Columns Mar 15, 2007 at 4:00 am

Chocolate City


It IS possible, DS, for a woman to have a high sex drive. It's just not as common. You make it sound like not one of us is out there, when you are indeed very wrong.
I took it that he was making a tongue-in-cheek commentary of the BS discussed in that book. Dan knows better. He probably gets letters every day from women who AREN'T like the women in that book.
If your hole were getting pounded every time you said yes to sex, guys, you would say yes less often.

This made me smile. So true.
I'm a twenty-two-year old female and I've wanted sex practically every day since I lost my virginity when I was 16. Of course I HAVEN'T unless I've been in a monogamous relationship, save for one or two times, but I find that I often want sex more often than my boyfriends. I know I'm still young, but I can't imagine a time where I wouldn't want to have sex. If I wasn't running late, I'd have sex before work, after work and before bed.

My advice for the husband would be to start by giving her a massage or something to relax her or get her in the mood to be touched instead of just dropping your drawers. Go slow if you have to and when she smiles, lick her pussy, do what she likes sexually and maybe she'll want to have sex. If either of you is dirty or she's self conscious, take a shower and then do whatever she likes that makes her want sex and then have sex with her. I don't know. Make an effort. Compromise. I guess I shouldn't be giving advice on this topic considering that knowing that the right guy wants it is all it takes to make me want it.
#1, I think he's mainly talking about *married* women. Marriage is one step from celibacy, kids.
#2, Unmarried ones.
#3, If our holes were getting pounded every time we said yes to sex, then chances are our partners would be men. To say yes, an offer has to be made, sister.
#4, Have fun while it lasts.
I'm catching up on old columns, so no one will likely read this, but on the off chance that someone does...

I'm almost 50 and married. I've wanted sex every day since I was a teenager. Still do. Can't imagine the day when that stops. I only wish my husband wanted it as much.

At least one married woman still wants sex (often!), loves to give blow jobs, loves to rim her husband, and loves anal sex.
I appreciate this article. I am that woman. My husband has a high sex drive. He constantly makes me feel like there is something wrong with me because I don't want to have sex everyday. Hell I agree to it 2 to 3 times per week. I'm exhausted! I would happily agree to a "slightly open" marriage if he would be less sexually demanding. He refuses that option. I'm frustrated!
Well I'm confused by this article! Every girlfriend I've ever had has been bang up for it all the time, infact too much, it has kind of led me to believe in my own mind that females have a higher sex drive! I know this isn't supposed to be true but speaking purely from my perspective it is. I like to have sex 3 or 4 times a week. I have had 8 relationships which lasted long enough to call girl friends and they all seemed to want it all the time which is often off putting and then the questions about don't you find them attractive etc How is this possible? I'm meant to be the one with the testosterone! I simply can't belive Im alone on this? Or am I?
Well I'm confused by this article! Every girlfriend I've ever had has been bang up for it all the time, infact too much, it has kind of led me to believe in my own mind that females have a higher sex drive! I know this isn't supposed to be true but speaking purely from my perspective it is. I like to have sex 3 or 4 times a week. I have had 8 relationships which lasted long enough to call girl friends and they all seemed to want it all the time which is often off putting and then the questions about don't you find them attractive etc How is this possible? I'm meant to be the one with the testosterone! I simply can't belive Im alone on this? Or am I?
Well I'm confused by this article! Every girlfriend I've ever had has been bang up for it all the time, infact too much, it has kind of led me to believe in my own mind that females have a higher sex drive! I know this isn't supposed to be true but speaking purely from my perspective it is. I like to have sex 3 or 4 times a week. I have had 8 relationships which lasted long enough to call girl friends and they all seemed to want it all the time which is often off putting and then the questions about don't you find them attractive etc How is this possible? I'm meant to be the one with the testosterone! I simply can't belive Im alone on this? Or am I?
Well I'm confused by this article! Every girlfriend I've ever had has been bang up for it all the time, infact too much, it has kind of led me to believe in my own mind that females have a higher sex drive! I know this isn't supposed to be true but speaking purely from my perspective it is. I like to have sex 3 or 4 times a week. I have had 8 relationships which lasted long enough to call girl friends and they all seemed to want it all the time which is often off putting and then the questions about don't you find them attractive etc How is this possible? I'm meant to be the one with the testosterone! I simply can't belive Im alone on this? Or am I?
i am one of the women that loves sex, wants sex, and needs sex all the time!!! It's typically my boyfriends that complain about me. i agree with #4 ~three times a day, be clean, be nice, and Dan's GGG is the way into our pants guys =)
He really was kidding, guys. Otherwise I'd have to go kill myself at my apparent abnormality of wanting sex all the time!
Seriously, why can't we expand away from the binary sex drive idea, like someone either has a low libido or a high libido. We moved beyond this with sexuality a long time ago, and I propose it's time to do the same here. As a lesbian woman who enjoys sex a lot I've heard men and women spout this belief that women have naturally low libidos, and men high libidos; but I've heard, seen and experienced evidence to the contrary. So libido is fluid, isn't constant throughout our lives, and may be many things all at once, hm sounds pretty rational.
You know, I usually adore Savagelove and find the column not only entertaining, but often quite insightful. I have to say that as a woman with a very active libido, however, I'm disappointed in this article.

I've recently been forced to learn more about the way testosterone is produced and operates within the female body, and it's not a simple matter. I happen to have a higher than average testosterone levels (though, it's not like I'm becoming a man) and I’m randy enough to have sex every day. I'm actually often disappointed because my male partner is much less interested in sex than I am. He's a good sport, and "rises" to the sexual challenge pretty well, but there's no question that it's me who's pushing for it.

I think that this article makes sexuality and hormone levels seem black and white—men have testosterone and will therefore hump any post if it stands still long enough, while women would rather get it on with a bag of Doritos. But this is severely simplifying the situation. I humbly request that you read up more on hormones before making such bold statements!
If the prominence of ED drugs are to be any guide, it seems like men are the ones disappointing women all the time. It makes it seem that there are large swaths of the population's men who are approached by women and then unable to comply with their demanding libidos. Is this a ploy to get men to buy the product? Possibly. But I wouldn't be surprised if this low libido/high libido schtick is bull shit and every one of us needs to embrace the sex we love.

Sure, sometimes you put on a show because you aren't in the mood. It's what you do.
Wow, people... I know there's no official font for sarcasm, but that was unmistakeably tongue in cheek. How could you miss it?
@2 & 17:

I absolutely agree! It surprises me that Dan's readers wouldn't be able to pick up on his tone at this point..
I assume that most people posted while reviewing archives in chronological order. SPOILER ALERT: If you agree with 1, 4, 6, 8, 9 (10 and 11 too since they are duplicates), and 12 then you need to read the next column and the Savage Love Extra that is attached to it.
My life is the mismatched libido game. I've spent a lonely, misunderstood evening collecting the all-too-frequent questions to Dan on the topic. Besides the empathy, I'm going to ask my wife if she wants to talk about these columns. We have the argument 3X a week, anyway, and this might focus it.

@19 - I found next week's column first ... this makes a lot more sense now.
"where are the women who want sex constantly?"
Hello, I'm here! X
@17 - Like you care about a sarcastic font!

But there is one, like italics but slanted the other way.…

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