Columns Mar 18, 2015 at 4:00 am

No, I Won't Call the Cops for You


The new and improved Capitol Hill Development Project in full swing. Those who can afford it and those who cant living in perfect harmony! I feel like drinking a coke all of a sudden!
@1 that's hilarious. I agree with not getting involved, but tell the person that thinks you're calling the cops that you're not getting involved and why. Also, giving someone a piece of pizza or other non-monetary form of assistance can be helpful and uplifting for all involved. Bring that person home, generally a really bad idea. Unless, maybe, they're really hot and great in bed then a broken nose might be worth it. Particularly if they bath first.
Best to stay out of it. You don't want the crazy one to know you're involved. This neighbor is not worth taking a bullet for especially he/she won't take common sense steps.
And if psycho-boyfriend has seriously injured or murdered the upstairs enabler, how would you feel?
It's SO SATISFYING to judge people who don't have the balls to get out of abusive relationships right up until they get killed, or wait, does this person smugly think to themselves, "Dude you fucking deserved to get killed" at that point also? What a pathetic POS.

i been in that position, used to live beneath a crack dealer, of course those kinds have all kinds of problems. Anyway, I heard a huge tussle going on, a fight between a man and a woman, then it got quiet, then I heard "you raped me!". Being as I have an outstanding warrant myself for indecent exposure for whacking off in public, I didn't feel the best qualified to call the police. I did feel I had to do something, I ran down the street and called the cops from a pay phone (this was when they were barely still around) the person on the other end kept asking more questions, I didn't answer of course because the first thing officer friendly does when you get involved is to run your id. Anyway, I've felt guilty for the last 13 years for not going up there myself. This world we live in and all of us are a mess.
Being as I have an outstanding warrant myself for indecent exposure for whacking off in public...
Paul Rubens? Is that you?
no, just a guy who loves whacking off, it's not like I don't try to get ahold of myself. If i got involved, they would have taken both of us to jail, so, the poor lady was on her own. Still feel bad about it, it haunts me.
and why did you make those letters so big, can we shrink those somehow, you make it look like i'm some kind of deviant.
and why did you make those letters so big, can we shrink those somehow, you make it look like i'm some kind of deviant.
You'll have to talk to The Stranger about that, it's the new site design.
Sweet zombie jeebus, call the landlord, or management company, and kindly explain to them that if three stikes is good enough for baseball, four should certainly be sufficient to deem your neighbor a nuisance and have his ass evicted.

I wouldn't call an adult who exploits a homeless mentally ill teen for sex the victim of domestic violence.
@13: You make a lot of unfounded assumptions, that are quite rude. I'll bet you're just a blast to be around.
@12 Exactly my thoughts. Let the landlord know that the neighbor is letting someone else stay with them often. I guarantee there something in the lease agreement prohibiting such nonsense.
Wasn't this part of the plot of "As Good As It Gets"? Is that you, Melvin Udall?
If the upstairs neighbors from my previous apartment had killed each other I would have been so happy. It would have saved me the trouble of doing it myself. ...but then I had to move.
Man, I love Seattle. Seriously, who has it better than us?
@18 San Francisco?
i mean, i'd probably fuck for pizza too
After a lifetime of watching one part of my family across multiple generations engage in hardcore "human projects" where they basically take in fixer-upper people and try and give them everything at absolutely no cost to those people, nearly all of whom either start as ingrates or become ingrates through a learned apathy/malaise which comes over them when someone else takes care of every single need of theirs all day long, I've learned one thing very well:

Never. EVER. Take on human projects. Charity is one thing but enabling is another, and what one of my parents and their parent and even their parents before them did is not charity, it is enabling, and it's come close to ruining at least one of those people's lives before on multiple occasions, occasions in which others had to be the voice of reason and had to practically pry off the enabler from the enabled. I don't get it. There must be some kind of messiah complex going on, some rush they get from giving to people, that keeps them from seeing the truth plain to everyone else, that they are being drained dry and are not even helping. Even when the enabler knows they're enabling, inertia is really difficult to overcome. It's like pulling teeth, but seeing this has been an excellent object lesson for me.

Never be an enabler; you are not helping, you are not a saint, you are not Mother Teresa, you are not Gandhi, you are not Jesus come down to save these poor people (often people who are mentally fucked up or otherwise socially totally crippled). You are enabling their illness and you are hurting yourself in the process. It's offputting to everyone, it gives them bad habits, it keeps them from legitimate help, and it feeds your own complex or whatever the hell it is you're trying to pull. Well, it's not working, it's just bringing harmful people around the ones you love.

Stop it.
I wouldnt stand for a woman getting the crap beat out of her, and I sure as hell wouldnt let a man get the same from his lover. If someone texted me to call the cops, I would. Abusive relationships are hard to get out of. I'd rather err on the side of caution, than notice a strange , horrid smell and a russet stain seeping through my ceiling.
@yucca flower The "teen" is 28 years old and making it to "sexually exploited" must make you some sort of wild assumption jumping Spider-Man.
@23: The abuser was initially described as a "kid," and only a recent description clarified the actual age. Nor does the now-known age preclude "sexually exploited," since the "mentally ill" factor may well be what gave the impression of "kid." It's still exploitation to sleep with an adult who has the mental capacity of a child.

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