for a little while. Your friend is seriously ill and needs your help and support.
Yeah, sheesh, it's too bad anon doesn't have a better friend/roommate! I suffered through nine years of hell with my eating disorder, and when I was finally able to recover it was largely through the support of friends who didn't abandon me or get sick of dealing with my problem. Eating disorders thrive on solitude and isolation.

I had a friend who dumped me during a low point of my ED because he "couldn't handle how irrational" I was. After I recovered, he came back for awhile, and I should have told him to go shove it. People who can't see past a potentially deadly illness (especially because of petty jealousy!) need to wake up and go find two therapists - one for them, and one for their friend.
@17: DUMBVEE ALERT!!!! gillettebret made a post!!
How he can actually type is amazing.....
I married a women who is very skinny above the waist, and has a sexy booty. I am a chubby chaser who came out of the closet after 30. I'
m a litte fat but shape up nicely with weight training. I married this lady because she's stable and hard working and nurturing. I think women with a little meat on them are very sexy. I love mounting up and staring at my wife's ass, I wish it was bigger! Scawny women are gross, I'd rather screw a cute gay twink.
I tried four times to comment on this. Words are still failing me. This girl is ill. Your bitterness is misplaced, and a little frightening. Both of you need help.
The title says it all. No wonder your friend has an eating disorder. She obviously has shitty friends to help her cope with her problem. I used to have an eating disorder as well, but at least my roommates had the back bone to say something about it, and get it out in the open. It sounds like someone needs to stop feeling sorry for themselves and get on a treadmill, instead of blaming their friend with a MENTAL DISORDER and a POOR BODY IMAGE. And here's a thought? maybe help this girl.'s more fun to write a bitchy editorial. Way to go fat ass.
Snap out of it.
You are so deep into roommate's shit that you're mistaking it for your own. Read back over your own post here, and then ask yourself where you got the idea you're even friends with this person... You yourself say she's sick, but you hate on her, blame her, and plot to hurt her.
You are in a toxic frame of mind, and would be doing both of you a favor by just moving out and moving on.
daaang, i hope you don't really consider yourself her friend, anon. sounds like your resentment is just as fucked up and unhealthy as her urge to purge everything she eats.

you both need a therapist if you'd rather bitch anonymously to the stranger then help a friend with an eating disorder. she's not going to help herself, it takes people who care, she's too sick to realize on her own. clearly you don't give a flying fuck. move out and let her build a relationship with someone who might.
Wow. I completely disagree with all of these comments. I am in a similar situation with my roommate and feel a similar way about her.

I'm not chubby - I used to be edge around ED land myself and so being around her and staying healthy is really difficult.

She just drives me up the wall and it's not from a lack of understanding at all. It hurts and it sucks and I did all I could for her for while, but you can't help someone who doesn't want help.

You still have to live your own life.

Also - folks who are so much shit to say about the anonymous author, you try living with, not a roommate, not a friend, but an eating disorder, and see how long you act a saint.

It's hard. Worth doing for as long as you can, as long as the friend actually wants your help, but still hard.

just because its "hard" doesn't make it acceptable to be angry at someone for having a psychological disorder. and notice she never mentions any sort of conversation or help she's offered. if she doesn't want to help, then she needs to move out and move on.

all of us have been in unhealthy living situations, i'm sure. it's a fact of life. in the end, you have two choices. help someone you care about to get better, or stop caring, move out, and move on with your life. being angry at someone for a having a mental disorder doesn't help anyone.
@31: Well, yeah.

Aren't we shit-talking now? I think me commanding you to talk a certain way counts as an opinion, as shit-talk and crap like that, right?
@3. A poster was put out once that said "There are 3 billion women who don't look like supermodels and only 8 that do", and had a picture of a "fat" Barbie doll. I loved that poster and it's still in my GP's office. Mattel sued the makers of it for having the fat Barbie because it was insulting to their brand. Pathetic. The poster:
I love women. Curvy women, thin women, tall women but most importantly, healthy women. I'll bet she's absolutely gorgeous and has what many have, insecurities. I wish her well regardless.
Anon: and you criticize HER for being self-centred? You said it yourself, she TRIED to get better, and did, for awhile. Recovery takes time, and almost nobody can do it alone.

I think she'd be better off if you moved out.
Why are men posting comments about what they "love" and how "scrawny women are gross?"

First, what men care about is largely incidental and not relevant when discussing eating disorders. Eating disorders are about control and power, not a misguided understanding of what men want. The assumption that making it clear what they want will really come to bear on the issue is confused. Second, stating that women who look this way or that (too skinny, scrawny, "like boys," etc) are unattractive, gross, or sick, is not more enlightened or better in any way than saying "fat chicks suck." It's the same shit fundamentally, and nobody is really as concerned about the satisfaction of your dick as you are. "What men want" is not some universally important thing that requires constant reporting.
Why are men posting comments about what they "love" and how "scrawny women are gross?"

First, what men care about is largely incidental and not relevant when discussing eating disorders. Eating disorders are about control and power, not a misguided understanding of what men want. The assumption that making it clear what they want will really come to bear on the issue is confused. Second, stating that women who look this way or that (too skinny, scrawny, "like boys," etc) are unattractive, gross, or sick, is not more enlightened or better in any way than saying "fat chicks suck." It's the same shit fundamentally, and nobody is really as concerned about the satisfaction of your dick as you are. "What men want" is not some universally important thing that requires constant reporting.

Please wait...

and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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