

“General Electric, a blue-chip”

No on has called GE a Blue Chip since about 2005. Anyone with half a brain sold their GE stock in about 2000 like I did. It's a has-been and anyone who is half way informed about business and markets knows this.


This week on "What Will Crash the Stock Market (and End Capitalism, This Time I Promise)" with Charles Mudede:

Failing to puzzle out the difference between insider trading and market manipulation, a frustrated Little Charlie decides to try his own hand at driving a stock selloff, and frame Honest Father Mudede for it.


But Debt is Good, I heard it from this Russian operative ...


If a crash is predictable, it won't be a crash. It'll be a gradual deceleration in growth as more investors clue in to the predictability of the impending downturn. "Predictable crash" is not a thing.


If they reported it in 2018, why hasn't GE crashed yet?


If you are so sure, you can get rich shorting the stock. Put up or shut up!

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