Columns Dec 17, 2009 at 4:00 am



Sorry to hear it, Dan. Try finding someone who does ART- Active Release Technique- basically digs into your muscles and breaks up scar tissue that usually goes with repetitive motion. Can also be done with acupuncture. Just like all other muscle use, ya gotta stay hydrated and stretch those muscles!
well i just had to comment since hey I might be first! whawhoo! Yeah P2EP's husband is a dud. While she's exploring she will be basically auditioning for a new man in her life. So she needs to tell her husband to put out or shut up and start packing.
darn beat by 12 mins
Every time you masturbate a kitten dies, Dan. A kitten dies.
Hi Dan ~
You probably get so sick of hearing it, but I just have to tell you how much I look forward to your column that is filled with words of wisdom. You bravely sing out with head, heart and body...keep it up, Dan (no puns intended) - you're a true crusader and will someday go down in the books.
Lotsa Love to you and your loved ones ~
The Queen Of Quotes (
Masturbation is worth dead kittens
Only a small percentage of women are lesbians, but a lot of women are bi--espeically kinky dominatrix types. Since DYKES is interested in both lesbians and bi-girls, I think you coulda been way more encouraging. If DYKES goes on FetLife, she'll find herself snapped up nom nom slurp. And duh, she shouldn't try to let go of her kinks.
To P2EP: get some sexual play in there BEFORE he comes! 5 to 10 minutes is LAME!!

And if sexual play means so little to him, renegotiate monogomy!!
I agree with 4 - her husband is a dud. If he isn't willing to put in the effort it takes to get her off, and she is able to support herself and her child, she should leave him. He is being sexually lazy and selfish, and it won't get better. Trust me.

I happen to be with a man just like that (only he is 4 years older, not 12). The difference is that we DO NOT have children together, and I happen to be unemployed and in school right now. If I could afford to leave him without worrying about leaving school and moving back in with my mom on her po-dunk farm, I'd leave him in a heartbeat. He changed his mind about having children with me 6 months ago due to a recently developed (within the past year) medical condition that zapped him of his energy, but even before that he had a low sex drive. I feel like he doesn't love me anymore (if ever), and that I've wasted 7 years of my life with him.

What do I do about this? Can any of you sloggers give me some constructive and helpful advice about what to do? Do I stick it out until I'm done with school? Do I leave him now anyway? Cheat? What is a girl with a high drive, currently between jobs, and still in college to do?
PS - Is it fair to impose a OPP (one pussy policy) if he has a low sex drive and little interest in sex, but you have a high drive and are very interested in sex and want to be non-monogamous?
To DUN: Dude is acting like you already had alone time with the wife, not just agreed that you would be ok with it... it might be worth making sure he knows what really went down.... (knowing that you would only be ok with it if HE is ok with it might put a new perspective in his head) otherwise, he is just making an excuse to move on. If closure is what you want, go ahead and call him out on his assumptions.
P2EP is Exhibit 925325325 in "why it's maybe not a great idea to get married at 19."
You are a wh&%e. Literally. You are remaining in a relationship for money (housing is money). Using someone for money is never ok. It is his right not to "put out." It is also your right to give him an ultamatum, or just leave him. But if you stay with him for money, and cheat on him, then your a b&^!@.
Dan, my ART guy has a 95% success rate with Carpal Tunnel/Repetitive Stress blablabla, usually after only one treatment. I was happy to see that your first commenter mentioned the ART. Go find one, keeping in mind that like all skilled professionals, the quality and expertise can vary...
Be well soon, and try using your non-dominant hand for typing, jerking off, brushing teeth and hair, etc. Helps alot.
Is there REALLY a Bible Belt in Canada? If so, where? This sounds like a put-on to me, Dan.
I'd REALLY like to know more about this region.
@9 - your education is important, but I have to agree a bit with @13 - it's really unethical to stay in a relationship with someone you're not into just so they'll pay your bills. How did you get into this mess? Why are you so financially dependent on him to begin with?

At this point, I would say look into student loans and part-time work, and as soon as you can be financially independent and self-reliant again, go it on your own. But I don't... really understand how you could bear to be leaching on him up until now. It's one thing to be financially interdependent when you're married and you're both bringing certain skill sets to the table in order to create a life together; it's quite another to have one-sided, total financial dependence while you're in college. That doesn't seem self-respecting to me.
Regarding P2EP's letter... Pretty tenuous scenario to uphold, in terms of hubby, first of all, agreeing to her exploring kink with others, and, secondly, that the kink would remain "not fully sexual". It's fairly likely the kink will progress to full-on sex being part of the action. As #2 stated, she'll be basically auditioning for a new man to be in her life.
I'm with DYKES on the p.s. i'm so glad that my wife understands that my desire to have her peg me doesn't make me gay.i just like ass play like that. it's what's in our heads and hearts that makes us what we are.
@ #9
As important as your education is, your self-respect matters more: I agree with #16 that your current situation does not seem self-respecting. The contempt you have for your partner will lead you to hate yourself for staying with him, even if you are doing so only for the sake of getting a degree.
So, since you asked for advice: get student aid. If you cannot get enough aid to move out, look for a job. Take the first job you can find that will enable you to move out--even if you have to live in a closet and eat ramen noodles. Switch to part-time status at school if necessary. Do *not* cheat: you are in no position to take the risk of being kicked out if you are caught.
Yes, this will all be difficult and painful, but in the end, it will be less painful than staying in a relationship with someone you do not love, or lust after, or respect. Good luck.
Indeed - DWTDMN - get the fuck out of that relationship. Move in with Mom drop out of school, get a job, take out loans ... whatever ... Apart from getting out, It honestly doesn't matter what happens.

You will be fine, you will recover and it'll all take about a year till you're actually feelin like you're, maybe, starting to have your shit together again. Or at least I figure that's how long it'll take... I'm only on month number 9 myself, but I'm really starting to feel like I'm getting there.

Finally... Where the fuck is this Canadian Bible belt?
behold the bible belt of canada:
13 - How does having my husband support me make me a whore? How is it any different than any other "home-maker" who just happens to dislike her husband?

I pull my weight around the house: I take care of all household chores, the dogs, my step-daughter, and pay for my own schooling through working temp jobs, but the temp work isn't regular enough to maintain financial independence. I know I asked for advice, and while I appreciate the fact that I asked and people answered (without knowing all the facts), your assumption of my being a whore is inaccurate. Just wanted to clear that up.
@ 15, 20 - everything between Toronto and Vancouver.
Wait, there's bible thumpers in the Canada's maritimes provinces as well!
Hey DYKES, I am a bi-girl who is (relatively) feminine, in the classical sense, and would LOVE to tie you up and fuck you up the ass....

So long as you return the favour!!

Alberta!!!!!! (I know because my family is from there)
When are people gonna learn that the bible is made up of a bunch of interpretations of "events" by a bunch of old, dead guys?
Dan, DMSO (roll-on version) on absolutely clean skin rid me of carpel tunnel.

(It'll sting a bit on wet skin, if you apply right after washing up, but that's okay, as long as your skin is clean.)

You're not supposed to use it more than once a day, for three weeks at a time -- but whenever I've used DMSO for anything, it's cleared up whatever within a couple days.

Alternately: acupuncture.
Can we please stop labeling people who have low sex drives as "lazy, inconsiderate, and selfish"? That idea is damaging and it's a one-sided perspective.

Dan, you're recategorizing P2EP's husband's low sex drive as a lack of care and concern for her needs. I wonder if you would likewise attribute her desire to go out and get kinky with other people as a lack of affection and respect for her husband. There's a double standard here.

While it's true the wife's needs are not being met, the husband has needs, too, which are not being met. When he desires to *not* have sex, he should be able to do as he wishes and *not* have sex. It is only half correct to say that everyone should have as much sex as they want, whenever and however they want it. The more inclusive point of view is that everyone deserves the right to have *as much sex as they desire*--even if the amount of sex they desire is little or none.

I have a very low sex drive and have come away quite emotionally damaged from relationships in which I was the lower-driven partner and felt I needed to force mysef to have sex when I didn't want to. I wasn't getting my needs met--my needs for physical affection and closeness that didn't involve sex--but since society told me that my needs were wrong and selfish, I ignored them.

It may help the husband to check out He should understand that it is no more his fault that he has a low sex drive than it is the wife's fault she has a high one, and he does not need to accept being made to feel guilty for the way he is.

Let me end by saying: Dan, I'm glad you celebrate and encourage P2EP to live her life the way she wants. I wish that you would give people like her husband the same encouragement.
Life long Albertan here... I live in the Bible belt do I?... That is news to me.
I'm kinky, bisexual, and feminine. Naturally speaking, I'm a sub, but all my relationships end up being with other subs, so I gave being a dom a try. I really have fun playing the dom now. My advice? We're out here! You'll just have to keep asking people about their kinks.

Though some may be too shy to admit to being a dom. No one I know would guess me to be one upon meeting me. So just make sure not to assume that someone who's into kink is going to act that way all the time.
@29 Marrying someone much younger is a deal with the devil. You get all the excitement of being the object of her youthful desires, but it is also your sole responsibility to satisfy her appetites. All of us who have done so are aware of the terms of the bargain. The dude isn't lazy and selfish as much as he is dishonest and a malingerer.

He IS lazy and selfish in that he won't make the effort to pleasure his wife even when they do have sex. That's the main problem, not his low sex drive.
Unfortunately, it's become really politically incorrect in certain lesbian circles to enjoy strap-ons or BDSM because it's reminiscent of "patriarchy" and popular feminism is on the warpath against kink at the moment. Leaves a lot of unhappy, horny lesbians in its wake. :(
Dan you are in your mid 40s I believe, maybe you have begun anti-aging therapies such as HGH? If so, then it (or even testosterone shots), can cause CTS. I so, just back off on the injections for a week or two and the CPS should go away.
There would be several regions in Canada which would qualify as bible belt country - but I think traditionally it would be my old area - Central Alberta, home of old time tent revivals in the 20s and 30s. Now, not so much, I'd say, but still pretty high church to person ratio.
@28: Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is the chemical compound with the formula (CH3)2SO ... it has a distinctive property of penetrating the skin very readily, so that one can taste it soon after it comes into contact with the skin. Its taste has been described as oyster- or garlic-like. Other reported side effects include stomach upset, sensitivity to light, visual disturbances, and headache. Skin irritation can develop at the site where DMSO is applied topically.

Ugh, or maybe not.
To DAN-- Find yourself a physical therapist who can teach you some "nerve flossing" exercises. Ten minutes a day and the pain will go away.

(I went through six months and many $$$s to learn that it's probably not carpal tunnel. If you ignore it, it will only get worse. I went from ignorable pain to not being able to hold a knife or a doorknob, much less type.)
I'm a chick with a really high sex drive, and I agree with ChicagoSparky all the way nonetheless.

NOT everyone can have a relationship that is perfect in every way. I think emotional needs are as important as sexual needs (for most people, anyhow) in determining the "success" of the relationship. Your column gives people the idea that they SHOULD be prioritizing sex above all else.

Surely you know, by now, that you are a real cultural influence. You not only reflect the realities of popular culture, but you really have the ability to influence young people's beliefs... I see it in my friends. So sometimes I think it would be nice if you could show more of a balanced, nuanced perspective, instead of just always going for pithy and to-the-point.
Dan, I read your column every week. Please, if not for your sake, for all of ours (and all the people you help get their shit together): if it hurts - at all - STOP TYPING.

If you type with the hand that has carpal tu nnel it will get MUCH WORSE VERY QUICKLY and will take ages to get better. If you rest it you may be able to use it again in a week or so. For now, you'll just have to type and wank with just your left hand, slow and frustrating as it is.

And see your doctor.
Carpal Tunnel is no excuse for crappy answers!
Turn your column over to trusted experts for the week and recover!!
That letter to the P2EP was crappy, and so was the one to DYKES.

P2EP wants to get fucked and will get fucked. Her husband needs to fuck her, invite a third, allow her permission to sleep with others AND WHY DIDN'T YOU QUESTION WHY SHE'S MARRIED AT 23??? 23 is WAY TOO YOUNG to miss out on sex! Jeez. Fail, Mr. Savage. Fail.
Don't you have some tech-savvy-at-risk youth to do your bitchwork like typing for you? Or some speech recognition software? come on now.
You're a whore.

"If I could afford to leave him without worrying about leaving school and moving back in with my mom on her po-dunk farm, I'd leave him in a heartbeat. "

Your main motivation for staying with your husband is the money. You can try and do revisionist history in other posts, but you're the worst type of person. You admit, up front, what you're all about because you're so callous that you don't realize how wrong you are. Then, when everyone calls you out on your bullshit, you try to pretend that's not what you *really* said. Try to fix it or break up with him.

Yeah, yeah. If your partner wants more sex, and it is just not your thing, no sweat. Give the partner permission to have another sexual partner(s) on the side, without any complaint by you. You both win! You get your affection, they get their sex. To paraphrase Mr. Savage, if sex is just not that important to you, but it is to your partner, surely you will not mind your partner doing that unimportant thing with someone else, right? I mean, your lack of interest and refusal to simply take a few minutes of your time to get off your more interested partner, could never be about, oh, CONTROLLING them, could it? Oh no, never that...


You said, "If I could afford to leave him without worrying about leaving school and moving back in with my mom on her po-dunk farm, I'd leave him in a heartbeat."

Um, perhaps whore is a bit strong. But you are a pretty unappealling person for staying in this situation without telling him what is going on. People like you are toxic. You are the stuff the relationship horror stories are made of.

"What do I do about this?" Move back in with your mom. Get some lousy jobs. Pay your own bills. Let this guy move on, and move on yourself. But you knew that was the right thing to do, you are just hoping people will say, "Oh, you poor wounded bird of life, do what you must to survive! Fly free, song bird, fly free!!!!"

You should get honest with him. And get out. Good luck. I understand that just because it is simply stated, that does not make it easy. Welcome to life.
@9 (DWDMN) Your comment in @10 shows that you are selfish and inconsiderate. You want to have your cake and eat it too. You don't get to have sex with many people, but expect your husband to remain monogamous and waiting. And if any other homemaker is staying with their husband just for the money, whore may be a harsh term, but the only other one I can think of is "gold digger." Do yourselves both a favor and leave him on honest terms. If you're truly living on your own, without financial assistance - that's why schools have financial aid programs and work study.
"Give the partner permission to have another sexual partner(s) on the side, without any complaint by you. You both win! You get your affection, they get their sex"

What makes you think that person would get their affection if they let their partner have sex with someone else? Wouldn't a more sensible parallel suggestion be to say that the person who craves more affection than they're getting can go find THAT from someone else? Oh, but then if one person is getting their emotional needs met outside the relationship, and another is getting their sexual needs met outside the relationship, it kind of ceases to be a relationship, doesn't it?

Bottom line is the one who wants sex ouside a relationship but still wants to stay in that relationship, is emotionally satisfied. But the other person may not be, and that may even be part of the reason why they are not wanting to have more sex. Stuff gets tricky when two people who aren't terribly compatible get deeply attached to each other.

Oh also, this idea of looking for sex outside of relationship is also interesting because a lot of men AND women can't have sex without getting emotionally attached. I imagine a lot of people just don't have it together enough to make a scenario like that work out for long.
Dan, you need to become a dictator, at least until your hand heals up. Pain is not a trivial thing, and it can become a habit of your nerves if it goes on long enough. So grab unpaid intern and dictate, pretend you're Perry Mason and ze is Della.

I find Advil or Aleve also helps the healing process.
Wow, for a second, I thought P2EP might have been me. I'm a gay dude about her age, and my boyfriend is around her husband's age. Our sex is infrequent (but it is very good when it does happen), and even though he has verbally expressed interest in helping me explore my kinky side (he even used to be kinky himself) our sex remains pretty vanilla. He tells me he wants to tie me up one day when he's really horny... except he's never really horny. I really am not that interested in sleeping with other guys, but like P2EP, I don't want to feel robbed of these experiences in my sexual prime.
a kitten dies??? I'm off to the bedroom to solve the unwanted kitten problem!
It sounds like you and your husband are not compatible anymore. At the very least, tell him how you're feeling and move out of the bedroom. Tell him it isn't working and ask him for a month to find a job and move out. You've been together quite awhile, and it sounds like you don't have much family around. If he's a decent guy, he'll give you a month to get a job and find a place to live. Worst case scenerio, you get a couple of crap jobs and have to take out loans for school and live on an air mattress on the floor of a tiny apartment. People have survived worse. Stop being a princess and start taking care of yourself. It's about personal responsibility. This guy is your husband, not your parent. He isn't obligated to take care of you and love you unconditionally.

Divorce is hard, and yes, you might be making a mistake, but if you aren't happy you really need to think: Is this how you want to live for the rest of your life? My guess is no. It isn't 1950 anymore, and you don't have kids with him. You sound relatively young. You'll be OK, and you'll find someone else. Time to step up and be an adult, princess.
"What makes you think that person would get their affection if they let their partner have sex with someone else?"

Because relatively few letters show up complaining "(s)he doesn't hold my hand enough, tell me (s)he loves me enough, or cuddle enough." At least not relative to the number of "(s)he won't have sex with me" letters. That is because most people *will* without too much griping hold hands more often, tell people they love them more often and cuddle on the couch while watching television. If someone's partner told them that holding hands, saying I love you or cuddling was too much of an imposition, then it is a DTMFA situation, most likely.

But get real, okay: most partners will provide additional hand holding, cuddling, etc. when asked and without much complaint.

By contrast, however, too many low sex drive people seem to not want to similarly provide sexual release for their higher-drive partners, despite the fact that the partners would be really, really happy as a result. Rather, they put it back on the partners for being high sex drive and too demanding.

Given how much fun it is (or should be, in a healthy relationship) to watch a partner have an orgasm and get that stupid post-coital grin on their face, what would people rather do with their free time than take those few minutes to make their partner happy? Seriously. What is so important that you cannot take a few minutes to do that?

The low sex drive folks seem to think that doing such things for their partners is a burden, not a loving gesture to an important partner. That strikes me as someone who is using their partner's normal sex drive in a passive aggressive way.
As for dominant lesbians being out there, oh, I know there are. I was at a gay leather bar in Toronto this summer (the black eagle) and there were three lesbians into a hardcore spanking session there - admittedly, us men were a little put out. The dom was really beating the **** out of her sub, and the other woman was just watching and loving it!
Fly free - this is a *SEX* column, not advice on how to get your emotional needs met.

Poly is only the answer when both partners are accepting of poly. The fact it solves one of the partners issues is not relevant.
Dan, re the carpal tunnel, have you tried Dragon Naturally Speaking software, or any of the other dictation programs? They require some training to get used to your voice, but will relieve you of a lot of the typing and give your hands a rest. Probably not recommended for use in public places though, due to the nature of your column. You'll still have to type on planes and at the coffee shop.
Dan, there's a software program called Dragon Naturally Speaking; it lets you speak your text into documents; I used it when I had shoulder surgery. It's a little glitchy sometimes, but works well enough.

I am also a lesbian into kink - I want to be tied up and dominated. After a very satisfying session with the new girlfriend who EXCELS at dominating, we had a conversation on why it's not demeaning for me to be fucked in my mouth by her because I wanted it. And she wanted it. And that makes it okay :D

Have I been judged by others for my kink? Yes. But, I'm also 30 and I don't care anymore. Fuck me in the ass, the mouth, and any other hole I deem necessary at the time. I am still a dyke!

Power to the kinky lesbians!
Damn, here I am a male with a "high" libido with a wife with a "low" libido. It appears from the boards there are a lot of ladies with the high sex drive and here I want what you have. Oh well, story of life (not just mine).
I don't recommend DMSO...not really at all. There is a reason why the MSDS for DMSO says to wear gloves at all times. As was mentioned above, DMSO penetrates the skin readily. Unfortunately, it is also a great solvent, so anything else that may be on the surface of your skin, or anything that has gotten into the DMSO container, will also go right through your skin, carried by the DMSO.
You know, I am a male with a very high sex drive. I also love kink. I was married to a good looking woman with a high sex drive. However, I did not want to have sex with her because it sucked. We just did not click sexually. We seemed to like different things. I liked to kiss, she didn't. She liked to be on top to get off, but I did not enjoy HER on top as opposed to other women- always felt like she was going to break my dick. No matter how much we talked about improving it,it just didn't. She was frustrated with me not wanting to have sex and I was frustrated with not enjoying the sex. We got divorced. So not every non-sexual spouse does not enjoy sex. They might just not enjoy sex with who they are married to.
I just want to let you know that there are women out there that can satisfy your needs. My girl "pegs" me anytime, every time. I think Dan is right, it's about being open and honest about your needs and desires upfront. If someone doesn't want to be with you after finding out what you like, then they've done you the favor by breaking it off, cause you don't want to be with someone that won't meet your needs and desires.
Good luck!
P2EP -- (from the perspective of an age 35 woman with a high sex drive, a young child, and an age 36 husband) your husband isn't "past his sexual prime." He's only 35, for Christ's sake. Maybe there are medical or personal issues behind his low libido--not enough testosterone, a stressful job, weight gain (maybe yours), etc. Urge him to get those checked out. Having a baby can wreak havoc on the married sex life for all kinds of reasons. Was the sex always paltry? Or is it a new problem? Also, the info that you like being dominated and your husband is much older than you suggest to me that perhaps you are not communicating your needs forcefully enough. How often do you initiate sex? Did you get rejected a couple of times and quit trying? You owe it to your baby to sincerely try working this out with your husband, do you want him or her growing up without a dad so you can fulfill your spanking fantasies? BTW, Dan's advice is absurd and unworkable unless your husband is one of the tiny minority of men without a jealousy gene.

I think saying P2EP's husband is lazy, selfish and inconsiderate isn't entirely fair- we aren't getting both sides of the story, and it sounds like he's willing to try, he just isn't able to satisfy her for whatever reason. The situation could be very hard on him as well, and until we get his side just blaming him is too simplistic.

If he's particularly vanilla, I doubt any amount of trying would make him comfortable with kinks. I know a decent amount about BDSM and certainly know enough to know I couldn't satisfy a partner into it no matter how hard I tried.

She shouldn't have to go through life unsatisfied, but he also shouldn't be demonized for not being as into sex/kink as his wife.
There's plenty of gay women who are into strap-ons and light bondage; I'm not sure that this counts as all that kinky. (Maybe I'm just a freak.)

"Unfortunately, it's become really politically incorrect in certain lesbian circles to enjoy strap-ons or BDSM because it's reminiscent of "patriarchy" and popular feminism is on the warpath against kink at the moment. Leaves a lot of unhappy, horny lesbians in its wake. "

Do 24yos actually believe in the patriarchy? I have read about women who don't do penetration for that reason, but I've never met one, and I'm a lot older than 24. And a feminist.
To add to what 53 & 54 said, Dragon Dictate (a version of Dragon Naturally Speaking) is available as a FREE iPhone app and is available on iTunes now.
@41: P2EP got has been married for four years, meaning she got married to a 31 year old when she was only 19. Seems too waay to young to be making a commitment to a man with a low sex drive who's 12 years your senior.
Dan--this book is on sale for just over $9 at Amazon and I have friends who swear swear swear by this guy.

"Pain Free at Your PC" by Pete Egoscue…

I've a friend who is a technical writer and suffered severe pain for two years, had to take a leave from work--was worried about her future employment. She had a whole series of different types of treatments. But she said after doing the simple exercises in this book her pain was gone totally gone two weeks. This author has a series of books dealing with pain and coincidentally,totally unrelated to one another, I've had other friends mention fantastic results.
Just passing the word along, as I've not the personal experience with this.But my writer friend is pretty damn bright (and left wing atheist), but talks like a miracle happened or something--she is so astounded. Might be worth a try for 9 bucks and doing some at simple stetch/alignment exercises you can do at home.
@16: Don't kid yourself; marriage has been about women swapping sex and domestic labor for total financial support (as well as the only way for men to be "assure" paternity) or political alliances (wealthy families and royalty) in most cultures since the beginning of "civilization". The idea of love and sexual fulfillment (particularly for women) in marriage is only a recent (last one to two hundred years) development in Western and (some) Eastern societies, although the serf classes typically had more freedom to pursue whatever partner they found emotionally and sexually fulfilling. Of course, the fact that societies have done something for thousands of years doesn't make it right (e.g. slavery), but what DWDMN is doing isn't particularly unusual, even if she is misleading her husband.

@9 (DWDMN): What you're doing IS unethical if you're misleading your husband into thinking you love him when you don't. However, it would be even more unethical to implicitly agree to monogamy in exchange for financial support (among other things) and then not honor that commitment. If you want the support, you need to live up to your end of the deal, though this isn't the healthiest option. Your best course here is to divorce your husband (with whom you should not have entered into a monogamous marriage given that your sex drive is much higher; too late now) and find someone or several someones with whom you're sexually compatible to fuck, date, and potentially marry and reproduce. You probably want to find a job before you leave, but you should stop taking his money for college; you can always take a few semesters off while you get the rest of your life together. Anyway, I agree that you qualify as a prostitute, but then I don't think sex work is "wrong" in any sense as long as you're up-front, and you should ignore everyone who says "you're the worst kind of person" etc. because, as I stated above, your situation is still extremely common. Our divorce rate here in the States is above 50% for a reason; your extreme detractors have an unrealistic idea of what marriage is and historically has been for the majority of people the world over.

On the other hand, many people manage to get along just fine without relying on others for all, the majority, or even any of their sexual needs/fulfillment; that's why god invented masturbation. If you can manage, and you want to stay in your marriage for whatever reason, buy yourself a good vibrator (of course if you want kids and he doesn't, that could well be a deal breaker). The question you need to ask is whether it's worth going the rest of your (or his) life without the partnered sexual fulfillment you desire.

@29: There's no double-standard; the husband wants to not have sex, and DWDMN isn't forcing him to do so. He's perfectly free to not have sex if she's having sex with other people; THE SEX THAT SHE'S HAVING DOESN'T HAVE TO BE WITH HER HUSBAND. The fact that people with low sex-drives expect to be able to meet their low-sex-drive needs AND prevent higher-sex-drive partners from meeting their own sexual needs is what makes them inconsiderate. If you have a low sex-drive and want a monogamous relationship, date and marry other people with low sex drives; don't use emotional abuse to coerce people with high sex-drives to not fuck as much as they want. It was wrong of your partners to coerce you to have sex you didn't want to be having; it's just as wrong to coerce a partner to not have sex s/he does want. The problem here is the presumption of monogamy.

"I wasn't getting my needs met--my needs for physical affection and closeness that didn't involve sex". This is what friends are for; if you want affection without sex, DON'T ENGAGE IN (exclusive) SEXUAL RELATIONSHIPS; especially don't pretend that you WANT a sexual relationship when you don't. Cultivate a group of close friends instead.

@39: I agree that emotional needs are at least as important as sexual needs for one to live a happy life. It is, however, a gross misconception to think that we can only meet our needs in either of these areas in partnered, exclusive sexual relationships. It's quite possible to live a happy life by meeting emotional needs through friends and sexual needs through one or several spouse(s), fuck-buddy(ies), partner(s), etc. There's no particular reason that the same person or people NEED to fulfill both of these simultaneously, although logistically, it tends to be easier.
I always remember the line from lesbian comedian Lea DeLaria:
"It's not that I don't like penises. I just don't like them on men."

So if you want to get pegged, go for it!
Someone probably already said this, but it sounds like you have tendinitis, Dan!
I'm not sure what's more boring: these whiny self-indulgent letters, or Dan's whiny self-indulgent carpal tunnel kvetching. I am, however, excited to be #69 here, so as my grandma used to say, thank God for small miracles!
Every time you eat a hamburger, a cow dies.

I'm just such a woman -- bisexual, feminine, beautiful, young, and into bondage and biting. We're out there. Good luck!
My husband is perfectly fine in bed. And I mean fine in the blandest sense possible. Five minutes at best, little to no foreplay, and a jaw that seems to get tired after ten minutes. But, he's kind and generous and a great provider, father, confidant, shoulder to lean on, and all around best friend. I know it seems like he couldn't be generous without being equally giving in bed but he is. He just believes somehow, no matter how many people tell him otherwise, that the women in porn are accurate representations of the female arousal cycle and that all the one night stands who told him they came and that he was great were speaking the unabridged truth. But you know what? I'm happy, and still faithful and monogamous after years with him. I come regularly (in just about every shower) and I love my husband. There's no reason to let sex become the defining factor in your marriage. A single factor, yes, but not the defining one.

You can make it out to be about his selfishness or his unwillingness to communicate or whatever but at the end of the day, if you divorce a guy for being unenthusiastic about tying you up, you're choosing a kink over your husband. And there is the option to make a sacrifice and choose your husband over your kink. After all, he does tie you up, he just doesn't get excited by it. And judging him for being too quick is just as bad as when men judge women for "taking too long." If his human cock tires too soon, hand him a dildo and tell him to finish you off that way.
DYKES here - first off, thanks so much for answering my question, Dan! I've been hesitant to bring up my kinks early into a relationship; I'll definitely keep the advice in mind in the future.

Also, thanks to the commenters for all the supplemental advice given in the comments. Something which Dan had to edit out of my letter for space is that I'm more than happy taking on the dominant role sometimes, but I'm primarily submissive. But hey, I'm flexible.

And of course I believe in the patriarchy. But I also believe that, as an young woman, I shouldn't let concerns over the admittedly sad state of gender relations in this country make me afraid to pursue my sexual desires/needs. Isn't that, after all, just allowing yourself to be subjected to patriarchal norms? What could be more feminist than claiming the right to enjoy taking it up the ass without having a man involved?
Re. DUN: I don't know which "Bible Belt of Canada" he lives in, but I live near one (Abbotsford), and it seems like half the kinksters I know are coming in to Vancouver from there. He should check the Internet before packing up house.
Dan, walk away from the mouse. And the keyboard. mmmm, jack off with your left hand. And ice, for crying out loud, ICE. And when you come back, use BIG, ARM and SHOULDER movements to move your mouse... not tiny, wimpy, wrist movements. Sending advice right back atcha, Savage.
Hey Dan,

I promise I'm not shilling, or anything, but as someone who just came down with repetitive strain, you might find using Workrave helps - open source thing that sits on the PC and reminds you to take a break from using the keyboard. links through to it.

(If I'm honest, I mostly ignore it, but at least it's a reminder I shouldn't type for six hours solid)

Another dyke here. Most of my queer women friends are kinky, so I wonder where the hell you're living that you're having a hard time finding another kinky woman.

Did you bring up how hot you were at the beginning of your email to demonstrate that it should be easy for you to find dates, or that you're picky about them? From what I've found, kinky dykes tend to fall into the "alternative" category, and not everyone is going to be fit like you.

Don't overlook your fellow femmes as sex partners! I find a femme, most other femmes prefer butch/androgynous/gender-queer or some other iteration of queer masculinity in their partners. Gender and sexual identity doesn't correlate to sexual preferences - basically butch does not equal top. Femme cock may be your way to go.

Oh, and I say this all as one hot (and curvy) femme dyke who would tie you up, slap you around, and fuck your ass in a moments notice.

We're out here!
On the mousing side, I've eliminated pain by switching to a rollerball. I use a Logitech Cordless Optical Trackman. It has a big ball that I move with the third and fourth fingers of my right hand. There are buttons for my thumb and pinky, and a wheel under my index finger for scrolling.

For the keyboard issues, speech-to-text software sounds like a good solution. Aren't you the editor of The Stranger? So you prolly have an office, and can shut the door as you "write."
Sorry to hear about the carpal tunnel. That really is a bitch, and not any any good way.

My ex at one point went to using voice activated software when his carpal tunnel got too bad. That's my busybody 2 cents worth.

Get better, If you need to take a break from blogging, or need to get someone to pay for someone to transcribe tapes to blog & column you have my support (for what it's worth).


It seems that you stress looking "hot" a lot, both on your end and on your partners. I do think that being attracted to your partner or potential partner is important, and everyone has standards and/or a type when it comes to looks, but it seems to me that since you are so "vain" and in your own eyes so very good looking, you may be shooting yourself in the foot by focusing too much on looks, and you may not be considering a lot of people because in your own mind you are so hot that only someone equally perfect will do you justice. An older male friend of mine was lamenting the fact hat while he loves his much younger (almost 20 years) girlfriend and is glad he can land young hotties, he wishes that he could find an older woman who is just as "hot" because he could have more relatable conversations and a more mature partner.

I think if you got to know a person who may not immediately strike you as the pinnacle of hot-ness, you may find that they begin to look more and more beautiful to you as you see who they really are, especially if they are willing to fuck you in the ass all kinky-like.
@9/10/22 While I do see the logic behind it, I think that those calling you a whore were off the mark. Most arrangements that are optimal while together don't work when you're separating and it is difficult to undo seven years of entanglements.

However, I don't think the harshness leveled at you should be considered undeserved. The guy developed a medical condition and now you want out. You wrote you'd leave your drained husband in a heartbeat if it just wouldn't inconvenience you so much. Apparently, that is who you are.

Remember that one time when you pledged eternal love and fidelity to each other, in sickness and in health?

Look, marriages fail. The problem here is that you don't get to decide your husband doesn't love you and perhaps never did, just so that you can feel good about leaving him under these circumstances. If you want or need out, fine, but the way you're justifying it here makes you look like a self-serving bitch.

I acknowledge that you did write that you don't have kids together, but after seven years, you might also want to consider breaking up with your step-daughter amicably.
I've never understood why low-libido partners don't just put out for their partners.

I've been on both sides of that relationship divide. When I was the high-sex partner, I felt constantly rejected by my girlfriend, who would apparently rather watch TV than be with me. After all, when you reject your partner's advances, you're effectively telling them "I'd rather do what I'm currently doing than have sex with you." Being continuously informed that you rank below some goddamn sitcom rerun does not build positive self-esteem.

Now that I'm the low-sex partner (in a different relationship), I try to make sure my girlfriend does not ever feel that way. So even on days that I'm tired, stressed, distracted, whatever, I just use my hands, mouth, etc. to get her off. And sometimes, I discover I now *am* in the mood, and my dick joins the party. Either way, she's taken care of.

I look at it this way: I'm willing to rub her back if she tells me her back is sore. Why shouldn't I be willing to rub her clit if she tells me she needs an orgasm?
women hit their sexual peak at 30 lol, so you're not really out of the woods. And what's with the age thing? I've met 20 year old guys who can't keep up with me...sexual interest (or lack thereof) is not age related.

I know my parts didn't dry up at 30 :S
P2EP: How about counseling? Is there any chance that these sexual hangups are manifestations of other issues which might be addressed and managed with the help of a professional, thereby allowing for some solution which doesn't involve the dissolution of an otherwise happy relationship?

Find a sex-poz therapist before you throw everything at the wall and hope something sticks.
I hate to break it to all of you, but your personal sexual fulfillment isn't the most important thing in the world, or your life. And if you get married and have a baby, you are committing to put that child's needs before your own -- especially your own sexual fulfillment. If you were prevented from ever eating ice cream again, and in order to eat it you had to tear apart your child's secure world, you ought to damn well deal with not eating ice cream. And if your sexual fulfillment is so central to your human existence that lack of it is destroying you, then you're a shallow, pathetic, selfish person.
I wonder why this chick's husband doesn't feel like sleeping with her. All I hear is her calling him an old guy who is "past his prime" and trying to describe herself as a nubile young slut to anyone who will listen.

Maybe he's already cheating on her with a more nubile, younger slut, how do we know? And apparently, we are not supposed to care.

You should really stop encouraging people to cheat. Maybe you should let your boyfriend do the writing when these "give me permission to cheat" letters come around.

And frankly, some real advice from an older person who happens to have married someone "way too young" for me....grow up, dumbass! I don't hear him saying anything about me being "old", "past my sexual prime", or any of the other nasty implications nubile slut is making....although I do hear him complaining that I should slow down and let him catch up once in a while....(he's laughing as I write this, cuz he knows it's true). Sex drive has nothing to do with age...I unfortunately know that my parents were having sex well into their sixties, when he finally died (I can only assume of extreme happiness). My mother's husband was fifteen years older than her.

Maybe you're just not that attractive to him. With an attitude like that, I can't see you being very attractive to anyone in a relationship. (hubby is nodding enthusiastically)
As hubby of justcuzudontwanttoseeitdoesntmeanidontdoit, I have to say that I agree wholeheartedly. You shouldn't be advising people to ends up being hurtful to both parties because, speaking as someone who has been cheated on and has cheated on someone in the past, no matter what you do you are going to get hurt. If you're cheating on someone, you feel ashamed of yourself because you can only justify it for so long before you realize you have no real reason to be doing it. If you're being cheated on, well, I guess it's pretty obvious.

I used to appreciate the advice in this it's just you telling a bunch of people they should cheat on their wives, girlfriends, husbands... it makes me wonder if you're not just using this as a way to justify your own desire to cheat.

Not everyone feels the same way.
@85: "If you were prevented from ever eating ice cream again..."

Nice use of the passive voice there. But it isn't some almighty, impersonal force preventing you from eating "ice cream"; it's your allegedly loving spouse. And eating ice cream does not have any impact on your child's secure world, but your spouse's reaction to that consumption may.

If one spouse really really likes ice cream, and the other spouse doesn't care for it, then the decent thing for the ice-cream hating spouse to do is let his or her partner find other people to eat ice cream with.

Let me guess: ice cream is trivial and sexual monogamy is really really important? Then don't trivialize a high sex drive by comparing it to eating ice cream. That metaphor cuts both ways.
why do these people wait so long to discover/admit that they're TOTALLY not sexually compatible? Aggghhh!!!

Also...35 is suddenly old? You lose your sex drive? Christ, my boyfriend is 4 years away from 35. NOOOO. I really think all this "sexual prime" stuff is bullshit, unless you're 80.

@29, I agree, it does suck being the person who doesn't want to perform. Though I don't have a low sex drive, there were/are times when the last thing I want to do is give my bf a blowjob, due to depression, fatigue, stress. I usually suck it up and get him off, but there have been a few times I've said no. I feel guilty, but I'm not quite sure the guilt should be there...

@21, hahahah!

#9 What woyuld you call a sexually unsatisfied man who would leave his wife 'in a heartbeat' if he wasn't financially dependant on her?!? A sponge, a parrasite, leach? How about invertebrate?
If I wasn't totally happy in my relationship with my bf, I would totally ask you out. You fucking ROCK!!! Your comments continue to provide me giggles and today's are no different. In your honor, I bring back the pain I was under when I had Carpal Tunnel Syndrome as I type this response FUCKOUCHDAMNCHRIST

Keep up the AMAZING work :)
"Because relatively few letters show up complaining "(s)he doesn't hold my hand enough, tell me (s)he loves me enough, or cuddle enough." At least not relative to the number of "(s)he won't have sex with me" letters. That is because most people *will* without too much griping hold hands more often, tell people they love them more often and cuddle on the couch while watching television. If someone's partner told them that holding hands, saying I love you or cuddling was too much of an imposition, then it is a DTMFA situation, most likely.

But get real, okay: most partners will provide additional hand holding, cuddling, etc. when asked and without much complaint."

Umm, yeah. This is a sex column. And also, on one level you're wrong, because a lot of people DO have trouble getting the affection they want from their partner. If you have to ask for it EVERY time, instead of it being voluntary, it doesn't help much. My mother I know feels this way.

"By contrast, however, too many low sex drive people seem to not want to similarly provide sexual release for their higher-drive partners, despite the fact that the partners would be really, really happy as a result. Rather, they put it back on the partners for being high sex drive and too demanding.

Given how much fun it is (or should be, in a healthy relationship) to watch a partner have an orgasm and get that stupid post-coital grin on their face, what would people rather do with their free time than take those few minutes to make their partner happy? Seriously. What is so important that you cannot take a few minutes to do that? "

You speak as though someone who has never been pressured into doing something that made you uncomfortable, sexually. Overall, giving someone a hug because you felt pressured does not have the same negative psychological ramifications as having sex because you felt pressured. That may be in part because of how much importance and weird values our culture attaches to sex, but none of us are living outside of that. For some people, having sex when they're not feeling enthusiastic can make them feel really cheap -having a partner who'd WANT that can make them feel really cheap and underappreciated. Different people have different ideas of what an ideal sexual relationship should look like.

I have a high sex drive, but I also don't feel awful when I have to go without it for extended periods, because I was never raised to believe that I should expect or deserve sex whenever I want it. Your body craves sex the way it craves food, but you don't physically suffer without sex the way you suffer without food.

And if I'm simply going to be a pragmatist, all of the people who are sexually unsatisfied could leave their partners and go look for someone else, and A) not all of them would manage to find someone they were more sexually compatible with and B) the ones that did may find themselves less emotionally satisfied than they were in their previous relationship.

It's the one-size-fits-all answers that bother me, and IMO make this column not a whole lot more intelligent than Cosmo

"The low sex drive folks seem to think that doing such things for their partners is a burden, not a loving gesture to an important partner. That strikes me as someone who is using their partner's normal sex drive in a passive aggressive way. "

There is no "normal" sex drive. It varies widely from individual to individual. Second of all, I don't follow your logic in the least. Sex is better when both people want it. If only one person wants it, then the other person forcing themselves to put out can breed resentment over time, in either partners. (I for one can say that when I had sex with a guy and then later was given reason to suspect that wasn't really what he wanted, I felt deeply embarassed and hurt.) Again, this comes down to different people holding different ideals when it comes to the interactions of emotions and sex in sexual relationships.
@1 and @14: I agree!
Hey Dan. You really should try speech recognition software. I work with a guy who uses speech recognition software almost exclusively when he writes (he and I are both technical writers--FUCK OUCH DAMN IT CHRIST). I think he uses Dragon Naturally Speaking.

I mean, you gotta save yourself for the beating off, right?
I must must MUST re-emphasize the call for Dragon NaturallySpeaking. You've gotta be patient with training it, and you've got to remember to correct entire utterances instead of single words, but it is fantastic.

I'd advise you to splurge for the Professional version, though. Not only will it allow you to create macros and scripts to automate repetitive tasks, but you're going to need to do some create scripting to get Dragon to adapt to your particular professional vocabulary.

Out of the box, Dragon doesn't acknowledge naughty words. How puritan.
@ 4

Oh fuck off, masturbation is not a sin and kittens are killed for other reasons by people.... NOT BY MASTURBATION. Don't be a dumbass... seriously. That really peeved me off.
Do you happen to go to a small, prestigious liberal arts college in a lovely little town called Oberlin?

Whether you do or not, I know that as a straight girl here at a Small Prestigious Liberal Arts School, romantic or sexual play outside of hooking up or being in a serious long-term relationship can be really difficult. I can and have been relatively forward, but it's also not really reasonable to assume that anyone at my college is straight; hence, I tend to not make a move unless there's some signal that it's a wanted move. Not sure that helps, but perhaps it's nice to know that kinky straight girls in college do exist - it just might take some looking, and some talking.
DWDMN: High sex drive and you need money? All those stupid "your a whore" flames aside, have you thought about becoming a call girl? Two birds with one stone...
Isn't premature ejaculation a medical problem that can be fixed?
NSWIW and Anyone Else Into Kink at Prestigious Midwestern Liberal Arts Colleges: I went to college at a small, prestigious, Midwestern liberal arts college -- oh hell, I went to Oberlin -- and when I was there, they tried to start a BDSM club. The faculty senate shot it down, but this was in the late 90s, so perhaps they've relaxed since then. Best of luck to NSWIW, and if you're at Oberlin, check the archives (e.g. Google "Oberlin BDSM club") and read up on the glorious history of BDSM club failure, and then see if you can get a charter for the "BDSM 2009 Club." Succeed where my compatriots failed!

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