George Pfromm II


"Clowes drew his own parody of a Chick Tract, called Devil Doll, for the first issue of his own indie comics series, Eightball; other cartoonists including Jim Woodring and the celebrated underground cartoonist Robert Crumb mimicked Chick’s blunt storytelling style. At one point, a rumor circulated that Chick was in fact a pseudonym for Robert Crumb. (He wasn’t.)

By financial standards, the Chick Publications enterprise is successful – it has employed its small staff for nearly five decades – but in terms of pure saturation, it is a phenomenon. Raeburn called Chick “the most widely read theologian in human history”; if that is an exaggeration, it is a slight one. Four hundred million Chick tracts, sold in packets of 25 at just above cost, had been distributed in 1998 when Raeburn wrote that".… (Yeah, who needs small business - its only one of the major platforms of the Democratic Party (as long as you bow only to "ITS" philosophy)).
I happen to believe in God. But not the god that old Chickie baby believed in. I hope that Jack Chick came face to face with God and God appeared as a Black woman! Or an Asian woman. Or a Black man in drag! Ohhh, that would be rich.
I used to collect them. Amazing propaganda. RIP Jack, you'll be missed!
My fave Chick frame. A scene from before the Flood:
He did indirectly provide us with both Mazes and Monsters and Dark Dungeons, two of the most unintentionally hilarious D&D-panic films ever made.

He's a piece of shit, but those films are great entertainment.

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