My friends,
I hope you all enjoyed Super Tuesday, so named for the abundance of presidential primaries and caucuses held every four years on that day. But without trying to take anything away from anyone—least of all the visitors of those contests—I'm here to suggest that in point of fact, every Tuesday can be super!
A lot of people ask me why I care so much about Tuesdays, and I always start by explaining that it isn't just about my name (Tuesday), or the fact that I was born on a Tuesday, or that I married a man whose last name bore an uncanny assonance with my first. ("I'll show you an uncanny assonance," my husband is fond of saying.) Nor is it because my favorite actress (Weld), book (s with Morrie), film (If It's ___, This Must Be Belgium), and songs ("Ruby," "Afternoon," "Love You Till," "'s Gone") all feature the word one way or another.
No, it's because I think the days of the week deserve to be treated with respect. Why should only one Tuesday per year be designated "super" when the only other names that get associated with this magical weekday are "Fat" (ugh), "Taco" (yesss), and "Shrove" (huh?). I know this may not register very high on most people's list of hot-button issues, but in my experience, most people are racist assholes, so are you really going to let that be the measurement of what we should be focusing on?
I, for one, hope not.
Tuesday is named for the Norse god of war, and I am named for Tuesday, so in a funny way, it's almost as though I have no choice in the matter. I am hereby declaring war on the idea that there is only one Super Tuesday every four years. You have two choices: You can be with me or against me. If you choose the former, that is fantastic. Super, even. If you choose the latter, then I hope you've made peace with your creator because you are about to get fucking BURIED.
It's really up to you.