Columns Feb 12, 2014 at 4:00 am

Pannies and Forties



Everyone can celebrate Valentine's Day regardless of relationship status. I know I celebrated yesterday.
Ms Cute - I've rarely tried B&J. For an outfit based in Vermont, they aren't at all New England, which is censure about equal to Marianne Dashwood's and Willoughby's evaluation of the praise of Lady Middleton and Mrs Jennings.

But I thank you for giving me the idea that a first-rate breakup ought to be worth a minimum of 100g of fat in the ice cream. I think my quintessential image here is that of Ms Gless as Debbie Novotny, watching a shopping channel from her couch in her robe with her quart of Haagen-Dazs, repeating Emmett's mantra of, "Dignity, always dignity," right before taking a shot of whipped cream from the can right in the mouth. If we were to set up a scale for this, that might well be worthy of constituting the high end, especially with that whipped cream noise (another thing that takes one back at least three decades).

And I'll commend you while I'm at it for not being an adherent to Dr Barreca's advocacy for destructive revenge (which I've witnessed; quite a scary path).
Lurker - Then kindly unlurk, please.
Ms Sissou - I'm glad that line was entertaining. Your post was also just the right sort of illustration to my response to Mr Horstman in the previous week's discussion. If marriage is to be dismantled of all its accessories, that absolutely must be done from the inside rather than the outside; if I had posted your assessment of OS matrimony, it would never have gotten any traction whatsoever.

What is "OS matrimony" ?
Some hetero marriages do work, though. I know some.
@Funtional Atheist

"the prospect of his squandering what's left of his youth--his 20's and 30's--without real romantic and emotional connections"

Life without a GF is not "squandered." This whole societal attitude that you're basically on hold until you have an SO is part of this guy's problem. Dan's absolutely right; he should build a life he likes, then he might or might not meet a woman - so what? Lots of people in relationships are miserable and lots of people who are single are happy. It's not the single determinant of happiness.
@GG1000: Speaking for myself, if I was forced to do without a female companion for an extended duration, you'd soon see my wild-eyed, disheveled, hunched form roaming aimlessly through the streets flinging feces at passers by.
Maybe the 2nd letter guy should try online dating, could work out for him.
He may not even have to wait till 40s, it seems once late 20s/30s happen more women look less for looks more for the overall package. So if he has a good job then, decent guy could have more luck.
Dr Sean - How would we be able to tell the difference? (ba-dum-bum)

Ms Sissou - That's reassuring. One of my sisters calculated a few years back that all the marriages of the parents of her entire circle of friends in high school had ended in divorce, mostly acrimonious, except for two untimely accidental deaths.
I'm cruelly amused by all the people telling the lethargic barely-functional depressed dude to go hit the gym.

Because when you're deeply depressed and hardly have the energy and determination it takes to go to work or even see friends, it's just so easy to start a self-improvement routine. Really! *So easy.* If only somebody had told him before that exercise would help him!

This advice is *almost* as solid as CK's joking advice to wait around until women are desperate enough to overlook how unattractive and unlikable he is.

I used to be a depressed and unattractive 20-something. I'm now a less-depressed and slightly better-looking 30-something. I gave up on ever meeting a woman I would feel real chemistry with, and when my depression improved, I pretty much moved in with the first woman that would have me, even though I wasn't sure I loved her or that she loved me. She turned out to have borderline personality disorder and a drug problem. I am now happily single.

So I have no advice on meeting more women. But I know the key to not becoming an angry men's rights activist. Are you ready? It' just not become an angry men's rights activist.

Realize that women are human, too, not just a support system for the stuff you want to play with. Some of them are *also* depressed, unattractive, and unsure if they'll ever feel any chemistry with anyone. And if you yourself aren't attracted to those depressed and unattractive women, it's pretty unrealistic to be mad that the hot women you *are* attracted to aren't attracted to *you*. (Actually, just recognize that it's ridiculous to blame *anybody* for not being attracted to *anybody*. Nobody, of any gender or orientation level of beauty or whatever, *owes* sex--or even a coffee date--to anybody.)
unskin @120:
Your post is the one that makes most sense on here. You sound human in the best possible sense of the word!
I just wanted to quickly chime-in to support your response to the accusation that mentioning someone was "Mexican" was somehow both subtly racist and insignificant to the problem. Actually mentioning that the afflicted fellow was Mexican makes a world of difference. I am a middle-aged homo guy who's worked in the restaurant industry all my life. I am viewed by my co-workers as being the most sensible and most stable of the bunch. I'm astonished by how many times my Mexican co-workers have come to me for deeply personal advice as they navigate a 'loose' and 'decadent' new culture. There is an extraordinary weight of deep Catholicism as well as extensive family and community responsibility instilled many of our Latino immigrants. The idea of accidentally-sleeping-with-a-friend's-wife is utterly unthinkable and THEN most Americans would respond "Dude! Awesome, good fer yoo!"
The simple detail that the guy was Mexican is both telling and important.
I've helped Mexican co-workers deal with infidelity to wives left at home, dealing with potentially gay offspring, dealing with new sexual feelings...yikes, you name it!
There is an important cultural bridge being forged here.
Of course many will argue that in Mexico's large cities there is an affluent class of college-educated professionals who have the same 'sophisticated' sexual attitudes as anyone else! But then, affluent college-educated urbane Mexicans rarely find it necessary to work in Untied States restaurants for minimum wage.
Sincerely, Chicago George

I agree, life without a partner is not squandered. Living in couple is not the only way of enjoying life.


Good for you for not having stayed with your problematic ex, just for the sake of not being single. And thanks for the shout-out for women who look below average : half of us do, and it's not easier for unattractive women to enter relationships than for unattractive men.

I'm sure that with such an attitude, if you mingle enough with women through social activities, sooner or later you'll meet some who'll be attracted to you. Being a decent guy, whatever one's looks and state of health, is a powerful aphrodisiac.
Ugh. As a pansexual person of third gender, I'm annoyed at the first asker for equating "pansexual" with "liking girls as much as guys". I'm also annoyed at Dan for not calling it out, while we're on the topic of things Dan might have missed. We all didn't just invent the term "pansexual" as a new synonym for "bisexual" that only the hip kids who were in the know would use, so that we could make fun of the squares still using the old word. There's an actual distinction here.
M? Pan - I think a lot of the difficulty with the first letter is that there are several points on which it's unclear whether she's presenting her understanding of a term or situation, his stated understanding, or what she takes to be his understanding. As the sentence in question concerned his view of her as not being the spawn of Santa (I think I shall extend my anti-Christmas attitude; Santa, Satan - what's the difference?), I took that as how he thinks of or she has gotten him to understand her particular inclinations. She seems to believe that keeping his understanding at a rudimentary level is best for the relationship. Whether that's just as far as his fundamentalist brain can go with alternate genders and/or sexualities, or simply the extent of how far she's willing to try to push his envelope doesn't seem clear. I suppose your callout works equally well if that's how she's presented her sexuality to him and one wants to be a purist. It strikes me as reasonable leeway to give an 18-year-old in less than ideal circumstances, but this is your issue and area of expertise, and I defer to you.
@ven: The difference is that if I have a female companion, my aimless, wild-eyed, disheveled poo-flinging is restricted to the SLOG comment section.
@ Seandr 89 - in the spirit of full disclosure, I should state that I'm a 40-something woman whose decade-and-a-half OS marriage (hat tip to Mr. Ven) ended several years ago, and who has gone through quite a few changes since then, none of which involve grabbing desperately at branches on my way down. I'm thus predisposed not only to read Mr. CK's view of my cohort ungenerously, but to go even further and take umbrage.

Male 40-somethings are quite as capable of spectacular flame-outs and precipitous free-falls as female 40-somethings. In fact, my male 40-something boss, who was riding high a year ago, appears to have made a few choice career-ending moves, but I'm sure that one of those 20-something women who specialize in rescue and rehabilitation will be his saving Grace.
@115: Speaking for myself, if I was forced to do without a female companion for an extended duration, you'd soon see my wild-eyed, disheveled, hunched form roaming aimlessly through the streets flinging feces at passers by.

I'm the same, though I imagine my wife would say that "extended duration" means about 36 hours.
if I was forced to do without a female companion for an extended duration, you'd soon see my wild-eyed, disheveled, hunched form roaming aimlessly through the streets flinging feces at passers by.

Lol. That's probably what I would end up doing if I found myself with a female companion. It's better for all concerned if I stay permanently retired from romance. For the past 20 years I've been doing a good job of it.
@121, 123

Thanks for the kind words. And...don't take this the wrong way, but it does not help my depression at all to find that simple human decency is rare enough to be considered praiseworthy.
Exercise produces endorphins, sure, but the real benefit as far as depression is that it causes extensive neurogenesis in the limbic system, which then normalizes its function. (For example, it turns depressing fearful life experiences into "bittersweet" experiences). This is especially true for vigorous exercise. The effect is even greater than the neurogenesis caused by SSRIs.…

Also, depressed dude (I refuse to call you "UGLY"), I have been attracted to all manner of men since my 20's, including (maybe, especially?) frumpy "bears" and "ugly" men. And I'm not the only woman I know who is completely unable to even see the superficial crap regarding the opposite sex.

Why not just befriend some women, and be a good friend; be trustworthy, emotionally-available, honest and deep. Women like emotional intimacy and good communication. Start with that. Also, like was said above: you should exercise. But exercise in order to heal your brain and make yourself feel better; the fact that it "improves" your appearance should only be a pleasant side-effect.
Take care.
Oh, @98, get outta my brain.
Dear UGLY - your letter could have been written by my husband 7 years ago. First of all, you have shitty self-esteem and might THINK you are unattractive when you are not. My husband has no idea how good looking he is and still doesn't believe me to this day that I can't have enough of him and think he is the sexiest man in the world. PLEASE do not spend your time and $$ on hookers. That sounds like a recipe for feeling even more hard-up than you already do. Just keep befriending women, keep being honest and sweet, and the right woman WILL snap you up. I promise. When she does, just FUCKING accept that she loves you! And for god's sake, DO NOT continue to be bitter about the women you never got when you were younger. The woman who loves you will then feel like SHE can never be enough for you. I hope this helps - You seem honest and well-spoken, and if you are respectful and sweet to women I guarantee you will find the right one.
P.S. "ugly" ... I wasn't in my forties when I snapped up my man. I was 25 and by then had been through the wringer enough to know what I had in him. It's true that women are idiots when we start dating, for the most part, but most of us do grow out of it. I really hope the best for you.

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