Columns Oct 8, 2014 at 4:00 am

Friends in Need


Hey, this first letter is a repeat!
I'm just kinda grateful that there was no talk of decapitated snake head up the urethra this week. Although, at the same time, I am beyond glad that that was indeed a possibility and, in fact, glorious reality last week.

you rock my world, dan savage.


Wow - good to know the international community is as messed up as we Americans! Way to help the world, Dan!
SAT; did you know the US Ambassador to Australia, is a gay man? Article about him & his husband in Sydney Morning Herald today( 8/10/14) point being,
Australia is of age.. ( though, not quite there yet).
So yes, go with Dans suggestions.
The Dr showed he was respectful of your privacy- just double check he won't disclose private matters, when you go back.
Please, go again to check what is happening with your body. Maybe you'd be more comfortable with a woman Dr?

I wish SAT had said something about her symptoms so I could make some guesses about what her doctor might have been thinking when he asked her about sexual activity. He could have been pursuing a particular line of thinking as he was trying to figure out a diagnosis. He might have wanted to talk to her about safe sex and birth control, perhaps see if she wanted/needed a prescription. He might have been idly curious or actively enjoying making her uncomfortable or fantasizing about her.

I wish the doctor had told her what he was thinking when he asked. He might have said "I'm trying to rule out these particular STDs or know whether it makes sense to do a lab test for them so I need to know whether you're sexually active."

I don't like Dan's advice to let something awful happen first (doctor betrays trust), then count on a swift and appropriate punishment after (the LGBT group does exactly what?) since SAT would still be dealing with the fallout anyway. It would seem better to ask the doctor point blank why he asked about her sexual activity.

For my part, I'm trying to figure out what sort of STD or result of lesbian activity 2 years previous could make a young woman suddenly sick enough to see a doctor? I can't think of anything, but this isn't my area of expertise. I can think of STDs, but wouldn't the symptoms show up sooner?
For IBIAM, I'd say that this sounds like normal drama for people in their early 20s, rather than serious levels of assholery by either IBIAM or his crush. My advice to IBIAM would be to tell her that you don't want to hear any more of her angst & drama unless or until she breaks up with your friend.

If she does that, then you can fuck her. Unless you value the friendship more, in which case go to your friend after he's dating again, tell him you're attracted to his ex, and see how he takes it.

As for SAT, I would ask the doctor what specifically he is concerned about, and what specific activites might generate those concerns. Then you just have to say "yes, I've done that" rather than telling him a whole story because you don't know what the relevant bits are.
I agree with EricaP. Ask the doctor for details. When you're older and confidentiality should be absolutely guaranteed, it's good to find a doctor you are comfortable with and that accepts you. As a minor, you do need to evaluate the risk to yourself of any breach of privacy. And only you know how many problems that is or isn't likely to cause in your life. But any decent doctor should be willing to discuss possibilities with you.

Although odds are good that he was just checking for STIs and pregnancy, because when somebody is mysteriously ill and there is any chance that person could be pregnant or have an STI, doctors like to check it no matter how much of a long-shot it is. Basically, it's easy to test for, so there's an attitude of why not rule it out? Doctors also dislike running out of ideas. So, it probably wasn't that anything looked likely, so much as with all of the more likely things ruled out, the doctor figured it was something to check for. And, honestly, if you are mysteriously ill, it's not a bad idea to have a thorough set of STI testing even if you haven't engaged in high risk behavior. Because it is pretty easy to rule out, and you've already ruled out the obvious stuff.
Happy Birthday today, Dan the Man!!! You totally rock the house!!!

@2 inbed: I agree---thank heavens for no decapitated snake heads this week!

@4 LavaGirl: Excellent advice for SAT.

@5 Crinoline: I was wondering the same thing about STDs, too, although I myself have never actually had any.

Excellent advice for IBIAM, Dan. It does sound like he's going to lose his friendship with his BF, whether or not he gets the girl. I agree with EricaP @6 regarding LW2's asking his friend first about dating his ex if IBIAM values his friendship.

Also, good advice for SAT, Dan, LavaGirl, & Erica, on asking her doctor to be more specific on what he was so privately concerned about (STI / STD?).

Great internationally themed column this week!
Hey Grizelda; hope you're having fun..
@9 LavaGirl: Always nice to hear from you! Bless you!
I am having a lot of fun musically, and my beloved VW
had a tune-up and new ignition switch installed recently.
Fall is here, but we'll still take convertible weather while
we still can.

@10: I'm wondering if I should take another little road trip again, soon?
Last year's jaunt to the Pacific Ocean put a little spring into our step, both humanly and automotively speaking.
@11 Sounds lovely, go for it!
Spring here, Grizelda. Though south East Queensland doesn't bother much with that season.. Sub-tropic and all. Gonna head to Noosa this weekend and dive into the Pacific Ocean...
@11; Do It! Tell me when you get there and I'll wave across the ocean to you..
Auntie Griz - you have a VW convertible? totally the right car for a road trip to the coast!

SAT - can you find a sex-positive, queer-friendly woman doctor?
@Dan, belated happy birthday!

Dan is possibly wrong on SAT and the doctor-patient confidentiality thing: in most countries healthcare providers have legal obligations to inform a parent about the treatment a legal minor is receiving

According to in Australia the age of consent for sex is 16, but the age of majority for medical matters is 18, before which parents may have a legal right to details about their minor child's care -- with lots of fuzziness left up to the discretion of the provider about what is essential info:…

So, if SAT doesn't get a good vibe, I would urge her to find a different doc, if she can (make up some excuse for the parents), but not to file a complaint. Especially as she is not out to her parents yet.
Another idea for SAT if you can't find another doc and your present doc looks like he would disclose against your wishes: being honest with MDs is best, but if you feel he will out you / can't get assurances about what he will disclose and won't disclose, you could just outright ask for a full STI screen and if you want say you had sex with a guy.

Pretty much anything you can get from giving head to a guy you can get from going down on a girl. If you used penetrative toys, say you did oral and vaginal sex with a guy. But I'd recommend finding a friendly doc. Most OB/GYNs should be more up on a full STI screen and protecting your confidentiality at age 16, in the spirit of Australian law rather than ruling on the side of the parents' right to know -- and you're at an age where you might reasonably have your first OB/GYN appointment? Good luck coming out to your parents when the time is right for you!

Plus consider getting the HPV vaccine if you didn't yet -- Australia now optionally gives it out free in schools to everyone at age 12-13! Civilized country!
IBIAM; mess is right.
23 yrs of age. Maybe not a great moral compass has evolved for you yet. Though, if my nearly 17 yr old son, behaved as you are- or plan to, I'd question him pretty strongly about what the fuck his life values were.

These friends of yours have been dating for two years, a pretty substantial length of time.

My suggestion to you, is step right back. Disengage from this woman( who is a cheater), step back from your friend,
( who you are planning to betray)..
And take a long hard look at yourself. What sort of man do you want to be?
Generally in Australia, young people are entitled to medical privacy once they are mature minors, unless they are at risk. I believe mature minors are established in case law as 14 for girls under normal circumstances, although there is talk under the current conservative government to raise it to 16.
Well this was a nice surprise: for once, Dan imparted some genuine wisdom and I agree with what he told all three writers. Maybe it's because he turned 50 yesterday!
Outstanding responses, Dan, especially to FEET. Great work.
". . . pregnancy or some other STI"

Nice, Dan.
@22 - it is foreign DNA which has inserted itself into you and begun replicating..and it's not the parent organism. Kinda meets the "infection" criteria. It is generally sexually transmitted, except where one form of reproductive technology or another is used to artificially inoculate the host. It's not exactly like a virus, but pretty darn close, although it later resembles parasitic bacteria.
@18: Cut the poor kid some slack. 23 YOs don't have the life experience necessary to think of all the issues involved. At least he's asking.

His friend (I assume also in the same age range) having a 2 year relationship with a woman (also about that same age) isn't unusual. But at that age, people date around and a change in relationships isn't a shocker. People should also understand that when someone does go shopping around for their next significant other, odds are it will be in or near their circle of friends. Yes, this will make his buddy uncomfortable. And he needs to consider whether that is important to him. As I got older and more serious about LTRs, the reaction of my circle of friends became less important in my selection of partners.

It does sound like the woman in question isn't that mature yet. The whole 'cheating with a girl' thing seems to indicate that she was buying into the letter of the law with regards to relationships but not the spirit. But her admitting that to IBIAM and describing it as 'cheating' indicates that she might be maturing with respect to her definitions of a relationship. After all, she admits being bi to IBIAM, so the relationship is going to start out with an agreement about monogamy with respect to other women as well as men. In fact it may be easier for her to end a current relationship and negotiate a new one starting with a clean slate and everything out in the open than it wouuld be to seek forgiveness from the current b.f. for her extra-curricular activities.
@23: I had a (female) friend describe her pregnancy as being like the scene from Alien. Sort of squicked me out.
@18 - I agree with you 100% Lavagirl. They seem like self-evident answers... but then... when i was in my early 20's...i sometimes hoped people would excuse bad behavior by giving bad advice...maybe he hoped Dan would tell him to go for it..without pointing out the obvious problems.
I dunno, Dan...I'm skeptical any time someone claims there's a supposed "genetic predisposition" for anything. The actual evidence behind statements like that tends to be incredibly sketchy and heavily reliant on correlation-is-causation thinking. Stuff like, "both this parent and child have this same thing, so it must be genetic!" or "both of these identical twins have this thing and their sibling doesn't."

Researchers are also, in many cases, piss-poor at understanding the problems inherent in data that comes from self-reporting subjects. Can you think of any reason why women would be less likely to admit sexual fixations than men? I can think of about 20...
Not sure about your country but in the US we have the Bros Before Hos Act of 1987. It's like federal law or something.
Why does FEET only want sons, not daughters? There might be more going on here than just a foot fetish.
IBIAM: you are being a dick for two reasons. Your are cheating on your friend. Not for desiring his girlfriend, the heart wants what the heart wants, but for getting in deep with her, even if just emotionally, behind his back.

Second: "How can I trust her when I know she is a cheater?" Really? How can she trust you?
FEET.... you don't mention what country.... but one of the things that stuck out from your letter is that you wrote "want to have sons with my future loved woman...."....and not that you wish to have children. This is paradoxical to the rest of your letter. You SEEM to want to love and respect your partner...but don't want to have a female child.... Hopefully, you will rethink all of your preconceptions when you explore your fetishes and will not so readily diminish women
@29...guess we were posting at the same time... agreed.
Can we all agree that every bit of the human body can be sexually attractive? I don't understand why that would be a problem. I don't think there are many women who wouldn't love a skilled foot rub. Learn the technique and indulge yourself and them.
Dang, Mr Savage is that old already?
He still looks good!
@27: I think what Dan was saying was that there is a disposition for being imprinted. 'Genetic' was probably a poor description. But there may be a stronger tendency in males than females (a topic for some other discussion), making it gender specific. The particular object of the imprint itself isn't genetic. Given the proper environment, parents probably hope that for their son it will be the cute, wholesome girl next door type.

As far as women being less likely to admit fixations: I am pleasantly surprised by the forthrightness people (both men and women) answer properly anonymized and randomized surveys. All the way back to Kinsey, I don't think there is much that anyone still hides so long as they are assured their kinks aren't outed.
@23; we send our soldiers to war @ 23yrs of age and younger.
Great he asked & I answered.
@29, 31:
FEET is obviously from another country; English isn't his first language. In many other languages, there is a word for (only) sons and a word for (only) daughters, but when you want to say "children" the word used is "sons." Think "hijos," "hijas," "hijos" in Spanish.

I assume that when FEET wrote "sons" he meant "children."

I couldn't express myself as well as he did in another language.
Holmes; you just don't go behind a friends back asking his girl to dump the friend for you. That this woman has disclosed her cheating( sexual behaviour with other people), puts him in a bind already.
And you say if they got tog they would have a clean slate? Can't see that one.

Re Qu 1; obviously Dan is a bit taken with this letter. It's on letter of the day today. So he's posted it 3 times now.
And yes Dan, there are still Freudian therapists around. For all his difficult proclamations, Freud was a genius.
The Oedipal dynamic, as I've always understood it - relates well to the traditional nuclear family. The male child gets caught competing with the father for the mother. Good parents know how to help the child resolve these issues.
This LW had a violent father. He goes limp when trying to have sex with women. Maybe he's gay? Hence, he's still a virgin. He's into being humiliated sexually, & has a foot fetish, yet won't accept that part of himself & wants to just get with a woman & make babies.
His therapist is working on his relationships with his parents. Not a bad place for a therapist to look at.
This man needs to accept his sexual fantasies, however they originated. Accept he is aroused by humiliation by his foot fetish. Accept himself.
Maybe look around for a therapist who gives him this validation. Must be some groups in his country where he can find people with similar tastes. It's the accepting of himself that seems the big problem here.
@37... perhaps. But its another assumption. I certainly wasn't trying to bash his ability to communicate. I can't imagine writing into a an advice columnist in he's looking for answers harder than i would... :)
"So this is why I hope going away from home will make things get better. I want to have sons with my future loved woman and, finally, to have sex. Fetishists are considered perverted and are mocked in the country where I live, so it's really difficult to find girls interested in this stuff to try to explore."

Healthier attitudes towards sexuality in general, but no geographic cures for what ails him. Agreed with Lavagirl that being okay with himself is the first step, you can't run away from yourself. Finding a better place for dating than smalltown America isn't the worst idea, but do it for personal development first.
@35 - "'Genetic' was probably a poor description..."

Yes. That was my whole point.
LW1; are you from a Catholic country? You read Dans column , & read of all the people who have embraced their kinks..
Maybe just leave the having babies bit until you find some inner resolution. Sexuality, really, no right or wrong. Your erotic life is a beautiful part of you. If you can't find people to share with, then find an online group.
@ 40, concerning the answer @ 37 to 29 and 31 -

Not "perhaps". It's actually quite obvious.

As a translator with a BA in linguistics and a French native speaker, I can assure you that nocutename's explanation is good. The LW speaks a romance language ("I'm virgin" instead of "I'm a virgin" is a pretty clear indication of that, as well as the way he uses "finally"). Spanish or Italian is my guess.

In romance languages, the masculine is also the neutral form that you use when talking about both genders. So children would be expressed as "sons" (Spanish hijos, Italian figli). Portuguese and French have neutral words, crianças and enfants, respectively, but you can also use filhos and fils in this context, both masculine/neutral (although this has gone out of fashion in French by now). Still, if he spoke either of these last two languages, he would probably not have made that mistake as he would have learned that the English word is equivalent to the neutral word in his language.

You really shouldn't read anything else into it. Trying to play armchair psychiatrist by erroneously making deductions that can only apply to speakers of your own language (or language family) only underlines your ignorance of other cultures.

It's a shame that Anglo-Saxons the world over generally don't bother learning other languages. They have no idea what they're missing out on.
@12 EricaP: I just had my beloved Love Beetle all tuned up and a new ignition switch installed, so we're good to rock 'n' roll!

@13 & @14 LavaGirl: Happy Spring Break at Noosa! I'd love to visit Australia one day, and the Oregon coast again soon---we did last year, and had a blast all along Highway 101!

@15 Still Thinking: Yep--my VW's the love of my life, and he's put up with me for almost 41 years now, nutty as I am.
Congratulations, Dan, for being a totally buff badass at 50!
I'm a women's health NP and I want to make it totally clear that the possibility of pregnancy is not only relevant, but critical, information to any health care encounter for a female between 9 and 60--not just gynecologic visits.

If she's going to be prescribed any kind of medication, have an X-ray or other imaging, or if surgery is under consideration, her MD was really smart to check in about sexual activity.
OK, as a mother, here's my experience...

When the doctor asks you to leave the room when examining your child, and you leave without objection, you are to some extent giving permission for the child to have a confidential relationship with that doctor.

I started sending my kids in to the doctor without me when they were around twelve. And that's when doctors stopped talking to me about their treatment. I'm sure that if I had asked them, when the kids were that age, they would have had to tell me. But they did not seem to feel it *necessary* to tell me if I didn't ask.

Chances are very good, seeing how everyone acted in SAT's case, that she has nothing to worry about - the doctor acted correctly in asking the question in privacy, her mother acted correctly in leaving the room, and, presumably, not third-degreeing SAT as soon as they got home about what the doctor wanted.

My experience has also been that doctors always ask if a person is sexually active, because it's useful information. My doctors certainly have always asked me, if I came in with a condition not immediately apparent. And they asked my kids as soon as they started having private medical consultations (I know this because my daughter was appalled by the question when she was first asked at about the age of 12, and couldn't wait to tell me all about it) It's a normal question, just like they ask about your bowel regularity and your periods. The idea floated by one commenter earlier that the doctor asked in order to get off on it seems to reveal more about the commenter than any doctor, to my mind.

48-agony-- Nah, the only thing my speculation about the doctor tells you about me is that I try to be thorough and tend to have a literary turn of mind. I imagine all sorts of scenarios.

I'm glad you wrote in with a mother's take on the situation. I just wish the doctor had prefaced the question with something like "it's so important to consider the possibility of pregnancy ..." That way SAT would have had a head's up about the question.
OK, makes sense. It just struck me that assuming a doctor going about his normal routine is a perv was quite a stretch. Doctors ask invasive personal questions all the time, it's part of their job.

SAT's reaction to that question doesn't strike me as too odd as she's very young - note my own daughter's reaction, above. I'm a little surprised that the reaction of all the adults here hasn't been "Well, yes, duh, of course he asked that - that's the kind of question doctors ask", though. It's such a standard thing to ask that I suspect the doctor doesn't consider it to be startling in any way, and therefore not needing any preface.
I'm also a mother of girls and I not only agree with agony, I take the doctor's motivation a step further, in that he may not have been thinking the the lw's possible sexual experience may have been the cause of her illness--he may simply have taken the opportunity of having his patient in his office to be more holistic in his treatment. He thinks it's vital that teen girls understand about the necessity for safe sex to protect against both unwanted pregnancy and STIs and he thinks that they should be reminded of this when the doctor gets the chance. At 16, the lw (his patient) may not be coming in as frequently and teens need a lot of reiteration while their hormones are screaming at them.

I know when I took/take my teenaged daughters to the pediatrician, for any reason at all, including to get a throat culture because we think she might have strep, I am routinely dismissed from the room at some point and my daughters tell me/have told me that the doctor asks the "are you sexually active" question and then talks about birth control and disease prevention.

If the lw doesn't trust her doc to not be judgmental or not to out her to her mom, all she (the lw) needs to do is say she hasn't had vaginal intercourse yet (or penis-in-vagina). That's true, and it suggests, also truthfully, that the patient (our lw) has engaged in some sort of sexual behavior, about which the risks for disease transmission are, if not identical, at least present no matter whose fingers or tongue touched her. So listen to the info on using condoms (could come in handy if you're ever with a guy) and rest assured that the doctor is trying to right by his patient.
Yes, nocutename, and like the way, if you come in with an injury, they always ask if you are being abused. They're not implying anything judgmental by asking, just sending a message that this is a safe place to talk about it.

It is so much more likely that SAT's doctor is trying to help her than that he is trying to trip her up and get her to admit something he can go running to her mother about. The chances of it being the latter are vanishingly small, IMO.
@3: I think you mean, good to know that internationals have the same stupid-ass questions as Americans. Jeez.
@52 "sending a message that this is a safe place to talk about it."

It's not a safe place to talk about some things, since doctors are mandatory reporters, at least in the US and Google says in Australia as well. Depends on what you see as best and worst case scenarios.

It is a good place to get help, if that's what you want. But it can be a dangerous place to talk about sex with an older partner, or to admit to being abused if you don't want to see your abuser go to jail.
SAT ; Do you have your own Medicare Card? You can apply thru their offices from age 15. It's good to have one with you at all times, in case you need medical care. You can still be on your parents card, too.
Look for a Bulk Billing female Dr, or a Women's Health Clinic or Women's Hospital , if you don't want to front the family GP, again.
You are allowed to be in charge of your own health. If you are still feeling unwell, please go see someone you can be upfront with, about yourself.
Absolutely SAT - get your own Medicare card immediately, then find a doctor who bulk bills, and take yourself off for a private consultation.

Another option - ruling pregnancy aside, pretty much all major urban areas also offer free anonymous sexual health screening. Look your local one up and find out when you can go get tested for free. If there is something residual from your last encounter it will be found that way! :-)
SAT - also, two other options for you - Which may or may not help, depending on where you are: Central Brunswick Medical Centre in Fortitude Valley, Brisbane, or Prahran Market Clinic in Prahran, Melbourne are both LGBTI medical practices, staffed by LGBTI doctors. They don't bulk bill by default, but if you call and explain your situation they will more than likely make an exception for you.
Hunter; I think it's just happening for some people on the devices they are using.
I'm disappointed Dan didn't call out the first letter writer for saying he wants "sons."
Home internet out again since Tuesday, and the confident suggestion of an easy fix didn't work.

Ms Grizelda, if I'd realized you were so fond of the 80's, I'd have not waited until last week (or whenever it was that there was that LW with the married boyfriend who dumped his mistress for LW) to quote Simon le Bon.
@44.... I appreciate the info you shared...however...your B.A (an unnecessary addition to the post) still does not allow you to get inside the LW's head. So... whether you like it or hate is still "perhaps".

as an aside, i'd be curious to know if the foreign letters come in to Dan in their native language and are translated by software and not people. Perhaps he can hook you up with a side job to spare us 'mericans from making such poor assumptions.
Wish i could simply edit my last post instead of posting another.... Ricardo - for the record, i am not arguing against the veracity of your statement.... I am simply stating that if the letter writer actually INTENDED to write sons.... it would translate the same way. I.e. hijos may mean children...but it also means sons. So your more informed assumption is still assumption. Next time however...i will give the letter writer the benefit of the doubt if i encounter same.
If the lw was using a translation program, but wasn't familiar enough with English to see that it had used one translation of "hijos" or "figli" rather than the correct one, he could easily make this mistake. If he is not very proficient in English, it's a very honest mistake to use the word "sons" and expect that the reader will understand it to mean either sons or children, depending on the actual people and since all the people are hypothetical and their gender is unknown, then "children."

This mistake is actually quite common.

It's true that the lw could be sexist and prefer having sons only to having children of either sex, but it seems like a weird tidbit to throw into the letter, and given his issues about gender roles and foot-licking/submissiveness, subservience/ cultural attitudes about gender roles and the anxiety it's causing him, it seems unlikely. It doesn't fit with the rest of the attitudes voiced in the letter.

So yes, it's an assumption that he didn't mean anything sexist by it. But it's by far the more logical assumption. When you come down to it we all assume a heck of a lot about all these letters and their writers and oftentimes the other people--not the letter writers themselves, but those people the letter writers are interacting with and writing about. We'll never know for sure how close we are in our understanding of the situation or of someone's thoughts or motivations, but it seems like a good, Occam's Razor-type practice to go with the most logical explanation and assumption.
@58: B-but---most of us already know you're vain, Hunter! LOL

@59 LavaGirl (re: comment @58 possibly about my previous comment @45):

It might be the spacebar on my computer....?
@ 62, 63 - It was not an unnecessary addition. I wasn't bragging (a BA isn't a PHD, I realize that, although it does mean more in many countries, as far as the sum of acquired knowledge goes, than it does in the US). I was merely stating that I have a rather extensive background in the field, which means that my "assumptions" are much, much less assumptive than yours. Twenty-one years of dealing with such questions, in theory and in practice, does make me more of an authority than you.

Also although your point @63 about the translation of sons is valid, I can't fathom how anyone would say that they exclusively want sons (or daughters) without giving an explanation as to why. People generally just don't talk like that, even when that's what they truly feel. If you have such clear-cut preferences for the gender of your offspring, you must be used to answer a barrage of questions every time you say them, and therefore you quickly learn to supply an answer before the questions are even asked. (This paragraph, I'll admit, is based on assumptions.)

Anyway, you've come to the right conclusion: you should always give the benefit of the doubt to non-native speakers. If you don't, it looks either like arrogance or projection.

And if it looks like arrogance, you can be sure I'll call you out on it, 'cause I really don't like having competition in that respect.
@61 vennominon: You've got me curious now--I guess I missed your Simon le Bon quote.
Maybe I'm entering my second (third? fourth?) childhood, what with my latest collecting of John Hughes comedies on DVD. I can't seem to help myself.
@67: John Hughes rocks!
Maybe, if people were honest re their wishes for their child to be a certain sex, then grieved when their wish wasn't granted- maybe then less psychological damage might be done to that child.
Of course first priorities are a live birth, a healthy child- then the sex.
When I gave birth to my third son, I did grieve. I wanted a daughter. I didn't wallow in those feelings, I did give myself permission to have them, though.
Then fell in love with my baby and he now is a 27 yr old man. Beautiful inside & out.
My next child was a daughter. Then I proceeded to have two more boys.
I think people hide their disappointment, cause it's seen as not cool-
Yet it can bubble up and over that child. Best to own it, feel it , that can then free one up to love ..
Ms Grizelda - Somehow, this library computer in search of older entries jumps from 9/23 to 9/16; it was somewhere in there. As I said, it was the LW with the married BF who dumped his mistress for her, and she seemed dissatisfied with how well he maintained some standard of fidelity. But I did not specify I was quoting SlB, as it was a little catch, not from Duran Duran but the side project Arcadia. I was reprimanded once or twice for lending So Red the Rose to friends who were susceptible to atmosphere for 40-minute drives at night.
@ricardo @nocutename Guess i am just far too used to hearing about men in other parts of the world openly rooting against having daughters. Perhaps my ire is up. Since we can all agree this is simply a logic argument... can you stop replying to tell me how much better your assumption is than mine? (and i ditched that assumption after the first comment from nocutename anyway... i just dislike being preached to by the "A is likelier than B" crowd. Its weird. Or do you just need the last word for some reason? And since we are going there.... i'd suggest that schrodinger's cat says we are all correct in our assumptions. lol.
" Root" against having daughters @ 71.. Something to do with putting aluminium foil on the balls?
It was something I've heard- just not sure if wrapping the balls in silver foil
Creates a better chance of sons or daughters- cause, as we know- it's the Men who determine the sex of children.
lavagirl...if i wrap them in foil, i can't put them in the microwave anymore...
@ 71 - But as soon as Schrodinger's cat is observed, only one assumption becomes valid. So I wouldn't suggest that. Maybe in a parallel universe, your assumption is true, but in this one, ours is the most probable by far, quantumly speaking.

It's also an assumption on your part that "in other parts of the world", men openly root against having daughters. It's borderline racist, too. I've lived in various countries and dealt with people from almost everywhere when I worked in the tourist industry - you have no idea what confessions you can hear from people who know they'll never see you again - and I can't say that I've observed this phenomenon. What I did observe is that a good proportion of men of every origin would prefer having sons (yes, even American men!), but they won't say it unless they're asked, and they'll automatically provide their motivation.
I'm glad that you found online options for FEET in his own country, so he should know that he does have resources available. I hope he'll eventually find harmony between his kink and his desire to have a more conventional life that includes children. If he can meet a variety of kinksters online, I hope his self-imposed dichotomy will lessen.

However, IMO he should investigate other possibilities such as a slightly altered but outwardly conventional relationship where he and his partner could enjoy his (and her) kinks ... a sexual relationship where neither party feels that PIV is necessary for fulfillment, so that the pressure put on him to perform would be removed. If he and his partner want children, then they could use artificial insemination. Otherwise, I can see a lot of frustration and unhappiness if his entire sexual future hinges on his ability to sustain a boner for penetration.
@ 77 - The pharmaceutical industry took care of that problem more than 15 years ago, though. He doesn't need to be frustrated or unhappy about not having an erection.
@77 (Helenka): Funny, I hadn't thought that FEET might be worrying about how he'd physically father future children (was going to write "fetuses" for the alliteration, but it sounded creepy) with his fetish. I assumed he was just fearing that he'd never be able to find a woman with whom to live a conventional life--with whom he could be a partner and a foot-worshipers, and a parent. But if he worries that he'll never be able to stay hard enough to penetrate, then naturally it follows that he would fear he won't be able to father children--at least the conventional way.

However, if fertility isn't an issue, and he really can't stay hard when feet are out of the picture, he can always masturbate into a cup and they can use the old turkey baster. As long as neither is infertile, there's no need to go the actual in vitro route.

Also, I am currently dating a foot-licker, and one of the things he does is to fuck me while licking my toes. I'm on my back, with a leg up against his face. He's kind of kneeling above me. It's very effective and very hot--maybe FEET will be able to do something like that. He should have no trouble sustaining an erection under those conditions, and the only real problem will be one of flexibility.

@78 (Ricardo): If you're referring to Viagra and its ilk, that might not be the solution you think it is. Viagra is a vasodialtor, meaning it give you a boner by increasing blood flow. But you still need to be aroused, and Viagra/Cialis/Levitra don't affect that. So if FEET isn't aroused, he isn't going to magically get hard.
Ricardo... sadly...since the letter is a repeat...we don't get to observe the cat in this case. The LW isn't here to answer the question. I guess the concept of an heir hasn't reached your parts. And female children are as welcome as male. Wish i lived there. Borderline racist? seriously? get over yourself.
@79.... i've taken cialis..(not the others)....and i can tell takes VERY little in the way of arousal (even just walking and brushing jeans against boxers) to get an erection.... often those pills don't care if you are emotionally invested in the boner or to speak. :)
@ 79 - He spends some time concentrating on the girl's feet, gets aroused, the erection happens, they quickly switch to PIV, et voilà! Magic!

If he needs constant arousal, they face each other, the girl lying on her back. She lifts her legs, and he keeps playing with her feet while penetrating her.

@ 80 - Funny you, of all people, should tell me to get over myself.

And since you didn't understand the basics of what you're talking about (I sense a pattern emerging), the cat, like everything else, has already been observed by someone, somewhere.
I never deal in absolutes. (pun intended) Seems you prefer to prefer to replace my generalizations with your own. A strange way to make a point about generalizations. I conceded the language assumption from the very beginning...yet you persist. Anyone who reads Savage Love is okay in my book....even you. :) Cheers.
google the war on baby girls... if you are interested in how someone could make the assumption i made. It isn't rural redneck borderline racist American ignorance....rather it is a sad reality in all countries (not excusing my own either).
Of course. Chairman of the Bored; hadn't thought of that.
Sons are a lot cheaper; I have found. Clothes- didnt mind their brothers clothes. Hair shampoo, don't go thru as much. Eat a bit, of course. And love their mamma, most of the time.
They don't get pregnant. A big plus, that one.
All of them, though, kiss you goodbye & go have their own lives. One hopes.
Talking of assumptions! Hunter, "Breeders like to make breeders"?
Not in my case.
Ha. Look, some of us just have a womb that only has to see a possible sperm bit heading our way & woosh.. Think I'm finally done.
@78: "@ 77 - The pharmaceutical industry took care of that problem more than 15 years ago, though. He doesn't need to be frustrated or unhappy about not having an erection."

It doesn't solve psychological issues. It only covers physicalities.
@82-"the cat, like everything else, has already been observed by someone, somewhere"

absolutely not the point of the Schrodinger's cat paradox. The point (to oversimplify) is that both possibilities (cat alive/cat dead) are true until the absolute has been determined...and if so, then the quantum state of the cat is at some indeterminant point in time both alive and dead simultaneously. Alright... i more posts this week.
Sperm bit? I mean sperm carrier..
Chairman of the Bored; don't go. At least explain wtf cats are doing here.
wasn't the first letter about a cat fetish? damn... i need reading glasses. Speaking of cat fetishes... Dan... hook us up.... I need a letter with lots of holes so i can fill them all in as i see fit.

Fetishist Expecting Lousy Interaction Not Eloquence
Ah; how the mind invents things, eh?
Our cat has just been on heat. Just can't afford the vet bill @ the moment. What a carry on. And a Tom planted himself on our verandah, hoping to break down the bathroom window, I guess..
damn Tomcaterwauling (did i mention i love making up words?) You know...if the tomcat has had an erection for more than 4 hours.... don't call a things are dangerous when they are horny.
She was the one making most of the noise. Unabashed female desire.
Didn't really check the Toms state out closely- just kept sending him off but he'd plant himself under the house, calling.

Then she moved out of the phase & he was gone. Obviously, no pretense of love going on in the cat kingdom.

Am i recalling correctly that you live down under? or was that someone else?
Yes.. Australia.. Land of kangaroos, vegemite & at the moment a government who is trying to cover it's shitty domestic policies by waging humanitarian war! Few Sharks around as well.
From Le Wik:

“According to Schrödinger, the Copenhagen interpretation implies that the cat remains both alive and dead (to the universe outside the box) until the box is opened. Schrödinger did not wish to promote the idea of dead-and-alive cats as a serious possibility; on the contrary, he intended the example to illustrate the absurdity of the existing view of quantum mechanics. However, since Schrödinger's time, other interpretations of the mathematics of quantum mechanics have been advanced by physicists, some of which regard the "alive and dead" cat superposition as quite real. Intended as a critique of the Copenhagen interpretation (the prevailing orthodoxy in 1935), the "Schrödinger's Cat" thought experiment remains a defining touchstone for modern interpretations of quantum mechanics.”

So while Schrödinger used the cat analogy to show that quantum mechanics was absurd, physicists thought it was really quite a good description.
Don't forget that Schrödinger's Cat is a conscious being who observes her- or himself. Hence, The Revenge of Schrödinger's Cat by the noted philosopher and fabulist Gordon F.
As a basic rule, I try not to play with sperm guns. After years of sad experience, I now know what they can do.
@98 LavaGirl: Sharks?!? Yikes--be careful at Noosa and at the Pacific Coast during your Spring Break!
@102 LavaGirl: ...and you're dealing with crocs as well as bad politicians, too? No wonder Aussie women are tough! You GO, girl!

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