Death Oct 25, 2024 at 4:45 pm

You Don’t Need to Be Goth to Enjoy Wandering Around Graves

Lake View Cemetery on Capitol Hill. Billie Winter



Im not sure people stay away for the creepy factor so much as they want to respect the dead and the grieving. They are gorgeous though.


I love cemeteries. I plan on being cremated, but I love to visit them. Growing up, Father Vel-DuRay was on the Cemetery board, so I was never creeped out by them or anything like that. When I was a field worker, I used to take my lunch to Evergreen-Washalli and eat it there. So peaceful, especially in the rain. Of course, I never parked near a graveside service or anything like that.


Cemeteries and golf courses are a waste of real estate.



but one's
gotta Admire
eltrumpfster for
killing Two birds with
only One stone: he buried
one of his former wives on the
17th Hole of his golf club after she'd
"fallen down some stairs" to her Demise

with a Headstone to
match donold's

unkempt with
a little fucking rock
with her name on it, pro-
bably Misspelled, at the least.


@4 I look forward to the day his carcass is thrown in the landfill with the rest of the garbage.


Nice piece. I thought of this meditative song (hymn?) by Feist:


Nice article! I would add to cemetery etiquette: don't jog or ride your bike there. Just my opinion, but that feels tacky. Or maybe I'm just selfish and don't like clomp-clomp-wheeze-wheeze and spandex zipster intrusions to the otherwise chill tableau.

Lake View is my local haunt:


This is one of those things that you realize some people you know have beliefs completely different than you. Like in the 80s/90s when I discovered some people were horrified at the thought of buying a used record/CD from a used record store.

Cemeteries are great for a number of reasons, many of which are mentioned in the article. But mention to some people that you took a stroll through the cemetery and their face will have a look of horror on it.


After reading this article, I’m dying to visit a cemetery. I’ll bring a boring book and look for a plot.

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