

@1: Cool - So now we have IUDs, IEDs, and now IUEDs.


Vaping is a certifiable panty remover; you cannot ban that. Girls love vaping this, vaping that. Vaping naked... it's got it own parlance.


haven't there been a bunch of recent acute lung diseases/reactions linked to vaping lately?


A pod vaped is the same impact on your lungs and health (and addictive nicotine if that's your stripe) as a pack of cheap cigarettes.

Only lamestream oldies think vaping is cool.


@4 @7 you spelled pantry or pastry remover wrong.


Vaping is not cool. Here are some things to read about how not cool is Juul that, perhaps, Katie Herzog might want to peruse :

There are MANY more articles around on Not-cool Juul. Just duckduckgo.


Is nicotine even bad for you on it's own? If you're not inhaling it with tars and fiberglass, is it a problem? Is it worse or better than caffeine?


Remember, the vape manufacturers want you to be addicted. They can only sell it if you keep buying it over and over and over and over and over.

Try putting nicotine on your plants, and watching all the butterflies and ladybugs die, if you think it's cool.


Pretending this is real: it's 2014 and he hid a massive part of his life from his spouse until after they were married. I wouldn't care if it were second dick or a secret model train obsession—the idea that "welp, ya married me. Too late now! All is forgiven, right?" is conniving to a degree that says "not only do I not know you, I really don't know you." Annulment please.

Also, how long did they date? Kinda hard to believe an actual "sex addiction" can lay dormant for any normal courtship period.


Oh god I really can't keep my threads straight here. Well, enjoy my response. I really don't give two shits if kids vape. At least the ones they sell in shops don't explode kid's faces off like the cheap mailorder ones.


@12 if you're willing to listen to the guy that can't keep his threads straight, yes, nicotine is highly toxic (like many of our vices). 50-60mgs will kill an adult. You get about 1mg from smoking a cigarette.

I think the questions you're asking however is how is nicotine alone unhealthy in normally consumed amounts? Most them have to do with blood circulation, including enlargement of the aorta, plaque on artery wally, and the production of blood clots.


Maybe they could ban it but then also set up safe inhalation sites for vape addicts? Everybody wins?


Nicotine is a poison. I've never understood why people think it's perfectly fine to suck poison into your lungs.


You suck at statistics. Your belief that vaping is a net positive on the public health front makes that pretty clear...

The only " wtf" about this is your own lack of cognitive thought. Normally enjoy your writing but you've fallen off the logic bus here


Katie Herzog, the latest wannabe journalist to not realize that the clickbait culture at the Stranger only enriches Tim and Dan at the expense of their employees’ reputations and careers (assuming journalism is her goal), buys into the bullshit peddled by vape producers, and presents half-assed, uncritically researched “statistics” to bolster the advertiser’s agenda. I am SHOCKED.


Um, vaping is arguably just as bad, and possibly worse, than cigarettes from a health and societal standpoint. How do you not know that? This is just Cigarette Industry Whack-a-Mole, with a revamped product designed to hook a new generation into a lifelong, death-causing, but also very profitable (for the pushers) habit.


Nicotine gives you heart disease. Every time a kid vapes, her lifespan is shortened by a day. Gunk builds up in your arteries and in forty years you're having stroke after stroke and wondering why mommy never warned you.



I especially enjoy when the thread mix-ups quite obviously involve a Savage Love post!


The problem is that the person vaping nicotine exhales a huge personal cloud. Those of us vaping weed leave no contrail. Stealth exhalation is the key to success. Or switch to weed.


@25 We all emit huge personal clouds, sometimes stealthily, sometimes not.

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